Also, as that happens, 4 quickly cuts down and out to the left side corner. Read the screen (curl, straight cut, back cut/reject, or flare). Tendency to Over Dribble - Since the dribble drive motion offense relies on dribble penetration, it's possible that some players will elect to dribble immediately when there are better options like passing to a teammate. "Topside" is a very simple play. The guards are wide and will cross through to the opposite sides. Next, 1 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5, receives the ball from 2, and then scores near the rim. One (1) makes initial reversal pass to Five (5) who makes a quick pass onto Two (2). As a side note, if the opposing team made a shot, 4 would simply catch the ball as it goes through the basket ring and execute the inbound pass as mentioned previously. To start, 4 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts through to the right side corner. 3 slides to the corner while 1 and 4 must move to create a passing angle if the player with the basketball decides to pass out towards the top of the key. Also, at the same time, immediately after setting the screen, 4 cuts to the basket, receives the ball from C2, and scores at the rim with a layup or dunk. If the perimeter defenders fall asleep or decide to choke the post, this action can lead to easy back door cut or open three. From there, 2 and 5 could execute the drill again. 5 sets a screen for 2 looping around the block to replace 1. Can Lead to More Turnovers - Attacking the paint and then kicking out to a teammate behind the three-point line is a difficult pass to make. Again Five (5) has the option of setting a screen for Two (2) on shuffle cut to basket. This simple action locks in the two closest help defenders and prevents them from choking or collapsing on the post player, as they must guard the screening action. Give them 2-3 seconds per flash then have them go back to the weak side. These 4 spots are the two low blocks and two elbows. . These a great to call out of timeouts after you've identified a mismatch. Two (2) cuts to the basket and moves to strong side low post. In other words, if the defensive team does not execute double team action or if there is a size/skill advantage over the low post defender, then the low post offensive player should look to shoot the ball quickly and with confidence. 4-Out 1-In Attack and React Motion Offense Championship Productions 266K subscribers Subscribe 1.4K 544K views 10 years ago Andrew Grantz, Pitt State University Assistant Coach, has. Weighted gloves can be a helpful tool to If the ball is ever passed from the wing (3) back to the slot (4), Villanova looks to reverse the ball from slot-to-slot to get to the second side of the floor and shift the defense. If 1 is not able to pass to 5, then 1 could dribble once more into the frontcourt. Furthermore, it is possible to swap the two slot lines to run the drills on the opposite side of the court. Stay back side or high post unless flashing or holding in the 3 second area. 3 types of passes for Pass, Cut, and Fill. The dribble at move is when the player with the basketball dribbles at a teammate which can lead to: a dribble handoff or a back cut. Williamson's season-best was back in November in a home win over Georgia (24 points). 0 per round 123 In Stock Add to Cart Quantity - 250 Rounds Manufacturer - Fiocchi Load - 2-3/4" 7/8oz. Two (2) will read the movement of the defence an either flare or roll to the basket. 1. is one of the most popular basketball offenses in todays game. Five (5) lifts to weak side high post. Otherwise, 2 receives the ball from 3 and then 1 cuts to the empty right slot to receive the ball from 2. If theyre inside the 3-point line, fill to the open corner. Don't Hold the Basketball - If you can't attack your defender and get to the rim, move the basketball. From there, 5 could receive the ball near the low post block and score with a post move. After that, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and 4 rolls to the rim. Alternatively, 4 could receive the ball instead and take the jump shot if open. Instead, 1 could simply dribble towards the left side wing, which is also a dribble entry, and when that occurs, 5 could cut across the lane to the left side low post block. It's a simple play to run that forces the defense to help from positions they may not be accustomed to helping. Here are several set plays for the 4-Out "High" offense: Topside and Counter, Flash, Jet-Back, Slip, Swing, Fist, Pitt, and the Weave-Screen Plays. valuethe coaching experiences, methods, and tactics of his son Joe, a successful high school coach . ?Above is a general description , but are there rules for the 4-1 like there is for the 5-0?Possible sequences?? The 1-4 Patterned Motion Offense is a fantastic basketball play for teams to utilise. John Carrier - optionally the wing downscreens for the post. Either 4 or 5 can grab defensive rebounds if the opposing team misses the shot or execute the inbound pass if the opposing team makes the shot. Either way, the main emphasis is that the two post players should try to remain opposite of each other whenever possible. A firm believer in training and development designed to help people reach their full potential, relevant o their needs and functional to their industry environment. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aacd20725968da453b001ba8c605b10f" );document.getElementById("i4773677fc").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); FBC: A Philosophy of Creating Best Practice Driven by Results. Do You Recommend The Motion Offense To Youth Teams? The play starts with 4 players on the perimeter and 1 player at or near the low block on the ball side. Also, as that occurs, 5 should run to the rim as quickly as possible. 1 then cuts through to the weakside corner as all perimeter players fill around. For example, one post player could be near the slot or the perimeter in general and the other post player could be near the low post block or high post area on the opposite side. This option only works if your post player is the best player on your team and the game plan is to feed them the basketball every possession. Alternatively, if 1 is not able to drive closely to the basket, then 4 could cut to the top, receive the ball from 1 via the pitch back pass, and take the jump shot if that is open. As theyre going to set the screen, the player should call out their teammates name and the player with the ball must wait until the screen is set before they try to use it. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. For good timing and quick passing, screener must pop as the cutterbrushes their shoulder and cut to ball aggressively (sprint back to the same spot you came from). The Dribble Drive Motion Offense starts in a 4-out 1-in setup. The strong side wing (1) will also shake or lift to fill behind 3 as he attacks off the ball screen. After the low post player receives the ball from a player on the wing, that same wing player should cut as opposed to just standing still. For pros to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. Copyright 2001 - 2023, James A. Gels, all rights reserved. This flow and pattern then continuesIf the slot (2) passes to the wing (1), he thru cuts to the weak side wing and the remaining players (3 & 4) rotate to fill the next perimeter spots. The 4-out 1-in motion offense can be run by any team. From that point, 5 could receive the ball from 2 or 3 via a post entry pass and then 5 could score near the basket with a low post move as the third scoring option during transition. Next, lets say that 1 decided to dribble drive towards the basket, particularly from the left slot, if no other options were available. Having the 5-man initially occupy the weak side dunker spot creates space and driving lanes for the ball handler to attack downhill. Following that, the wing player that drives into the lane could either take the mid-range jump shot, try to score via a floater/runner in the lane, or execute the kick pass to another teammate. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen provides a number of positives for a team. I'm not going to go into that many set plays of the 4-out/1-in set, but will try to give a few to get. If a player on the wing attacks towards the middle of the key, the first thing they should be looking to do is score or pass to 5 for an open layup when their defender helps. If each player can understand what theyre looking for out of their offense and are good decision makers then theres going to be an open scoring opportunity every trip to the offensive end. As the ball is being reversed from one side of the floor to the other, the 5-man sprints to set a ball screen for the ball handler in the opposite slot. Unless they have a clear advantage and the coach wants an isolation. Also, as that occurs, 1 cuts through to the left side corner while 3 lifts up to the left side wing. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that creates scoring opportunities via a variety of sequences such as basketball cuts, basketball screens, and dribble drive action. This is an example of action within the 4 out 1 in motion offense that features a ball screen and stagger screens. Two players in the corners (2 and 3). Instead of the lob pass, pass to the corner. The spacing on the court makes it an easy offense to get the ball into the post player who can either score or find an open shooters. All of that success began when I switched to this four-out, one-in offense. Spacing is a Top Priority - Players should always be thinking about if they're spacing the floor correctly. Post Screening for the Slot 2. Four times four is equal to? Afterwards, the non-screening post player could either pop to the corner (preferably the opposite corner) or replace at the top if the screener rolls to the basket, which is also known as roll and replace. As that roll action occurs, 4 replaces at the top near the right slot while 3 drifts down to the left corner. Read on to learn the 7 progressions of the 4-Out 1-In Motion Offense! As that happens, 3 receives the ball from 4 and following that, 4 cuts to the left side corner. The offense will have a minimum of two on-ball screening elements per possession so these in turn generate opportunities to gain advantages and exploit defensive rotations. A four-out, one-in offense that overwhelms defenses by Nick Lusk, contributing writer Our teams have won eight conference championships, completed four undefeated seasons, put together a 52-game winning streak and compiled a 205-14 record over the past 11 seasons. If the ball is dribbled at you, back cut. 4-1 Offense formation is a great choice for coaches who do not have a lot of depth within their playing roster for interior targets. Co However, if 1 is not open, then 1 continues the cut out towards the right side corner. Stuart Manwaring - players without the ball work together, e.g. Two things to focus on during this progression: 1) every pass is followed with a basket cut and 2) on each cut, players fill towards the basketball. The post player can be a traditional low post, post up player or a post player who can step to the top of the key and shoot the ball. hoopsplaybook.caBasketball Systems, Skills & Drills. The 1-4 high offense is a basketball offensive strategy that primarily utilizes the high post as well as the wing areas to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court, typically with a variety of basketball cuts and/or basketball screens. Five (5) moves to the point position and sets an on-ball screen for One (1). One (1) rolls to basket following screen or hand-off. Post Space - If you do choose to take advantage of a mismatch inside, there is a lot of space inside the key with the other four players spread out around the three-point line. Kleber's 3-point shooting also proved crucial to the Mavericks' success in the first two rounds of the playoffs last year and should now help space the offense with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. Lack of Screens - On-ball and off-ball screens are one of the best ways to create an advantage for the offensive team. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. Don Kelbick's Motion Offense - A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing a Motion Offense, Settling for Three-Pointers - Another disadvantage I've found when running the dribble drive motion is players settling for three-pointers when they have even a half-second of time. "Topside" and "Counter" These two plays may work well against teams that full-front our post player. 4-Out Motion You will also see a secondary motion offense that emphasizes attacking the rim with drives. On the pass to the wing, the 5 man rotates from the weak side dunker spot to the strong side block and ducks in for a potential post entry. Following that, 5 ducks into the lane and could receive the ball from 4 via high low action if that is available. Also, as an alternative option, 5 could cut to the basket after setting the screen, duck into the lane, receive the ball from 4 via high low action, and then quickly score at the rim. Our post player O5 is at the high post, and if full-fronted, seals the defender, and cuts to the hoop for the over-the-top lob pass and lay-up (diagram A). If a post entry is made, Villanova likes to flow into Split Action to create a scoring opportunity or occupy the help or choke defenders so the post player has room to freely operate. At the same time, 5 rolls to the basket, 2 drifts down to the right side corner, and 3 lifts up to the left slot area. Three (3) moves into low post. Required fields are marked *. Cutters 5-out motion (see Youth offence)- pass to the corner to avoid a 5-second call, then basket cut, the corner player can immediately dribble out to the wing and be replaced by the cutter. If 5 does not receive the ball from 2, then 4 receives it instead at the top. Next, 3 receives the ball from 4 and after that, 4 also begins to cut through to the right corner. For more disadvantages to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases from the website, Next, 5 could cut across the lane to the left side low post, receive the ball from 3 if possible, and then score via a low post move. To begin, lets say that the opposing team misses a shot and that leads to a defensive rebound gathered by 4. Never pass and stand - After passing, perimeter players can either cut, screen away . If the on-ball defender executes pressure defense against the player with the ball at the top or near the slot several feet away from the three-point arc, then one of the post players could set an on-ball screen such as a flat screen or angled ball screen near the mid-line at the top to act as a pressure release. , Basketball coaches have to think on their feet and adjust quickly when it comes to offense If 4 receives the ball but does not take the jump shot, then 1 could fill the left side corner while 2 fills the empty left side wing area. etc.Thanks Joe. Furthermore, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket or 3 could receive it instead for a potential three-point jump shot. Regardless of whether you're a beginner Is there a similar article for the 4-1 m.o. Conversely, if a player is not necessarily one of the teams best shooters, but that player is great at cutting to the basket or driving to the lane, then that player should try to execute those particular actions if the opportunity presents itself to do so. Next, 5 could receive the ball from 3 if that is available, represented by the gray arrow. You can make your own rules that fits your team and situation. Also, 3 drifts down to the left side corner. This motion offense uses four perimeter players and one post player, and is good to use when your team has good outside players and only a few post players. The High On-ball Screen play has been designed for teams looking to add depth to their four out and one in options. Those rules are what makes the offense unique and "theirs". Next, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and then 5 rolls to the basket. Upon receiving the first pass, 4 must look to immediately attack the rim on the back of the point guard's cut which will catch the defense rotating.