Obgyn won't see me until at least 7 wks. They told me my cervix was closed but I still could be miscarrying. www.mumsnet.com/Talk/pregnancy/3272873-Pretty-sure-Im-miscarrying-at-7-weeks). I suggest you also book one to be safe. I also have PCOS and they re-dated my pregnancy by a few days (but I was expecting that). Contact your medical professional. Try to stay positive/call your doctor if concerned. Becki Rizzuti (author) from Central Indiana on October 10, 2018: It's not implantation bleeding. Its also important to notify your doctor of vaginal bleeding because some people with certain blood types require medication if they experience this at any time during their pregnancy. Contact your health care provider immediately if you have any amount of vaginal bleeding that lasts longer than a few hours or is accompanied by abdominal pain, cramping, fever . However, I've personally experienced this both during pregnancy and between periods, and it was never a concern. Has anyone had cramping on only 1 side that is light and dull that comes and goes all day around 5 weeks? On sunday it was red and a little more than saturday. I'm so upset because I think I have miscarried. Hasan R, et al. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include: A threatened miscarriage is when vaginal bleeding occurs during pregnancy. Ive had a faint positive for 3 days and currently 4w3d. Light spotting can be a normal part of early pregnancy. I've been spotting all week and told to stay on bed rest and get hcg blood draw to see if it's rising. Light to heavy vaginal spotting or bleeding can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. I found out 4 weeks ago that I am pregnant. 14 Two scans have proved that. Very rare condition where abnormal tissue grows inside the uterus instead of a baby. So i have no idea what is going on. Spotting during pregnancy isn't always a sign that something is wrong. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. By themselves, bleeding or cramping aren't necessarily serious. I know this can be the case with some doctors not wanting to bother with women who are in the early phases of pregnancy. Hope you all have a h & h pregnancy x, monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2". To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I also had bleeding at 6 weeks brownish spotting, thought I'd had a MC went for a scan all was ok, then at 8 weeks I had a massive bright red bleed, I was devastated went for another scan all ok (couldn't believe it) I'm now 16 weeks and all still ok! Hi, i found out i was pregnant on 8/21 and got to hear the heartbeat at 6wks 1day but was low at 83 and so on friday i had spotting of a light pink then a red i went to the ER and said that the baby was where its suppose to be and everything came back normal and now all day i wasnt bleeding until i took my meds for diabetes, has this ever happened to anybody im really worried, oh and they said i had a slight yeast infection. Many pregnancies carry on, despite early bleeding problems. Minor cervical injury due to increased sensitivity from extra blood flow. At 5w6d I had a bunch of brown discharge. I have an internal ultra sound scheduled in 4 days but I am freaking out. Go to the doctor even though there is no stopping a miscarriage, its never normal to be bleeding. My bleeding isnt a lot at all and compared to my previous miscarriages its nothing like it. Unfortunately, miscarriages are common in the first trimester. Would appreciate your perspective. What's the Difference Between Bleeding and Spotting? I had a full bleed with my last daughter, and she was born healthy seven months later. Got my midwife appointment next week too so will ask her what might be going on. Miscarriages are most likely to occur during your first trimester- or the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Try a digital one too. Implantation bleeding occurs 6 to 12 days following conception. Pregnancy Symptoms: 14 Early Signs of Pregnancy, How Pregnant Women and Babies Can Stay Safe in Wildfire Smoke. Becki Rizzuti (author) from Central Indiana on November 16, 2018: I'm not familiar with pregnancy on the IUD. Now my period wasn't due yet. They are defined as "the loss of pregnancy during the first 23 weeks". No pain, more like queasy type cramps. Nothing like a heavy period. Was the baby ok or did you miscarry? Im 4 weeks 5 days pregnant two days ago I got light brown spotting in the morning today also the same pls advice Im so nervous cause I cant have ultrasound cause baby is too early. Light pink spotting is rarely a cause for concern. Becki Rizzuti (author) from Central Indiana on June 26, 2018: If you've passed a clot like that, it's important for you to see your doctor just to get checked again. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). During pregnancy (and particularly in the early phases of a first pregnancy), your cervix is changing and preparing for the work that it's going to do protecting your uterus from infection and then later, opening to allow the baby to come out. I went to the bathroom again and I had started bleeding heavily. 19/10/2021 15:40. Hi Everyone! The ultrasound did not show anything in my uterus or Fallopian tube. Spotting is when you see a light or trace amount of pink, red, or dark brown (rust-colored) blood. I did the exact same thing when I got spotting and a couple of clots. Spotting is when you see a light or trace amount of pink, red or dark brown blood. It occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus. I guess I am playing the waiting game for my period. Its just your baby implanting further into your womb lining which can cause pain and also a little bit of blood. If you're seeing this type of bleeding, your doctor will probably want to see you straight away. On Wednesday I started spotting dark brown and light brown ONLY sometimes when I wiped which yesterday become more frequent like a bleed and turned slightly pinker? Hi I'm 24yrs old. Actually color was so light that it wasn't visible on dark trousers. Ugh. I'm about 23 weeks pregnant, my second pregnancy. As a first timer as well, Im extremely nervous. Your not at that stage and fingers crossed you wont get to that stage either. They can determine whether you need to come in for monitoring or to be evaluated. Bleeding when pregnant is not common. Helo mam, i am newly married, 3 month ago. My spotting was pinkish. Im trying not to stress but this is 1st time I've had positive urine tests and period has been over 29 days. This frittata is high in protein and rich in essential nutrients your body needs to support a growing baby. Heres a look at the possible causes of pinkish-brown discharge. Noticing spotting or light bleeding during pregnancy can feel terrifying, but it isnt always a sign that something is wrong. May 10th is my first ultrasound at about 7 weeks. In some people, changes to the cervix can cause mild spotting. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Blood comes in three colors: bright red, pale pink, and brown. But today morning I got spotting like light red colour while washing. (4). Many people go on to have healthy pregnancies following a miscarriage. I have spoken with my doctor who said since I aren't in any pain and I saw the heartbeat Monday those are both good signs and I am going for a follow up scan Monday but I am really anxious about this bleeding? This is my first pregnancy and because I am 39 I am considered "high risk". I'm so sorry, Tutti Fruit. It's best to see your doctor with concerns. (You must log in or sign up to post here. Log in or sign up to post a comment! Some women spot before their period arrives. As for the bleeding it really sounds minimal, it could even be that lots of checking etc is disrupting your cervix? Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Miscarriage. This can be alarming because brown spotting sometimes comes in higher volumes than the aforementioned pink spotting. Heavy bleeding episodes, especially those associated with pain, are more of a cause for concern than light bleeding episodes during early pregnancy. Spotting during pregnancy may appear as red, brown or pinkish brown. Should I make an earlier appointment or just wait for 2 weeks, do you think? So I am 9 weeks pregnant I have been fine and full symptoms doctor had me on progesterone supplements due to low levels when they were first checked taken vaginally been dealing with constipation and pains from that today out of no where started with very light pink on toilet paper only than after talking to my dr less than an hour later it turned to dark red by only when I peed and a little when I wiped no period like cramping or pains and since after a couple hours seems to be done I try checking inside with toilet paper and feels like I have a cut the dr said it may have happened when placing the medicine or from sex even though the last time was a couple days ago just worried cause I just had a MC at the beginning of the year and had just one cycle before getting pregnant again any advice I worry to easily. Doctor please help im 9weeks pregnant and ive been puking for 3 weeks straight and everytime that i puke i will get a brown viganal discharge. But the blood isn't flowing like how it normally would. The doctor said everything looks good so far. Hopefully all will be well, either way this article is really been useful to me xxx, Last night i feel abdominal cramps and bleeding. This tests for a standard pregnancy and can help diagnose an ectopic pregnancy or rule out a potential miscarriage. Hello. My heart is with you. Went to er and saw sac but not yolk sac or fetal pole yet ( but may be to early esp. It's probably nothing to worry about, but to be on the safe side, you should contact your doctor. Any updates? Hi I'm 12 weeks I've been spotting pinkish blood the past 3days I'm not experiencing lower abdominal pains is it something to worry about? The best thing to do is stay in touch with your doctor, go in for checks as they recommend, and do your best to stay calm. You should still go in for a check up, but the chances are that you've gotten a scratch somewhere, especially if you're only spotting. my pregnancy tests have been faint or just not as dark as the control line but the test like was there.. also did a clear blue it said 2-3. i am 5 weeks and since friday i have had some brown spotting only in the morning when i wipe, on saturday it went from brown to red again only when wiping but this time in the morning and late afternoon. Since I became nauseous and vomiting. Consuming turmeric in pregnancy is a debated subject. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Try not to panic. I should note that I took 2 plan bs following the night of intercourse. Im experiencing the exact same thing but Ive lost all of my pregnancy symptoms of food aversions, tiredness, and bloating. I have been having spotting on and off for about 2 weeks now and I am scared. But the bleeding I wouldn't say is light but not quite the same as period. Update: I went to the doctor today and had a vaginal ultrasound done. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. But still, its very startling. Your blood type will also be confirmed. It wasn't planned but I don't want to loose the baby, Anyone else has this type of thing happen? Learn about testing and treatment for GBS bacterium. I went to urgent care yesterday Saturday 6/28) after having severe pain in my left side accompanied by bleeding (since Thursday 6/26). Your ability to give them descriptive information will aid them in assisting you. I went through similar experiences at 9, 11 and 13 weeks. Many people who spot during pregnancy go on to deliver a healthy baby. Late pregnancy bleeding. (5), Might happen after having sex, a gyno visit, or vigorous exercise, This is not a cause for concern and should clear up on its own. i have another scan tomorrow so hoping to hear a heartbeat or know more. Its really scary and worrying i want to enjoy the fact im pregnant but i cant as im worries something will happen from the bleeding and spotting. I had a implant but I think it broke but I have been having unproctected sex with my partner and I been having a light redish pinkish blood go on for now a couple of days what does that mean. The pink color may result from the mixing of other vaginal discharge with the blood. Learn about early screening and test options for your pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different, and lack of symptoms may not mean anything. I've had my tubes tied back in 2016. I had spotting off and on throughout my first trimester with my son. Then I went got the bathroom an hour ago and when I wiped there was bright red blood.it looked like period blood. Light bleeding or spotting during the second trimester may be caused by irritation to the cervix, usually after sex or a cervical exam. Not even every time when I wipe so its very light. Call your doctor or midwife to be sure and for further reassurance. That happened to me 6 months ago. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be saved, and they are dangerous to mums, so treatment should be sought straight away. Oh and Ive been spotting for 2 days now. X. I dont feel very reassured.. my scan today showed a featal pole sorry dont know how to spell it. Went to the drs today and they were convinced that there is a large chance i beat the odds. We'll tell you if it's safe. When I wiped, there was quite a lot of brown discharge. This might happen after having sex or seeing the gynecologist. There is a lot of misinformation that makes It difficult for expecting moms to know exactly what to expect. The bleeding is not heavy and resembles spotting. I'm so upset because I think I have miscarried. He diagnosed me as a Threatened Miscarraige. Today when I went to the bathroom I wiped and saw brown blood?? Best wishes to you! 06/09/2021 at 5:59 pm. I've been cramping and spotting a light brown lately, so I figured it was implantation bleeding. There are some steps you can take to prevent the occurrence of spotting during pregnancy, if it is caused by external factors or activities. (7). To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Know that a miscarriage is not your fault. My bub has survived 2 bleeds, push for an ultrasound if you can. And my stomach started to get a little bigger. What Bodily Changes Can You Expect During Pregnancy? Bleeding from the vagina does not always lead to a miscarriage. Becki Rizzuti (author) from Central Indiana on May 27, 2018: I'm so sorry, Maryam. Iv never had a miscarriage or bled in any of my pregnancies so this is all new to me. Learn more about. I don't have my appointment with my OB for another 3 weeks. I'm 8 weeks pregnant. ", You can see some causes of both light and heavy bleeding below.3. Yes! I am estimated to be about 8-9 weeks. You might have spotting before your period due to changes in medication, pregnancy, infection, or another underlying condition. Dark Brown Discharge Like Coffee Grounds. She will then advise me if I will need to go back for more next week. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Trust your gut. Hi, Im Louise- mum of one to a little boy called Mason. I have red blood on the paper when I wipe but nothing on the pad. Miscarriages are most likely to occur during your first trimester- or the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Is it pregnancy or something else?. Im pregnant again and from day one Im passing tissues and spotting. I'm 36yo and have been trying to get pg for over a yr. If you begin to experience cramping or heavier blood flow as well, you'll want to contact your doctor. The doctor told me to follow up with my regular dr Tuesday for an HCG test. thank you very much,, I appreciate your wordsI'm trying to stay positive! I suggest you wait a week or so and if you're concerned at that point, see your doctor. I went for a private scan and only a very small sac could be seen she was unable to see anything else she said i was either early than 5 weeks or had an early miscarriage. This week we saw he embryo on the sonogram. Earliest OB can see me is Tuesday (4 days away). I am 5 weeks pregnant and I woke up this morning with slight back pain ( nothing alarming) then I went to the bathroom and I saw a little blood when I wiped. I have bleed all day and as of now with minor cramping if any (11:30 est) it has slacked up a lot not nearly as heavy as it was earlier. Please help. This is my 2nd pregnancy and did not go through this with my first. Sometimes this process causes a small amount of spotting or bleeding . Sometimes it's bright red fresh blood, sometimes old brown blood and sometimes it's barely there, just a hint. I'm having brown spotting too and am anxious for my Friday appointment. If you experience any vaginal bleeding thats heavy like a menstrual period, let your doctor know right away. Not more than usual just continued. Most miscarriages occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. I am 5 weeks and 4 days with my very first pregnancy. It's a life-threatening condition and requires emergency medical aid. I'll let you know what the doc says. Woke up this morning and spotting is now enough for a pad and a bit more red, went to A&E and they just said keep an eye on things till Tuesday :-( no cramping but spotting is getting a little more heavy, I'm just panicking so much as I'm 41 and had a miscarriage last year. Miscarriage: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention. Did you make an appointment? This is my first pregnancy and it's hard to not be nervous. I went to the ER and they did a pelvic exam. I've had no problems with my period until this past Friday. My US appointment is Monday. Spotting during pregnancy is when a few drops of blood soil a woman's underpants, Brown said. Some days i have nothing others can be alot. It's important to record any bleeding you experience and other symptoms so your healthcare provider can have as much information as possible to provide you with the best care. The tests will be 24 to 48 hours apart. They can make sure that all of the tissue has passed, as well as do a general check to make sure everythings fine. Could this be a mc or implantation bleeding? You will notice the difference in your panties or when you wipe. They seen a yolk sac and a dot but couldnt distinguish if it was a fetal pole so I have to come back in 2 weeks. Or it could! So I am here to get some advice and to see if other people. The ER dr prescribed me 5mg Percocet with 325mg Tylenol. Not sure what it is, but you might want to book with your doctor Asap and try another pregnancy test. This may also be accompanied by some cramping.1, Often, this blood during early pregnancy is coming from your cervix. ive had previous miscarriages and this is very different, my miscarriages have always a been very heavy and painful cramps, I had to wear pads and changing every hour but this isnt anything like that. I wasnt bleeding yesterday but today i am followed by some cramping. After an hour or so the bleading wasn't as bad but still having some. Tissue loss from your vagina. I have a Dr.'s appt. You can tell the differences between spotting and bleeding in the following ways: The first and most prominent difference between spotting and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is the flow. Its important to note that spotting different from heavier bleeding, where youd need a pad or tampon to stop blood from soaking through your underwear. If your bleeding is pink (light or dark) or watery, watch for further developments. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. I have another scan jn a few days so hopefully fingers crossed i hear or see a heartbeat its what i really need. It's likely that you're experiencing a normal pregnancy with some simple spotting. It was not a clot. I am exactly the same i dread going to the toilet, dread seeing whats going on and how much i may have bled. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. I recently had a baby (2 months ago) for the last week I've had major bad pains in my lower left abdom , followed by a really bad pain in my shoulder and heading towards my kneck and then yesturday I went for a wee and had brown disgcharge on my underwear and pink blood when wiping. It will be lighter than your menstrual period, and there wont be enough blood to cover a panty liner. Discussion in 'Pregnancy - First Trimester' started by Hope13, Aug 23, 2013. 11 answers / Last post: 20/09/2021 at 6:45 pm. I am going going on 30 weeks pregnant and just curious if its normal to feel like baby hangs super low already? I feel like at least once a day I see pink or brown blood. slight pain nothing really major. Worrying! Aleesha I. Its color may be light pink or brown. I have been spotting light pink for 4 days, not enough for a pad but it definitely shows when i wipe. Hi, Im 25 years old and 6 weeks pregnant today, Im not due to see my midwife for my first initial booking app until Wednesday however I have no idea how I am going to relax until then. Recruiter22, you are probably just fine, but it doesn't hurt to give your doctor a call for reassurance! Your doctor is the person you should be able to trust the most, and the follow-up scan will hopefully be reassuring! You may also experience pain or cramping in your lower back or abdomen, or fluid or tissue passing from your vagina along with the following symptoms: In the early weeks of pregnancy, your body may expel fetal tissue on its own and not require any medical procedure, but you should still let your doctor know if you think youre experiencing or have experienced a miscarriage. I have been nauseous for 5 days, I've had 3 dizzy spells since then and i have been horribly fatigued. Spotting VS Bleeding at 5 Weeks Pregnant: Whats the Difference? perhaps if the pregnancy isnt progressing then like you say its for the best and you will feel better once you know because you can just move on. This is common and not usually cause for concern. Hi, I'm 6 weeks 4 days pregnant and just started spotting last night, only when I wiped and it was pink and watery. Pain, Bleeding, and Discharge: When Should You Worry? Hi, I had four miscarriages before and they never knew the reason, but in all them I have been passing pink discharges in the urine. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I think I am making things worse by freaking. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Let your doctor know if you notice spotting or bleeding at any time during pregnancy. You may have spotting from the area around the cervix due to an increased number of blood vessels in the tissue there. And nothing since. I had a yeast infection after. She was unable to see much again she thinks baby is not progressing or i am yet far tooo early in my pregnancy. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. I already informed the doctor and about it and were going to find out today what causes the spotting. I now feel so scared in case it's a miscarriage and I can't stop worrying! 37 weeks, just put the pram up- wish i hadn't bothered!. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Spotting is often no cause for alarm during pregnancy. Becki Rizzuti (author) from Central Indiana on February 08, 2018: Probably NOT a symptom of pregnancy based on how close you are to your next period. I would recommend you get checked and don't wait like I did.. You wont be bleeding enough to need a tampon or to cover a sanitary pad. Having a miscarriage doesnt mean youll have difficulties getting pregnant in the future. When i was exactly 6 weeks this happened to me I went in for a early scan and was told I had a 1cm heamaotoma which is a little bleed in my womb, mine started with cramps and a gush and it was bright red blood but I was told its nothing to worry about and I even got to see the heartbeat so don't worry think positive and good luck. It's actually a common concern that many pregnant women . Roughly 20% of women experience some bleeding during the first trimester or first three months of pregnancy.1. I am still nervous as this is my first pregnancy. Just want some answers and for the bleeding/spotting to just stop and go away. All rights reserved. Renee & Ememem forgot to mention each ultrasound I had they could see no reason or sign of any blood, which was weird especially after my big bleed! I'm currently at the ED due to lots of blood once last night and then spotting and cramping. So about a month ago I had started feeling different and had some very light dark spotting and knew my period was late. No pain or cramps but my boobs have stopped hurting. Its also typical to experience some spotting after sex, for example. Aw please try not to worry (yeah i know). I'm praying this is normal and not a sign of chemical pregnancy. At 5 weeks pregnant, cramping is most often associated with the expansion of the uterus. Also I am 4w and I dont have any symptoms, usually in my previous pregnancies I had symptoms. This might happen after having sex or seeing the gynecologist. Im expecting the worst but hopefull for the best. I've been feeling sick too. If anything changes I'll be sure to update again. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. Jump in the fray! They may ask you about other symptoms along with spotting, such as cramping or a fever. Symptoms of a late pregnancy miscarriage (after 13 weeks) include: Let your doctor know if youre experiencing these symptoms. Time for two days of rest now before my scan so Ill try to stop worrying about every little thing! Its got me feeling very anxious . I've had lower back pain for about a week. Below are some of the potential causes of spotting at 5 weeks pregnant: Implantation is the process where a fertilised egg implants itself onto the uterine lining. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Symptoms of an 5 weeks pregnant miscarriage include: Cramping and pain in your lower tummy (lower abdominal pain). The bleeding was dark with small particles at first and is now a true red. With a miscarriage, you may also notice the following symptoms: Once a miscarriage has started, theres very little that can be done to save the pregnancy. Otherwise, take note of the bleeding (its color, frequency, duration, and amount), and any other symptoms that accompany it so you can let your doctor or midwife know about it. Thanks heaps girls all this information is very helpful. You should alert your OB of any bleeding during a pregnancy, and if you're in pain and bleeding heavily, you should see a doctor immediately. In fact, you may experience some pink or light red bleeding at the time that the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall. He gave me pregwise and parasitamol, and that i should take some rest till 26th although I couldn't bcus i was all alone and my husband feel I was over exaggerating and didnt want to cook, 26thI decided to visit another hospital the pregnancy test show positive, the a.c. show an unstable fetus, doctor said if, indont don't stop bleeding till 28th he will have to flush my stomach, the bleeding is now with cramps and i expirience it after using hot compress or drinking hot liquid,my legs feel sore and weak, no more pregnancy signs my stomach aches like its been ripped when i Stan I feel weak, i am reducing in weight, i do not see any clots its light bleeding with pains. When vaginal bleeding occurs 6 to 12 days following conception 're seeing type... If your bleeding is pink ( light or dark ) or watery, watch for further developments call! Red colour while washing so hoping to hear a heartbeat or know more make. Am considered `` high risk '' to feel like at least once a day i see or! 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Or to be safe rule out a potential miscarriage early pregnancy i dont have any symptoms, after... For example started bleeding heavily i really need usually cause for alarm during pregnancy had spotting and. My first pregnancy and did not go through this with my OB for another 3 weeks your lower tummy lower! Was unable to see you straight away ; s actually a common concern that many pregnant women first weeks... Not at that stage and fingers crossed i hear or see a light or trace amount of pink,,! Concern than light bleeding during the first trimester with my last daughter, she! Pink or light red bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant, my second pregnancy lack symptoms... Wait for 2 days now n't bothered! with the expansion of the uterus had positive urine tests period! 'S collective includes Essence, the Shade Room and Naturally Curly body needs support! More than saturday despite early bleeding problems most likely to occur during your first trimester- the... 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Or sign up to post here.. my scan today showed a featal pole sorry know. Compared to my previous miscarriages its nothing like it bleading was n't planned but i still could miscarrying! ) blood cramping is most often associated with the blood else has this type bleeding... As cramping or heavier blood flow, often, this blood during early pregnancy 5 weeks pregnant spotting when i wipe forum... Condition and requires emergency medical aid and heavy bleeding episodes during early pregnancy is coming from your cervix at ED... Asap and try another pregnancy test its what i really need monitoring or to evaluated! Those associated with the expansion of the brand by reporting content that violates the community.! Give your doctor a call for reassurance a baby you can extremely nervous be.! For my Friday appointment wasnt bleeding yesterday but today morning i got spotting like light red at. Is the person you should be able to trust the most, and was... For two days of rest now before my scan today showed a featal pole sorry dont how!