If you believe women shouldnt work, this includes you. And His promises will never let you down or disappoint you. There are some instances in which it is biblically permissible for a man to be in the room while a woman is teaching the Bible, but if the men you saw were there for biblical instruction from a woman, they were violating Scripture (see #1 & 2 here https://michellelesleybooks.com/2015/12/18/rock-your-role-faqs/). Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : How To Respond To Newly-Delivered People Who Still Are A Mess. MATTHEW 14:16 I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. Esther 4:16 fasting. The third, Chris Rosebrough, is Lutheran (AALC), and much of his theology is in line with Reformed theology. Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom of three boys hailing from the Dallas area. I understand that you have your opinion about Mrs Shirer but to judge I do not think God led you to write this check your heart. Do you think the stretching feels good? If thats not you, no need to read further, and I apologize in for any offense. When a choice you make or an incident happens that will from that moment define some aspect of your life! You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. (Edited to add- After I posted this comment, I noticed your comment was addressed to Seth Dunn, not to me. MAIN TEXT: MATTHEW 14:15 Or and be .. Lots of information about those online and at http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com and Berean Research. I knew she was his daughter, but Im completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine. How to Live Beyond Yourself We can experience fullness of life by acknowledging our weakness, putting our past behind us, striving toward a worthy goal, and going for broke. Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen, From: Choose What is Right: A Study in Discernment- Lesson 1: Introduction. (Ive addressed that here in case you might be interested.). Where does Priscilla get the idea that God is supposed to be speaking in these ways? I just do not think its right to judge anyones ministry it causes division with in the body of Christ why cant we just celebrate each other then we can learn from each other. I shared this post on Facebook the same day my new pastor friend requested me. Could you please provide me with a link to an article or video where she says that so I can check it out? -Opened new We have just joined a new church and I was completely disheartened to find they were about to start two womens Bible studies both by Priscilla Shirer. Thank you MIchelle Lesley. As you can see, she has warm words of praise and admiration for Serita Jakes (T.D.s wife). 1And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. Ill let you know how we continue our course of action. Click here I would suggest beginning with the article entitled Jill in the Pulpit (youll have to scroll down a bit to get to it). All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. THERE WERE TRUTH AND LOVE When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them: Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. She was the chosen bride, not for doing the minimum, but for going beyond the expected. This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching. I really dont want to study scripture with/ from someone who is knowingly sinning by leading His lambs astray. No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). I dont know half of your theological terminology, such as man can bear. When I participated in Priscillas DVD studyHe Speaks to Meseveral years ago, I found her to be an engaging writer, a witty storyteller, and charismatic speaker. Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Not Helpful "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Michelle Thank you for your work in the area of discernment. Grr! It was an immediate NO after I listened to less than 1 minute of her reference about Oprah. Priscilla teaches something different. My exact words were: I knew she was his daughter, but Im completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine. Since I made that comment, Ive seen several endorsements of Priscilla Shirer and her materials by Tony Evans, so I guess that tells us his perspective and the fact that hes not very discerning. Armor of God Workbook with Video Access It is Gods plan for every Christianto grow to spiritual maturity and intimacy with Him. Mark 10:46-53, Denomination: Just put the books aside and pick up His word and study it for yourself. Before I address some of your specific concerns, two things: First, thank you for the kind and civil tone of your comment. - Jonah 2:10. If youve poked around the blog a bit, you might have noticed that we just started a new Wednesday Bible study on the book of Colossians. As Joshua was facing the end of his life, he challenged the people to chose, the choice they would make would define them as a people. It just says dont. Period. In Japan there was a man in the imperial orchestra couldnt play a note. My co-leader read your thoughts about Priscilla and I presented your views to the members of our study. Also, the small sources dont have skin in the book and lecture circuit game. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 With regard to books, Bible studies, even blogs like mine, I completely agree with you! Until that time, however, it saddens me to have to recommend that Christian women not follow Priscilla Shirer or any materials or activities from Going Beyond Ministries for the following reasons: Priscilla unrepentantly preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures in violation of 1 Timothy 2:12-14(as well as other passages of Scripture that do not allow this). Either way, while it is fine to fellowship and join with people of other denominations who hold to biblical doctrine (I have plenty of friends, and listen to plenty of teachers, outside of my own denomination, but they all teach and conduct themselves in line with the Bibles teachings. Furthermore (since Priscilla looks to tangible experiences and anecdotal evidence as support for her ideas), both anecdotal church history and the experiences of Christians who are alive today prove this idea to be false. Here is a partial list of things that the Bible does not answer definitively: 1. Disclaimer: The specific links below are provided and endorsed as evidence pertaining to this article only. Next, youre not going to see an article like this from TGC or Challies. ), but 2 Corinthians 6:14ff and 2 John 9-11, among other passages, are very clear that we are not to partner with those who teach false doctrine, which Catholicism, Word of Faith, and many other churches do. As a womens leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? Then please feel free to ask Id be glad to help you or look it up. However, a teenager pointed out to me that Abraham was called . #4b- This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching. No, this is a promotional clip in which Priscilla not only makes several incorrect biblical assertions, she uses those incorrect assertions as the foundation of this Bible study she has written. Bible Verses about 'Beyond'. I am asking the following question to understand your doctrinal views. Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other. Who then do you believe has not sinned and is qualified to teach Gods Word? It is called cross promotion. Unfortunately, they depend on LifeWay to deliver sound material. 2:57- Do you know that of the original two million Jewish people only two actually ever made it? Priscilla partners and associates with false teachers such as Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine,Joel and Victoria Osteen, Beth Moore, and T.D. Our Ladies Bible Study started a new season on January 5 with Priscilla Shires Armor of God. Lord, thank You that You are the Good Shepherd and You speak and we hear Your voice. Priscilla and her husband of 22 years, Jerry Shirer, lead Going Beyond Ministries through which they provide spiritual support and resources to the body of Christ. Defining moments, we all have them. but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. And this faith is . NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. I think you might find this brief video helpful as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_THJXignk. Though you may have become acquainted with her over the last several years from her roles in the movies Overcomer and War Room,she has been writing womens Bible studies and has been a popular speaker at womens conferences and other events for many years. Im not sure if youre referring to Beths inclusion of Catholicism, or both Beths and Priscillas joining with people who subscribe to Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) false doctrine. Neil knows much more about New Testament studies than I do, but I'm not sure how far forward we can go with the New Testament, given that most of its writers believed their world was about to pass away. - But such as is common to man; rather, except such as is human; i.e. Some would call that circular reasoning. INTRODUCTION I dont want to lead us astray ). CARM has done articles on Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and some other well-known false teachers, which Ive linked to in other articles. If you need more information, Id suggest BereanResearch.org, FightingForTheFaith.com, CARM.org, GTY.org, and Apprising.org. But books and blogs written for women are not what 1 Timothy 2:12 refers to, and its not the same as willingly allowing men to attend (which is something Beth and Priscilla both do) an event where a woman, in an authoritative position, is teaching Gods word to believers, or accepting speaking engagements that are open to men. Pastor Chris Rosebrough explains why Priscillas twisting of John 10 to mean that we can hear God speak to us is unbiblical. Thats good, but that doesnt change the fact that neither Beth nor Priscilla turn down speaking events that are open to both men and women. 1. Yes it is the little people or the less known that are standing against these deceptions and I am so glad that you are and there are many more. 1 Samuel 30:6-8, Denomination: I think the best reward for the reader is to take all those views as complementary and related being parts of the same whole system of interpretation. Jesus had employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone (https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-parables.html). THIS PRACTICE WAS NOT UNCOMMON IN THE EARLY CHURCH. WHAT'S THAT SMELL?: People just spiritually delivered by God usually dont smell good. #1- Thank you so much for letting me know that link was broken. Hi Lisa- I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help answer your questions and give you a biblical understanding of womens roles in the church. Even if shes twisted. Yes, all of this is important, NO it is not vital. Heres an example of Priscilla preaching to men and yoking with a false teacher as she preaches the Sunday sermon at Joel Osteens Lakewood Church: Priscilla teaches Christians to listen for Gods voice in an unbiblical form of prayer called contemplative prayer. Paul's Apostolic Authority 14 We are not overstepping our bounds, as if we had not come to you. There are two crucial reasons for this. 2. Romans 16:17-18 tells us were to mark false teachers and avoid them. Romans 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. As an absolute newcomer to the blogosphere, I very much appreciate you taking the time to construct a Biblically based critique of false teaching. Yes, Kenneth Hagin was one of the worst false teachers out there. You just dont have enough time or energy to respond to every Tom, Dick and Mary.). And i have my wife to thank actually, because she asked me to help her find some pretty theologically sound ladies, and it was in a post Michelle did that she found what she was looking for. Was Jesus gossiping in Matthew 16:6, 11,12 when He said, Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Olga Souders As I mentioned in my comment, I was here with my wife, completely of my own volition, in no way did Michelle do anything unbiblical. If not, she does not know the Bible well enough to be teaching (James 3:1). NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. The true bride will always go beyond the minimal requirements. Yes, its a big deal and, yes, I will continue to teach and write about it. It states our purpose to do only those things which are authorized by the Scripture. After a bit of research on Ms. Shirer, Im determined that shes one to beware of. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. First, just because youve never heard of someone doesnt mean hes not a credible source (likewise just because someone is well known doesnt mean he is a credible source). If you carefully examine Beths and Priscillas events over the last several years, youll see that they headline plenty of events that are wide open to both men and women. They had started out on the right foot with the biblical gospel, but false teachings were beginning to take hold. Stay the Path (book) Promo Priscilla endorses Bobbie Houstons book. Ive heard her recommend Christian women to go to a quiet place to pray. Two of the three best known sources Ive listed, Justin Peters and Aimee Byrd, are Reformed. If youre not familiar with the false teachers cited below, click the Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page. Now, I believe I have clearly answered all of your questions both here, in the article, and in the Additional Resources section, so let me add just one extra thing. 18:15-18), although I would add: The minute someone puts something on Youtube, Face Book, Twitter, or any other social media, or public outlet for that matter, your proof text falls flat in on itself, because more than anything this text deals with proper Church discipline. That, plus being a faithful member of a doctrinally sound church and being taught the Word every week is the best way to learn the truth of Scripture and grow in Christ. Church Of God, CARE MINISTRY WITH THE MESSAGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS IMPORTANT, CALLED TO CARE Thanks so much for your comment. Thats a rare find these days. Combining elements of Eastern mysticism and New Age spirituality, this practice of emptying the mind and listening for Gods voice is found nowhere in Scripture. The riches of His word are amazing! There is no passage of Scripture that says its OK for a woman to preach to, teach, or hold authority over men in the gathered body of believers as long as she has permission from her pastor or husband. Reblogged this on queeninchrist's Blog and commented: read more, Scripture: Its this link: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=18085. Furthermore, if this is a disingenuous comment/questions, you are being deceitful and displaying ungodly character and you need to repent. Now, reading your post, I see that your words against her work and I do not understand why believers behave the way they do against fellow believers. I've been reading a book by Francine Rivers lately about an old woman called Leota who loves the Lord and has an amazing impact upon the lives of other people in her life, yet is rejected and hated by her own daughter, Eleanor. If so, then she is well aware of what the Bible says about these issues. Our young ministry assistant, a woman, is using Discerning Gods Voice for our womens Bible study. Jonah 2:10. Certainly. Priscilla Shirer: Living Your Life For Christ (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (February 18, 2021) Priscilla speaks at Christine Caines Propel Womens Conference. 1 Samuel 30: 6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? 2 JOHN Baptist. ROger Oakland of understanding the times and a few good men, are putting together a web site. Glad to know i am not the only dude that reads this wonderful sisters blog. Pink Impact ConferencePriscilla joined with faith healing apostle of the New Apostolic Reformation, Todd White, as well as false teachers Christine Caine, Lisa Harper, and Pastor Debbie Morris. Are they guiding and leading a flock ( a church )? Grace&Peace in Christ brother travis & sister tori, Thanks so much, Travis. My point to your previous reply to me is that I refer to my bible for instructions from the Holy Spirit as to my role in the body of Christ. I can always use more people praying for me. There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christs blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is Gods son. Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Kelly! Please see the links to our EXTRA Bible Study notes at the bottom of the page. A NIGHTMARE ON DESERT STREET! Not from Scripture. Do you have any other examples? Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? I am currently getting familiar with blogs for Christian ladies and your thorough, scholarly, biblical recommendations are absolutely invaluable. You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings. YLT, NASB, ASV, AM, LEB, WEB. Also your references in Matthew do not apply, and sadly this out of context mess gets regurgitated as much, if not more so, as Matthew 7, and the whole Do not ever judge crowd. Which is why it grieves me to have to answer that question with: Her theology. Unfortunately, there are serious red flags about some of the things Priscilla does and teaches that Christian women who follow her, or are considering following her, need to be made aware of. Seth Dunn, not for doing the minimum, but Im completely unfamiliar with him or doctrine! Me know that link was broken confronted Priscilla Shirer of this is a wife and mom of three boys from!, then she is well aware of what the Bible does not know the Bible well enough to teaching! His perspective this link: http: //www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com and Berean Research and Sadducees that you are being and... And, yes, I will continue to teach Gods word I think you might find this brief video as! 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