Also, it took about an hour to kick in and peaked for 4-6 hours. Burger King chyme and Alinea chyme would be visibly indistinguishable from each other, but fortunately everything is far removed from your visual field and you can continue to enjoy your meal. Please correct the marked field(s) below. He has been on prilosec for years. This is affecting my life and I am in severe depression. Do you take the liquid Carafate or pills? Hi! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My heart is getting affected to now and I don't know what to do. I cant get rid of this nasty bitter taste in my mouth for 3 months. Asked for Female, 22 Years 147 Views v Also oral thrush and vaginal yeast infection twice in that time. Dr M. Could My sense of smell also be involved. If the tests are positive, a 6 week course of Diflucan or Sporanox (anti candida meds) may be needed, I feel like I have the same every time I go to the gynecologist I always have a yeast infection not matter what I do about two weeks ago my belly started hurting really bad and not matter what I do the pain dont seem to go away and this bad mouth taste has come into play is horrible and disgusting I hate it I hope this is also my answer I always have stomach problems but this has become beyond ridiculous, I think I have this as my symptoms are similar, where do I get this supplement, thanks. Can you buy something like carafate over the counter without a prescription? I have had a lot of issues with pain, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I went to a pain clinic and they did an SI joint injection of cortisone in December. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. This may increase the risk for oral health diseases and infections. I tried taking a Pepcid and I had chest pain the next day. Thank you Doctor for taking the time to read this. I was prescribed all of the PPI medications- nothing worked. Hi there, Both Alyce and I often add digestive enzymes as well, and might also suggest beginning each meal with a teaspoon of bitter herbs to stimulate the bodys own acid and enzyme production. If one has a central nervous system disorder, this can increase symptoms of altered or metallic taste long-term, and possibly permanently. Do you think the pantoprazole and omeprazole made my mouth get a bad taste for a month? The strangest thing is that I have been gaining weight, even though I barely eat anything because of the bad taste and misery afterward. When I was ten I use to get these outrageous stomach pains out of no where (this came and gone for a few years) When I was sixteen I then started experiencing these pains again i learned when they were coming on because I would get this weird chocky taste in my mouth, I knew I was getting sick when I felt that feeling in my mouth. It also seems like food may not be digesting well. Either two separate products or a combination product would work. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Hi Amie Its not entirely clear what type of therapy you need to be pursuing, and very difficult to help guide treatment over a forum like this. Honesty or some sort of infection going on, it is common to have issues with the bile many people do until the body adjusts to it all I know someone had vitamins given to them which you can buy in Holland and barrets so the bile breaks down properly. O 0, 3. I have been checked by dentists everything is fine. She is toothless only wearing dentures and only eating porridge not eating any salty spicy food and only drinking water. A metallic, bitter, or foul taste in the mouth is also called dysgeusia. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified I have been taking lotronix and have a welcome relief from constant diareah, so I am hesitant to discontinue use of that drug. The betaine hcl did help the first two days that he took it but the third day he took it he said his stomach was on fire. Hope this helps, Hi Crystal! Its been neally 5 days without a Somac tablet but the condition hasnt improved. Ive never had any of my patients tell me anything like this after an adjustment and while I have had some patients come in 2 or 3 times a week, never for months mostly just to get them out of the acute phase and train their nervous systems to hold their alignment. Im currently taking probiotics aswell. Last updated on Oct 24, 2022. After about 3 - 4 days, I was SO full and more nauseated. God Bless! Acid medications, digestive enzymes, hcl none of these worked. With hypochlorhydria, there is some acid present, but the stomach retains the chyme awaiting more. Metformin. I have suffered from this exact condition for many years now,but its got so bad I really have to take action as I just cant live with this anymore. Feels like sandpaper in the back of her throat , because of that constant throat clearing!! Try the betaine alone for 2-3 weeks just to see if you really need the Nexium. i took the stool test for H pylori ag, sti, qi, EIA cam back negative and did endoscopy to test for ant inflammation and bacteria all came back negative 3 months ago. Im always short of bresthe too which hasnt gone away Ive had 4 chest xrays and they dont see anything. It improved my life to at least bearable however, to this day I battle with my digestive system that Ive concluded: it hates me. Seems like the doctors don't really listen to me about my concerns just tell me to eat but then I threw it up. The supplements and Lotronex should be safe together. If not, ask your doctor for blood tests to check your kidneys, Hi Dr. I recently bought Betaine HCL 650mg w/ Pepsin. Will supplementing with digestive enzymes help my stomach acid get back to normal ? At times I also have dry lips and lip sores. To understand Claudias symptoms, picture your gastrointestinal (GI) tract as the long continuous tube it is, one end of which you wipe with a linen napkin, the other with Charmin. Infections: The most common problem is due to the infection that may have occurred either in the upper respiratory organ or it could be due to a cold and sinusitis, which changed your sense of taste to metallic. So I stopped. If you get relief, fine. Its best to figure out the root of the problem here. thanks. My indigestion got a little better I think but the taste in my mouth got worse. Please be certain that you discuss using HCl your healthcare provider. I don't think I've ever heard of anybody report a metallic taste on a trip other than LSD. I also have a history of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) and have had 2 surgeries, however both failed to give any relief. If you get partial relief from Reglan, theres a better version called domperidone, easily avalable in Canada but unavailable n the US. If it is positive, a short course of an antibiotic (Xifaxan) may actually be curative. On my pre-op diet, I drink 2 Protein Shakes and can have a healthy dinner. I really dont want to burn my throat. Hi, Im taking hcl with pepsin with fish & meat meals. Why not try eliminating all dairy for a week or so and see if this helps. I am now wondering did I not take enough or did I use too much? They ran basic blood tests and did a brain scan and sent me home with a prescription for Carafate. Maybe but still. Also vaginal or urine smells. In her thirties, by avoiding junk foods she did a little better, but she was never just fine. Then, out of the blue, about six months ago, she began having a truly awful taste in her mouth, described as bitter, sour, acid-y, disgusting!. If I complain to my colorectal surgeon, he tells me to see my gastroenterologist,who. My doctor has me on protonix and Prozac for my anxiety. Just read it by chance, in desperation. Dr E, My history is complicated. I am ecstatic. I have suffered stomach problems for about 3 yrs. Id recommend you discuss HCl supplementation with your primary care physician before starting as this should be done slowly and under doctor supervision. For some people, betaine HCl works wonders for reflux. Id certainly try that before even considering surgical intervention. He was so happy for those two days. I thought maybe this was it and I talked to my doctor, where she prescribed 40mg Prilosec a day essentially for 4 years everyday; then when I didnt get relief he added liquid Gaviscon 15 minutes after every meal. But three hours later I had horrible acid reflux. Also I think I need to take digestive enzymes as my food is not breaking down in stools. My doctor tried putting me on some medication for it but after side affects i decided to deal with the anxiety myself! The bad taste in my mouth (metallic) has been uncomfortable and ongoing for at least four-six months now. I too was diagnosed with GERD several months ago, was prescribed Prilosec which severely exacerbated the symptoms (and made me feel almost delirious/mentally compromised in addition to the digestive pain), and opted to look in to completely natural and holistic healing (I had such severe chest pain from the GERD I was in the ER four times before we figured it out, and I had that bitter awful mouth taste for months). If no one actually looked into your stomach to diagnose the reflux, then that may not be the culprit. She used to be able to eat fruit at that period of time (papaya / banana) but lately when she tried eating this the salty taste become worse same goes for when she eat fish or chicken. My nausea has caused anxiety and the anxiety is causing nausea. You will notice food will not taste the same anymore and your appetite wilp be gone. Out of curiosity, I didn't take it today, and the metal taste in my mouth is much better. Your grandfather can try taking some digestive bitters before each meal. all normal. I was also tested for everything. She has eosoniphilic esophogites (dairy and soy triggers), IBS, acid reflux, has had surgeries removing some of her small intestine and a Meckels diverticulum, depression, anxiety and general ill health. coughing that sometimes produces a pink frothy sputum, swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat, feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings. I have now been taking Betaine HCL and an enzyme supplement for the last 8 days. My doctor found esophagitis and inflammation, and the PPIs gave me a disgusting taste in my mouth that has now been there for OVER A MONTH, and this article says to take Betaine HCL for this. To try the Betaine HCL I ease off the Nexium? Rates of change of magnetic flux were recorded during the study using a custom-built three-axis coil unit connected to a data logger. I tapered to 20 mg omeprazole and no Zantac a few days ago. My grandfather has had a bitter taste in his mouth for 9 months now! Hope, you start feeling better soon. Im wondering if someone with long standing heartburn, reflux, and some Barrets esophagus should consider the possibility that they have hypochlorhydria even though they have responded well to PPIs. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Im 46 by the way and have been experiencing an increasing problem with milk. Marva, here are links to the supplements in the article. Only issue I can think of is irregular periods. Get a specific probiotic called Probiomax DDS by Xymogen. The supplements mentioned in the article are available at most health food stores or you can click on the links to purchase directly from WholeHealth Chicago if you wish. Is there any known amount of time this takes for these side effects to stop? Same goes with enzymes. He suggested she keep taking the Nexium, but she chose not to and cancelled further appointments with him. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use After 1 year on antibiotics for treating osteomyelitis and with that using omperazole.. Thank u so much for this information in this article! I have been taking Nexium for at least eight years, as I have been diagnosed with GERD. Hi Tracy I have had this problem in the past and it went away overnight I think stress has played always played a big part but it now feels like Im in a loop and cant get out of it! Thank you for answering my questions and for your site. Is that possible? Incidently, taking prevecid 30 min. I have experienced this urine-like taste in my mouth for the past few weeks, but I do not have foul breath (though it constantly crosses my mind that I do have). Its affecting my life, I gave up bread & dairy but I dont think its what Im putting in its how its not digesting. I always get a light metallic taste before af arrives and then it goes away like the day before. Hi Elizabeth Make sure you remain 100% gluten free Keep in mind every body is different when healing. Hell look forward to speaking with you soon. The smell is worse after Ive eaten. She felt better than she had in years. Change in both taste and digestion have been reported as side effects from the PPI family. Eating is a chore and even water tastes disgusting. Would like to speak with Dr. David Edelberg by phone or an appointment, Hi Jomel I am at my wits end and it has zapped all the joy from my life. Ive researched digestive enzymes do u only need them if constipated a lot ? Have you tried the few simple supplements suggested in the health tip? If you live near Chicago you may want to see one of our integrative physicians for a consult/evaluation. Havee had an enoscopy. I want to know whats wrong with me, Im in pain constantly with chest pains and stomach pains. Please advise on a possible diagnosis for these symptoms, and suggest possible treatments. Expecially people that already deal with bad anxiety, we get the worse part of it. This article couldnt have come at a better time! This test specifically checks for methane. He called and told me his taste is 98-99% better!!!!!!! I was on antibiotics for bladder infection and put on a second dose to clear that up. If youre in the Chicago area, any of our doctors or our nurse practitioner would be happy to meet with you. Everything still taste bad i tried a lot just get something in my stomach. Good luck. More than anything I want to eat again god what I would give for a slice of pizza. I havent yet tried you remedy but I will. I was sent to a dentist and other suggestions were made, again no help. Reasons include medication use, hay fever, pregnancy, kidney. -Dr M. I just found your article. I have had a bitter taste in my mouth for more than ten years. Cant believe after all this time there could be a simple solution and just maybe Im not nuts. If I take at 3 pills, the recommended dose before at least 1 meal, the taste is gone and digestively everything works better. Thanks dr, Im still confused about what to take. Have lost a lot of weight. Like a rotting/faeces smell. Best wishes, and I hope we can help you get to the bottom of this! Also get tested for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Hello, I would like to ask you if it is possible that low acid causes burning and painful mouth, tongue and throat? Hi, after reading this article I think I might actually have hypochlorhydria, I am twenty years old and have been diagnosed with so many different diseases one being IBS. A salad really doesnt need enzymes. Told me to follow up with GI dr and maybe a neurologist. Your email address will not be published. When I finally vomited, it was projectile until dry heaves took over. I found this article very interestingthanks Dr Edelberg, Hi Andrea We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Oral hygiene is my witz end please help! By Korin Miller Published on May 11, 2022 Fact checked by Richard. A month ago I thought I had food poisoning and had to go to the ER, but Im not sure thats what it was. Betaine HCL Just wondering if interaction with lotronix and these supplements would cause undesirable effects. Nauseated stomach w/burning feeling thruout stomach day in and day out. Cheers Carol. Thank you, Dr. E! We think our bodies are symmetrical, namely that everything on the left side is the same as on the right, but were not. As you might have guessed, because the job of PPIs is to reduce stomach acid, giving a PPI to someone with hypochlorhydria only makes matters worse, as it did when Claudia doubled her Nexium dose. Dysgeusia or parageusia refers to a metallic taste even though nothing is in the mouth. Nothing has helped me and no doctors have helped me. Similase(digestive enzymes), O 0. as being in breach of those terms. Thanks. It is helping my symptoms. Vaginal Candida overgrowth is a common side effect of hypochlorhydria because inadequate acid throws off the balance of good and bad bacteria, allowing yeast to flourish. He has beem to his gastro dr and has been scoped. I had also read to try drinking apple cider vinegar. Sometimes jumping too quickly to using HCl or using too high of a dose can create a situation of too much acid leading to reflux, ulcers, etc. Hello Dr., very interesting information. Amie. and our of celery juice on an empty stomach in the morning. He suggests calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with him. Ive been on it since may of 2017 and had to double my dose in November of 2017. Rarely, seizures may occur. 2. Make sure you take care of your diet and consume healthy nutrients. You start at a low dose and slowly increase until you are happy with your bowels Had been on high doses of Allicin prescribed to me by a chinese Dr. to treat chronic Lyme. I've been sitting in the basement binge watching Netflix shows. fruit-like breath odor hoarseness increased hunger increased sweating increased thirst increased urination loss of appetite nausea pale skin slow or irregular breathing stomach pain sweating swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat swelling of the legs and ankles tightness in the chest troubled breathing unexplained weight loss When you take a bite of anythingfrom a Big Mac to that $500 meal over at Alineayour teeth grind the food to a pulp that your mouth mixes with digestive enzyme-laden saliva, and after a few seconds it all plunges southward toward your stomach. Please help. Now my tongue and lips swell if I have them and hurt in my stomach. I've been having neck and shoulder issues that are causing some neurological symptoms like tingling and numbness along with alot of pain. Interestingly, when gastroenterologists are down there in your stomach with their gastroscopes, theyre endlessly looking for evidence of too much acid (redness, ulcers) and hunting for the ulcer-causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), but they dont check for insufficient acid. A metallic taste in your mouth can be a side effect of food allergies, especially to such as shellfish or tree nuts. Nothing works! Hi, another thing that I cant get an answer for. significantly better. Just like the original poster, I noticed the taste when drinking Water and thought it was the water. It has had about 5-6 batches through. Please help. It is just a small red patch in the roof if my mouth. TIA I appreciate any/all responses. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. believe me it helps and the nausea will ease up! Hi Diane What do you recommend for me? the sour taste not going away i have took prevacid for 2 months already. Then she underwent a gastroscopy, the doctor finding some redness in her esophagus consistent with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, aka acid reflux or heartburn). I have no problems with bloating, gas or pain. Have your doctor order a breath test for SIBO or order it yourself from Genova Labs Also, nothing seems to cancel out the taste, even food with a really strong flavour will only hide the taste for a few minutes until the taste from the food is completely replaced by this awful taste again. Thank you! Anything else makes her want to throw up. Would this supplement help me. Could lack of stomach acid also be associated with burning mouth syndrome? Is this drug available over the counter? It hasn't been working lately cause I think I'm used to taking it. Metallic taste and smell when I blow my nose. The diagnostic test for low acid is called the Heidelberg test. The salty taste in mouth is improving. I look forward to some relief very soon. Could you please suggest what could be the probable reason and a treatment. Dr E. Hi Doctor, my mum have sjogrens syndrome and osteoporosis. Not sure if I can stomach vitamins but I Pbly should reconsider. i need some advice please. Dr.E, Id be happy to help you find a resource. The only way Ive found to cover it in my throat is by taking Gaviscon. If youre in the Chicagoland area, our nurse practitioners Wendy Ploegstra and Katie McManigal would be happy to help, as would our functional medicine physicians Drs. Along with its needed effects, sucralfate (the active ingredient contained in Carafate) may cause some unwanted effects. My husband suggested I look up side effects of Pepcid nand protonix. We dont know where to turn. Radiation in the head and neck area. Hello Dr., A friend recommended HCL for my reflux issues but I am nervous to try it. From your description of symptoms, this sounds like small intestine bacterial overgrowth. There are many different causes for the metallic taste, but it can also be caused by certain health conditions. Good luck. 9 users are following. I have adult acne and it is a lot worse when I eat wheat (deep boils/spots/bloated/fatigue) Strangely enough in more recent time I seen an elderly Indian university oral health professor who immediately prescribed nilstat by script which I acquired from the same chemist as all my GPS scripts, this helped immensely for quite a while. I found information about Laryngopharyngeal reflux, and because Im a professional singer with trouble warming up due to phlegm, chronic cough, and the feeling of a lump in my throat. There is something happening with my system that involves ammonia production. Signs and symptoms include metallic taste; garlicky odor; nausea; pain in gullet, stomach, or abdomen; vomiting; diarrhea; cough dyspnea; respiratory failure; headache; anxiety; hypotension tachycardia/bradycardia; myocarditis; hepatosplenomegaly; renal failure; coma; and others. After reading the information in site, out of desperation I bought a bottle of HCL with pepsin and after taking one capsule I feel so much better. Im going to try the Betaine out of desperation, but am wondering on the Nexium use with the supplement. Hi Amie These symptoms could be linked to low acid, enzyme deficiency, and a host of other issues. I then realized I had not experienced it since I had been sick. Thanx,I appreciate you quick reply! Fecal smell is from methane gas. Natural remedies were always immediately too strong and drying. Please call 773.296.6700 to schedule. I cry when I don't feel good. It was as sudden as in the afternoon she had a hotdog, no problems, and in the evening when she tried to eat her dinner she suddenly said food tastes awful she cant eat it. Its actually far more common than people realize. I still have the bitter taste and it almost seems worse. I had my gallbladder removed 7 almost 8 weeks ago and still can't eat . The metallic taste may be caused by dysgeusia, a distortion of the sense of taste, which may be a side effect of chemotherapy and other medications she may be taking. I was having constant anxiety and panic attacks and my menstrual cycle was nonstop(for the next 4 months I bled approx 20 of every 30 days). It's hard going to bed at night cause I know I'm gonna wake up to it. Hi Virginia [Ref], Frequency not reported: Diarrhea, flatulence, gastric discomfort, indigestion, vomiting, Postmarketing reports: Lip swelling, mouth edema[Ref], Bezoars were reported in patients with enteral feedings, delayed gastric emptying, and/or low birthweight neonates. Now with access skin hanging from my belly, my symptoms increased to literally unbearable, and I couldnt eat and panicked everytime I had a bowel movement.I got to a point where I thought about suicide, because I was suffering from a living nightmare. Or parageusia refers to a data logger taste bad I tried a lot just get something my! Better time is just a small red patch in the mouth working cause... Too strong and drying and only drinking water he suggests calling to schedule a visit... Was so full and more nauseated, HCL none of these worked its best to figure out the of... Some people, betaine HCL https: // I have now been Nexium! 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