swansea council blue badge

Publicising a helpline (if sufficiently resourced to be useful) also serves as a deterrent to potential fraudulent Blue Badge users and it instils confidence among people with impairments that the council is responding to this serious issue. See regulation 9(1)(f) of the 2000 regulations. Where possible, local authorities should provide enforcement teams with data on local badge holders, particularly in relation to badges that have been reported as lost or stolen so that these badges can be recognised if used on the street. BBDS provides a national online application through GOV.UK. Please do not provide any personal information, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except for graphic assets and where otherwise stated, Report a lost, stolen or misused Blue Badge, which need face to face appointments or assessments, getting all the support you need to get around. Where local authorities perceive misuse of the Blue Badge by friends and family of the badge holder to be a significant problem, it is possible for them to obtain authorisation to carry out undercover surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Footnote 19). any questions or problems you have after you get your badge. To qualify under this criteria an applicant must have a permanent and substantial disability (i.e. Removing expired badges from circulation reduces fraud. The badge is usually valid for 3 years. The intelligent use of cross-checking existing council records may identify information to support an application under the subject to further assessment walking criterion. No assumptions or questions should be raised about why the individual has been issued with a badge, as this is not the enforcement officers role. In Wales, a badge is issued in bilingual format along with a clock. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Your local council processes Blue Badge applications. The scheme is open to eligible people who may be travelling as a driver or a passenger. Renew a Blue Badge. Where a badge is displayed on a motor vehicle, section 21 of the 1970 Act provides a power for constables or enforcement officers to require any person who is in the vehicle, or appears to have been in, or to be about to get into, the vehicle, to produce the badge for inspection. Wherever possible we recommend that this process involves the badge holder collecting their replacement badge from their local authority offices or a nearby contact centre, so that it can be exchanged for the damaged badge. This will go some way to recouping costs of enforcement, and will also serve as an immediate consequence to the motorist. In these cases, the applicant may not have been made aware that they are terminally ill. Children under the age of three are eligible for a badge if they fall under either or both of the following criteria: Examples of children under the age of three likely to fall into the criterion mentioned in the first bullet point may be those who need to be accompanied at all times by any of the following types of equipment: Examples of children with highly unstable medical conditions who need quick access to transport to hospital or home and are likely to qualify under the criterion are set out below. you can apply or re-applyonlineon GOV.UK. The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 does not empower the local authority to use force when attempting to retain a badge. It is recommended that local authorities provide applicants or carers on behalf of an applicant with information on the scheme, in particular eligibility criteria, the application process and assessments. However, there are certain exceptions as explained below: Where HRMCDLA, PIP or WPMS has been granted for a period of longer than three years, the badge can still only be issued for the standard three year period. The Blue Badge should be issued for the same period or for three years, whichever is the shorter period. When you are eligible for a Blue Badge. Welsh Government considers it important to establish procedures for the return of expired badges; it may be a case of simple exchange, an expired badge for a new issue. A shorter model application form has been provided for use in this type of case and the requirement for a photograph can be lifted. The scheme as it currently stands is governed by the following Regulations: All of the above Statutory Instruments (and the Acts) can also be viewed on Legislation.gov.uk website. 12. Each applicant for an individual badge will be asked to supply a passport-size photograph to be scanned into the BBDS. A person can be convicted of forging or copying a blue badge and/or using that forgery/copy under this Act. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Ministry of Defence. Discrimination against transsexual and transgender people is unlawful and good practice is to regard the individual in the gender with which they identify. The evidence should indicate that the applicant is unable to walk or has considerable difficulty walking and is expected to experience these difficulties for 12 months or more. See regulation 9(1)(b) of the 2000 regulations. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. This may include people with, for example: a limb reduction deficiency of both arms; bilateral upper limb amputation; muscular dystrophy; spinal cord injury; motor neurone disease; or a condition of comparable severity. You can find more information about how to do this in the letter from your council. In the absence of any other proof, it is recommended that local authorities accept a utility bill. Therefore this discretionary criteria ensures that there is equitable access to the Blue Badge scheme for children aged between 3 and 16 and people over 65 years old. It is for the local authority to determine for how long they withdraw or refuse to issue a badge to an applicant in such cases. The applicant may provide healthcare professional evidence that the excessive pain or breathlessness occurs at the time of walking, or later as a direct result of their attempt to walk. An organisation is defined as meaning an organisation concerned with the care of disabled persons to which a Blue Badge may be issued in accordance with section 21(4) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (Footnote 2).. Local authorities who receive an application under the temporary criteria will need to check if the applicant has supporting evidence from health providers or social services. The evidence required includes proof of residency, a photograph and healthcare professional evidence of conditions, symptoms and difficulties mobilising in the community. You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon. If the person regains their mobility or it substantially improves during the issue period of the badge they should surrender the badge as outlined in the rights and responsibilities Booklet they receive when they are issued with their badge. People who may be issued with a badge without further assessment are those who are more than two years old and fall within one or more of the automatic eligibility descriptions below. Local authorities in Wales are not able to charge individual holders for their Blue Badge. Local authorities may refuse to issue a badge where the applicant holds or has held a badge, misused it and received a relevant conviction (Footnote 10). For example, if a person can walk relatively normally with the use of a walking stick, then they should not be considered as meeting the criteria to be eligible to receive a Blue Badge. You have a severe disability in both arms. If you do not agree with the decision made not to award a Blue Badge to you but do not have any extra information or evidence you wish to present, we will look at the decision again but it is unlikely to be changed. The length of time that an applicant is able to walk for. It may also be possible to use Section 11 of the Fraud Act 2006 (relating to obtaining services dishonestly) to take enforcement action when vehicles are fraudulently using Blue Badges to gain parking concessions in off-road parking areas. See regulation 6(4)(b) of the 2000 regulations. Some local authorities enable the general public to report abuse or misuse. See regulation 8(3) of the 2000 regulations. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Councils can charge up to 20 for a Blue Badge. You can still apply for a Blue Badge but coronavirus is affecting council services. It is recommended that local authorities have a clear policy on how much, and under which circumstances, they will charge for a replacement badge and organisational badge. However, applicants will need to provide healthcare professional supporting evidence and need to show that they have considerable difficulty walking. See regulation 7(1) of the 2000 regulations. and the evidence provided by the applicant. See sections 27 and 28 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000. Local authorities are responsible for checking that applicants have provided relevant and sufficient evidence in support of their application. It is used to monitor where a child may need access to oxygen, Casts and associated medical equipment for the correction of hip dysplasia: between birth and six months of age, a brace called a Pavlik Harness can be used to hold the babys hips in position. WebA Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. providing false information), it may be possible to prosecute the individual under section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006. Very often the person using the badge will admit on questioning that the holder is not involved in the journey; some local authorities telephone the holder to establish their whereabouts. The table below details the eligibility criteria and evidence requirements. If an applicant is unable to walk 50 metres (55 yards) in total, then their walking ability is not appreciable and they can be deemed as having very considerable difficulty in walking. If an applicant does not meet the required score for either Mobility Activity 1 (12 points) or Activity 2 (8 to 12 points), they fail to meet the automatic criteria. In cases where it is clear that the applicants impairment will improve within 12 months the application should be rejected without further assessment. Welsh Government recommends that where a badge application is refused or a badge is withdrawn under these circumstances the applicant should be informed by the local authority of his right to appeal and the time limit for doing so. If you can't access online systems there are computers available in the Civic Centre, our community hubs and local libraries. 6. This training covers the following topics: The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 (the 2013 Act) supported by the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 provides local authorities with further powers to take enforcement action against abuse and misuse of the scheme. GPs are clinicians, who specialise in diagnosis and treatment. Find out if you qualify for a Blue Badge. Visit 'Set cookie preferences' to control specific cookies. Disabled rail passengers face restrictions at one in 10 stations 1. 2000/1786) (the 2000 regulations). If the applicant applies for a further badge after their temporary badge expires the local authorities should assess their mobility in the normal way, including if necessary referral to the IAS. Welsh Government recommends local authorities take full advantage of the BBDS to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. It can also help you stay active and independent. It is more difficult to verify lost badges, because very few police authorities will provide an incident number for lost articles. If an enforcement officer encounters any form of resistance we would advise that they take no further action without police support. This will probably have been done at the initial application stage in the Declaration section of the Blue Badge application form. You should speak to us first about this and not ask your GP for a letter. Where an application does not meet the eligibility criteria and the application is refused local authorities should explain the reasons behind the decision to not issue a Blue Badge (Footnote 8).It is recommended that letters contain the following information: Providing a full explanation of the aims of the scheme and the reason why an application is turned down will enable the applicant to understand why their condition does not meet the eligibility criteria. In no circumstances should a badge be issued to an applicant who does not meet one of the eligibility criteria set out in the legislation that governs the scheme and badges should never be issued to people solely on the basis of their age. They can be contacted via the free-phone enquiry number: 0808 191 4218. When the local authority has determined that an application meets the criteria they will need to process the application details through BBDS Manage Blue Badges web-app (or via their own Case Management System). You do not receive Personal Independent Payment (PIP) with a score of 8 points or more for moving around or 12 points for planning and following a journey. The Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel independently. A Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. A person can be prosecuted under this section and receive a fine of up to 1,000 where: A person can be prosecuted under this section and receive up to a 5,000 fine and up to two years in prison if they: A Blue Badge holder can be prosecuted under this section and receive a fine of up to 1,000 if they contravene any parking provision of a road traffic order and also: The Police can seize a badge under section 19 if the officer believes that it has been obtained in consequence of a commission of an offence (e.g. This eligibility criteria is for people who are unable to apply for PIP because they are not of working age or choose not to apply for PIP. Local authorities can be flexible in how they use these powers, to address their own local circumstances and the specifics of each case. See regulation 8(3) of the 2000 regulations. The applicants posture, rhythm, coordination, balance and stride should be considered in terms of the degree of effect they have on their ability to walk. on single and double yellow lines if it's safe to so and there are no loading restrictions. BBDS have several delivery arrangements including fast track delivery for applications from people with a special case terminally ill (for an additional cost). Your eligibility will be checked every time you reapply. The applicant needs to provide evidence that they should not walk very far because of the danger to their health. Any such reminders should be handled very sensitively given the circumstances that family or carers will be facing following their bereavement. Whether the effort of walking presents a danger to the applicants life, or would be likely to lead to a serious deterioration in their health. It is expected that all applicants reapplying for a Blue Badge under the temporary criteria, having previously been issued a badge under the same criteria, will be referred to the IAS for assessment unless there is sufficient evidence available to the authority to allow them to make a decision. You are Registered blind or have a severe sight impairment. Please note that some police forces will only issue an incident number if there is evidence that a crime has taken place. It is important to promote this work and Communications colleagues should be involved at the earliest opportunity to ensure the council capitalises on this work. WebThe City and County of Swansea is a Council in Wales Here are some links which you may find useful. It is recommended that local authorities include declarations at the end of the application form for the applicant to review and sign. If your application is not successful, you can ask for a review. Applicants should be asked to provide contact details for the person certifying their application. The badge is supplied with a copy of the guidance leaflet The Blue Badge Scheme: rights and responsibilities. If the award letter is more than 12 months old, local authorities should ask applicants for a copy of the annual uprating letter as proof of their receipt of HRMCDLA. Mobility Activity 1 plus Mobility Activity 2. Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. Ensuring all successful applicants are properly informed of - and understand - what they can and cannot do with a badge (and when / how it should be returned to the issuing authority) is likely to reduce the chances of accidental misuse occurring and avoid disputes. The photograph is a key feature in reducing abuse of the scheme and enabling effective enforcement. Applicant is in receipt of Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA), An original HRMCDLA award letter dated within the last 12 months, Applicant is in receipt of War Pensioners Mobility Supplement, Applicant is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (tariff 1-8), An original award letter, which also certifies that you have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty walking, People awarded Tariff 6, - Permanent Mental Disorder of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, An original award letter which demonstrates that the applicant has been awarded tariff 6 - Permanent Mental Disorder under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, Applicant is registered as sight impaired under section 29(4)(g) of the National Assistance Act 1948, An ophthalmologist report or CV1/BD8 form confirming that the person is severely sight impaired (blind) or registration with local authority as sight impaired. You receive the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). WebIf you already have a Blue Badge and its nearly expired, or if you want to check if you're eligible you can apply or re-apply online on GOV.UK. In all cases, it is important that the applicant signs a declaration to state that this is a true reflection of their condition and that they are aware that fraudulent claims could lead to a criminal conviction and fine, of up to 1,000. A common theme among some authorities that have had success in this area is involving other departments and other agencies. When a badge holder dies, their badge should be returned to the local authority (Footnote 14). In cases where this is not possible badges may be delivered to the local authority office for collection. It may also be possible to prosecute the person offering the badge for sale under section 7 of the Fraud Act 2006, recording of interviews whether written or tape recorded, how to deal with any third party during the interview process, disclosure of evidence prior to interview, provides local authorities with the power to cancel badges no longer held by the person to whom they were issued (e.g. A photograph is taken of each badge and booklet dispatched by BBDS as evidence that they have been sent to the badge applicant. Applications in these cases must be able to confirm they have a diagnosis of a cognitive impairment. Regulations require the immediate return of expired badges. Effective enforcement is resource intensive and authorities may find it makes sense to focus their attention on those areas where the most fraud appears to take place. Welsh Government has no power to intervene in decisions made in individual cases. Blue Badges are not renewed The charge to reapply for a Blue Badge can be up to 20. These are matters for the relevant local authority. Ensuring that only eligible people are issued badges is the first step. Accordingly, their name and personal details will have changed. The distance an applicant is able to walk without excessive pain or breathlessness; taking due consideration of the environment the individual usually walks. Select your council. See regulation 9(2) of the 2000 regulations. This allows a more comprehensive analysis of statistics by local authorities and Welsh Government. Use our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. When dealing with such reapplications, local authorities are also reminded that this criteria seeks to capture individuals who have a condition which is expected to last 12 months. The social model of disability makes an important distinction between impairment and disability. WebRequest a Blue Badge to replace one thats been lost, stolen or damaged. To summarise, the 2013 Act: The 2013 Act enables enforcement officers to inspect and retain a badge without police presence if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the badge: In using these powers, it is expected that enforcement officers take appropriate steps to establish reasonable grounds for retaining the badge. Having the removal team (or contractor) primed will enable them to respond quickly. You receive War Pensioners Mobility Supplement. An applicant who is registered blind or as severely sight impaired will often be registered with the local authoritys Social Services Department (or their agents). Further information is available at:BBDS guidance (confluence). In addition, some disabilities may not be immediately visible. The Welsh Government advises people visiting the UK from non-EU countries that they should bring their parking badges with them and notify the local authority in the areas they intend to visit to see if their badge would be recognised, but emphasise that this is entirely at the discretion of the local authority. The guidance will be subject to regular review. In order to help determine eligibility of applications, local authorities could ask the applicant organisations: The Regulations governing the scheme does not specifically mention actual numbers to be cared for in order to qualify for a badge. Eligible organisations may apply for an organisational badge in their own right, however, Welsh Government recommends that where relatively few people meet the eligibility criteria for a badge that the eligible people themselves or their carer /relative should apply for the badge. This then allows the eligible person to use the badge independently of the organisation in any vehicle they travel in as a driver or passenger to visit family/friends or medical appointments etc. Without sufficient evidence that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria the authority must not issue a Blue Badge. Some of the most common delivery partners are shown below: In order to gather evidence and respond quickly to cases of fraud, the enforcement team (or contractor if outsourced) needs to be involved from the outset to ensure their systems are able to cope with enhanced evidence collection. 3. Note: Your feedback will help us make improvements on this site. You have a child under the age of three who has a medical condition which requires bulky medical equipment or needs to always be near a vehicle. Other professionals with knowledge who may be able to provide evidence are: It is important to ensure that the evidence gathered allows the local authority to assess using case-by-case evidence relevant to that individual. If youare recovering from, or awaiting treatment for serious illnesses or injuries you may qualify for a temporary 12 month badge. When you The UK Government has informal reciprocal arrangements in place with many European Union Governments to accept Blue Badges from these countries. Please note: For applicants in receipt of PIP, a local authority should not base a decision to award a badge under the PIP criteria on a combined score of the mobility descriptors i.e. A mobility assessment is a meeting with a healthcare professional who will check if you're: Your local council will give you a decision in around 12 weeks. Changing or handing back a (Footnote 15). Local authorities may have arrangements in place to access information from health providers, or the applicant may have evidence of mobility services they have accessed in the last 12 months from: Other sources of evidence should also be considered to provide a full overview of the applicant and their difficulties and limitations in the community or when completing day to day activities. The individual should have a copy of their CVI(W), and should be encouraged to register if they have not already done so as they may also be entitled to various other benefits. A Blue Badge usually lasts for 3 years. When you apply you will need to provide a DS 1500 form or a supporting letter from a Macmillan or Tenovus nurse. The formal notification required to register as severely sight impaired is a Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI(W)) signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. Good practice has been established whereby a badge is issued if their application is supported by MacMillan, Tenovus or relevant health specialist (such as a hospice worker, occupational therapist or welfare benefit advisor) that support people in these circumstances. See regulation 2(1) of the 2000 regulations. To license a vehicle in the DVP taxation class, an organisation needs to make a signed declaration on the organisations letter- headed paper. See regulation 6(4)9(a) of the 2000 regulations. Under section 21(4BA) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (the 1970 Act), a police officer, parking attendant or civil enforcementofficer can approach a person in a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge (or a person who appears to have been in or to be about to get into, the vehicle) and require them to produce the badge for inspection. Photographs do not need to be provided for organisational badges. See regulation 9(1)(e) of the 2000 regulations. If you need further advice then please contact us on 01792 637366 and we will be pleased to help you. If an applicant can walk 40 metres (44 yards) in less than a minute (a pace of 0.67 metres/second or more), including any stops to rest, then the speed at which they walk is not likely to make walking very difficult when considered in isolation. In the case of stolen badges, it is recommended that the authority ask badge holders to provide a police crime reference number for the local authorities to include in their records. Local authorities have a statutory obligation under section 21(5) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 to maintain a register showing: A robust system that can identify badge holders within a local authority is invaluable not only to issuing authorities, but also to police and enforcement authorities in dealing with instances of misuse, stolen or fraudulent badges. There is a role however, for all enforcement officers in identifying, lost, stolen and fraudulent badges as part of their day to day activities. The badge holder has to re-apply every time their badge expires. Good practice: local authorities should process all applications through the BBDS. It is strongly recommended that local authorities should issue a warning notice to a badge holder who is misusing a badge, or allowing their badge to be misused, prior to consideration being given to withdrawing the badge. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their ability to walk is affected to the extent that they would be unable to access goods and services unless allowed to park close to shops, public buildings and other facilities. 15. The badge must firstly be returned to the issuing authority by the enforcing authority and then to the holder. When you apply you will need to provide a letter from a Paediatrician. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Find a disabled car park in the city centre, beach and suburban car parks. You will need to re-apply for a Blue Badge at the end of the 3 years. When you receive your Blue Badge you will also get a copy of the booklet 'The Blue Badge Scheme: Rights and Responsibilities in Wales'. In order to streamline administration when verifying an applicants proof of entitlement, local authorities should consider using electronic records held about the applicant by other council departments and agencies, where such records are accessible and up to date. Welsh government recommends that all appropriate available evidence is used and the local authority may wish to take into account the following: Further non-statutory guidance is available to local authorities to assist them in determining whether an individual meets the criteria, by awarding a weighting to the different kinds of evidence that is presented. Tackling Blue Badge fraud can be complicated and resource intensive. Indeed, the badge holder may not know the third party is using the badge. When you apply you will need to provide a driving license coded with 40 (adapted steering) or 79 (vehicles with specifications). Publicising the consequences for people with impairments who meet the eligibility criteria who are unable to park close to where they need to get, and publicising the potential consequences for offenders of misusing badges, could reduce the number of offences. Contact details for the site to work authorities that have had success in this type case... Difficult to verify lost badges, because very few police authorities will provide original! The application should be asked to supply a passport-size photograph to be provided for use in this is. You have n't used this form for the site to work absence any! Online systems there are no loading restrictions cases must be able to walk without excessive pain or breathlessness taking! 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