hogon within the dogon culture

Both sexes market, fish, and gather wild foods. The name of the country was changed to "French Sudan," and French administrators levied taxes and introduced currency reforms (e.g., French francs to replace the native cowrie shells). Sadly, these days the culture of the Dogon is under threat as many have converted to other religions. They are Nommo, the "son of Amma," generally considered a water spirit; Lebe, the incarnation of the earth and its fertilizing properties; and Yurugu, the mythical representative of fallen man. Dogon village along the Bandiagara escarpment. A new 'sigi' is started every 60 years. After his election, he has to follow a six-month initiation period, during which he is not allowed to shave or wash. They were, however, frequently raided by local Muslims who killed the men and enslaved the women and children. In conjunction with the council of elders, he makes decisions concerning public affairs. Hogon live alone and should be celibate, but a village girl may act as a maid. [13] As the growth of cities increased, the demand for slaves across the region of West Africa also increased. Masked Dancers of West Africa: The Dogon. Masks used during the yincomoli ceremony include the Yana Gulay, Satimbe, Sirige, and Kanaga. A Hogon is a spiritual leader in a Dogon village who play an important role in Dogon religion . The Dogon are an ethnic group in Mali, with some unusual mythology and cultural practices. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Craft specialization is determined by gender and caste. Plains, escarpment, and plateau represent distinctive features in the region. The Mali landscape around Dogon (Spooner, J / CC BY 2.0 ). In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Griaule, Marcel (1938). The Dogon are primarily agriculturists, their principal crops being millet, sorghum, rice, onions, beans, tobacco, and sorrel. Individuals with high status may own a small number of cattle.[30]. While the castes are correlated to profession, membership is determined by birth. WebThe Dogon are renowned for their attachment to African Culture and traditions, and in Mali, I have witnessed many difficult mental illnesses being cured by Dogon healers, called the Hogon, which is the name for the Dogon priest. When a woman leaves her husband, she takes with her only the youngest childthe remaining children stay with the husband's family. The term "Punjabi" signifies both an inhabitant of the Punjab and a speaker of the predominant Language, Wolof There are twelve categories of disease considered treatable, each with its own specific healer who has special knowledge of the specific plant that will bring about a cure. Descended from the founding ancestor Dyon, the hogon Unfortunately, the majority of these animistic spiritual practices tend to disappear with the younger generations and the widespread adoption of Islam. He is in effect a priest (hogon ), who exercises ceremonial functions on behalf of the lineage, and, in conjunction with a council of elders, judicial functions as well. During the 1890s, a French army was sent into the region for the purpose of establishing colonies. Retours au 'pays du reel'", Genevive Calame-Griaule: "On the Dogon Restudied". Although inheritance today is strictly patrilineal, formerly there was a tradition of matrilineal inheritance (by sister's son). The Dogon are strongly oriented toward harmony, which is reflected in many of their rituals. Some of the species represented in the area are the doom palm, the baobab, and various leguminous fruit-bearing plants. There are three principal Whether on the high plateau, the cliff-faces, or on the plain, the Dogon have exploited all the elements available to build their villages that reflect their ingenuity and their philosophy of life and death. In certain cultural areas, the Dogon villages comprise numerous granaries, for the most part square with a thatched tapering roof. ." Dogon society is composed of several different sects: Villages are built along escarpments and near a source of water. Other fauna include crocodiles (in the swampy areas on the plain), reptiles, monkeys, guenons, guinea hens, hyenas, foxes, panthers, rabbits, and small rodents. In a polygynous marriage, the wives reside in separate houses within the husband's compound. Starting in the northeastern part of Dogon territory, each village takes turns celebrating and hosting elaborate feasts, ceremonies, and festivities. The development of tourism in the Dogon Country and the Hombori Mountains (Mali) . [12] See also [ edit] Pangool Mand creation myth Samay (mythology) Zin (water spirits) Traditional African religion portal Mali portal References [ edit] The virgin is replaced by one of his wives, and she also returns to her home at night. In referring to relatives, linguistic usage distinguishes between the forms of address and the specific relationship. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Signs of other contacts and origins are evident in Dogon art. & E.I.K. Durieux-Boon (2004). The village of Songho has a circumcision cave ornamented with red and white rock paintings of animals and plants. A cliff dwelling people, they inhabited the area for many centuries despite the hostility of the environment and were able to preserve their ancient lifestyle as they were protected from rivals by the long cliff of Bandiagara. WebDiscuss why you would or would not like to be selected as the Hogan within the Dogon culture. All the rites and ceremonies involve, in varying degrees of complexity, offerings and sacrifices, mock battles, and the prominent display of the carved masks (generally through their use in the elaborate dances of the masked society). Africa, 38(1), 16-25, Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/africa/article/dogon-cultureprofane-and-arcane/47CD44EC412C57D64B141529BD52F19B, Walther, O., Renaud, T., & Kissling, J. [6][7] Archaeological and ethnoarchaeological studies in the Dogon region have been especially revealing about the settlement and environmental history, and about social practices and technologies in this area over several thousands of years. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? Craft skills are well developed among the Dogon, especially the making of pottery and baskets, weaving, wood carving, and leather- and ironworking. 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Another minority practices Christianity. I have written a book and several peer reviewed journal articles. Dogon society is organized by a patrilineal kinship system. Dogon art consists primarily of sculptures. Although Temple fails to prove its antiquity, the evidence for the recent acquisition of the information is still entirely circumstantial. In addition to agriculture, the women gather wild fruits, tubers, nuts, and honey in the bush outside of village borders. WebAlthough the Dogon recognize the creator god Amma as the Supreme Being and address prayers and sacrifices to him, the core set of beliefs and practices focuses on ancestor Morton, Robert (ed.) Houses are built extremely close together, many times sharing walls and floors. [5], The hogon may conduct rituals in the Sanctuaire de Binou, a special building the door of which is blocked with rocks. Corrections? [37] Women have no right to learn Sigui So. Encyclopedia.com. Updates? Social Organization. It was held once every sixty years and allegedly celebrated the white dwarf star, Sirius B. This announces the entrance of persons wearing the masks used in this ceremony, while the deceased's entrance to his home in the family compound is decorated with ritual elements (Davis, 7273). The principal ceremonies center around agriculture and death. Between 2010-2012 I worked in the Limerick City Archives. Ritual dance of Dogon County (Gleeson, G / CC BY 2.0 ). Industrial Arts. A hogon is a religious figure as well as a temporal authority;[1] the hogon may be hereditary or may be chosen from among the village elderscustom varies from place to place. After initiation, he wears a red cap, and a pearl bracelet. While there is not a great deal of accommodation near the Cliff of Bandiagara (Dogon County), there is some in nearby towns. Hogon live alone and should be celibat Due to the expense, the second traditional funeral rituals, or "damas", are becoming very rare. Each sector of the Dogon Country had its hogon or spiritual leader, who passed on his power from father to son. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Minor regional dialectal differences exist. [28] Today, a significant minority of the Dogon practice Islam. Pern, Stephen (1982). The Dogons are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture and religious beliefs. Dogon insecurity in the face of these historical pressures caused them to locate their villages in defensible positions along the walls of the escarpment. Expert Answer Introduction. Two of the most specialized craftsleather- and ironworkingare restricted exclusively to members of a craft caste. Where diseases are considered to be supernaturally based or the result of sorcery, a healer-diviner is called in who determines the cause of the disease (through divination), then offers sacrifices, magical charms, and incantations to bring about a cure. The "Sigi so" was used to tell the story of creation of the universe, of human life, and the advent of death on the Earth, during both funeral ceremonies and the rites of the "end of mourning" ("dama"). Formally, wives join their husband's household only after the birth of their first child. The first wife, or ya biru, holds a higher position in the family relative to any wives from later marriages. Given the centrality of ancestor worship in Dogon society, practices associated with deathnamely, the initial funerary rites and the dama, or final lifting of mourningachieve great importance in ceremonial life. The newly circumcised youths, now considered young men, walk around naked for a month after the procedure so that their achievement in age can be admired by the tribe. A hogon is a spiritual leader in a Dogon village who plays an important role in Dogon religion. During the yincomoli ceremony, a gourd is smashed over the deceased's wooden bowl, hoe, and bundukamba (burial blanket). [2] They speak the Dogon languages, which are considered to constitute an independent branch of the NigerCongo language family, meaning that they are not closely related to any other languages. The Dogon are primarily agriculturalists and cultivate millet, sorghum and rice, as well as onions, tobacco, peanuts, and some other vegetables. Women may leave their husbands early in their marriage, before the birth of their first child. The hogon is assisted in office by a sacrificial totem priest (yebene ), three bodyguards or policemen, a public crier or herald, and an ambassador who deals with other districts. Following the birth of the child, the couple moves into an unoccupied dwelling in the husband's village and quarter. The first occurs immediately after the death of a person, and the second can occur years after the death. [14], For almost 1000 years,[15] the Dogon people, an ancient ethnic group of Mali[16] had faced religious and ethnic persecutionthrough jihads by dominant Muslim communities. van Beek (text) (2001). Until the dama is completed, the soul of the deceased wanders on the southern outskirts of the village, sometimes in the bush or around its former dwelling. The spread of Islam throughout Africa has brought about some degree of change in the basic religious orientation of the Dogon. The heavenly Powers themselves were dual, and in their Earthly manifestations they constantly intervened in pairs[28]. The neighboring Fulani have been largely instrumental in transmitting the Islamic faith to the Dogon. Orientation [41] They reported that the Dogon believe that the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius (Sigi Tolo or "star of the Sigui"[42]), has two companion stars, P Tolo (the Digitaria star), and mm ya tolo, (the female Sorghum star), respectively the first and second companions of Sirius A. Each caste is endogamous, and members do not take part in any of the common religious cults. It is generally accepted that the Dogon language belongs to the NigerCongo language family, though the evidence is weak. A virgin who has not yet had her period takes care of him, cleans his house, and prepares his meals. Paulme, Denise (1940). After his election, he has to follow a six-month initiation period, during which he is not allowed to shave or wash. They call themselves "Dogon" or "Dogom," but in the older literature they are referred to as "Habbe" (sing. Associated with regeneration [23] They were symbolized by the colour red, a female symbol. Today, at least 35% of the Dogon practice Islam. Marriages are endogamous in that the people are limited to marry only persons within their clan and within their caste.[29]. ETHNONYMS: 'kKxou and related words; Mizo (same as Lushai), Zo, Zomi. [2], The hogon has a key role in village rituals and in ensuring fertility[3] and germination. Linguistic Affiliation. Divorce is not uncommon; it occurs most often in polygynous households. Kado), a Fulbe word meaning "stranger" or "pagan.". "The jackal was alone from birth," said Ogotemmli, "and because of this he did more things than can be told. [50] An independent assessment is given by Andrew Apter of the University of California. ETHNONYMS: Dogom, Dogono, Habbe, Hambbe, Makbe, Tombo, Tommo, Toro, Identification. Since the late 20th century, the Dogon have developed peaceful trading relationships with other societies and have thereby increased variety in their diets. Social stratification among the Dogon is similar in many respects to that found in other societies in West Africa. Interest in other seemingly falsifiable claims, namely concerning a red dwarf star orbiting around Sirius (not hypothesized until the 1950s), led him to entertain a previous challenge by Temple, asserting that "Temple offered another line of reasoning. Ciarcia, Gaetano "Dogons et Dogon. WebThe hogon, the Dogons' spiritual elders and high priests, preside over Lebe ceremonies. From the mythical stroy of creation from the Dogon culture, hogon is seen as the spiritual leader of the Dogon social culture. Ceremonies. The private property of a woman goes first to her daughter, then to the youngest sister. Domestic Unit. These are two story building with separate areas for men and women. The smiths have important ritual powers and are characteristically poor. "The dual soul is a danger; a man should be male, and a woman female. 35 Issue 2. [47][48] In a 1991 article in Current Anthropology, anthropologist Wouter van Beek concluded after his research among the Dogon that, "Though they do speak about Sigu Tolo [which is what Griaule claimed the Dogon called Sirius] they disagree completely with each other as to which star is meant; for some it is an invisible star that should rise to announce the sigu [festival], for another it is Venus that, through a different position, appears as Sigu Tolo. The Dogon territory extends from approximately 1315 to 1500 N and from 130 to 400 W. The population is concentrated in some 300 villages along a 145-kilometer stretch of escarpment called the Cliffs of Bandiagara. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Religious Beliefs. (February 23, 2023). Wood, covered with sacrifical materials, Seated Couple, Dogon, Mali. He is elected from among the oldest men of the dominant lineage of the village. ETHNONYMS: Kareang, Kariang, Kayin, Pwo, Sgaw, Yang Some young men will hunt for small game, but wild animals are relatively scarce near villages. All initiated Dogon men participate in Awa, with the exception of some caste members. During the colonization of Mali by the French, the inhabitants of the escarpment were able to use caves and tunnels to avoid the Europeans and were able to preserve their way of life. After completion of the dama, the soul departs from the world of the living and goes to the great god Amma. Identification. The Dogon are best identified for their religious traditions, the mask dances, wooden In traditional Dogon society, land was transmitted within the family group (ginna, or lineage), and was considered inalienable property. Dogon art revolves around religious values, ideals, and freedoms (Laude, 19). Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Les dogon. Here goods are exchanged not only between neighboring Dogon villages, but also between the Dogon and neighboring groups such as the Fulani and Dyula. Identification. Orientation The Dogon are an ethnic group indigenous to the central plateau region of Mali, in West Africa, south of the Niger bend, near the city of Bandiagara, and in Burkina Faso. [40] In late 1946, Griaule spent a consecutive 33 days in conversations with the Dogon wiseman Ogotemmeli, the source of much of Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen's future publications. Once a boy is circumcised, he transitions into young adulthood and moves out of his father's house. Succession to office is patrilineal (by younger brother). The Dogon language is classified within the Voltaic (or Gur) Subfamily of the Niger-Congo Language Family. He was eaten by another nommo, and their spirits merged; the nommo vomited out a new Lebe (part human and part spiritual), plus copious liquid which shaped the landscape.[7]. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, New Moai Statue Found on Chiles Easter Island Excites Researchers, Curious Mussel Shell Arrowheads in Norways Mountains Confound Archaeologists, 2,000-Year-Old Roman Phallus Could Be Oldest Known Sex Toy, Huge Wari Empire Temple from 800 AD Unearthed in the Highlands of Peru, What is Shambhala? Then the Dogon who has entered the contact repeats the ritual, asking the resident how his or her whole family is. There is no indigenous political integration above the local (village) or district level. The Yana Gulay mask's purpose is to impersonate a Fulani woman, and is made from cotton cloth and cowl shells. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? A hogon is a religious figure as well as a temporal authority; the hogon may be hereditary or may be chosen from among the village elderscustom varies from place to place. Public opinion is a great regulator of social behavior in Dogon society, not so much for its threats of punishment through shame, but by its withdrawal of satisfaction and love from its erring members. Sometime in the 14 th century, the Dogon people arrived in the area and drove the Tellem from the escarpment, although it is also possible that the latter were assimilated as within the abandoned Tellem villages, the influence of this culture on the Dogon is apparent. Once there, many trails are open to visitors along the escarpment and while visiting a traditional Dogon village, cultural respect is encouraged. Women are forbidden from joining and prohibited from learning sigi so. Marriage is proscribed between members of the same clan or with first or second cousins of different clans. It was first inhabited by the Tellem, Stone Age hunters, at least 10,000 years ago. Dogon door with stylized figures (Wegmann, M/ CC BY 3.0 ). 15th19th century. It is truly one of the most impressive regions in Sub-Saharan Africa . 16th-20th Century. The most ancient dialects are dyamsay and tombo, the former being most frequently used for traditional prayers and ritual chants. . Other authors have argued that previous 20th-century European visitors to the Dogon are a far more plausible source of such information and dispute whether Griaule's account accurately describes Dogon myths at all. Biographies - Hogon | African Religious Leader | Britannica Universit de Paris, Travaux et Mmoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, 33. 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