when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread

Two of Cups: This card can appear if you and your twin flame have a healthy connection (which is hard!). Twin Pregnancy Tarot Cards & Spreads Explained (A-Z Guide), Oracle Card Spreads Explained A-Z (5 Spread Examples), 5 Card Tarot Spread: Top 10 Spreads for Beginners & Advanced. Resistance is futile, but theyll learn that the hard way, I guess. 2023 by Going Places. Once you have met your twin, you are never the same. The Devil: This might surprise you. The Hermit describes a time where the person feels the need to withdraw from the world and turn inward when things get too confusing. A soulmate is a soul that is part of your core soul group. They appear to help you evolve as a spiritual being. Need some guidance? Position 3: What lessons (karmic or not) should we learn together? You'll arrive at the same party, find out you have friends in common, and you even went to the same college. This dude is all about staying emotionally balanced, compassionate, and understanding both sides, no matter how heated the situation is. Signs of a twin flame. Honestly, this card surprised me, but it has some merit. Twin flame relationships can be thrilling, enlightening, and even brutal. Position 7: How does my twin flame view our twin flame relationship? Since the Twin Flame journey less worldly and more spiritual and karmic, we focus on Major Arcana. They often say that a Twin Flame couple will have a short and intense relationship with high highs and low lows. "Do you have a preconceived notion that you only have one twin flame and that's the person for you? This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. The number of questions you have will help determine how many tarot cards youd need in your spread. Some people might not understand it, but your twin flame is also here to inspire youeven if it means they have to go follow their dreams elsewhere, explains Villanova. A twin flame relationship is arguably the most complex (and often most distressing) type of soul connection. Tarot | Affirmation Card Holder | 3 Card spread. The most popular Twin Flame (TF) theory on various social media platforms (ahem, TikTok) is that the other person is the other half of your soul. A twin flame is not part of your soul group. Instead, its the second half of your own soulthat youre meeting again. I created this tarot spread as a request from a lovely friend on Instagram. Supposedly this is how you know; they weigh heavily on your mind years later, even when you dont speak. Here's the Tarot Spread for manifesting true love and shifting your beliefs about love. Their presence is likely to feel like a calming and comforting aura around you. It symbolizes feeling hopeful and spiritually renewed. For the DM energy, I pulled the Daughter or Page of Wands. When you draw the Star in your Twin Flame reading, you trust the divine timing, you feel refreshed and hopeful again. A card representing how they can support each other in the connection right now. This is your personal guide to union and its incredibly important that you pay attention to what it has to say. Born in a family of psychics, hes always been aware of his psychic abilities since childhood. Whats my twin flame trying to let me see about myself? This is the stuff of romance movies and love songs, people. Pinterest. Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): This is the most obvious Twin Flame sign in Tarot. The separation phase can be extremely painful for both twins. Proudly created with. Card #1 Past lives connection? This is my Twin Flame messages deck. The Death card can show up in your reading when there is a significant transformation in your Twin Flame journey. I dont typically pull reversals partially due to focusing on learning the upright meanings in depth-first and because of how I shuffle but putting it upright felt off somehow. These tarot readings can help you answer specific questions surrounding a potential twin flame relationship. A gut feeling. You can move on, but they hang out in the back of your mind more vividly than others. There are quite a few Tarot cards that symbolize a twin flame connection. Characteristics of your twin flame energy, How to know if youve found your twin flame, How to confirm if someone is your twin flame, What to do during the twin flame chaser and runner phase. They often say that a Twin Flame couple will have a short and intense relationship with high highs and low lows. Whats in your pants doesnt define your role in this type of relationship. It is the card of unconditional love, which is a big part of Twin Flame journeys- letting the love flow without being attached to the outcome. I love when I get this card, its definitely one of my favorite cards to receive in any reading. A twin flame tarot reading is an excellent tool for helping you navigate this tricky period. Twin flame tarot readings offer answers to those questions, so you can gain insight, acknowledge any challenges, and ideally, make any necessary changes within the connection. Its a buzzword that doesnt have an exact definition but one leading theory that raises some red flags. Are you and your love interest meant to be? This card seems contradictory at first compared to the card I received in the last spread, but I personally believe it signifies a different perspective I have over the connection. A card representing the DF energy right now. Heres a spread to delve deeper into what the relationship is meant to teach you. For me, in this position, it says that I want to put an end to painful parts of our connection. Position 6: What can my twin flame and I learn from each other? One of the fatalistic cards of Tarot, the Tower represents destructive events that are beyond our control. But they are there to help you learn life lessons. They can also choose to stay stuck in their old ways. A 3-card basic check-in, a 5-card dynamic spread (basically a deeper check-in), and of course, a union spread. Both of you will keep and stick to your own personal freedom as this relationship praises freedom . When you come back to yourself in your divine form by reuniting with your twin flame, you dissolve in a wholeness where there is no separation or division. Card #1: What is the current energy between me and my twin? If you truly are a twin flame youre already more attuned to your intuition than most and this is going to help derive messages and guidance from the Tarot deck. If you need help navigating your twin flame journey, you can use tarot cards to obtain insight. Position 4: Describe the karmic lessons or challenges Im currently facing. When the strength of the connection becomes too strong and neither of you is ready for it it creates a kind of spiritual backfire known as soul shock. For example, if you two had to separate because of mental health issues, you could find yourself being an advocate for those mental health issues down the line. The Eight of Swords is a self created mental prison that you need to get yourself out from. "Meeting a twin flame often feels like home," she notes. If you and your twin flame are in a no contact situation, unable to be together romantically, or simply living far apart, here are some signs that they are still with you. Lead photo courtesy of RODNAE Productions/Pexels. The Four of Wands is a joyful card of celebrations, unions and weddings. Having a sudden flashback or memory (even if you don't remember living that memory) Feeling intense emotions that don't belong to you. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. When it comes to twin flameswhat they are, what they mean, and why we have themthe information out there can be confusing. What advice does the universe have for your connection? This can be a sign that your twin flame is . Anger, fighting, tension happen because someone cares. You can view this card as a positive sign that someone who matches with you intellectually and spiritually is indeed your twin flame. This is especially true for twin flames. The Star is the card of renewed faith after a hardship. Were talking about whats inside: the soul. The Tower This to me states that If I found my soul mate it completely changed my life. Instead of focusing on the upheaval, it is probably best to focus on yourself, purge and heal your emotions at this time. I have seen Hermit many times in Twin Flame readings after a crisis or during an awakening. Definitely! Answer: There are a lot of ways, but the biggest one is just a sense of feeling connected to each other and knowing each other on a deep level. While many people consider a twin flame to be the same thing as a soulmate, they are, in fact, two very different things. In a twin flame tarot reading, you can think of this card as a sign that you and your twin flame are about to reunite in this lifetime. Its tempting (and far too common) to ignore this step of the spiritual path you share but do not fall into this trap. This Tarot spread helps you find your twin flameor identify whether youve already met them. Start every day with guidance from the cards. But since Minor Arcana represents things like actions, emotions and thoughts-, You may be surprised to see the Devil in this list. Stages: Yearning, Challenges or Separation, Runner-Chaser, Acceptance. Are you ready to meet your soulmate? I believe I do know why this card was pulled. If you draw The Lovers here (for example) thats an incredibly good sign but not a reason to just sit back and wait. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. As it dissolved, I took up new hobbies and started working on myself instead of focusing solely on the relationship. As Im learning, I find reading about myself is a great way to get a good understanding of the cards. When they do, these relationships flourish into what was always meant to be! A Twin Flame, or Twin Soul, is a person who you feel connected to not just on a physical and emotional level, but also on a soulful or spiritual level. You feel the electricity when they are with you, right? I have my theory as well. Twin flame partnerships are intense, so they can sometimes turn toxic. The inevitable end of the relationship will start the growth and healing cycle of the DF. Three card spread. In reverse, Death signifies resisting transformation or change, typically spiritual. (This is where we'll send your reading once it's been done. You may not know why or understand it, but they are there. I offer strongly detailed, descriptive, and accurate readings using both tarot cards, and my own God gifted abilities. They are the yins to our yangs, the suns to our moons, and the light to our darkness. Can the Tarot Confirm a Twin Flame Connection? Basically, as the Twin Flames are mirrors of each other- The Devil is the shadow card of the Lovers. You cant mention Twin Flames without mentioning Tarot readings and probably TikTok; after all, how else do you check up on people without social media stalking them? Stages: Runner and Chaser, Challenges and Separation. If your question is focused on a specific person, hold their face in mind as you draw each card. So, when you ask for a twin flame or soulmate tarot card reading, you're getting a normal tarot reading. The Wheel of Fortune signifies good luck, karma, the ending and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point, and destiny. Position 2: Wheres my twin flame emotionally and spiritually right now? When they meet, there will be an instant sense of knowing and deep mental and physical passion. The Tower moment is when Twin Flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be a strong indication of separation. The dreams help to mentally and emotionally prepare you for when you and your twin flame finally meet. Their matching set of baggage goes together perfectly, but its hiding a ticking time bomb perfectly wrapped in a package labeled, To: The Lovers, From: Trauma. The energy between you may be harmonious at first until you both aggravate each others darkness and go through a period of spiritual awakening in separation. Position 7: Describe the current state of my relationship with my twin flame. "Twin flames are typically here to teach us a lesson and not necessarily to be a companion," she says, and it's worth asking yourself if you would be OK with a non-romantic relationship with this person. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. Others believe the cards can only give us guidance that leads us to the union but its only ourselves that can ever tell. Spread 3: Is This My Twin Flame? This card tells me it may be time to approach this connection again with compassion. Horseshoes Arent Just for Horses: A Horseshoe Tarot Spread Guide, Spirit Guide Tarot Spread: What Messages Do They Keep, Hello From The Other Side: Deity Tarot Spread Guide. They may feel deeply for each other, and they may know in some ways its a deeper connection, but they dont understand it. You may feel you have known this person your entire life. A family member, friend, or even someone you meet once in your life can be this connection. This is something that you will just know. Im using the Wild Unknown Deck in these readings. Once they learn how to deal with their issues, the relationship would, in theory, cease being toxic. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free! Short answer: yes. Most importantly, it is a card of sacrifice and surrender. A twin flame is the other half of your soul when two souls are split in two and come down to Earth in different bodies to learn how to return to wholeness before coming together in unity. Some believe it, some dont. Pulling tarot cards, specifically doing twin flame tarot spreads, can help you understand your connection more deeply and navigate the lessons being brought up by your other half. Position 3: What significant lesson should we learn in this lifetime? There are some obvious cards like the Lovers, and there are some that may surprise you. We have the capacity to be close friends, but it takes work to get there. But you cannot surrender on behalf of your Twin Flame and no matter how surrendered you are, they may still have a while to go before they are ready. From addiction to obsession, to unconditional love. You may wonder why I have included the Hermit in the list. So here are some signs that you're about to meet your twin flame. Today. Card #3: What karmic lesson am I helping my twin with at this moment? However, thats no different from many relationships where significant growth occurs. This type of relationship is all about the freedom to be your truest self, without chains or boundaries, says Villanova. Why? The one thing I would caution against when doing this kind of reading yourself is not to let emotions mislead you. Not always. In my opinion, only the people who go through the twin flame journey can truly understand the intensity of it. They realize they both need to do a lot of work on themselves and dive into healing work; at least, thats the goal anyway. This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. This is a far cry from what our relationship was like in the past, but it would be a welcome change in the present. The most significant relationship you will ever have is with your twin flame. With those twin flame misconceptions in mind, Quinn also says it's important to examine your ideas and expectations around twin flames. If you are in need of some guidance during this period, this simple tarot spread can help you realign and discover what you need to work on in yourself. Im going to show you how to do a spread yourself or, if you prefer, I can do a Tarot reading for you within the hour and we can focus on your twin flame. Perhaps the emotions come with a burning desire to be with them, or sadness that things couldnt work out, or a hope that one day youll run into each other. These Tarot spreads can give you some insight into various aspects of your connection with your Twin Flame at the current time. It is less linear than that- more like ups and downs, bliss then chaos. Sometimes, Twin Flames are reincarnated . This twin flame tarot reading will help you articulate these answers. Use these tarot spreads to find your twin flame, explore a twin flame relationship, and more. While many people. Its significant to note that twin flames share several past lives but dont necessarily meet every lifetime. This card depicts an angel pouring water between two cups, signifying alchemy. No twin flame reading is complete without understanding the present energetically. The Twin Flame Signs to Verify the Union. Needing some clarification on your connection? It might show you the twin flame reunion card or even a glimpse of your future together. Personally, I don't like the concept of "twin flames" because I think it can easily be mistaken for "true love." I've seen many people glorify the idea of twin flame relationships to the point where they normalize or justify toxic behaviorwhich is why I often . Theyre incredibly rare connections. The World is the last card of Major Arcana. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. Your interaction with them can be big or small, long-term or short-term, magical or not. Combined with the earlier card, this could mean he is on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough or about to embark on a new adventure of some sort but is resisting it for some reason. This love has transcended time and space, and with this power comes responsibility. If you are interested, I have an article that explains the combination of the Lovers and the Devil which fits perfectly into Twin Flame readings. This card signifies painful endings, deep wounds, and betrayal. Each persons experience varies depending on their individual karmic lessons, but generally, these are the stages that signifies a Twin Flame journey: Tarot can help you find the answers you seek about your Twin Flame story- but there is not a single card that gives a definite answer about the Twin Flames. You can use this tarot for all aspects of life, and using it to find a connection with your Twin Flame is definitely worthwhile. There can be astrological cues that signal you have met your Twin Flame. Position 4: How would these lessons help us in our twin flame journey? Your twin flame releases certain parts of yourself that you didnt know were there in the first place. Twin flames are a catalyst for personal growth. Mainly I started playing the violin as a way to cope, and thats become a lifelong love and hobby. This is telling me that in order to support each other at this time, we both need to work through sadness within our connection to allow love and healing to grow. Why is that? Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You, Minor Arcana Tarot cards can also give you a lot of information about your Twin Flame- especially the Suit of Cups. 1111 is a mirror, and Twin Flames are two souls that once were one - and after a traumatic accident or death these souls split into two and reincarnated into different bodies. This tells me Im not giving him enough credit for the way that hes grown. Your Twin Flame is the mirror of your soul- your soul reflecting back to you. Likely, when you meet them, it will feel like youre talking to someone you already know. Its palpable when we are in the same room. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hidden Truth Independent Oracle Cards | Love Romance Twin Flame Soulma. If youre in a situation where you cant be with your twin flame, it can be hard to tell where they stand with you. Below are some topics you might find interesting. This connection is something neither of you have felt before, so it might be best to open the line of communication around it. It can also represent soul mates. If you feel that its necessary to talk about, its definitely something to consider. So it won't take long. Twin flame tarot readings offer answers to those questions, so you can gain insight, acknowledge any challenges, and ideally, make any necessary changes within the connection. (You don't have to worry about the shape of the spread; just lay them out in a way that makes sense to you!). Theyre there for lessons about you. Watch. You may be surprised to see the Devil in this list. Many people wonder when they will meet their twin flame or soulmate. Position 11: What difficulties are my twin struggling with due to our twin flame connection? One person runs because thats what they know. A balanced tarot spread means all the cards are equally important in the reading. Its like an upgraded version of a soulmate but more painful and less fun. First and foremost, you can choose a tarot deck that speaks to you energetically or calls to you. Many people wonder whether theyve met their twin flame. There are those who believe the Tarot cant confirm or deny a true twin flame connection. Something that has often gone missing in the past. Or are you kind of open to the idea that they could take different forms in your life?" There is instant passion and a sense of knowing this person from lifetimes ago. We have to communicate with each other respectfully and not intentionally push buttons to get a reaction or push each other away. Due to being incarnated relatively at the same time, your personal growth journeys are intertwined, but you still face a learning gap due to one of you being less mature in terms of spiritual growth. Read More . It's one soul split into two bodies.". They will both experience powerful karmic lessons on their journey and may return to union once they have healed their core wounds. Position 12: What do I wish for in our twin flame relationship? Eventually, after a period of separation (years, not months), the couple will, in theory, come back together for a final union and be together in the physical realm. Just remember things will unfold in the way you need them to, but maybe not how you want them to. Often, when we meet our twin flame the connection is instant, all-consuming, psychic, and powerful. Cards count: 9 Cards: 1) Best way to resolve any issues; 2) Your Soul in the current situation/Perspective; 3) Your Issue's or Blocks to communication; 4) Your souls desire/what your needing; Youll continue to avoid and separate from each other until youre able to deal with this both together and apart and that first card is so incredibly important at getting an insight into where youve both been so far. The Five of Swords represents conflict and disagreement, competition, and pettiness. This is what many spiritualists believe, it is not proven and fact based as with all topics of spirituality, we have only scratched the surface on many topics. 2023 SheMedia, LLC. It'll only take a few moments. What Is a Twin Flame? They bring up each other's shadows and insecurities, and they shine a light on the parts of ourselves we keep hidden that need healing. Twin flame relationships are known for being both challenging and healing, as a twin flame will show you your deepest insecurities and shadows. Position 5: What outcome can we expect once our twin flame journey is complete? They will rock your world to your core. "You know yourself and the energy the best," Quinn says, adding, "When we can distinguish our intuition from our ego that is actually our best place of knowledge.". Bringing guidance of the Tarot to anyone who seeks it. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. The thing with this connection is that the partnership is very strong, and because of the intensity, twin flames have to separate from one anotherin order to find growth elsewhere. Your twin flame is meant to complement younot complete you. While I want to have that conversation, Im worried about the potential toxicity. In simple terms, this card represents acts of a disciple, hard work, ambition, and integrity. Have I found my soul mate? Use this tarot spread when you are unsure about your current connection and want to learn where you stand with your twin flame. Are never the same spiritually is indeed your twin flame reading is complete without understanding the energetically. When it comes to twin flameswhat they are the yins to our moons, with! 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