The citizens respond in outcry, though David helps to calm the crowd so Mary Margaret can resume her talking points. They are, however, too late, as Regina holds a lifeless Cora in her arms. David later plans on leaving Storybrooke and unsuccessfully convinces her to come along with him. Then Gold comes with the idea to save David. With Gideon defeated, David and his family rush to Emma's still body, with Henry using the power of true love's kiss to revive Emma. After he arrives home, she confidently reveals her capture of Will and then pardoning him. He goes to leave, and on his way out, he notes outloud that he and Snow will have to find Emma on their own. However, the moment Snow awakens, David falls asleep, making it impossible for them to ever truly be together. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. Her parents watch with confusion at her reaction, and even Hook senses something is amiss, but Emma then excuses herself to go rest downstairs. This causes a rift in Snow's relationship with Emma, but they later reconcile. From Mr. Gold, David gains a card with information about his father's coin, but as part of the deal, he agrees to deliver a cassette tape that Mr. Gold wants Belle to have. Re-congregating in the library, they plan to blast through, but then David receives word from Belle that the nuns can create a counter spell with only the necklace. After waking up, Prince Charming receives news from Snow White that they are expecting another child, which shocks him, but he hides his true feelings from her. The trio cheerfully clink their glasses together, but before they can each take a sip of the wine, Edmond stops them, stating that a bottle of match is better suited for the celebration. Siblings They realize both of them have been coming to the diner at seven-fifteen just to see each other. On guard, David shields his wife from the witch, who cattily remarks that she isn't there for their baby. Later, David and Mary Margaret talk about Emma's decision. Snow first met him while thieving from him and seemed to take interest in him before she knew Charming. This story is actually told in polls on Twitter. David continues to be distracted about his family, until Ruby gives him a reality check about their current problems, such as Regina kidnapping Henry and the residents threatening to leave town because of her. Shortly after the failed experiment, all leave except Mary Margaret, who stays to help Regina clean up. After some threats, Mr. Gold deduces he is sending Belle across the town line as David realizes Moe's dirt-covered hands are evidence of being in the mines. Comfortingly, David insists if something did happen, he'd want her to be happy. When given a chance to voice fears about expecting another child, he chooses not to and feigns calm. David and his wife go off to search for him, while Emma uses Regina's spell to track down Aladdin. Before Prince Charming can sever the man's head, Isaac saves himself by revealing his knowledge about the Queen hating her stepdaughter Regina for causing James' death. King Xavier (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)The Miller (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)Cora Mills (Maternal Step-Grandmother)Prince Henry (Maternal Step-Grandfather) Snow realizes they are hiding out of fear, so she tries to appeals to them by announcing Hyde's capture and that they can get food and shelter at Granny's. After going out on her own, Snow was very desperate in leaving the Enchanted Forest, but remained kind and courteous, even helping heal an injured woman (without knowing that this woman was Regina.). As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, David and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. She suggests they head to Oz with Ruby and the slippers, and from there, use the slippers to return to Storybrooke. He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Josh Dallas and co-star Luke Roessler. Emma then phones her parents to tell them about the new development, although they dislike the idea of Cruella and Ursula being in town. After the Queen destroys the sapling, the couple come to terms with having to do the inevitable to save their town. At the station, David and Mary Margaret ask Emma to lock them into separate cells so they can't harm anyone while under the curse. Instead, she publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. After David obliges, the witch directs them to Underbrooke's haunting booth. He goes with Mr. Gold to the town bar, The Rabbit Hole, where Lacey is drinking. Getting impatient with Regina, Mary Margaret demands the weapon, just as Emma uses dark magic to freeze her and David. A plan is set up to wait for Regina to bring the shield down and then mobilize the whole group into the palace. Mary Margaret reveals Cora, already pregnant with another man's child, was once engaged to Leopold, but Princess Eva deliberately wrecked it. Snow later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, both of them falling in love with each other during their journey. Shortly after, Emma manages to unveil the map. She later encounters Emma Swan, their daughter who tries to snap them out of the alternate reality, but Snow tricks the duo and has Hook killed by David before Emma and Henry vanish as well as the Evil Queen. With Dr. Whale's help, Mary Margaret gives birth to a healthy baby boy and happily cradles him in her arms as David looks on. Ruby begins to scream in horror, believing she has once again killed an innocent person, but David trusts her and doesn't think she did it. Because Emma has trouble lighting the ember, Regina tries to force her, with the dagger's will, to admit why she is afraid of letting go of the darkness. When Mary Margaret confesses her desire for another child, David tearfully admits she would make a great mother, but she won't have another baby with him due to the price of the Dreamshade cure. Snow tells David about the failed antidote in a video message, which David later plays for Emma to see. ("The Snow Queen"), Despite an all-night hunt, David, Elsa, Hook and Mary Margaret return home without finding Emma. Giving her up was one of the hardest things Snow White had done. Platonic Evil Charming. He is found by Emma and Ruby in a delirious state with a cut to his forehead. Searching on foot, they eventually find Emma, who hasn't stripped her magic due to Elsa's persuasion. Her many attempts at true love's kiss have failed, though there is the magic water of Lake Nostos rumored to restore something once lost and is guarded by a ghastly creature. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. They journey to the palace, where Rapunzel reunites with her parents, and Prince Charming admits his worries to Snow White, who reassures him they will face the unknown together. Later, David, Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret and Regina have an evening meal together at the diner. Before the royal pair can persuade the soldiers to relent, Maleficent morphs into a dragon and kills the guards with her fire breath. David shot his wife a quick look before running after him. ("The Jolly Roger"), At Regina's house, David joins a group seance to use the now defunct candle to talk to a deceased Cora about Zelena's origins. Returning to his allies, David joins them in looking through the storybook, though Hades' story has already been destroyed by Liam. Before Percival can deliver a final blow to Robin, David kills Percival. Resuscitated by Mary Margaret, he is brought back to the hospital to recuperate. Emma agrees with her father and convinces her mom that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. The woman escapes, though David angrily shouts that he will find her again. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but she is unwilling. Later, he gives Henry a day off from school and they go to the stables so his grandson can learn how to be "a proper knight". Jasmine suggests using another wish to break the sleeping curse, but David forfeits the lamp to her instead, as he is too afraid his second wish will backfire like the first one did. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after the conclusion of the final battle, David and his wife move with baby Neal into a new home. He relates the news to Snow and Emma, with both realizing the man they saw earlier was actually the Queen in disguise and the real Archie has been kidnapped. Eye color: Upon the coin landing on tails, Rumplestiltskin takes away James while David is left behind to be raised by his birth parents. When Mary Margaret criticizes David for his method of holding their son, Anna tries to put a stop to their bickering by reminding them of their relationship prior to the curse. After Regina leaves for her vault to work on another locator spell, David receives a call from Leroy, who had an appointment with Archie but can't find him. When Hook's knee bumps the table, a startled Mary Margaret withdraws her hands, which closes the gateway. So instead, the Evil Queen went to James' brother, David and ripped out his heart so he could be her lover and her puppet. Emma and Mary Margaret offer her safe passage to Storybrooke as a new home, to which Tinker Bell agrees and goes back to camp with them. Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but David disagrees. Trying to get to the root of the problem, the couple deduct that Lily is closing herself off due to her own insecurities. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. Desperate to find out more, Snow and David go to Rumplestiltskin, who says only their unborn child can be their savior. She doesn't believe they can be heroic anymore after what they've done, but Prince Charming suggests that if redemption is possible, they should start by being the best people they can be. David immediately recognizes Mary Margaret as his wife Snow and then rips off the tubes covering his body as he deducts that this must be the realm the curse brought them to. The ball takes a tragic turn when Percival tries to murder Regina, but Robin intervenes, getting injured in the process. The pair take off to stop Emma, but they find her after she has already killed Cruella to save Henry. With the plan ruined, Mary Margaret blurts out that Neal is alive. David witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. Emma, realizing the only person who can read the map is dead, stalks outside. Fearing they are going to break in and kill Ruby, David, Belle and Granny hide her in the library. ("A Land Without Magic", "Pilot"), Afterward, they walk the beach coastline together as she inquiries how he found her. As they talk, Mary Margaret mentions Storybrooke is their home now since there is no way of getting back to their old land. At the top of the beanstalk, the two men venture into the Giants' Lair, where Charming entrusts Hook with getting onto a table to fetch the bean. Relationships ("What Happened to Frederick"), During the Miner's Day festival, David finds out from Emma that Kathryn is missing. When Emma develops feelings for Killian, Snow doesn't seem to mind that her daughter is in love unlike David. He then goes back to Abigail and gives her the water, which is poured on Frederick to revive him. Venturing into the cave, they find Emma with a woman dressed in blue. Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. Only after she reads the inside, he realizes his mistake and hands her the other card. After having the head of his ax cut off by Gabriel, David dodges an attack, causing Gabriel's weapon to make a hole in the cart instead. Just before leaving, the Blue Fairy requests to be trusted as she herself has the one thing they all need, which is hope. Hook roughly interrogates Arthur for answers about Emma, but David persuades him to stop, suspecting Arthur doesn't have any viable information to give them. Parents ("Dark Hollow"), While moving ahead to Pan's camp, a rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. They conclude the mother-daughter pair want it to either control Mr. Gold or make Cora the Dark One. ("Heart of Gold"), Walking into the apartment with her parents, Emma grills them about any other secrets they have about the Author, but they do not. Ruth suggests they sell the farm, and David begins traveling to Longbourne to fulfill her wishes. |-| As Mary Margaret Blanchard = Once upon a Time Season 1 Seeing Henry blame Regina for losing them, David decides to take him into his custody for now. After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. Since the group plan to leave the Underworld together, Regina sends Zelena, her baby, and Hades to wait by the portal first. In the end, Hook saves everyone by absorbing all the darkness and having Emma kill him. Rumplestiltskin tells David . When Snow White approaches him, only then does she realize Prince Charming is now in the Queen's hands. Arthur states it's rumored to be in the Forest of Eternal Night, though he is unsure if the toadstool is real. Emma, desperate to save him, even if it means making Hook a Dark One like herself and causing her own descent into full darkness, ignores the pleas of her friends and family and teleports away with Hook. Despite the fact David is married, both of them start a relationship. He believes Henry might know more about the book than anyone else, but since Henry is in a bad mood, he goes to talk some sense into his grandson. Later, he discovers the woman is Snow White, a wanted criminal the Queen is been seeking. Regina's plan of making a good impression and a graceful exit before the final 6 quickly goes awry. Mary Margaret secretly expresses an eagerness to do away with Cora, though David reminds her that she wasn't and isn't a murderer. Hook considers a fairy named Tinker Bell who Pan trusts and can likely get them into the camp with pixie dust. Regina, unable to heal Robin, begs Emma to try. ("Fall"), Under the curse's influence, David and Mary Margaret express mutual disgust at each other. Having enough of her games, he comes clean by expressing disgust at her actions. David and Emma discover a frozen kitchen, but while they are distracted, Will steals money from the cash register and flees. Making it to shore, Prince Charming receives the enchanted ring from Rumplestiltskin, and as an added bonus, the wizard also magically transforms his clothes into something befitting a prince and bestows a horse for his journey to Snow White. David then watches in horror as Mary Margaret jumps in after her. Continuing with the search on his own, he comes across a nude soldier who claims that Snow White stole his armor from him in order to kill the Queen. Then, Snow White declares she won't go down without a fight; forcing the Queen to retreat. David is later present in the diner when Mr. Gold offers a blackened heart as proof that he killed the Black Fairy. While hiding behind a pillar, he notices Maleficent has a flap behind her ear that can fit the egg. Regina's drained her magic so low she needs a transfusion from the saviour, Gold's plan to sneak past the Lost Boys is a bit fishy and Emma does things with magic she didn't think she could do.Mermaids, magic and a long journey by sea, follow. David is certain it should work since Snow did the same with him once, but Hades points out that, in his case, his soul never left his body before being revived. David believes the situation is hopeless, to which Hook reveals there is a cure, but it's too faraway. When Zelena's magic apparently has no effect on Hyde, the heroes flee the house to get away. Even though he reasons Mary Margaret is having a hard time, Emma believes it's time to move on. He, with Snow White, Hook, and Regina, look through one of Regina's mirrors to see Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, which causes Snow to realize the final battle is actually a fight for Emma's belief in magic. Rating M because I may delve into darker topics or sexual content (I'll give warnings in the beginning of the chapters they apply to if necessary). As Belle arrives, she warns against looking into the mirror reflection as it'll brainwash them. He and Snow have a brief happy reunion with Emma before Henry reveals the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. Inside, a princess, Rapunzel, relates how she became trapped after being chased up the tower by a cloaked witch. Relatives: One day, her underlings, the seven dwarves, capture Isaac, who they suspect is a supporter of Regina as Queen. The couple use the flower's dust to create a portal door and see a young Emma, but ultimately, Mary Margaret convinces David that they can't be selfish if it means leaving everyone else to be cursed for all eternity. Noticing Elsa and the potion are gone, they and Henry track Emma's car trail. Snow works a way out to remove the darkenss from her daughter who took the darkness and allowed it to suck into her soul. When Archie runs up explaining that Dr. Whale is leading an angry mob to Regina's house so she can answer for her crimes as Evil Queen, the entire group rush there to calm the irate townspeople. Returning to camp, David kisses Mary Margaret affectionately; much to everyone's embarrassment. A fan fiction about Once Upon A Time With Regina's Daughter. David admits that, rather than giving other people hope by going ahead with this wedding, he doesn't want to rush the wedding knowing what awaits Emma after it. Though Emma wishes to face Zelena alone, David convinces her that Hook should go along as well. Show Information Regina forces the fury to take her instead, but a stubborn Mary Margaret links hands with her, taking some of the blast. Both his attacker as well as the sword's hilt vanish and he later recounts this to Emma, Hook, and Regina. He goes to ask Mary Margaret for the truth, but she is shocked at his lack and faith and orders him to leave. After Regina is finished making the curse, Mr. Gold puts a needle into the liquid for David to prick his finger on. ("Dreamy"), David is interviewed all night, but he sticks to the story that he knows nothing. That night, David and the others search for Emma with no luck. David, Hook and the Merry Men search for Little John; eventually finding the unconscious man with a sustained bite wound. Then, he and Mary Margaret head home. Regina's Daughter (OUAT Fanfic) by a writer. Arthur wonders why they are so eager to free Merlin, to which David talks about their land being threatened by the Dark One, who Merlin can defeat. At some point, David tells Kathryn their marriage is over with, although he keeps his feelings for Mary Margaret a secret. When Mary Margaret is hesitant to agree, he jokes that "it'll be like old timesa prince and a princess on an adventure but without the Evil Queen". Emma asks him about he can cope with being separated from Snow for so long, to which he explains his belief in knowing Snow is fighting as hard for him as he is for her. David leans in to kiss her, but Mary Margaret pulls back to berate him for cheating on his pregnant wife. He is the main reality version of Prince Charming (Wish Realm). However, when Regina doesn't contact them within the scheduled time, the couple search for her. Enraged, David gives Albert a beat-down and prepares to kill him, but is convinced by Ruby to stand down. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. As he closes the door behind Emma and Henry, Mary Margaret is finally out of bed and packing for a trip to the woods. Henry dislikes using such a dark tactic as it is not heroic at all, but no one has a response, leaving him to run out of the apartment as Emma follows. With a magic globe, Mr. Gold tracks the boy to Neverland. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. He tries to cheer up Mary Margaret about getting back Emma, but she is worried that when they win, Emma will lose. David prepares to join everyone in confronting Zelena, but instead, Snow asks him to call Neal again. Since Neal is still too little, Snow and David decide it's best he at least hear their voices, so they sing him a lullaby. Mary Margaret BlanchardMiss BlanchardThe Fairest of them All (by Rumplestiltskin)Mom (by Emma Swan)Grandma (by Henry Mills)Mrs. CharmingThe Fairest One of All ("The Shepherd"), During the carriage ride to the castle, David absent-mindedly listens to Abigail complain about the bumpiness of the road. As they are waiting for the surgery to finish, a male nurse cannot find Dr. Whale, whose pager is the pocket of his disposed lab coat. Regina and David have been married for years, but have a *slight* misunderstanding. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. Cruella plays along, despite knowing he's not James, by showering him with kisses and flirting with him. Prince Charming is mentioned in the storybook in "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter". With the terms of their agreement satisfied, they both leave in opposite directions. Following his instructions, they meet the Apprentice and ask him for a way to keep their child from becoming evil. ("New York City Serenade", "Witch Hunt", "A Curious Thing"), David and Mary Margaret recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. She senses something wrong, and he admits worrying about not seeing her as often now that she and Hook are living together, but she assures him this won't change anything. onceuponatime; Instead, she plans on having a chat with Regina to pull her back to their side. When Regina hesitates in answering, Snow White prepares to throw a fireball, before Robin Hood distracts her with a loosed arrow and escapes with the thief. Knocking out Cruella and Ursula, who are guarding Maleficent's den, with poppy dust, the pair then ventures in to steal the egg. After banishing Cora to Wonderland, Regina discovers that she is pregnant with Daniel's child. ("The Outsider"), After a car crashes into Storybrooke, David and Mary Margaret accompany Emma on the drive to the scene. What if Regina was pregnant before robin died Ps don't hate it my first. David is the first to attack Regina, but is thrown out of the shop and knocked unconscious for the remainder of the onslaught. Prince Charming is informed by Grumpy, who was told by Jiminy, that fifty inhabitants landed in the Enchanted Forest two miles away. David and Mary Margaret watch Neal free Mr. Gold from the box and have a warm reunion as their past differences and mistakes are reconciled. The trio becomes a pair as Hook decides to stay behind and help Belle. After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the winged demon, they gain insight from Cruella De Vil and Ursula, who wish to enter Storybrooke, about the Chernabog's attributes. "Pilot" Desperate to save Emma, Hook tries to free Zelena, who double crosses him and later takes Robin as hostage, in order to get Regina to forfeit the wand to her. ("White Out"), For Mary Margaret's first conference as the new mayor, David welcomes the townspeople into the office before the meeting begins. As a more permanent solution, Regina attempts to use a magic hat to send the Wraith to another realm. Hook actually agrees, and he thanks David for giving up so much in order to rescue him, despite that he never wanted anyone to try. On the table, she notices a nearly wrapped present, which he denies is from him. Prince Charming is at least four years younger than his wife. Before she is gone, David expresses hopes of seeing Mary Margaret again tomorrow, however, unbeknownst to him, she intends to resign from volunteer duty. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) On the journey there, guards posted at a bridge refuse to let Maleficent and her companions cross. Suddenly, the six dwarves burst in, demanding they do something about Emma, who stole Happy's pick ax, just as Regina takes her cue to leave. Portrayer David agrees to burn the card and forget about it, but after Snow leaves the room, he decides to keep the card. When David awakens and finds the blank paper, he recognizes Snow's message to him, and then notes out loud that he misses her too. At their parting, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, but declares it's not her style. Ginnifer GoodwinBailee Madison (young) Snow stands about five feet seven tall. A furious David lashes out about how his father was good up to the end and still died because of it, and reveals his fears about going down the same path. However, once Mary Margaret notices he is advertising for Sidney, she excuses herself to get more promotional posters. They stop by Hyde's house, where Jekyll finishes making a red serum to defeat the warden for good, but Poole makes him to ingest a blue serum that forces Hyde to manifest in the body. Snow reveals her greatest secret, she wishes to have another baby because she lost her chance with Emma, but then learns the truth that David can't leave the island and they can't have another baby because he will die if he does so. In love with each other for his freedom if Regina wants his help, Mary... Take interest in him before she knew Charming offers a blackened heart as proof he... Ring, but she is unwilling joins them in looking through the storybook, though David shouts... She notices a nearly wrapped present, which David later plans on having a hard,! 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