blurry vision 2 months after prk

Doctors just keep saying more time more time. I went to my optometrist, hoping I could just get a cheap pair of glasses to hold me off for the next 3-4 months of healing and everything was WAY overpriced. I had never put the onions burning my eyes like fire with the surgery. Do you see floaters that were not there before? Your email address will not be published. Thats gotten better as well. It include things such as spherical aberration, coma, and trefoil. Every time I call them they tell me that everyone is different in their healing and to just continue to use the drops. Then the rate of change slows down. Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachel! The initial phase of healing after PRK surgery is essential for its success. 2000-2023 AAV Media, LLC. After the awful recovery and 6 months later my vision was substantially worse than when I started and I needed an enhancement. And now to begin my infuriating experience. I dont know why any doctor would say anything about going blind, because the overwhelming majority of corneal issues can be fixed with a cornea transplant, a very, very successful operation. Im getting worse not better! 2. The procedure worked for a few years, but I went back to glasses. I knew signs and stuff and anything larger than a rabbit I could see long enough in advance to brake for at highway speeds. I dont blame you on the second surgery. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. Also I had a family member have it done with minimal recovery time. A few minutes later, I was led into a surgical room. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. Vision is usually good enough to drive in 3-5 days, fairly good in a week, very good in 2, and excellent in 4. So, to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do it. I was still sensitive to light but not as severe and I was able to get on the computer for about 4 5 hours a day. The pain was not moving when I was moving my eye around either. I took one week off and have had paid sick days for one month but in general one week off is enough. Resume driving only when advised by your doctor and when you feel confident and safe. Unfortunately, Im experiencing starburts, halos, glare, & slight double-vision at night. Dr. said I would get used to it. Its discouraging not knowing if youll heal properly when the doctor never gives real answers. Vision can become blurry or fluctuate when the eye dries out. Have you ever sued your eye doctor? Going from a -6 and -6.25 prescriptions to bringing able to see clearly without anything has been amazing. Got second round for free in 2018 but it really wasnt free due to days of work missed. By 3 months, vision sharpens up to its full potential - this means that most will be able to see 20/20. FYI At the eye center I went to, (not sure if all places have this) the surgical area is lined with windows and your driver can watch the whole process live also on a television in the waiting room. Visual clarity and crispness after PRK continue to improve for three to six months and then stabilize. If I dart my eyes quickly I can get my eyes to sting. As you read in my article, it took some time for me and still struggle with some issues, but after time I did have improvement. Ive learned an important lesson: Dont ask or listen to other peoples experiences because everyone reacts differently to procedure and pain. Blurry vision after PRK laser eye surgery This may take anywhere from a few weeks to a maximum of six months. Also, pay for the best. It was like having a tic tac! I cant see into the cupboard without getting a flashlight. Dont hesitate to get in touch with us our team would be more than happy to answer them all! I am just hoping and praying it gets better. So sorry you are having such trouble. I screamed and begged my husband to kill me. Now I am 3 years post op Im still experiencing this. I wear sunglasses outside but I see better with more light. I had PRk Surgery 10 weeks ago. The bright sun was HORRIBLE. I guess Ill just have to get reading glasses then. As a result, the eye dries out easier until this all heals up. Your vision may be blurry or foggy for a few days after surgery, which is normal and should clear up within a few days. Slight convergence problem got pencil push-ups exercises, seems it got better. However, two months later my vision reverted to the same state as before the surgery. The rest of the week my vision would come and go. I hope you are doing better. Your eye doctor can treat this condition with eye drops, but it can take weeks or months to heal. Having an intact epithelium creates a clear surface. Should I be worried? Its sad to see that this woman had such a hard time, but my vision sucks and has sucked for 1ike 15 years so Im probably gonna pull the trigger on the PRK soon. From 07, three years after my surgery, my vision was noticeably worse and every year would get a little worse until 15 when I got glasses. Nothing is clear at all. It doesnt make sense because I thought the cause of needing reading glasses was age and would happen to both eyes??? I am praying it gets better as well. Is it worth it? I was DEVASTATED when I was told I had to re do PRK almost 8 month later due to blurry vision amoung other things like dry eye and light sensitivity. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. I dont know when my reading vision will be ok. My job choices are now extremely limited. I got PRK because I couldnt stand the headaches glasses would give me. Then a cornea transplant because I had damaged my cornea. One major consequence of PRK over LASIK is the longer and much more variable healing/recovery time. Without glasses, I cannot see ANYTHING clearly on any screen from most typical viewing distances, however, I can see pictures and images at farther distances but words are still REALLY blurry. Also, my eyes are extremely sensitive and they were never before. How Long Should You Wear Sunglasses After PRK? During month one and two after the surgery, my vision seemed to stabilize as in it didnt fluctuate throughout the day, but I still didnt feel like I could see well. But my doctor said before surgery that I would get better but always be sensitive to bright light. I could barely keep my eyes open walking to the car and keeping them shut the entire ride. PRK has certain benefits when compared to LASIK and other forms of refractive surgery. I had always thought I would have it done if I ever won the lottery but your honesty has saved my potential winnings!! After my consultation, I was told, I was a good candidate for laser correction. [Read more about corneal transplant surgery.]. Ill share my personal NEGATIVE experience with PRK procedure. Vision is still not as clear (crisp) as it used to be when I wore glasses. I also still can not cut an onion for the reasons you say. Join the LASIK Complications Support Group on Facebook. I am confident in driving with my blurry eyesight, and even back then i was as well. This is the 6 weeks after the surgery and my vision is way worse than before. I am definitely better but still wanted to share the experience for those who are out there either experiencing the same thing and/or thinking about getting it done. LOL). Afterward, try to avoid getting any water directly in the eyes the first week after surgery. Does it take this much time to heal. By the way, I am residing in Singapore and we are not cover by insurance for this type of eye correction surgery as it was consider to be under the comestic surgery catergory. 4. Also, some career fields like military personnel or first responders may have certain requirements only allowing PRK versus LASIK because of the possible flap complications. I couldnt see well to drive at night but I thought that was just because I was getting older. Im not sure if that was case with me but hindsight is 20/20, pun intended. I received a (hopefully) temporary prescription for farsightedness back on November 5th from the eye surgeons office. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. It offers an effective, safe alternative to glasses or contact lenses for those looking to reduce or eliminate their dependence. If your PRK ghosting persists for an extended period of time, its essential to consult your surgeon about possible remedies. There are way too many stories that need to be shared for those thinking about the surgery. I had PRK surgery 1 year and 1 month ago and I have exactly the same experience. On a more positive note, I hope you adjust to wearing glasses, as you do look cute in them! You have certainly been through the wringer! I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. Every time I go back to the doctor, they say it will get better, but it doesnt get any better. How long does it take to get 20/20 vision after PRK? Literally. Hopefully things stay at this rate for the rest of my recovery period, but we shall see. At least the office youre dealing with is being honest, so you can be prepared if you go ahead with it. But nothing is crisp, I have astigmatism. During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. Everything You Need To Know About Taking An Eye Exam. I had the worst pain imaginable. 8 month update I went to my ophthalmologist and he stated that I now have +4 farsighted in both eyes with astigmatisms. Please help. Past 6 months onwards i am using FML eye drops. Think we maybe went to the same dr in Chicago. I had the first surgery almost 25 years ago. Start your journey to clearer vision now and book your appointment with us one of our many locations from our extensive network. Stay strong and positive thatll eventually get better. Page published on Monday, January 4, 2021. Many patients who undergo PRK, LASIK or Bladeless Lasik experience vision problems such as blurry vision, glare and dry eyes during the initial days after surgery. They can provide more information about this condition and what can be done about it. Hi Josh, I went to a big name but Im not sure about all the people that have commented. I wonder if I had it removed if the pain will stop. Well, that all changed on day three! I have read that it could take 3 or 4 months to really get my good vision back, but I have to admit that I am getting nervous. I wish I never had the surgery. Then I was told I needed an Astromal puncture, so I had that done. It is so frustrating and disappointing. LASIK and PRK are two commonly performed eye surgeries that correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. And suffer the same complications as you. Within about 3-4 days, the epithelium has healed over the giant scratch. Do you have any queries about PRK or would just like to learn more? Your eye doctor can diagnose and treat most vision problems, including ghosting. Blurry vision is expected immediately after LASIK, but clarity should return by the next day (24 hours). I hope your situation improves. Hello I've had PRK 10 days ago. Hello! I definitely agree we have to all share so people are aware of whats going on. its helped me feel more confident about my decision that the long recovery and potential risks really arent worth it for me personally. Although PRK surgery has a 95% success rate, it's important to know that there are risks associated with laser eye surgeries such as PRK. Ill get more info on this on Monday (5/16) and update this update. Fortunately by the 3 month mark, vision recovery has pretty much completed for most people. This medication helps expedite healing and minimizes scarring. Your vision will continue to fluctuate, and you may experience blurriness, though it should dissipate within a week or two. Vision sharpens up within 3 months after PRK all assuming that everything is 100% accurate. In between that 1 month mark and the 3 month mark, vision continues to steadily improve. It's nerve-racking having blurry vision weeks and even months after surgery. PRK involves using cutting edge laser technology to destroy the entire outer layer of corneal tissue, known as the epithelium. . While I had fairly sharp vision on the right eye about a month after the surgery, the left one took about 5-6 months. Dry eye comes and goes and some days things seem blurier than others. Even right now I have to put the phone on my face to type. Please keep us posted on your progress. Im so scared for my future. I unfortunately didnt do any research and chose prk over lasik as my dr said I would probably have problems with cataracts when I was older so this just seemed like the best choice since I have been told this since I was like 10. Im going to be paying $5900, both procedures have similar results but Advanced PRK of course takes longer. I appreciated your thoughtful and informative post and all of the commentary that followed. Like you, I try to stay hydrated, always wear sunglasses, and use drops when needed. I went to my one month follow up and the doctor said there was nothing else he could do for me, no more appointments and I was 20/20. I hate glasses and now need them for everything in my life for the rest of my life. Disclaimer: I earn from qualifying purchases. Its important to follow all advice and guidelines given by your eye doctor. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. During this timeframe, your eyes can be dry, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision. It was a sharp stabbing and burning sensation in both eyes very hard to explain. As the more open your lids are (i.e. The most common issues are corneal haze, infection after the surgery, and overcorrections and undercorrections. With the 2nd eye when I went in for my follow up the next morning I told them my eye was hurting. There is a small amount of residual fluid remaining from the detachment that isnt absorbed automatically. In addition, there is a large chance your vision can revert back to what you had pre-surgery as you age. If you are determined to get this surgery you must make sure that your immune system is in tip top shape because if your body has an inability to heal wounds this could be a contributing factor in length and completeness of healing. Blood vessels in the retina can leak, causing fluid to build up and blurring your vision. It can be very frustrating dealing with blurry vision and mild pain from time to time. My short distance vision crispness is sh**, I got various inflammation problems, the well-known dry eye after prk surgery, I got haze complication. I waited three long years to share my experience so my eyes could stabilize and I could give you the full outlook. The assistant blew me off, but when she examined me she realized that I had a corneal erosion (not just an abrasion). There are currently 37 PRK Laser Eye Surgery + Blurry Vision questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. Do I need an enhancement? I wasnt able to go to my 3-month follow-up with the eye surgeon due to a stomach flu but it was postponed to January 7th. Help please. I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. Im doubtful of 20/15 but would be grateful. I had two friends and they went to different doctors and theirs were the same. I hope this helps. Im not sure if Im having an allergic reaction or what gives. At this point, I am just hoping that, I am able to reach a point, hopefully soon, where I can wear glasses and be able to see as well as I was able to pre procedure. During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. Keep in communication with your eye doctor, and schedule a comprehensive eye exam if symptoms persist. The opthalmologist looked at my eyes and had said both eyes were in excellent health he is shooting for 20/15. Need drops several times a day. I signed a few liability pages waiving my rights to sue for anything and everything. The first eye, no problems. So disappointing. My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. I didnt feel like I could see well until maybe 4 months later. It felt like someone was pouring acid in my eyes. These symptoms may last for about 3 to 4 days, in varying degrees of intensity and it is during this time, the clear skin or epithelial layer of the cornea regenerates. Im 2 years post PRK and my eyes are better, but will never be normal again. Its difficult not to be frustrated or think I shouldnt have but the doctors are always so confident and they rarely focus on the risks. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. It was horrible and took months for my eyes to stabilize. Blurry vision after PRK laser eye surgery The primary difference between PRK laser surgery and alternatives like LASIK is in the access to the corneal tissue. I followed all directions and went in for follow-up appointments as directed. This is completely normal and should improve with time. I am in constant pain. On my 3 week check up, they made me do standard reading tests and said I can read properly so alls good, despite telling them that ALL IS NOT GOOD. Really, there wasnt a problem. Its more common with older laser platforms like LASIK, but can also occur after more recent procedures that use excimer laser energy such as bladeless Lasik and PRK. But this time the surgeon decided to lift the original flap from the LASIK. I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. I remember how happy I was waling up and seeing my alarmclock. After the surgery, your eye might be covered with a plastic shield or an eye pad, which should be removed the day after the procedure. Here are some questions to consider post eye surgery. When I woke up, my eyes felt like they had sand in them (which I was told was because of the bandage contacts) so it was a little uncomfortable but not in pain necessarily. This laser energy must be applied to the rigid structural part of the cornea, called stroma, for it to work. My self- esteem has drastically been affected- I used to wear contacts, not glasses, I cant wear any eye make-up because of chronic inflammation and irritation, my eyes and eyelids are always red, and the warm compresses I have to use have destroyed the fragile skin around my eyes (looks like crepe paper), and as I mentioned I have ptosis of my right eye. I hope you find peace. Lets find out. However, if your vision continues to deteriorate or you experience any other symptoms, its essential that you visit your doctor promptly so they can provide assistance. All LASIK savings offers are valid only on bladeless custom LASIK based off the LASIK procedure book price. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links. So, just to sum up my far distance vision gor corrected, no complaints, but at what price?! Im going for a second opinion, see what other docs have to say about my results and future treatments. Have you gone back and talked to yours? Before surgery Iwas -7.50 in left and 5.50 on right. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. Have all the side effects you speak of still to this day. Thats great! I also have high blood pressure right now even though Ive lost weight from lack of appetite and depression. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I slept off and on for most of the first two days with mild discomfort here and there. i just had a consultation at which i was told i was only a candidate for prk and not lasik. Through this website I hope you will learn a lot about eye health and vision. As with any surgery, there are always risks of complications unfortunately. There are many reasons PRK may be recommended. Time and time again, I find myself so astounded that there are so many of us with issues and unfortunately, I dont think any of the side effects are recorded anywhere. I personally chose PRK myself and had a great surgeon that was very easy on the eye throughout the procedure and their method utilized a disc instead of a well to apply the alcohol directly to the treatment area reducing the after surgery pain. My night vision is worse than before surgery. How I wish I read it earlier so that I can give some thoughts over correcting my eyes. Only on bladeless custom LASIK based off the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily nerves. Off is enough months onwards I am using FML eye drops to kill me cut an onion for the you. Excellent health he is shooting for 20/15 become blurry or fluctuate when the doctor, and a! Appreciated your thoughtful and informative post and all of the week my vision reverted to the structural... 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