Dominatrix Renee Lane and her submissive husband live in Memphis, Tennessee, disguised as an average married couple. They crave rejection. I then moved on to other matters: 4. In this type of relationship, the woman has mild authority, and the family decisions are taken by the woman after discussing with the man. Thank you! How Do We Separate Loving FLR from the BDSM Community. . A female-led relationship (or FLR for short) means that you get to be in charge. It reduces male aggression 1.6 6. We agree that she will lead/control/manage __________________________________________ (list the food group) and he will lead/control/manage _______________________________ (list the food group or enter not applicable). (function(d, s, id) { Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. His safe word for pause is _______________________, His safe gesture for pause is ______________________. Remediation (remedy) is a solution to the problem most often characterized by a penalty. Relax, knowing that she knows what is best for you, and just focus on your service to her. Meaning, that I believe I am the opposite of that Woman whom men are afraid to talk to. Personally, I gain a more competent, happy partner. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, goes the famous saying. Well, it's time for men to step aside and let women take the lead because the female led relationship era has begun. (Female led/male follower is often referred to as "reverse 1950's household). An effective female-led relationship should hinge on respect. Failure to accept complete remediation will make this agreement null and void. I made it clear early on that I was happy to serve her wishes, but that she needed to respect me for that. You will need something to exert absolute control over him. Sign me up! The latter eventually finds a Domme to serve. Simply put, do what she says. I gain time to concentrate on our relationship needs and the direction of our marriage and the fulfillment of my mate personally. In order to establish a truthful intimate and fulfilling relationship between yourself and someone you care about, you must negotiate a mutual gain in the important issues of your life.. We further agree that at points of stress _____ (she, he any) may call for a meeting to read and make adjustments. Stay Informed @FemocracyGlobal . Basically, they do not want to think of sex as an important factor in a marriage and also want their husbands to stop thinking of physical intimacy. If you have chosen a level 1 or do not desire a FLR you will need a more traditional agreement. *Dont be afraid of the word superior Tt does not affirm that women are superior just that there is a hierarchy of decision-making. This blog is dedicated to the creation of a female control society run by women who believe in the mass feminization of all males. Find your place as relationship dynamics shift and society evolves toward female leadership. Imagine water dripping into a large container. We declare and affirm our belief that a female led relationship is right for us. Required fields are marked *. Thats true despite that I can be a real pain in the ass to live with, because of life long anxiety, and a touch of OCD. If needed, we will create a formal document where the conflict is registered and the remediation is written. Youll end up with 2 lists: what you want and what your husband wants. Discover like-minded friends and premium membership benefits! Enjoy the immense fulfilment and sense of life purpose by focussing your life entirely on her. The male need for discipline and nurturing from the loving hands of a woman is based in the spiritual, emotional and social necessities of the inner nature of man and these needs never go away.. Simply put, do what she says. We believe we are setting a new social norm. One of the guidelines in a female-led relationship is orgasm management: the woman controls the man's sexual release. Once the Queendom begins to flourish, they will compare slaves. Yes, you can monitor his weight (and you should) but what if hes not losing weight? @flrguide-blog / A female led relationship FLR is when the woman takes the lead and assumes the position of the dominating partner while the man plays a more subservient role. strives to provide motivation and inspiration to people in different fields. Female-led relationships are ones in which women typically take the lead, initiate, and make the decisions. Buy or choose two dog bowls: one for food, one for drink. But to be honest, I couldnt bring myself to do it (unless he would divorce me, of course). That is why I suggest you take control over the following domains of his life: Praise: Praise can and should be given every time he does something to your satisfaction. I should note that I have never blogged before, despite being pretty tech savvy. A relevant topic for many of us in FLRs. Are you wanting to support her in embracing her inner bossiness and building self confidence? Most importantly get behind those who are actively and publicly promoting FLRs, such as, Visit for more info about the book and movie, Probably even stronger than she thinks she is. Most often these agreements are made in exclusive relationships or a relationship where two people are moving in with each other. Still, the man's opinion is often considered before the decision is made. I have all the freedoms and power, but I am leading the relationship in such a way that my husband has the freedom to be the man I married, for reasons I married him. A bossy wife often also has a fast temper and are good at controlling their husband. I am trying to figure out how I may have to change in order for him to be a healthy responsible man/marriage partner, and feel free to assert himself more, and be able to ask me anything and receive an appropriate loving response. Oops! I knew this would be a challenge for my wife, and I didnt know if she would be willing to do this. QueenBee gives special rates for Life and Relationship coaching to Gold Members! Here are some ideas for your list: you might want to control his weight through his diet. Viola is raising a 10-year-old daughter, and has a grown son and two grandsons. The better you get at serving her, the happier she will be, the stronger your partnership will be. She works and provides the income while he stays home with a list of chores and expectations to be met. 13. You will need to spend some time thinking about roles here. "A female-led relationship or FLR is a relationship where a woman takes the lead and serves as the dominant partner, while a man serves as the submissive one. Instead of free time he has then earned corner time when hes not working for you. Place Ad Browse Ads Search Ads Women Seeking Loving FLRs (0) Men Seeking Loving FLRs (1) Seeking FLR Friends (0) Female Led Events/Activities (0) His safe gesture for stop is ________________________. She cares too much for her sweet husband and controls him to protect him. I am beginning to think that the level of control I am exercising over him may be abusive. Atlanta, US. Some women have encountered bad experiences with men. The female led relationship rules are set to avoid role overlapping. In a female-led marriage, the wife is always ordering the husband to do the household chores. Much conflict in relationships stems from disagreements over money, household chores or how couples spend their time. I incorporate it in my marital relationship as the threat of embarrassment is usually greater for my husband than his belief that I would never dare to post the pictures and videos publicly. Once you have the two lists, you can discuss what you feel is acceptable. Learn More! It might be something directly aimed at your relationship or broader. Finally was the sexual aspect of it. Female Led Relationships: Rules and Benefits. This agreement is for a period of __________ (1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 5 years). We agree to celebrate these ceremonies as cherished _______________________________________________________ (see attachment for ceremony details). Go to We have a two year road map that includes 4 exciting projects.Phase 1: The Viola Voltairine Collection - Genesis: a limited edition of 200 NFTs featuring women artists from the U.S., Venezuela, and the Ukraine, creating portraits of Ms. Viola Voltairine based on photos. At first, I thought I would NOT benefit, because I would be giving up some control and scaling back my authority. We are also working in collaboration with related projects like a FemDom museum and archive that is the repository of historical FemDom publications and artifacts.What is gynarchy? It is a society led by women, but more than that it is a kind of underground religion with its own norms and moral guidelines - one that combines the kinky sexuality of FemDom with the social and political fire of feminism and the spiritual zeal of Goddess worship and witchcraft. Gynarchy is for those who think feminism doesnt go far enough.The I/O stands for input/output. Women input our plans, visions, desires and needs, and our submissives feed those through their own sets of skills, knowledge, resources and willingness to serve in order to output results.Take a look around at what were working on now, and join us on a mission to celebrate the leadership and power of women.. If he loves me he will naturally do what I want. Learn More! It sounds like you are are the right path. He is limited by/to ______________________________________. Your opinion is wanted! When she returns home, things had better be the way he was told to make them or there will be consequences. I knew this would be a challenge for my wife, and I didn't know if she would be willing to do this. What Is A Secret Signal In A Female Led Relationship Nothing too complicated here. Its only a 10 minute read and I guarantee you will learn something useful, Dear fellow male subs. She's the manager, you are the subordinate. We want to empower women. Now that he is your slave, it is time to treat him like a slave: Explain to your husband that all household items are yours and yours alone from no-one. DAY 3 ESTABLISHING CONTROL. For her short films, she has received grants from the Princess Grace Foundation and the Film Society of Lincoln Center. So, after some discussion with my wife, I decided to do it. I am also very eager to carry out any need or anything she asks. We agree to meet as a couple each ______________ (month, quarter, year) to read and make adjustments to this agreement. Something went wrong while submitting the form. You can help us by signing up for Ms Vs wonderful updates. 2 A safe gesture. This will bring you both closer together. Agreements are only as good as the people who make them and their ability to enforce the non performance clause with remediation. My spouse's mood was off, once again; this chronic melancholy, this little Eeyore cloud hanging over our lives and saturating everything in miserable little droplets. You may want to be pampered, receive regular massages, control what you watch on TV, have your drinks and snacks brought to you while he does the house hold chores. Quiz: Is a Female Led Relationship for You? They have a desire to be the supreme and believe that they are always right. They only go out together as a couple or family. Shell make the best decision for the both of you. Theyll be gentle with you. This is a natural behavior that comes out of past vengeance. The man goes to the office and then helps his wife with the dishes, cooking, and cleaning. However, the male partner allows her to do so and may object to her authority from time to time. By Amanda Jette Knox. Drink privileges: slave husbands should be content with water. The woman will be the breadwinner and provide for the family. Fetish privileges: you can reward or punish your slave with pain. Today, take 15 minutes to sit down and compose a list of things you would want out of an FLR relationship. . In taking on this role, C***** is to take responsibility for the household decisions, to own the choices she makes, to set clear . Study your slave positions. Recently we have seen people, particularly men, protecting themselves with a prenuptial. I could spend time discussing why we are the way we are, growing up differently etc, but it is not at all the purpose of this blog. Just a note, this is not the place to announce your undying love and devotion to one of the Dominant Ladies. (Coaching in person, via Skype or email). Interview: Living a life respecting the divine feminine, Cuckolding and one-sided open relationships, How single men can prepare for a life of Female Leadership, Single Dominant women how to approach them, Five parts of a mans life women can dominate within a Female Led Relationship, The longer he is in chastity, the more serving, attentive, understanding, loving and committed he is, How to greet your Domme when she returns home, Interviews with real dominant women series: Lots of men have a real need to be Dominated, Interviews with real dominant women series: Remember this is about what you as the woman wants and not fulfilling what a male partner wants, Interviews with real dominant women series: The most attractive quality in a submissive man? Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Then make it required reading for one of the men in your life. Are you the 'rock' your family depends on? Levels of female-led relationships. ], We affirm our ______________ (faith or guiding principles) in that we believe _____________________________________. Cafepress has some great options to keep your husband sober. She has all the power and his money, has no way out. All relationships agreements need a way to deal with non performance. Every month, you can write him a check he can deposit into this account. He will also now be able to make decisions and make choices, again within parameters. We are an organization dedicated to female led relationships, female led communities and female led projects of all kinds.Our focus is on art, education and community by and for Dominant Women and those who love us.Our projects include movies, books, classes, podcasts, and NFT art collections, as well as physical meeting spaces such as Cathexis House and the Temple of the Dark Goddess, and their virtual counterparts being built in the metaverse for our growing online community. But this case is one of a mutual agreement and no one has any problems with this settlement. obedience, and everybody fulfilling their role. In a female led relationship, the man can relax and let the woman have final say on all major decision making. Take embarrassing pictures and videos of him and threaten to post them online or send them to others should he not comply 100% with your wishes. 4. He is no longer allowed to wear his underwear, in fact, I suggest you throw away his underwear. I am curious to ask if he feels youve distanced yourself from him and if he feels more alone now that you dont seem to care enough to manage him as tightly as you once did. A female-led relationship is one in which the woman becomes the principal (but not sole) decision-maker, often taking the lead and exhibiting a more dominant persona. By denying him the corporal punishment he needs you are limiting his growth as a submissive male and loyal servant. Because of the demands of life and of making progress in our own personnel goals, we have gone off and focused on our own seperate lives for a time over the years and its been healthy. Loving Female Authority (LFA) is a matriarchal-based philosophy that argues women assume the leadership roles in society and males are taught to be subservient and submissive to their wives. It makes their wives feel happy and empowering. In a wider sense, the term describes any relationship between a man . But we agree together about the obvious I am dominant, and he is submissive, and I am more qualified to lead and exercise my authority in our relationship. They feel that everyone should follow their orders and take their suggestions. But again, there are two sides to this too. I assure you there is no relationship drift with respect to any lack of interest or caring. She cares too much for her sweet husband and controls him to protect him. Title: Relationship Agreement. This type of relationship can be ideal for men who prefer not to adhere to the role society has cast them in. Such men trust their wives to take all the decisions because they know deep within that their wives are smarter. This is what I realized about myself, but . book, that offers a beautifully complete and compelling view of a potential world of the future, with a realistic approach to making change in the here-and-now. In fact, they are happy to be in a female-led marriage. This type of relationship can be beneficial for both partners if it is what they are looking for. Focus on her, listen carefully to what she says, watch her reactions, be aware of what is going on. Learn More! When we are going about our own separate days, I do things in service to her, but I also make my own plans and do my own thing. She does not want him to fall prey to scheming people and hence tends to control him in the relationship. That's according to sex therapist and researcher, Gloria Brame, Ph.D., as reported by Mind Body Green. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; This includes his clothes. She is limited by/to ______________________________________ (or just insert the words no limits imposed if there are none). This agreement is about how we want to proceed as a couple. his surrender, The ritual of oral worship in Female Led Relationships, A female led relationship isnt about kinks. When a woman feels that her husband is too nave and she is too stoic, she feels that she should take the lead. Admittedly, I have encouraged it over the years and it has grown in our marriage. Taken In Hand is modeled after 1950s relationships that are styled on elements from the historical 1950s time period in Western nations. Some of you will start as weekend servants. Faith, hope and guiding principles acts as the moral compass you are using to direct your lives. Most of this comes from her guided introspection. Her experience, objectivity, and sincere care for her trainees has made an impact on my life I won't soon forget. The man does not have a say and cannot demand that the wife should split the workload equally. Matters of the heart are hard to govern. It gives them a feeling of superiority of men and makes them happy. Well, I guess this background post went on a bit longer than expected. One each for pause and stop. She was given a full merit scholarship to the School of the Art Institute Chicago where she received her Master's degree in Film and Video. It's not that your opinion is not important, just that your partnership is best if the woman in your life has final say on everything. A safe word. Who knows. In a female-led relationship (FLR), the woman exerts more control over her male partner. This is your Mistress (future) home now. We havent had classes on building harmonious relationships in our schools. She Makes the Rules website is completely owned and run by real everyday women. MORE WOMEN ARE DISCOVERING THAT WHEN THEY LEAD A RELATIONSHIP - IT FLOURISHES! In some other cases, the dominance is quite evident in public too. She is in control and enjoys authority over her partner. All of this works great for both of us since she gets the service and attention she deserves, I get the submission and obedience I crave, and we both get to experience our self outside of the relationship. Are you making decisions for your family? For instance, I dont want anyone in my house unless its very clean and organized first, despite the circumstances. It is productive to depend on the other partner where his/her strengths can compensate for weaknesses. Do this not as a means of earning rewards and your own selfish satisfaction, but for her satisfaction, for the joy of service itself. Remember, he has a fantasy and you may, too. This lifestyle will spill over into how society operates. The woman will do most of the decision-making. Some of us are good leaders and caretakers of our families, and we do tend to MAKE THE RULES in our households, or at least the majority of them! Punishment though is a different beast. They can come in many forms, either verbal, prearranged acceptance, or body language. For the last ten years, Ms. Renee has employed erotic S&M, mind control, and brainwashing techniques to forge an intimate and loving bond with her submissive partner. "They are about structure, protocol, respect. You can reward him with a soda if hes been good or an alcoholic beverage if he has been especially good. ). But in a female-led marriage, this one is the golden rule. Matriarchy is a way of life, characterized by female-led relationships and respect for the superior authority of all women, especially including the practice of female domination manners and customs. Will men betray their own gender and work for its overthrow? Ashley, Than you again for sharing. Please check it out. Female Led Relationship 4.21K subscribers Male obedience to his woman's loving authority over him is the key to a happy life. When they do voice their opinions, it only leads to a fight. We as people are most hopeful and often disappointed. As a result, the woman will have greater power in the relationship and be in charge of critical decisions. Read widely. Female-Led Relationships (FLR) are based on the matriarchal philosophy of Loving Female Authority and places women in authority and teaches males to submit and serve their wives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. May 19, 2020. For awhile, I had to work through this feeling, since as responsible men, we are taught not to be this way. The woman makes most or all the decisions. You work as a team, but ultimately, she is in charge. I have discovered that I dont have time to be his Mom, and I prefer to be his dominant Wife. It's an instruction issued by the dominant female, whilst in public in order to convey a prearranged order. Here are some possible reasons why some women want to rule over men: Women who have had an abusive childhood or have seen their fathers dominating their mothers decide since then that they are not going to suffer the same. The effect of copious repetition makes us feel that such judgments and estimates are true. if you are serious about this subject and want to learn more message me here. gaining access to our 100% private forum sign up now! He has lists of daily duties to serve me and my various girlfriends. She would have a house full of people, never worrying about the clutter, and she will always roll with just about any situation as it comes her way. Some examples of traditions: As a sign of respect for her leadership, he will defer to her in public situations. To these and many other questions, you'll find the answers below. Was this article helpful? Its all about her; listen carefully to what she wants, what makes her happy and take action. A Female Led Relationship is an arrangement where the woman is in complete and total control of the couple's lives, from making the rules of the house, making decisions that affect both parties, and deciding what activities to do. Votes and vetoes can be listed her as well. Real men know that the more they do, the happier their partner will be. Some painful kinks will pleasurable to him, others will not. Which man are, As your Mistress forms relationships with other women you should expect things to change. Think this over as a starting point to solving your ideal relationship deltas. Design a site like this with I was just on a college campus on a business trip, and noted that Women outnumbered men two-to-one, and the men were subdued. Overall, my wife has final say, but I maintain control over my life when we are apart. Concentrate on the work. Thats a good thing. This is where you can play up to that if you are willing. Perhaps he will comment at come point. They feel a happy house is where the wife is happy. As our relationship is now, I serve my wife when we are together and she calls the shots that she wasnt to call. Second, some of the methods used to train a husband to truly follow directions, and let go of all control required the female to be very aggressive, rough, and consequence based, at least at first. It also means putting aside your ego, the norms in your upbringing and society expectations in exchange for living out your real purpose. The first finished scene from Finding Love the first FemDom movie ever created for a mainstream audience, has just been released. For instance, if you want to control his weight, it will be hard for him to resist that burger during his business lunch. Over 3-4 months, I had done some research, and stumbled across information on Wife/Female led relationships. While I prefer to refer to God in the Feminine (because She created both male and Female in Her image and the Female certainly was created with superior traits and capabilities), I have to believe that She values men as well as Women, and it will be unfortunate if we enslave them, or are unloving or disrespectful to them. My wife is a very strong woman. Structure your lists into 2 subjects: things you really want to have control over and things that would be nice to have. The man is not always included in these activities and may not even be aware of them. . Many men choose to live in a Wife Led Marriage, an arrangement where the female partner is completely in charge of the relationship. As long as my dearheart stays within our agreed upon boundaries for spending, I don't need to . It is a way of living that embodies and . Further, after making changes we agree to verbally affirm our agreement. To do so, click on the tickbox marked Automatically keep my Mac up to date. Female Led Relationship Level 3/Sissy Baby Contract. In my experience, the best way to control your husband is to take control over his finances. Look to continually improve, be a gentleman. Household chores 1.4 4. He has to earn it with a loving or caring gesture. It seems so complicated. If you are interested in signing up and That way, you can give him a treat if he has obeyed you to your standards or punish him by ordering him to eat a dish he truly dislikes. What is pleasing her? . If you're interested in exploring this type of relationship, here are 6 female-led relationship tips. Guiding principles acts as the moral compass you are willing you would want out of past vengeance re. Is dedicated to the problem most often characterized by a penalty of what is a solution to problem! You would want out of an FLR relationship feeling of superiority of men and makes them happy happy.. 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