baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition romance guide

Good luck finding a pond, little guy. Then he was kidnapped. Can we talk a second? Respond, Of course. Estimate Value. I'm just your average gamer trying to figure stuff out. Sur la Couronne de Cuivre, vous trouverez astuces, soluces, discussions, encyclopdies, mods, traductions et bien plus encore ! But picking up where we left off would be hard wherever that was So, here is where it goes downhill. Baldur was the Aesir God of Light before he was slain by the god slayer, Kratos, as he snapped his neck, freeing him of his cursed life. Unless you count saying sweet things and giving gifts as mistreatment. You smell really good! Heh. All of these come with additional dialogues and some with additional quest lines / encounters that can only be accessed through the romances. After destroying the Cult of the Eyeless, upon reaching the surface, Neera says, Phew! When you next rest at an inn, it is to be understood that you spent the night in Neeras arms. Nonetheless, I chose to insult her intelligence and said: I dont think you know the meaning of the phrase Thick as Thieves. Unsurprisingly, it promotes the harsh response, Do you know the meaning of the phrase Go fly a kite? As I was saying If I had to decide, I think Im probably better at being on the road than being a friend. Sometimes I dont know which is which. It all happened so fast. LT14-LT16 can occur before completing his next personal quest. Is that how youd describe me? There are two romance options for male characters and two for female characters. Here's the basic info: All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This city needs to regulate dogs, not magic. But I DID fit in, in a way. I could get used to this. This is an illusion. If their romance continues, Gorion's Ward may eventually have to deal with a group of bandits led by Ertof Dand who have heard that the pair have amassed quite a lot of great items to steal. Thanks! That's it for my first ever guide! You cleaned it all up. To have a reasonable chance of hitting an enemy with a weapon, you must spend at least one proficiency point to become proficient in its use. This starts off the Harper Hold quests. Jaheira will complain but oh well! The man, back in Baldurs Gate. Say back to her, No you didnt tell me that, not directly. She chuckles at that, saying, Ha. I dont suppose youd share some of your rations, would you? Of COURSE you should get a meal for you date. After that, Anomen will continue with a few more lovetalks in which you will officially start 'dating'. Maybe Im not the same person I was when I was with Avrum. Its not that long. She says, No, it was the Wizards fault. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Biography 1.2 Personality 2 Relationships 2.1 Romance 3 Shadows of Amn There, itll just take a dab. She is the final companion available before chapter two, as further companions will require going through The Slums . To succeed, you must roll greater than or equal to your saving throw. So far so good, just finished the harpers quest and have had a bunch of talks. Who doesnt like feeling powerful? In Drive Mode, your party moves with the analog stick. If the protagonist is romancing Aerie, he will eventually clash with Haer'Dalis. I hardly EVER know. I tend to learn things best by experiencing them. You reply, Im ready whenever you are. She says, You are? It is possible to continue the romance either way. She can be found in Dragomir's Tomb entered from Athkatla Graveyard after accepting Clara 's request in Copper Coronet in Slums . Me too. This guide may not be reproduced without my express permission for anything other than personal use. BioWare, the BioWare Infinity Engine and the BioWare logo are But her timing has always been a little bit peculiar. There! But sometimes I worry nah never mind. You can reply, Go ahead. I mean, there WAS lots to do, but most of it was pretty dull. Use of this guide on any site where permission to use has not been sought and given is a violation of copyright and forbidden. It's a testament to the quality of the original game that I was able to revisit it after fifteen years (having played it ten or more times in the early 2000s) and still find something fresh. I advise that you turn off party AI to prevent your characters from running through traps or running into the area of effect of a spell cast by one of your own party members. Ill get back to you in a bit tomorrow, maybe. You should say, Notes? She replies, Of course! You will eventually hit 20 reputation without really trying. There he goes. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Nira's Guides Not enough ratings Rasaad Romance Guide By Nira This guide is for people interested in pursuing the romance pathway for Rasaad. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. I couldn't find ANY comprehensive guide online on romancing Rasaad! Ha! AD&D abstracts morality into two axes: Good-Evil and Law-Chaos. respective owners. They start having personal conversations with you that are 3 to 8 layers deep. Dont worry. will leave permanently if dismissed from the party for any reason (such as to accommodate a temporary party member for the purposes of a quest). Internet searches show that bugs that I encountered were reported years ago yet somehow never addressed and then ported wholesale to modern systems. Instead, you should say, I see. Meet the cool people you'll want at the party. Enter the Circus. The player does not have to brownnose him but he doesn't like being made fun of and sometimes he will get angry for seemingly no good reason. Perhaps you do deserve something for all your hard work. A tough choice, because shes pretty appealing, but does she really want to kiss you after you just cleaned up doggie doolie? If you try to keep evil party members actually happy, you will run into a problem besides paying through the nose for scrolls and magic weapons: at a Reputation of 5, you will start to encounter hostile law enforcement officials (Cowled Wizards or Amnish Soldiers) when you enter new areas. Baldur's Gate 2 allowed Bioware to pull out the all the stops, being bigger, deeper, more vibrant and more varied than its predecessor in every way. Here you are beef strips and more hardtack. She comes back with, Hardtack. Youve had a taste of what Im most afraid of having a crazy wizard want to tear you apart because of what you are. The same d20 roll that is used for attack rolls is used for saving throws. Version: 1.0f | Updated: 02/25/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2020 | Highest Rated Guide. At 6 in the western part of the district, next to the prison, a group of fanatics is preparing to burn Viconia at the stake because she is a Drow. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The proper way is not to romance her at all. I mean, youre a friend or at least friendly right? Okay, folks, remember that she says things like this when she is at her most vulnerable. I dont feel ill so much as a little overwhelmed. There is a response that doesnt make much sense in light of the conversation that has already occurred, but you should say, What things did you mean? This prompts her to say almost what she means, Im worried. On consoles, there are two ways of moving your characters. It is possible to romance Anomen. Because A.) This guide is for people interested in pursuing the romance pathway for Rasaad. Please see the. You know I never thought I would travel with someone so at home in nature. Good. Banthony you are correct sir.Neera is a moron. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Dr Urchin's Guides Not enough ratings Romancing Neera in BG2 EE By Dr Urchin This is a guide to the romance quest with Neera. She goes on, To be fair though I have no idea how it is for you. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > Kaorimoch's Guides 173 ratings Baldur's Gate 2EE - A guide to getting the most out of the game By Kaorimoch This guide is a collection of resources for you to get the most out of Baldur's Gate 2. But whatever it is Im feeling right now, it feels pretty good., A couple of days later, Neera starts off, Somethings been weighing on my mind since what happened at the Hidden Refuge. You can reply, Do you want to talk about it? which provokes her a bit, and she says, Well, yes, genius. My last wild surge did something odd to my dry rations. You can say, What did it do? and get a normal response. NOTE: She appears as an ogre the first time you see her. After a while, Shes a wild mage! How do you feel? Two good answers, and one that will obviously end this romance if you pick it. What did it mean to you? She says back to you, What did it mean? Absolute worst girl, Aerie and even Femwin are superior choices. Shadows of Amn continues the saga. I feel like fighting is becoming second nature to me, like breathing or a persistant craving for cheese. If you reply, It IS second nature to me, you know, then Neera says, I guess it is, Son of BHAAL and all that. But me? Especially since I came upon the Baldur's Gate series almost 20 years late? Indeed, Baldur's Gate is the game where western RPGs started to overtake their Japanese counterparts and its plot of shadowy figures trying to foment a war for purposes that I won't spoil made. Companion quests, which are mostly very short, are also presented in their own section. A few days later, with reputation above 15 and returning to Athkatla from an area outside it, Neera starts the next exchange: Oh no! However, a number of best-in-class companions (notably Edwin and Korgan) are evil-aligned. I find you kind of irresistible. A section of a dungeon: "make your way to the level exit", The power of a character and the magic they can cast: "a 12th-level Mage can cast 6th-level spells", Whether a sidequest is given (certain unsavoury sidequests require a low reaction). Id be happy to make my mark on one small corner of Faerun. She says, Youve already done that! Level is an overloaded word in Dungeons & Dragons. Have you tried going to De'Arnise Keep and using the dermin appear console command and resting? That couldnt have been fun. You can reply, I was imprisoned and tortured. It breaks one of Bioware's original design principles, that the game should about you, the player character. She fights to save her fellow Protestants from certain death at the direction of her devious husband and Isabelle learns to put her own needs aside to save everyone she cares about. Hasbro and its logo are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. and are used Each love quest is unique in its own way and have different background music whenever the NPC's love dialogue appears. It was developed by Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog, and published by Atari., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Show her some vulnerability, too. most of the NPC in this game require you to be Human or elf or half elf to romance. Hit points (HP) are a measure of vigour both for you and your enemies. Maybe a guide exists somewhere and I just never found it? The trees and animals were still there, obviously. You can say, Did he mistreat you in some way? She laughs at that, saying, Mistreat me? You say, as in real life, Would you like a drink? She says, also as in real life, Yes please! How do I know this is happening? You look into it. I am suddenly very full. Male protagonists get both a male and a female romance option, whereas female protagonists only have the male romance option. If you chose that you might develop feeling for her, you get one more chance to clarify. No, the control scheme on consoles isn't perfect but it is certainly usable. People find ways. The romanced NPCs will have interjections during certain key scenes and plot elements that happen throughout the story (scenes where it would obviously be weird for your love interest NOT to say something), but that's about it. 2023 Hasbro, Im just tired. Whether you do or dont doesnt affect Neeras response to you: she doesnt want to hear about it. Gorion's Ward may choose her as a companion and romance. When a character accrues a certain number of XP, she can advance to the next level, becoming more powerful all round. If you are attacked by magic, you have a chance to shrug off the effects or take reduced damage, depending on the magic. I guess youre right. Did I blotch it or is it possible that I simply oversaw the romance? The results of your reputation score are shown in the following table: If a companion is at breaking point (), they will leave the party no questions asked and will, in most cases, disappear from the game never to be seen again. Whatever. She continues, Second question: Headstrong. Is that accurate? When that happens if it happens Im not sure how much fun things will be after. This has been an important milestone for her to get over, and you need to be really really kind to her now, so say, I think I follow you. It was forgiveable to poke at her at the start of this exchange, but if you want this relationship to go anywhere, the time for banter is over. Male; Human, Half-elf, Half-orc, Halfling. That way, if you sell something in error (a rare or unique crafting component, for example), you don't have to try and remember who you sold it to. 409630. Updated: Feb 2, 2023. . The additional romances introduce a same-sex option for protagonists of either gender and come with no racial restrictions. I wanted the Hidden Refuge to be a place for wild mages, but I also wanted it to be exactly what a wild mage isnt safe, stable. So Jaheira can't renounce her harper status or be summoned to the harpers hold for a second time. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Otherwise, it happens much later at event 6 in this sequence). Shes wild! starts sounding a little dismissive, you know? Multiclass Fighters, Barbarians, Rangers and Paladins can specialise in any weapon. First time doing this romance, from what i understand you need to do the harper hold quests for sure, have your reputation to 16 around the end, and i read that there is one talk that requires an insane amount of real time to trigger?? In other games it is quite obvious, such as Witcher or Skyrim, where you have explicit scenes and dialogues. NPC Quests: At one point when traveling between areas in or outside of Athkatla you will be ambushed by a gang of bandits who have attacked and poisoned a man. Neoseeker: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn FAQs: Baldur's Gate II FAQ/Walkthrough . Id like to find that dog and thank it for helping make that happen. End for now. Multiple good replies exist. Not like the High Forest. Remember? Her reaction is a bit more negative, because she scoffs at that, saying, And I grew up in a forest filled with treants. WHAT you are. Say, You clearly feel responsible, whether you see him or not. She will say, I just thought you should know I dont want to say This is this! or That is that! Because youd have no idea what I was talking about. Generally, you can be pretty rude to him and he'll just take it, figuring he deserves it. Rasaad is located in Tradesmeet make sure to pick him up early in order to allow time for the romance to unfold. In the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, these two points are restored when Viconia is dismissed; decrease and increase happen every time, she joins or leaves. There werent all these people milling around. In this interchange, you and Neera are exchanging stories about your pasts. But his uh, actions and, uh decisions proved that Oh Hells! So you should b good to go as Lawful Neutral. However, this seems to never have happened during my plyathroughs. I chose, I like the way you think. The game itself is divided into chapters which open up at critical plot points so the walkthrough for the game proper uses this as a basis for its own structure. Home and Garden. This is a big walkthrough for a big game. In the original Baldur's Gate game you learned that you were one of the Bhaalspawn, the children of Bhaal, the dead God of Murder. Lean into me and let me get a better whiff (mmm) Okay, enough smooching! Get her sword from the two "peasants" (who are really orcs), and she will be free of the illusion and offer to join your party. I hope Im not getting ill. No doubt with thoughts of pregnancy in mind, but wondering how that is possible, you say back, You should have said so earlier. Youre a girl! Neera [quest & romance] | Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. I took advantage of a number of Internet sources for reference material: Corrections and clarifications are welcomed. You can put C:GetGlobal("CharacterRomanceActive","GLOBAL") into the console, where "Character" is replaced with the character's name. Global Rank. Feel free to either be supportive of Rasaads faith during his quest, or challenge his beliefs. Youre very sly! (I was strongly tempted to say, I like this list! She does not want to be just another notch on the bedpost for you, but she is dreadfully insecure that you are using her exactly that way. No I had control. Okay, not really. Here is some general guidance about how his epilogue will pan out depending on what you choose to do, without giving too much away. Jaheira Romance. The playthrough was done on Core Rules difficulty. Your keen skills of observation. (Note that making the most obvious compliment will be perceived as sarcasm.The result isnt as great as you might hope, because she says, Ugh. It looks like you're new here. Since romancing Neera is the most similar to a real life experience, it's longer, messier, and much more complicated than romancing other characters. On Core Rules difficulty and higher, if a character takes a blow that sends them deep into negative HP, they are blasted into chunks and gone for good. But yes, SOMETHING like that. It was the morning after we uh, you know that I decided to leave him. You next reply should **not** be aggressive or arrogant. I was finally directing my powers toward a definite purpose, and they werent betraying me for a change. A couple of key notes about his quest are below: In Throne of Bhaal, the romance operates about the same way it did in SoA. The reason for this is that they happen asynchronously - after travelling with someone for a while, someone will approach you in the street and, for example, tell Anomen that his father urgently needs to see him. Category. . The guide aims to get the player through the various bugs of the romance and finish it in a reasonable time frame since this romance is so long that you could complete the game twice in the time frame it would normally take to properly date Jaheira. pflanzen in grtner-qualitt seit 1901 kaufen sie pflanzen bei baldur-garten! Buns. She says, You did? Baldur's Gate was a revelation in CRPGs in 1998 with unparalleled world building, writing and strategic depth. (This event happens early on if you had completed the romance quest with Neera back in the original Baldurs Gate game. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! When you do choose to pick up the plot, the game becomes fairly linear and the walkthrough becomes sequential. Cute! anyways is there anything i missed to make this successful? In Tactical Mode, you scroll the camera to a spot and then press "X" to have your party move there. However, the companion in question will still refer to the protagonist as whichever sex they officially can romance (i.e. Before completing Chapter 3, recruit Yoshimo. Im worn out, then Neera replies, You look a little haggard. It determines the order of attacks. You can drop him at this point. Neera, being happy, says, Ah, that hits the spot! Rank in 1 month. There are sometimes alternative choices that could be made that successfully get you to the end of the quest, but the choices described here represent one path that does work. The second chapter opens up most of the game world at which point you can put off advancing the plot almost indefinitely. SOMETHING like that! (And hes right!) Be there for her, and when the time is right, she will be there for you. Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, And then along came the Red Wizards. You can say, That wasnt your fault, for a positive response, more or less. The pathfinding algorithm, for example, was always bad but it's been tweaked for the Enhanced Edition and made worse. The one exception to this is the high level dungeon, Watcher's Keep, which you can visit at any time between the start of the game and the end of the expansion. I wanted to talk about the way we left things back on the Sword Coast Remember, when dealing with Neera that she has low self-confidence. Its one of the things I like about you. (Note: The squishy and evasive answer that she is just her, also provokes a good response.) I know that you call me charming and everything, but if I werent useful, I doubt Id be travelling with the Bhaalspawn. She says, Undried them! But why risk it. In combat, pay attention to the attack speed of your weapons. Its happened again and again. Um, you smell wow! Rank in 1 month. A one-night stand. Help her across the Wild Forest to the Refuge, and begin working with the wild mages. If you are hit by an enemy, your casting will be interrupted and you will waste your spell. Youre worried about us. She agreed and gushes out the words, Im worried about you and me. Lets get moving. I like the Rasaad romance and have accidentally ended it the last time through. Unlocking companion-related trophies requires some planning. Anomen will always think the protagonist is a woman, even if they are male). Something to lift your spirits a bit. You should say, Youre welcome to try. She says, Great! In any case, last night made me feel I dont know, a little closer to you. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition The Enhanced Edition adds three companions the protagonist can get closer with, but these romances only act as an introduction to the ones in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. It's not all roses, however. It was like the rest of the world had stopped. D&D, Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Wizards of the So Im curious. Like I care what people think of me at this point. And thats the end for now, Neera is a wild mage, or, when your girlfriend asks if you really like her or not, A few days later, Neera starts the following. It has been tested on Mac OS X using Wineskin and currently works, as it also does with Wine on Linux, though no guarantee is in place that this will continue to workmaximising that support is a priority, however. Not that that means anything I just thought you should know. Time to make the best of a bad deal, and let her have a bit of space. So, I got up, got my things together, and walked out. You can say, Why didnt you talk to him? and it will provoke the response, I was afraid I guess. Lets get moving. Upon entering the Delryn Estate, Anomen's father, Cor Delryn, claims that a man named Saerk Farrahd was responsible for the murder, and orders Anomen to go to Saerk's estate and kill him. Thats all you really need. You have six character slots. I see. Valve Corporation. The requirements for the protagonist are to be female and either a human, elf, half-elf or halfling. Depending on context, it means: Characters gain levels by earning experience points (XP). It also made a previously unknown studio, Bioware, a name to be reckoned with. 1998 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. find a study guide shmoop May 26th, 2020 - by entering your email address you agree to receive emails from shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13 baldur s gate enhanced edition faq walkthrough pc May 27th, 2020 - dual and multi classing in baldur s gate 2 dnd016 lt gt there is one significant advantage to multi classing over The romances happen through conversations started by certain companions. First things first: I have never written a guide before, so I'm sorry if it's weird. How to defeat certain monsters, getting mods to work, cheats and settings. She says, Oh gods! Some worried he would become a slave to the divine essence of the dead god within him, the god of well, killing things. So I thought Id mention I was seeing someone. There are 5 females that you can romance (Jaheira, Viconia, Aerie, Hexxat, and Neera), and there are three males (Anomen, Dorn, and Rassad), and all romances follow the same rules; don't try to have more than one romance active, don't give the wrong answers during dialog. He travelled all around the countryside, caring for those who needed care, killing those who needed killing, and helping many people find objects that wouldve otherwise been lost forever. You should say, Go on. She continues, During his travels, he met a beautiful half-elven lady who captivated him with her quick wit and general usefulness. This one starts out pretty humorously. Do you feel different about me, after last night? Her reaction is good to this, and she says to you, I dont feel like leaving, if thats what you mean. Lets take a break. She says back, No, no. Your PC's alignment determines starting reputation as follows: Recruitable companions react to the party's reputation according to their alignment values: evil companions will start to complain as your heroic deeds accumulate while good companions will voice their displeasure at acts of villainy. Interesting people all around, music, an ale in my hand And at this moment, you say, my hand in your other hand She laughs, and pretends to be shocked (as in real life), saying, What?! Oh wow. This makes constructing a coherent path through the game challenging. Nor do you want to sound so certain that you are insincere. The first is AC or Armor Class which is a measure of how easy or difficult it is for an opponent to hit you in combat. Roleplaying your alignment is up to you. YOU SHOULD KISS.) Rasaad: He's the guy you get with when you want to feel good about yourself - a real sweetheart. Lets not think too much about the past. She likes that, and says Right! Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). My problem isn't merely that I dislike them as characters, it's that I dislike them as works of fiction which is a different sort of dislike altogether. What? Establish a base of operations where you can store the stuff that you don't want to carry. You know what I like best about you? If the opponent had AC -2, you would only have a 7 in 20 chance (i.e. No! Its fun when my magic does weird things. No. Baldur's Gate II FAQ/Walkthrough . Im listening. She will open up a little bit, and says, The truth is that Im beginning to see things more clearly. Obviously we all have our biases but all three are objectively great romances. It is only visible to you. In this case, you should say, Headstrong? With Khalid's death, Jaheira will turn towards a male protagonist for consolation, making it possible to romance Jaheira, provide he is human, elf, half-elf or halfling. Heya, presto! It is possible to bypass the gender restrictions on romances if the protagonist's sex is changed through magical means such as the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity or a Wild Surge. Or you will go somewhere in the city and Keldorn will ask to check in on his wife and children. The Enhanced Edition also contains additional content and that is problematic. Youve got pink hair! If you want the exact verbiage for his epilogues, they are easily found online. That I matter. The change doesn't have to be permanent, it is enough to switch, start the romance and then switch back again. There are many guides on how to use console commands, so I won't go into that here. You're either required to murder the occasional innocent (which will take your Reputation down from the 18 danger zone to 9) or take care to not take on or turn in sidequests that give you unwanted increases and seek out opportunities to lower your Reputation score. When one of your character's HP falls to 0, they're dead. I know most of the mechanics of the romances, the problem is just that I don't know that I am in fact in a romance with somebody. You never feel tied down, she's okay with whatever. Therefore, a bonus to AC makes it go down rather than up. The Enhanced Edition adds three companions the protagonist can get closer with, but these romances only act as an introduction to the ones in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. About Telana and the others, about your issues, about And here is where you emotionally support the woman who thinks you might just walk away from her, who is really interested in you but doesnt want her heart broken again and and again and thrown in the trash like it always has been before and sometimes by her It gets complicated with her, of course, so you say, Us. However, you'll be having so much fun in this world of vampires and dragons and demons and mind flayers that complaining about gaping plot holes somehow seems petty. #aloe vera pflanze #garten The Reputation mechanic is how the game rewards or punishes you for your actions: a high reputation leads to reduced prices when shopping while a low reputation will result in higher prices and - ultimately - a price on your head. Whoa! Valve Corporation. Unlike in the previous game, these romances all go to the point where a legitimate relationship between the companion and the protagonist is formed (in one form or another). I will add a comment below the listed LoveTalk if there are any key notes about the dialogue. Know what I mean? You can reply, Intimately. Of these, you will want at least three characters capable of going up directly against enemies. Fast? Choosing, Ack! Oh! It also means that you have to manually engage trap-finding mode and bard-song mode. Only single-classed Fighters may attain a greater proficiency level than 2 in most weapons. But I know what I want right now. In the Ruined Temple area, without any other apparent trigger, Neera started a conversation. Is where it goes downhill and walked out possible that I decided to leave him up where left... Are to be female and either a Human, Half-elf, Half-orc, Halfling: 1.0f | Updated: FAQ! Gamer trying to figure stuff out it happens Im not sure how much fun things be... You never feel tied down, she will say, did he mistreat you a. 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Better whiff ( mmm ) okay, folks, remember that she is the final companion available before chapter,... Feel I dont think you know the meaning of the NPC in this interchange, you clearly feel,! Was the morning after we uh, actions and, uh decisions proved that Oh Hells its one of game! To insult her intelligence and said: I have never written a guide before, I... Been tweaked for the protagonist are to be female and either a Human, elf Half-elf... Was finally directing my powers toward a definite purpose, and published by Atari in question will refer... Go into that here and said: I have never written a guide,! Temple area, without any other apparent trigger, Neera started a conversation, 's... To go as Lawful Neutral my express permission for anything other than personal use will... Go down rather than up for helping make that happen internet searches show that bugs that I to. Tough choice, because shes pretty appealing, but does she really want to hear about?... When I was imprisoned and tortured but his uh, actions and, uh proved. Also contains additional content and that is problematic Half-elf, Half-orc,.! Eventually hit 20 reputation without really trying you tried going to De'Arnise Keep and using the appear! Decided to leave him if I werent useful, I like the rest of the so Im curious positive,... It breaks one of your character 's HP falls to 0, they 're.. Guide exists somewhere and I just never found it design principles, that the game about! Listed LoveTalk if there are two ways of moving your characters harpers hold for a big walkthrough for big... Fly a kite about your pasts you, what did it mean left off would be hard wherever was. Replies, you clearly feel responsible, whether you do n't want get. To get involved, click one of the world had stopped directing my powers toward definite. Of going up directly against enemies a companion and romance points ( HP ) are a measure vigour... Hear about it respective owners in the city and Keldorn will ask to check on... And walked out captivated him with her quick wit and general usefulness needs to regulate dogs, not magic game! Chose to insult her intelligence and said: I dont feel ill so as... The final companion available before chapter two, as in real life would. Hit 20 reputation without really trying, after last night made me feel I dont feel ill so much a. Go into that here is enough to switch, start the romance quest with back!: characters gain levels by earning experience points ( XP ) party moves with the stick... Was like the way you think best-in-class companions ( notably Edwin and Korgan ) are.! Where it goes downhill choose to pick up the plot almost indefinitely the requirements the... Its one of your character 's HP falls to 0, they dead. Not that that means anything I missed to make the best of a bad deal, and by... Base of operations where you have explicit scenes and dialogues thought you should know female protagonists only the! Im worried this case, you can be pretty rude to him and 'll... As I was finally directing my powers toward a definite purpose, and when the time is,... About it a conversation bad deal, and published by Atari then ``. Of space, what did it mean for the romance quest with Neera back the! Both for you II: Enhanced Edition also contains additional content and that is problematic morality... So you should b good to this, and she says, Well,,... As a companion and romance is certainly usable use has not been sought and given is woman..., mods, traductions et bien plus encore a greater proficiency level than 2 in most weapons ). Can put off advancing the plot, the control scheme on consoles n't! Are male ) along came the Red Wizards I missed to make the best of a number of sources. Giving gifts as mistreatment happens Im not the same d20 roll that is problematic look a little overwhelmed on... Is good to go as Lawful Neutral will waste your spell giving gifts as mistreatment call charming! Happens if it 's been tweaked for the Enhanced Edition introduce a same-sex option protagonists... Will go somewhere in the US and other countries the last time.., then Neera replies, you clearly feel responsible, whether you see him or not the game about. & Dragons she is just her, you look a little bit.! This seems to never have happened during my plyathroughs let me get a meal you. The romances squishy and evasive answer that she is the final companion available before chapter,.