why are refugees treated differently

In fixating on distinguishing the two, politicians tend to miss the benefits that integrating both refugees and migrants into the labor market could have on the national economy. States concerned with the growing threat of terror may want to consider the repercussions of sending young refugees and migrants, who have spent the bulk of their youth fleeing wars, back to zones of political instability and chronic unemployment. Examining these six threat types, researchers tried to determine if only one or two of them might explain hostility toward refugees just as well or even better than all six factors combined. U.S. authorities are dedicating extra resources to pick up the rate of flights in order to remove them more quickly, saying six to eight flights a day will depart starting Tuesday. Palestinians, who have for decades lived in UN-assisted camps in the region. For instance, the culture the original Irish immigrants brought with them has evolved and mixed with the American culture. Since the media expose Europeans more to the conflict in Ukraine, they are more aware of the atrocities and trauma necessitating Ukrainians flight to nearby countries; therefore, refugees need for asylum seems more legitimate. Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. All rights reserved. A myriad of factors overlap and contribute to the exceptionalism of Ukrainian refugees in the EUIslamophobia; Europeans perceived similarities and fraternity with Ukrainians; racism, which also perpetuates inequality among refugees leaving Ukraine; media coverage; and geopolitics, especially the post-Cold War fear of Russian aggression and the EUs concern for its international reputation. Author Kate Zernike dissects the years-long fight for gender equality at MIT, NASA made history by knocking an asteroid off course. Defying Dictatorships: An Interview with Garry Kasparov, On Atlantic Alliances and Autocrats: An Interview with Jeanne Shaheen. Shooting, detaining, torturing, and executing protestors, Assad forcefully crushed pro-democracy protests during the Arab Spring. Reviewed by Ekua Hagan. The 2014-15 refugees had no such rights. Why refugees from Ukraine have been treated differently European countries haven't seen such a large number of displaced people in this short period of time in recent history. The Refugee Act of 1980 amended the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, standardizing the process for admitting refugees into the United States. Syrians are careful to disassociate themselves from the refugee identity. Its a continuation of the policy begun under the Trump administration known as Title 42, which essentially bans anyone from seeking asylum at the U.S. southern border under the pretext that concerns about the spread of Covid-19 mean they must immediately be deported. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. If the U.S. can orchestrate a historic airlift of Afghan refugees in the midst of a pandemic, we cannot use Covid as an excuse to turn away those seeking protection at our southern border. First, the rules of the EUs Dublin Convention will not pose the same burdens. In 2014, Syrian and North African refugees poured into Greece, a country then not equipped to fulfill those treaty obligations. Moving forward, these new policies and attitudes towards people seeking refuge should be the norm . While the two categories are treated differently by law, in practice they are both asylum seekers. The majority of Afghans evacuated to the U.S. arrive without visas as humanitarian parolees, yet have been welcomed in the U.S. They want to work and maintain their dignity, not just be refugees, he explained to me over the phone earlier this week. In a survey of almost 20,000 Europeans across 15 countries in 2016, my IPL colleagues found a strong anti-Muslim bias. Work permits are a contested issue in the EU, since many native workers fear that the new labor force will steal jobs from them. Migrants, on the other hand, live without legal protection and can be deported at any time. said. Is it a vague feeling of hostility or does it stem from specific unpleasant experiences or future worries? David Laitin discusses how the experience of Ukrainian refugees in Europe compares to those who have fled other conflicts and hardships. HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images. Six threat types emerged from the analysis of the responses:1. Unfortunately, extremists and right-wing politicians alike have used the sensitive political climate to strike fear and tensions. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? She says that's a pretty good sign of civilization. A new report released by The Guardian shows the recent massive migration inflow to Germany has had a positive impact on the GDP, as the population growth among the working age has increased while unemployment has decreased. While refugees are humanitarian subjects primarily seeking protection, migrants are economic subjects, seeking better lives. The Biden administration must immediately halt flights carrying asylum-seekers back to Mexico and Haiti and fully rescind Title 42 so that everyone seeking protection can petition for safety. For more information, see our full Privacy Policy. . Many Syrians I spoke to last year in Lebanon and Jordan, where millions of Syrians have relocated, rejected registering as refugees in favor of living as migrants, stressing that they wanted to work and be self-sufficient rather than depend on aid. Andrew Limbong is a reporter for NPR's Arts Desk, where he does pieces on anything remotely related to arts or culture, from streamers looking for mental health on Twitch to Britney Spears' fight over her conservatorship. The consequences are devastating, as reports of violence and insecurity in their countries of origin, along transit routes and in Mexico abound. LIMBONG: The Nigerian statehouse issued a statement today denouncing reports of Nigerians being denied entry to the Polish border. This clear binary extends to Zelensky and Putin. Rather than bringing people to safety via transit centers and, ultimately, to countries including the United States, these flights are sending vulnerable migrants and asylum-seekers back to danger returning them to the very places theyre fleeing. As the European asylum system has effectively broken down amid the recent inflow, it is time for the EUs wealthier member states to rethink current practices. Other EU countries are now considering taking similar steps. According to the U.N.'s 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is "someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion." As they began to land, she was shocked to learn from the pilot that their destination was instead Mexico. PostedFebruary 21, 2020 They can even enter Slovakia and Poland without papers, countries displaying potent anti-refugee sentiments during the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis. LIMBONG: Rana Khoury, a research associate at Princeton University focusing on conflict and displacement, says this language has impacts on global refugee policy. | The deal gives EU states free passes to return migrants and failed asylum seekers to Turkey. In 2016, Hungarian leader Viktor Orbn described migration as a poison, yet he recently exclaimed that Ukrainians are welcomed by friends in Hungary. EU nationseven those with notorious anti-migrant sentimentshave opened their arms and borders to Ukrainian refugees with unprecedented generosity. But several EU countries have implemented labor restrictive measures to avoid this. One 2022 study examining over 4,000 asylum applications in France between 1976 and 2016 found that Muslims were less likely than Christians to receive asylum. Islamophobia also underlies the assumption that Middle Eastern refugees are violent terroristsa sentiment echoed in Petkovs speech and Orbns comments that Muslim asylum seekers are Muslim invaders, accepting Middle Eastern migrants is importing terrorism, and all the terrorists are basically migrants. This assumption is a blatant fallacy of composition not applied to whites. Chief among these is the so-called " jewelry law " - a measure which allows the government to seize asylum seekers' assets, including their jewelry, to fund their stay in the country. Businesses and civil society groups are busy developing training programs and job centers for asylum seekers to integrate into the system. If you are among those who hate refugees, do you know why you feel this way? 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In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. Why are some refugees treated differently than others? In the words of Al Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid, when white people commit terrorism this is seen as an individual act that does not represent the entire race. In Srebrenica in July 1995, towards the end of the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbs massacred 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, a blatant act of genocide. Refugees and migrants arrive to Europe by the same road; they also face the same challenges in seeking asylum, labor, and housing, as well as integrating into their host communities. In responding to refugee crises and surges in asylum applications, the EU has struggled to maintain unity and solidarity among member states. Tags: syria, refugees, eu, migration policy, Germany, chancellor angela merkel. Turkish security guards shot and killed eleven Syrian refugees. As they work out where to go next, it's not clear they'll find refuge in Europe. In practice, refugees and migrants apply for the same asylum, which has somewhat disrupted the easy management of these categories. The way we talk about conflicts can impact those who are already most directly affected by war, refugees. Similarly, as many EU members have already acknowledged, it is neither fair nor sustainable to let Mediterranean frontier states such as Greece and Italy, already crumpling under financial debt, host the bulk of the incoming asylum seekers. Study 4 used a more representative sample, consisting of 111 women and 140 men (mean age of 50 years). In other words, the deaths of African and Middle Eastern civilians have elicited less attention from media outlets and foreign governments than the deaths of Ukrainians. In line with these recommendations, countries with high migration rate such as Germany, Sweden, and Italy offer asylum seekers temporary work permits while their applications are being processed. How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, No Dr. Spock for Black Parents: Lessons From Tyre Nichols, Research Shows Why Attractive People Are More Narcissistic. What is threatening about refugees? The Refugee Act is a federal immigration law that was adopted in 1980. Again, Ukrainian refugees will now have the right to enter the European labor market. Al Jazeera journalist Virginia Pietromarchi notes, Bloody conflicts in Syria, Somalia, and other places have not received the wide-reaching international media coverageor urgent international government actionthat the invasion of Ukraine has inspired." That's what makes it so shocking. In the first of these investigations, they used a sample of 55 male and 121 female psychology students (average age of 32 years). Rather than let a whole generation of young people from the Middle East and other strategic zones rot in camps where extremism thrives, the EU could turn the current crisis into an opportunity for regional change. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. You know, looking and seeing why African migrants aren't allowed to cross into Hungary is just as valid as just asking why Ukrainians are. He has also done graduate work in clinical psychology and neuropsychology in U.S. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. A charity that helps refugees has said there is a big variation in how the UK helps people from different countries. Those seeking security at our southern border should not be treated any differently. A third study, a replication of the second study, included a sample of 23 male and 108 female students (average age of 33 years) and concluded that, aside from the prejudice threat, every threat type was associated with unfavorable attitudes toward migrants. Unlike Ukrainians, they must apply for asylum and wait for approval before seeking jobs. Since being forced to wait one additional year for the asylum decisions lowers the probability of being employed by about 4.9 percentage points'' due to skills atrophy and demoralization, it is more difficult for non-Ukrainian refugees to integrate into the workforce. Attitudes also are affected by humanitarian concerns: When a refugee is perceived to have a valid claim or specific vulnerability for example, if he or she was a victim of torture support is generally higher. Watch on. The conflict is also highly symbolic, for it reflects a [return] to bipolarity and a new Cold War, a standoff between democracy and autocracy, morality and hostility. The Century Foundation as many EU members have already acknowledged, dismissed the EUs call for sharing the responsibility, could not only win skilled workers, but also hearts and minds, http://www.cfr.org/syria/assessing-syrian-refugee-crisis/p33595, Order from Ashes Podcast: Broken Bonds: Existential Crises, Order from Ashes Podcast: Broken Bonds: My Life as a Muslim Brother, Order from Ashes Podcast: The Earthquake, Cholera, and Borders, The Systems That Drive Corruption and Terrorism, Order from Ashes Podcast: Broken Bonds: No Identity, Q&A: Netanyahus Total War on Israels Judiciary. Copyright 2022 NPR. 1. That's less likely to be true for people who decide to leave in the coming weeks, said Steve. Addie Esposito is a staff writer and Senior Editor at the HIR. This crisis requires countries that are accepting refugees to have . Ibrahim. Rather than bringing people to safety via transit centers and, ultimately, to countries including the United States, these flights are sending vulnerable migrants and asylum-seekers back to danger. She told us that she shared the name of a family member in California, and then boarded a plane, believing she would be safe and with her family in the U.S. soon. Albagir, a male refugee from Sudan, and one of his co-travelers struggle to cross into Poland. But research suggests some approaches can help communities successfully absorb all kinds of refugees Analysis by Claire. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health Services. Not so today in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Free visas to the EU. The Russian incursion has sparked the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II, forcing more than 2 . The arrival of Afghan refugees, including some whose status is not materially different from asylum-seekers, proves this. The massive migration flow to the north has produced a war of semantics: Are the new arrivals refugees or migrants? The Supreme Court hears arguments today on President Bidens student loan forgiveness plan; John F. Cogan and Michael McConnell discuss their amicus brief opposing it. The Harbour Project charity said many Ukrainians received immediate refugee. The injunction also only applies to families, so single adults can continue to be removed. HIRING! In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. While EU members bicker over how to define, manage, and ultimately dispose of their new work-eager guests, asylum seekers themselves are finding innovative ways to avoid the system and gain access to the labor market so they can accomplish what they came for: Continue their life as best they can, even if on temporary grounds. How does Europes response to Ukrainian refugees compare to other crises? That's why we want you to know that, when you visit our website, we use technologies like cookies to collect anonymized data so that we can better understand and serve our audience. Unlike Ukraine, the Assad regime in Syria was authoritarian, corrupt, and violent. Statistics show that asylum centers tend to isolate residents and restrict their access to the labor market. Diplomas and qualifications have to be recognized by the national labor system, which depending on the level of education can take years. 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