dutch trains wind power snopes

You all know very well that this is just about who gets your money and what they will do with it. Initially, trains in the Netherlands were set to run entirely on renewable energy by 2018. If not, Im sure their stranded customers would be happy to explain it to them. What is clear is that most of those electrons didnt originate from wind turbines. [17] Where the parks will come and how they will be built is still being discussed. There are very little poor people in Germany. One wind turbine running for an hour can power a train for 120 miles, the companies said. I have just signed up with EON at 9.4p per Kwh, It is common for major companies to claim they use renewable or carbon-free power only, on the grounds of green certificates. 90/month for the typical 3 person household. More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). When you dont know reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs . Nor should you you probably get shaved 20% faster than me! Plus, it turns out that about half the electricity NS uses to power its rail system comes from outside of the Netherlands. You know all that and simply fabricate a problem where there is non. Active 2020. Rod, you must live in Albania E.ON wanted to put my tariff up from 9.79p to 13.87p. Claims that Dutch trains running entirely on wind power are way off track. If a energy supply company contracts with a renewable provider ( I am not including nuclear sources) would it be based on the installed power of the wind farms or a capacity factor adjusted power capabilities? I cant help feeling that inexperienced power traders at NS will have been taken to the cleaners at the expense of passengers. That would power a large proportion of all of the households in Amsterdam**. All day so far. Yes, they are called dwarves, or possibly hobbits. They say that this makes them the first rail company in the world that runs it fleet entirely on renewable energy. Probably not. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. [16], In March 2018 the Dutch government announced that it will build between 2023 and 2030 several new windfarms with a total installed capacity of 7 gigawatt. The fun would be that trains would soon be blocking the lines as power production fell. They arent directly powered by wind. For example, in 2015, Burlington, Vermont, became the first city to announce it was running totally on renewable power. As stated in this thread the claims that one can use only 100% renewables generated electricity from the grid ,are well ,a bit of smoke and mirrors. In 2017, our trains in the Netherlands became the first in the world to run for 100% on wind energy, giving travellers the option of travelling without CO2 emissions. The company aims to further reduce consumption by 2 percent a year with an energy efficiency program, with total consumption already reduced by 30 percent since 2005. The US city of Philadelphia has taken regenerative braking to a new level though. These sites are also surveyed centrally by the government allowing developers to avoid costly and multiple surveys.[11]. Were these conditions to repeat themselves now, and if NSs trains were powered exclusively by wind, they would almost certainly come to a halt. [37] Other large wind farms are located in Delfzijl-zuid (43 MW),[30] Lelystad (46 MW), Terneuzen, (Koegorspolder, 44 MW), and Biddinghuizen (WP Kubbeweg, 34 MW). NS first announced their target for a wind-powered train fleet back in 2015, but they've hit their target a year earlier than planned - way ahead of their 2018 goal. [3], In March 2022, the Dutch government announced that by 2030 offshore wind was to become the Netherlands' biggest power source, aiming at 21 GW of installed capacity.[4]. BTW, I have never felt deprived by having 60 Hz instead of 50Hz. Two of the models are still under production. The trains cant run as advertised on weak and intermittent wind power, and there is only one plug on the wall. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-e1-and-vs-t1/. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to DutchNews.nl. Good for saving valuable hydrocarbons for something more useful than burning them, and they really can supply all my electricity 24/7 that way. How much of the Netherlands electricity is supplied by wind? Yeap. Grid power in fact reflects the overall generation mix, which in the case of the Netherlands is dominantly gas and coal with only a small contribution from wind. Physically it makes no difference as you say, but as HeavyWeather pointed out above my money is now going to fund reactors not Energiewende, so Im happy. If there was a utility providing KiteGen power I would sign up with them. The Dutch and other people draw energy from the European grid, which has been generated by many sources. In late 2015, the Dutch government announced its goal to power the country's electric trains entirely with wind power by 2018. The virtue signalling fools at NS might then undertsand the impact of intermittent supplies. In Norway 132,2 million guarantees of origin for hydro power were issued in 2014, corresponding to 132,2 Twh. It sharply cut subsidies down to 1.5 billion, leaving private sector to carry over wind turbine investments should these be beneficial.[6]. I guess I could have found something cheaper still if Id looked hard enough. The Netherlands is also well prepared for a significant rise in the production of intermittent power from wind energy by good linkages to its neighbours via high voltage cables enabling power to be imported or exported as required. It`s a scam. Furthermore, both solar panels and wind turbines are capable of functioning under cold . All renewable energy gets paid the FIT out of the so-called SDE budget. If you would like to know more, click here. I struggled to find reliable figures to back that up, so I didnt want to repeat the claim here. The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else, The (Mostly) Quantum Physics Of Making Colors, This Simple Thought Experiment Shows Why We Need Quantum Gravity, How The Planck Satellite Forever Changed Our View Of The Universe. Ah, so the train really runs on smoke & mirrors. And enjoy 30c/kWh household electric rates, as in Denmark and Germany, without there being one iota of measurable benefit to the planet? So I know that its true, just as if I had read it in the Guardian. The headline: Netherlands Trains Now Running on 100% Wind Power. In 2020 wind power provided 11.54% of the Dutch electricity generation (see table above) while solar power provided an additional 7.25% for a combined 18.79% - easily meeting the target without taking other renewable sources into account, even though the target for onshore wind capacity was not met. Started operation in 2001 and is developing a 6,000kW two blade downwind turbine. As of the 1st of January, 2017, electric Dutch trains are now completely powered by wind energy, according to NS, the national railway company. Do the claims about Netherlands trains also require further explanation? The problem with the high costs for heating in France is the really poor quality of the dwellings, their poor insulating and cheap quality whatever means of heating one uses its literally money thrown away. (Figure 2: Note the dotted lines showing non-electrified track. On-board energy storage systems, such as batteries; An overhead wire that the train connects to; or. Built 1992 this nearshore wind farm had just 4 Nedwind 500 KW turbines based 1km to shore. Its own wind farms, built in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, and Sweden, aim to generate enough energy to fulfill NS's demand of about 1.4 terawatt-hours for 2017 (enough to power a million . Their original goal was to transition the trains to 100 percent renewable energy by 2018, but that target was moved up after reaching 75 percent in 2016. , I am told Biogas is not actually allowed in our pipeline system.. Netherlands take e-mobility to next level: 100% of countrys trains are powered by #wind: https://t.co/U1oDry30ll pic.twitter.com/c0vrXxrDZl, UN Climate Change (@UNFCCC) January 10, 2017. The fund is paid for by adding a surcharge to household electricity bills. Produced at least 14 models of 100. Even the two Dutch wind farms with which NS contracts directly for wind power, Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen, are tied generally to the Dutch grid and not tied directly into the NS rail system. Bach supplies data for Belgium, which should be a close analogy, and Figure 4 shows Belgian wind generation for September 2014: Figure 4: Belgian wind generation, September 2014, With an installed capacity of around 1850MW in this month the overall wind capacity factor was 11% and there were a number of occasions on which wind generation fell effectively to zero for hours on end. Started operations in 1979. [10] [11] [12], 2015 How Sustainable and Ethical Is the Tuna at Your Supermarket? The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/interconnectors.png. Once its in the network, there are three main options for getting the electricity to the trains themselves: Youve probably noticed at least one of these options on your rail journeys. In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). There is a tight social net up to the point where their transfer income pays for their existence. Willem, forgive the pedantry, but its the second time you said it. But it really doesnt matter which countries the Finnish wind power passes through on its way to the Netherlands. However the electricity is delivered to the train, once its there, it is used to power lights, and air-conditioning, as well as the traction motors, which are what turn the trains wheels. [1], By December 2013, 1,975 wind turbines were operational on land in the Netherlands, with an aggregate capacity of 2,479 MW. Of course, weve seen headlines of this type before. What is SDE? BBC News. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. if any Finnish electron reaches Netherlands most likely it goes via Baltic states, Poland and Germany. That's something. If you want to be generous to NS, you can say that the BritNed interconnector is definitely being fed by the coal fired Maasvlakte power stations when it is delivering 1GW to the UK, because theyre right next door to the HVDC converters. As his statements were presented in that meme, Homer-Dixon appeared to have asserted that windmills never produce as much energy as is expended in building them: The quotations selectively employed in the meme were taken from Homer-Dixon's 2009 book Carbon Shift: How Peak Oil and the Climate Crisis Will Change Canada (and Our Lives). Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). It becomes inextricably mixed with all the electromagnetic waves of the other. Overall, the Netherlands has over 2,000 wind turbines spread across the country. There are many reasons, of course, why NS would claim its trains run completely on wind power and even more reasons why many would celebrate this apparently breakthrough. These. These were often manufactured by lesser known wind turbine manufacturers, sometimes producing innovative products such as the Nedwind 2 blade turbine. As of October2022[update], wind power in the Netherlands has an installed capacity of 8,304 MW, 29.6% of which is based offshore. The clip is in Dutch so set the captions to translate if you do not speak the language. Sign up for our email newsletter! But of course even two-thirds of the NS system doesnt run completely on wind power. The Netherland's national railway company, NS, has announced that all of its electric passenger trains are now 100 percent powered by wind energy. Three strikes. Whats the trick? Just fit smart controls where their systems draw power from the grid. The comment about T1s was meant to be a wry tomayto vs tomarto thing which probably didnt work as an explanation of why I get pedantic. Under this system the government chooses locations and organizes tenders for projects of 350 MW, and project developers can offer bids for each farm. * Just an FYI, this official infographic shows that the scheme saves 1.4 billion kWh of electricity, which they say is the same as whats used by ALL of Amsterdams residents. But none of this wind power is directly connected to the NS rail system. Roger, that map isn`t quite updated. Its worth noting that it would be pointless to put wind turbines in poor locations, and its trivial, or meaningless, to say that a turbine would never pay back its embedded energy in a poor location. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to DutchNews.nl. This has already led to a savings of 1.43 billions kilograms of C02 emissions. The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nation's share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. All wind amd solar energy gets a hefty FIT tariff in the Netherlands, intended to guarantee profitability of the energy investment over the long term (even if the electricity market price goes negative, for example). First some details on the Netherlands electricity sector. (Although Eneco, NSs wind power procurer, claims that its wind farm portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities . The company is also looking for a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. As of Jan. 1, 600,000 daily train passengers have been traveling completely carbon neutral, according to an announcement from the Netherlands principal passenger railway operator, NS. As Hughes observed, his point was that "the concept of net energy is crucial if we want to find a policy that will see us through the Energy Sustainability Dilemma," not that windmills should be eschewed for using up more energy than they ever create. This record was immediately beaten the following year with another 766 MW being added. from northern Maine to southern Florida, about 1800 miles in 0.01 second. The European high voltage grid connects Finland with Sweden but doesnt go through the Baltic States. The real electricity they use is of course no more or less green than other companies on the same grid use. Either figure comfortably exceeds the amount of electricity NS uses to power its electric trains, which is variously quoted as either 1.2 or 1.4TWh/year. These newer and larger wind farms are making use of some of the largest wind turbines available, in particular in the case of Noordoostpolder the Enercon E-126 7500kW wind turbine, the largest onshore turbine available at that time. The commercials know that the public will probably think that the commercial parties are spending out of the goodness of their hearts, to save the planet. Stuart The other thing most people (at least in the US) dont consider when they see stories like this: A country like the Netherlands is literally 1/3 the size of the state of Ohio. For NS to use only wind power from wind farms to power its rail system the wind farms must be connected directly to NSs railways. To believe what you find on the English writing interwebs, became the first rail in... Or less green than other companies on the English writing interwebs power I would up... Of all of the NS system doesnt run completely on wind power passes through on way... Portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities the point where their systems draw power the. It goes via Baltic states, Poland and Germany 6,000kW two blade downwind turbine burning... The pedantry, but its the second time you said it Ethical the... Power its rail system originate from wind Denmark and Germany out that about half the electricity NS uses to its. 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