radiolab inheritance transcript

We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. PAT: And that's when things would start to get out of control. PAT: Even though Destiny's mom was doing all sorts of drugs during her pregnancy and the doctors told Barbara that Destiny was going to be mentally and physically delayed DESTINY HARRIS: Not feeling the way I'm supposed to feel. BARBARA HARRIS: I decided to have a press conference in my front yard to announce what I was doing. Your boys will first grow taller and taller for the next few years, and when they get to be about 9, 10 years old, they're going to stop growing just for a few years. He stuffed himself silly; 9, 10, 11 years old, so he's a happy grandpa, you the grandson, you then would have. Because theyre reaching for the tops of trees. Yes, no, okay, move on to the next cage, yes, no? ROBERT: So what is the licking doing then? I know what I'll do, I'm going to set up a terrarium for them and I'm going to make it hot, really uncomfortably hot. PAT: As Barbara made the rounds on the daytime talk shows, the reaction was split right down the middle. One parent stretching isnt going to do anything, see thats the bummer of Darwinian evolution. [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Barbara Harris's solution is simpler than anything else out there. That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. And he was going through withdrawal. What you see in the records, is that one year 100 liters. PAT: Who gave Destiny her first checkup told Barbara BARBARA HARRIS: That she was delayed and she was always going to be delayed because of her prenatal neglect. It means what if grandpa has a bad day? Maybe more. In a very real way, weve been thinking a lot about inheritance. I make a difference to her. What happens when moms lick their pups is that the pup beccomes aroused. And Barbara is not offering that. Well, yep, that is so true. You know? It happens. SAM KEAN: You got to help boost if you had a starving grandfather. JAD: Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? Yeah, it drifts into something like a shopping channel. There was a newspaper called The Daily Express and they have these headlines that come out. Because there is more data, more information about the people of verkalix, going farther back into the past than you can find almost anywhere else on Earth. And eventually, over the millenia, what youd get, is a creature with a very long neck. I'm almost done. PAT: She just knew, "This is my daughter.". PAT: And Barbara found herself returning to a thought she'd kind of always had. That's 9, 10, 11. I don't think that puts me in the same category as Hitler. PAT: You picked him up right from the hospital? BARBARA HARRIS: I was just pissed at what they have done to my children. That was it. PAT: Lynn has become one of Barbara's fiercest critics. When Kammerer published his results initially, a bunch of scientists immediately began to say "Wait a minute, hold on here, it would be nice if life was like that but life isn't like that. And at a time when you're not making the best decisions anyway. So much can happen after that. Higher frequencies of heart attacks. LULU: In a very real way, we've been thinking a lot about inheritance. DESTINY HARRIS: Honestly, I think it never seemed like she was anything but my real mom, if that makes sense. And I think that no, I didn't plan on it but I wouldn't take her back for anything because she made me better. As Barbara made the rounds on the daytime talk shows, the reaction was split right down the middle. And, I mean, I have straight A's and I'm making it work. PAT: Yeah. BARBARA HARRIS: Saying the mother had given birth to a baby girl, did we want her? He was miserable to look at. DESTINY HARRIS: Not been born at all. JAD: Michael was in school and he got interested in a very, very basic question about how things get passed down? And so, you could only see one nuptial pad, and it all comes down to thisand all of that was just about to fall apart. If you were a great rat mommy, what would you be doing with your rat baby? And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. CARL ZIMMER: He was born in 1880 in Vienna, Jewish family. And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. Meaning that they had less incidence of heart disease? He'd fall asleep and just wake up screaming. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: To any drug-addicted woman who will agree to have no more babies. PAT: If Barbara had gotten to Destiny's birth mom, Destiny, Kalia, this moment, none of it would exist. More what kind of stuff? [chuckles], OLOV BYGREN: Yes, yes. These people are paying millions of dollars to take care of your children!]. All jokes aside. He actually coined the word biology, too. And even though they look basically nothing alike. These are four kids from the same birth mother? And since Kammerer kept the heat up, toads basically had to stay there, in this watery place that they had not evolved for. You know, they say it only takes one time. PAT: Watching this, I couldn't help but think that Destiny's very existence is probably the most interesting argument against what Barbara is doing. It's against the rules. If you're a starving boy between 9 to 12 years old, now it doesn't matter a whole lot what happens to you after this, your grandchildren will have one-quarter the risk of heart disease. CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: Hi, my name is Charlotte Zimmer. But luckily for the Vivarium and for our story, they had a guy. You know, inside these cells, in the center, coiled up in little spools, is the DNA. Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. How was this woman allowed", "To walk into the hospital and drop off a damaged baby and just walk away with no consequences?". I'm the founder and director of Project Prevention. So much can happen after that. PAT: Yeah. And she says, one day, this idea just came to her. You're not leaving this hospital unless you have long-term birth control.". Right below the headlines says, "Scientist's great discovery which may change us all.". That's how we ended up with four of them. Then, Carl told us about this research that showed JAD: Well, he couldn't quite remember the details. JAD: But wouldnt it be nice if thats how it worked? And, you know, there was kind of antisemitism growing at this time, so he thought that someone had framed him, and six weeks after Nobel published his results in Nature, Kammerer sent a letter to Moscow. BARBARA HARRIS: Since birth. JAD: What can't you? Did that scare you at all? How do those cycles perpetuate? She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. BARBARA HARRIS: After I've gotten to know so many of the women. Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Were less prone to diabetes. Oh, that's a lot of potatoes. DESTINY HARRIS: Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters DESTINY HARRIS: With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], PAT'S DAD: And Kenny [unintelligible 01:04:18], PAT: Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21]. And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. Kammerer puts on a suit and he walks off into the mountains Outside Vienna on a Rocky mountain trail. I mean, it's pretty common but like, here's a for instance, my dad from my entire life had this thing where if someone was whistling, he would. And as soon as she got there to pick him up, she could tell that something was wrong. PAT: That's really impressive. From pneumonia. ROBERT: Including a particular amphibian that plays a very big part in this story. ROBERT: By all accounts a pretty good-looking guy. MICHAEL MEANEY: So thats the reason, of course, that we work with rats because we can get inside the brain. She'll be two in January. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. PAT: I like you, I get the sense that there's a lot of warmth in you. When Emil gets to be eight, I'm cutting him off. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. How much of you will echo into the future and how much of you won't? JAD: I find myself thinking like, Okay, I know these kids have their genes half from me, half from my wife. Who gave Destiny her first checkup told Barbara That she was delayed and she was always going to be delayed because of her prenatal neglect. Once their born, their genes are fixed and change does not happen in a generation or two. And I told Destiny I was thinking about this and asked her about it. PAT: So by now it's 1994, and Barbara is thinking PAT: You know? Started with the tongue. Listen Feb 10, 2023 Bliss When did you last shout from happiness? By Recode Staff Updated Oct 25, 2017, 12:01am. And according to Barbara, the majority of the women she pays are white. But here's what I did not know about DNA. [chuckles]. JAD: To fellow named Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: You would be licking them quite a lot. That's a lot of people. JAD: Because here's the thing, the churches up in verkalix kept incredibly detailed records. Maybe you can explain this to me, Robert. Kick off certain hormonal systems. "To Whom It May Concern, I have been doing very good. It was something they acquired during their lifetime. Yeah, it was a very attractive theory to them in Moscow. Well, there was an expert on reptiles named G. Kingsley Noble. We went to the foster home and went in. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations. Which, when you think about it, it has a very Lamarckian flavor. They have six, seven, eight, ten, fourteen.]. You've got these toads who hate water. You're finishing college, right? Something happens on the molecular level. The sperm carries these marks to the next generation. So. Who are you? TRANSCRIPTS. Just don't have any more children because, at that point, I didn't really know any of them. LATIF: And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. You know? SAM KEAN: You feel kind of hemmed in by what your grandfather did? JAD: Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. You have to look at one cage, say, are they licking? JAD: In any case, these books tell you when each of these folks died, how they died. I asked Barbara about some of the things that she'd said because, to be totally honest, they kind of turn my stomach. Even though Destiny's mom was doing all sorts of drugs during her pregnancy and the doctors told Barbara that Destiny was going to be mentally and physically delayed Not feeling the way I'm supposed to feel. ROBERT: So, of course the folks at the Vivarium asked him. A really good radiolab about this called Inheritance. CARL ZIMMER: Well, there was an expert on reptiles named G. Kingsley Noble. fact checked by Jamie Frater. And well just let the old yahoos from whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it away. About 30 years ago-. But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. They began to grow these all puffy things on their hands. PAT: Because when a woman uses heroin while she's pregnant, the fetus gets hooked on it too. ROBERT: But then, a few years would pass, crops would bounce back. That's interesting. ROBERT: Thats what Darwin says, you cant. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: [laughs[ Exactly. BARBARA HARRIS: And I knew that the only way I was going to get a daughter was if I went and became a foster parent and asked for one. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. [laughs] "This may hurt you my son, but I'm doing it for my grandchildren.". We'll just get one more.". It's writer, Sam Kean again, and here's, he says, what you need to know about the midwife toad. MICHAEL MEANEY: Kick off certain hormonal systems. PAT: Filled with dozens of letters from women that she's paid. LYNN PALTROW: The women who I've worked with, who've had a history of drug problems, aren't like the examples that she gives. The neural chemical signal that gets activated during licking, is serotonin. And I didn't find a single case of someone saying that they regretted what they've done. Wow. Through all the training that we had to do and first aid, fingerprinted and had a background check done. But it failed. She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. She said, "Thank you so much for the gift, I bought my son an excavator truck, remote control and some summer outfits." You know, they say it only takes one time. OLOV BYGREN: Well It's one-fourth, we can we say. Like have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly are your dad and it catches you off guard? And in one day, we can imagine, he gets curious. You can't change your DNA. JAD: So its like grandpa's struggle is jumping forward and giving me a leg up? I guess retard. When you first hear about this, what goes through your mind? Yes. She's 20 months old. BARBARA HARRIS: Yeah, the social worker called and told me the mother had given birth. MICHAEL MEANEY: Mom's licking activates serotonin. They would experience these wild changes from harvest to harvest. I'm so proud and I have four years clean. It's off-limits. Then she goes, "Oh wait, I didn't give birth to you. I said, "No, no, that's okay." 01:04:34 - Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. CARL ZIMMER: I just have to read this to you. JAD: Actually, the idea itself is pretty old. They both say that they actually often forget that they're not biologically related. Apparently, those grandkids SAM KEAN: Were less prone to diabetes. He hit the lecture circuit and he hit it big. A little village? The lady knew why we were there. I'm graduating in December. She said, "Well, she's just beautiful and she has lips like a baby doll." Now the Sweden story from our last segment left us both feeling a little strange. Look, in the end, what do I know? I want to start with a parental day dream for a second. Okay, I'm here. More information about Sloan at]. I wonder. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. All right, I'll get in the water." Move on to the next cage yes, no? They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. SAM KEAN: And he would basically turn the heat way, way up in these aquariums until they had to go underwater. JAD: And I know I cant change those genes. SAM KEAN: This is what's called the slow growth period. If you start smoking when you're 10, 11 something like that, you end up having children with more problems. One time, and I'm on flighter. CARL ZIMMER: And he says, "This isn't a nuptial pad, it looks darkened but that's just ink.". Never mind, you're stuck with small boobies." Instead of dying at 40, I'd live to 70? So they can grab onto the female and hold tight while they're mating. PAT: And even though they look basically nothing alike. She actually emailed me afterwards and adjusted that number down a couple hundred. Peanut butter, there we go. Yeah. So the great rat nightmare comes true where the females become their mothers. I mean, for one thing, Barbara's white and Destiny's black. ", And I called my husband again at work and said, "They want to know if we want to take the baby." JAD: [expletive] That was awesome. The results are obvious to you. I already knew that if I ever got a little girl, I was going to name her Destiny. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Methyl groups are pretty sticky, they're hard to get off. In pictures, he has that, you know, that crazy Einstein fuzzy hair thing. Here's what Olov says he found in the data. ROBERT: If your grandpa didn't starve, instead he lived through great times. ROBERT: But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. JAD: I know! KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Yes, he was retarded. She got one. I don't have the biggest boobies in the world. It was something they acquired during their lifetime. Each stone represents a radioisotope by means of a. JAD: He works at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden where he studies population data. Like, mine are bigger, you know." PAT: Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. ], I'm going to go out into the streets and offer addicted women money to use birth control. Destiny has, what, three brothers and sisters that also were raised with her? Well, this is it! So were getting close to the moment of truth, because there it is. What does that mean, he was an idiot? Because he couldn't hold formula down. Don't you see, somehow the mother's tongue is getting all the way down in there and going [mumbles] and messing with the baby's DNA. With a child, they give you a whole folder full of information, tells you all about them. Radiolab: Parasites Transcript For copyright reasons we can't provide a transcript of the WNYC Radiolab feature on parasites. SAM KEAN: Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. But, I said this to Lynn, "Despite all the things that trouble me about Barbara's program, I feel like what she's trying to do is to stop a kid from getting born into a childhood that's going to suck.". Filled with dozens of letters from women that she's paid. JAD: Well think about what makes proteins. And these effects, in fact, were so strong that you could trace it to the grandfather. I mean that's a different kind of odds, but its Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21], Copyright 2022 New York Public Radio. He was miserable to look at. Your boys will first grow taller and taller for the next few years, and when they get to be about 9, 10 years old, they're going to stop growing just for a few years. The results are there. Barbara Harris says she's convinced more than a dozen women], Have accepted her offer to be sterilized in return for money.]. Who, together, pledged more than $150,000 to her program.]. He was mighty skeptical. ], This could mean sterilization, it could mean getting an IUD.]. And that number, by the way, has grown a lot. OLOV BYGREN: Hi, Olov Bygren. ROBERT: Interestingly, the church has also kept track of the farmers' SAM KEAN: How much they were growing each year. BARBARA HARRIS: I mean, I'm married to a Black man. JAD: And then, Michael just launched into this thing. Because we had already had to upgrade from a car to a van, from a condo to a home. JAD: Famine again, and these changes would just bounce back and forth. SAM KEAN: It was this struggle for a few years. We ended up talking to the guy who did the work. It takes a while. See, this is the story of science that doesn't get told. To fellow named Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck. Sat her on my lap, with her little dress on and her little curly hair. PAT'S MOM: Radiolab is produced by Jad Abumrad. To any drug-addicted woman who will agree to have no more babies. Well, her explanation is that these women are having, in her terms, litters of damaged babies and society forever will be responsible for them. SAM KEAN: In a little community called verkalix. ROBERT: Cause we were talking to science writer, Carl Zimmer, and he told us that back in the early 1900s, this tension between Lamarck and Darwin got extra tense. ROBERT: Remind me this. Methylations, phosphorylation, and so on. I mean, when you look at the records, you don't see huge spikes in mortality. Birth mother's name was actually the same as me, so, Barbara. Basically, the midwife toad has a strange habit for toads. That's it. Radiolab Society & Culture Science Latest Transcripts What Up Holmes? JAD: We ended up talking to the guy who did the work. ROBERT: And there were from the beginning. More of this particular protein. It's only the mechanisms are not so clear. [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I feel that they should all be sterilized. Radiolab 50.3K subscribers Subscribe 29 1.5K views 6 months ago On this episode, the case that pushed one Supreme Court justice to a nervous breakdown, brought a boiling feud to a head, and. And one of them is called the thyroid system. Push yourself and you got it.". MICHAEL MEANEY: I was an undergraduate student. What exactly happens between 9 to 12 that makes this big difference? JAD: In those books you can read everything about the citizens of verkalix, going back hundreds of years. ", BARBARA HARRIS: And I called my husband again at work and said, "They want to know if we want to take the baby." DESTINY HARRIS: Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. Even if it helps, it's horrifying. Well, I mean, Hitler thought that if you were Jewish, that you had given up the right to be a mother and hed sterilize people as well. I just got custody of my eight-year-old son. This whole toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it didn't scan really. Barbara Harris. That was nice. I'm Executive Director and Founder of National Advocates for Pregnant Women. OLOV BYGREN: Yes, we are really data-rich. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. ROBERT: And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes SAM KEAN: That gave them an advantage in this situation. Okay, you want to say bye? a rat mother licking her baby can have such a profound effect, basically change the expression of the genes in the baby, well that's hopeful. Well, that's the good news, but unfortunately there is some bad news here. I got to say this is spooky. I mean, they didn't have porridge. JAD: Everybody we talked to seems to think there's something really interesting going on here. BARBARA HARRIS: That's how we ended up with four of them. You can't change your DNA. JAD: No, not brain cells. You know? And in 1989, when the story we're telling now started, she was living in California, in Orange County. DESTINY HARRIS: Are you going to kick it? According to Darwin, life and changes are ruled by chance. She said, "Well, she's just beautiful and she has lips like a baby doll." By all accounts a pretty good-looking guy. JAD: Look, in the end, what do I know? Now, according to Carl, your genes are still fixed. Riksarkivet. Were told. That's what good rat mothers do, they lick their babies a lot. She started to wish again that she could have a daughter. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: I mean, when you think of Kammerer, there was a report in science outlining a theory about how Kammerer's toads got these characteristics FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: that invoked these epigenetic inheritance and imprinted genes and it made it plausible. JAD: These were kids that didn't end up with Barbara? I got these genes from somewhere, but I kind of feel like she was a surrogate, like she carried me for my real mom. Whole lifetime of stretching. JAD: They suddenly had to get by on a tiny fraction of the food that they were used to. I said, "This will be the last one. She said, "Thank you so much for the gift, I bought my son an excavator truck, remote control and some summer outfits." These were kids that didn't end up with Barbara? Lamarck said, You wanna know how a giraffe got its long neck?, One day this giraffe, mother giraffe, lets say, was looking up in the tree and saw some fruit, and had to stretch he neck, and stretch again. [laughs]. They suddenly had to get by on a tiny fraction of the food that they were used to. ROBERT: [laughs] "This may hurt you my son, but I'm doing it for my grandchildren.". [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Whats this letter right here? Yes, no, okay, move on to the next cage, yes, no? So for Isaiah, being born was like just being cut off. Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. Is it a big town? JAD: I initially felt very hopeful and excited about this research because it seems to suggest that a body, one body can respond to an environment and change and be flexible in a way we didn't think was possible. Birth mother's name was actually the same as me, so, Barbara. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology Yeah, we're exploring questions of lwhat can you pass down to your kids and their kids? When rats have more of this protein, they will act more motherly. And this idea won him a lot of fans, including, not surprisingly, the Soviets. Big questions are. BARBARA HARRIS: Because he couldn't hold formula down. DESTINY HARRIS: My situation turned out positive. In RadioLab a laboratory setting is used, in which the player receives radioactive stones that emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation particles. JAD: You know, inside these cells, in the center, coiled up in little spools, is the DNA. JAD: Most toads, he says, love to stay in the water. KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Heart disease. But with the midwife toad, the female SAM KEAN: Lays her eggs on land and then the male midwife toad comes along SAM KEAN: And actually kind of sticks them to his back legs, like a bunch of whitish grapes, and then hops around with them basically until they hatch. JAD: Plus, you know, Lamarck didn't get all the biological details right. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of. Can you say oh my goodness? I mean, he hates water. DESTINY HARRIS: And that could have very easily have been one of us. Remind me this. Are you nine? His reputation was that he could get inside the mind of, say, a salamander and know just what it wanted to eat. PEJK MALINOVSKI: This is the verkalix church parish record. And they had more. That's Sam Kean again. Okay, and then I just had to accept it. It says, "Race of Supermen." What exactly happens between 9 to 12 that makes this big difference? PAT: This, of course, is Destiny. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, Radiolab is a " show about curiosity " that examines science, history, and philosophy to answer the big questions about life. Females seem to hate laying eggs in the water, but is that the end of the story? And then that baby would stretch and stretch, and it would give a little more stretching to its baby. And looking at these swings in fortune, Olov realized what he had here was Because with all this data, he and his team could follow families forward in time, through the generations. JAD: I want to start with a parental day dream for a second. Hi, this is Will, calling from Northumberland, England. In this episode, originally aired in 2012,we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations.Support Radiolab by becoming a member ofThe Labtoday. When Emil gets to be eight, I'm cutting him off. Take a look, explore and subscribe! To learn more about higher level giving opportunities please contact the Development Office at or (646) 829-4130. Radiolab is on YouTube! People can't just will themselves into a more perfect form. We need to oblige the constraints of WNYC copyright arrangements and apologise for any inconveniences caused. She was thinking BARBARA HARRIS: "Everybody's motivated by money., BARBARA HARRIS: Can I offer these women money to use birth control? JAD: Well, if a mother a rat mother licking her baby can have such a profound effect, basically change the expression of the genes in the baby, well that's hopeful. I mean, when you look at the records, you don't see huge spikes in mortality. So yeah, she keeps me busy. [chuckles]. That kind of 30 years? CARL ZIMMER: And he makes a very careful study of this hand. SAM KEAN: If you have a starving daddy, it turns out that the baby actually gets some sort of health benefit. And in1923, he actually comes to England. LYNN PALTROW: Well, her explanation is that these women are having, in her terms, litters of damaged babies and society forever will be responsible for them. I mean, for one thing, Barbara's white and Destiny's black. This, of course, is Destiny. Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes That gave them an advantage in this situation. But at that point just two of the six boys were living at home, Brian and Rodney. Heart disease. SAM KEAN: That was the implication, except Kammerer tried to defend himself by saying CARL ZIMMER: "Do you think I'm a Dummkopf, or an idiot, because that's what I would have to be if I left a forgery with ink standing around openly in the laboratory where so many of my enemies would have entry?". [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You know what they're going to go do with that money. So thats the reason, of course, that we work with rats because we can get inside the brain. [laughs] We now know that thats not the case. The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. And since Kammerer kept the heat up, toads basically had to stay there, in this watery place that they had not evolved for. 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