Why did the other person act the way they did for so long? A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc. On one hand, we have a guy who has performed multiple actions of sexual misconduct. I have one possible way to tell who the liar is by asking this question: One of the testimonies talked about actions that happened, but Vic accounted them differently and additionally added that alcohol was involved. THE LAWSUIT Mignogna brought a defamation case to court, accusing voice actors Jamie Marchi, Monica Rial, Ron Toye (Rial's fiance) and Funimation Studios of tortious interference, conspiracy and other charges. MarzGirl was caught lying. If you have a dirty secret, these men will find it and will archive it to make sure you can't try to cover it up. Took a look at hero hei's uploads before watching that vid, saw some SJW ATTACK MY HERO kind of crap(among other typical animu degenerate nonsense)and yeah hard pass dude. Jessie Pridemore is unlikely due to the the Todd case, but Marzgirl, Han Leia, Jamie Pridemore, Shane, Sean Schemmel, Ron Toye, RoosterTeeth, and Sony are up in the air. It may not display this or other websites correctly. That tweet Funimation did just added even more ammo to let these VAs do whatever they wanted to Vic. The Amazon Legion of Doom (ALOD)- A nickname Ty Beard gave the female lawyers of his firm. He tends to do a livestream every few days. It's pretty much been good news since then as a number of cons have added Vic (not so much big Anime cons) and his schedule is starting to look kind of booked. It should've been an overall celebration for all sides but certain VAs had to act like children causing more drama which became the main focus. That's for a different thread for a different time. As it stands, Rial and Toye have no plans to settle. The "Vic Supporters" have been making the argument that Vic's defense and lawsuit have merit behind them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I will note refusal to sign fanart or unofficial products is something some voice actors choose to do, and if that was the case that'd be fine Says that he got confirmation from the author of one of his works that his character is not gay. Of course based on the information you know you'd jump to the victims' side because they are the people hurt in this situation. Parts, but I couldn't get a whole narrative. You mean his Lawyer that seemed to focus on litigation about blackface wasn't a good lawyer? Some of them might not even know they did it. Perhaps he sought out counseling and guidance on what actions to take before speaking and and saying something that'd only condemn him more. ----------------------------------------------------. He was not responsible for the accident and even the police officer at the scene acknowledged that. It's a bit sad that a major win for Kameha Con happened yet people aren't really covering Kameha Con news digging deeper into the drama that happens. Vic isn't randomly going to bounce back and have his career back to normal. but if I may toot my own horn a bit I feel like I'm in one of the more sencible ships in this big mess. I'm just going to advise you to save your breath with responding since you really don't agree with how I'm doing stuff. I think Monica and Chris (especially Chris) used their connections to convince all of those cons that Vic was a sexual predator to cancel all of those bookings. You wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last. Yeah, I heard about the homophobia and antisemitism. This gets better. It's not so much the cause but the shit they are willing to go to for who knows what. I think Todd is suing simply due to her spreading this around and it affecting his work ethic (which he also had a false allegation with hair pulling earlier). Their next battle is proving that the actions of the VAs during this time did not damage or harm his career even further. Here's to moving forward, healing, and celebrating anime!" Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. Now, aside from the case itself. I'm going to leave this up as clearly there is an interest in the update, but I'm locking the comments as strictly speaking, this is not an RT matter, and I don't see there's much to discuss here anyway. I don't doubt they won't turn and ruin someone else to save their own butt. And then there was the big fiasco of a Kiwi might have CP on their computer. Something I think should be noted is that this happened right after the Broly movie was super successful. Justice systems are not perfect, as there are plenty of cases of wrongful convictions (there's a public record of miscarriage of justices available if you are interested in the subject), as well numerous acquittals that should've been a guilty verdict. Lord knows what this woman has against him. ORDER. Senpai'sHome - Another Youtuber who covers this Vic situation who is probably most famous for getting blocked or banned often first. To go even further, the equality act of 2010 has a passage about sexual harassment, which includes: indecent or suggestive remarks, unwanted touching, and of course sexual demands and favors. I'm not blindly supporting him as I looked at all the evidence for that conclusion. He's often regarded as the head of the #IStandWithVic for having the best connections and most useful information. This was due to the con being lied into breaching a contract in which the owner had second thoughts and 2 Youtubers remained silent on the matter all while the con owner was being harassed by the same VAs who tried to talk him out of adding Vic back. I can't actually say why Vic and Todd but I do have a theory. . Really not a smart move on Vic's part if this whole io9 thing is true. (I do need to make sure to account for valid #KickVic information that at least can still be uphold as at least accountabledon't even get me started on that io9 article). Other animation roles include Broly from the Dragon Ball films, Tamaki Suoh in Ouran . It's a rabbit hole you're better off not going in, and one far too many especially younger menare increasingly falling into. Most of them are just there to cause trouble even on both sides. He often drinks on livestreams and unleashes rants like crazy. It's a bonus at best to have some people exposed and possibly removed. I would have to say anyone who knew the title and thus could research what it was about and still did it is a piece of shit. The saddest part is that he was willing to let this all go and still hold Ty's law firm back from destroying these people. Voice actor Vic Mignogna attends the premiere of Dragon Ball Super: Broly in December 2018 in Hollywood, California. It's easier to have it all in one place instead of having conversations in the status bar or separate topics. He's struggling through this but still manages to be professional. Then we have the mob. I imagine that will be messy. They were the ones who made a very falsified article which started giving Vic very, very bad publicity. Probably mentally unstable. Also was part of the staff for the con. These guys hate the Youtubers and especially Rekieta which I think he has 4 bar complaints from this whole thing when he even said they wouldn't do any good. 9, our middle school AMVs, and more . It a level of intellectual dishonesty I just can't resonate with in a civildiscussion. Because this controversy prolonged more facts and pieces come up which twitter posts are hard concrete proof of someone saying something. Vic Mignogna has been invited back to Kameha Con. I'm not sure if the article is still up. SUSAN HIGHTOWER UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE. The response that followed these accusations was swift: Funimation and Rooster Teeth both cut ties with him following investigations, and all but one of the conventions who had originally booked him to be a guest at their convention went ahead and canceled his invitation to their events. I can't tell if they hate Vic or not because this system is so corrupt I think they actually believe the things they're doing or saying are righteous and the truth. If it would have been named Grimwood Law, I would have lost my shit being a Kiseki fan and how one of the attorneys looks like a certain character. And even after knowing there are 100s of people watching and archiving every move these people make to send as evidence to the lawsuit (saving 1000s of bucks). Not A Bug - A convention insider who passes along info and seems to know quite a bit of info about Shane. This is not illegal to do under normal circumstances, however, we do not know the contracts behind this. Take this with a grain of salt, but Funimation conveniently had a site update which conveniently added a change where canceling subscriptions was broken. Those last three words are very important. So something I could do is make a full recap of everything that transpired up until the court case in something like a COGA. Most likely has ties to other members in this group as well conspiracy or not. How does this workironically Vic puts it best: It often, but not always, starts with social media where someone says something which is either a perverted truth or a lie. No really, I was as skeptical and giving in as all the others but the more I learned the more doubts. You can find a list of the cancelled cons here: https://animecons.com/guests/bio/517/vic-mignogna. After reading what Shield Hero is about I am 100% fine condemning it and people involved with it. She then made her away into Kameha Con with a guest pass (given to her by an unknown party) trying to make some type of scene around Vic but was caught and thrown out. But as someone who has met the man on several occasions, he always left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm at fault here so please do not really think too much of it. Unlike our Kiwi Farm friends who use their site as an info hub, these guys use this site to try and go out and attack people using their doxing skills and honestly just harass and spread lies. From that more people spread it until everyone is aware. Start here if you want to get the more neutral stance for the start of this. Man, I barely watch anime that has origins in this millennium myself. RT did right by cutting ties. Hope his ass finally gets kicked out of the industry. People tease the silly logic behind that, -"I'm calling homeland security" - Another Monica post in which she threatened to call homeland security on a Vic fan. To quote the Wikipedia article (if that doesn't illustrate how dismissive the claim that sexual harassment is a "loose term" is, I'm not sure what will) the term sexual harassment can go as far back as 1973 in a report called "Saturn's Rings" by Mary Rowe, and allegedly goes back even farther than that. Funimation's first investigation on the matter was inconclusive. There was some pedophile allegation or something with the con owner. Pretty Ugly Little Liars (PULL) - While ResetEra and some other toxic forum are also involved, this is the main source of the KickVic info and fail miserably trying to dox people. Last year, he and Anime Matsuri, a convention held in Houston, partnered to open a dubbing studio. Then Vic is fired from a bunch of cons and Funimation and RT all very quickly to one another. It's a lot of spoken very hard to credit word vs cold hard evidence and facts taken. The Persistence says at one point "this is the democratic party" while the men are swearing and dancing away. It's not a discussion that will benefit anyone by being had now when emotions are flaring from parasocial bonfires and information seems to be coming out to add fuel to that fire. I'll at least give you some relief that many of the allegations used tactics in which in a public mass work in favor of people, but are complete garbage and useless in court. If no action is taken, this would not end just here. We have people being spiteful and going out of the way to get people fired over what I believe really happened. I can't even make predictions or theories on that. Even if all the allegations are false (which I doubt, because that's a lot of smoke for there to be no fire) it doesn't change the fact he already has this stigma attached to his name. I will say that cheating on your wife isn't something you should be fired for. The guy who made the funimation tweet is getting fired and whoever approved of it is definitely getting fired. In the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against voice actor Vic Mignogna, production company Rooster Teeth announced it would replace him on their popular animated series, RWBY.. Let's just say it'd probably take a week to get done kind of thing. You'd think things would quiet down, but they manage to somehow get worse (or better from an entertainment standpoint). I'm not even sure Monica will even have a job to go back to even if she was sexually harassed. Paste as plain text instead, What is the right thing to do? Its mostly just been a waiting game. It worked and everyone hated Vic. hide caption. I thought this might be an exaggeration so I went to the wiki and I can't fucking believe it's real. He doesn't cover the news quite a much. That's basically tame 4chan but one of their first posts cover it nicely. Utilizing Texas' anti-SLAPP law, the defendants got the lawsuit tossed. It'sdegradingand always unwelcomed, no matter how innocent the comment or action may be. Why was Vic Mignonia most likely targeted? They also uninvited people that were taking a NEUTRAL stance on the subject (because being neutral still counts as supporting Vic appearently), Not sure if Goku needs to be fired but Samantha Inoue-Harte faked a swatting andMarchiwho wished physical harm and promoted violencetoward him should be fired even if he is guilty. The tl;dr version of this is that the most likely scenario is that Monica (voice of Bulma) and Jamie (voice of Goku) are going to be fired from Funimation. Now for the VAs and possibly people linked or tied to these VAs. That's probably just enough to take Funimation, Rooster Teeth, and ANN into a court room. That year, Mignogna sued his former employer, two women who accused him of inappropriate behavior and the partner of one of the women. Wouldn't it make more sense if the allegations mentioned this detail as it would make more sense why he did what he did. These also are people who aren't professional businessmen which are more likely to be persuaded to make not as let's just say smart actions. To them he's the worst piece of shit in the world to the point I think some of them wish he killed himself when his career went down the drain. At the end of the day, the voice actors do need money to be able to afford to live, and given how little anime productions pay their voice talent, you kinda have to take what you can get. Except Monica Rial who is not happy. Saying otherwise is misleading and tries to obfuscate the existing facts and accounts of people who have been made uncomfortable or witnessed the events. Looking at that now, it probably wasn't a good choice seeing how this would've blown over keeping him or on probation. There's thousands of pieces of info to dig through so it's very easy to miss something or even accidentally skip important events or missed any important names. The 60-year-old voice actor was a popular guest at anime conventions in North America and Europe, recorded his own music on the side, and was a vocal Christian. for agreeing to localize it. Yes, Vic's VA career will probably be ruined, to be honest I'm not too heartbroken about it. He's known for randomly daily weeb stuff and is really over the top. I don't say something like about people pretty much ever. I think for the Jamie Marchi he was just doing a reenactment of a line or scene. That Umbrella Guy (TUG) - Hey thereit's a notable Youtuber who covered ComicsGate and is known for his soothing Louisiana Voice. This picture was taken down and removed due to this. Of course he called during their off hours. Jamie Marchi - Monica Rial's best friend and VA who contracts often with Funimation like the two above. He is not a sexual predator and I do think he's gotten into trouble before and maybe even had to talk to people about it. io9 - They wrote an article which listed some allegations people made against him in an interview writing it in a way to make him look bad as they only included things he said and wrote it in a way to make him look worse as found by the some IStandWithVic members uncovering the full interview. This bad publicity is leverage to help the leaders behind this all drive someone they don't like out of the industry. Anyways, you keep mentioning ANN falsifying evidence (which I can't find any article on and a couple of comments on other websites popping up when I tried to research it mentioning the claims saying it's false are fabricated),so I'm going to finally address this point and say that's there's no evidence that show that those or other testimoniesare false either other than screenshots from literally just one person. The sad thing is, between that and how his lawyer is so clearly a drunk lizard in a suit, I almost feel a little bit bad for Vic; he clearly has himself entirely convinced that he did nothing wrong. They have been covering all of this information even at the rapid pace it's been coming out but even they can't always keep up with all this news. What I'm about to say is pretty much just speculation trying not to get caught up in the parts of the story that don't matter. He's doing them because the fans really want him to be there and to interact with him. He kind of goes in random spurts where he's set off. The exec who made the investigation is probably getting fired. I'm not gonna cover him unless he gets filed papers. It would be reasonable to say that I have lied at some point in my life, as I'm only human, but whether I'm a dishonest person is up to debate. Something went wrong. Kameha Con - While they will never say it, they believe in due process and were willing to do the right thing even when they really kind of didn't have to taking a risk to invite Vic back and are so happy with the fan support. Refuses to sign non-erotic yaoi involving his characters. She accused Vic's situation being worse than her brother's and said things she probably shouldn't have said. Comments from Chris Sabat and Funimation employees. Ron Toye began posting stuff to fight back against Nick which he pretty much said it was wrong or misinterpreted (which one of the things was a mistake most people make). Vic will be okay, I'm confident in that. Chris McDonald- The CEO of Anime News Network who is pretty ugly looking and a bit of a jackass. If this scenario was true, it does make me wonder if the olive branch would be a wise move to make. It just makes everyone look bad. Both of them said they felt compelled to speak up after learning they were not the only ones. Somehow it's tied to blaming Vic. Rob Latour/Shutterstock Vic Mignogna, known for voicing Broly in the "Dragon Ball" series of games, films, and tv shows, filed a lawsuit claiming defamation and other charges against Funimation. EmoshiLive - Another Youtuber covering this situation who is usually pretty level headed when getting into discussions taking less extreme side then some others. Except Sony. People just wanted to be hateful on something on the internet (this is pretty common). He's on the hook for ~$500k. I wish I could find the video on that but we can confirm the guy did questionable actions to make people feel uncomfortable. I think the true irony here is that Funimation was willing to let Vic go due to the course of unprofessional actions, but we are seeing others doing very unprofessional actions which they as well should be accountable for. "Yeah, I'm the same way. It also happened to underaged girls or girls that looked underaged. Most likely not considering the first investigation was inconclusive. The game plan was brilliant on paper, but it kind of backfired because Comic Consdon't function the same way the anime industry does and was dealing with this shit already. Prepare for one of the most ridiculous and interesting things you will see in a while. But I still doubt it. I don't know. This morning Mignogna released a statement. Rooster Teeth sends a Cease and Desist to a RWBY YouTuber, also claiming to take further legal action if their demands are not met. There's a lot of complicated factors into this. How? Some of his more well known roles include Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist, Tamaki Suoh in Ouran High School Host Club, and Broly in Dragon Ball Z. Vic developed, directed, and starred in the webseries Star Trek Continues as Captain Kirk from 2012-2017. Interesting enough, he may have been more involved with this than we originally thought which some assume he is Igor even. Let's just jump to the underaged girls. Gonna be honest, this really isn't an AnimeGate, but we are quite possibly seeing something rather interesting. Fans shouldn't pretend they know vic, especially when his actions are showing him in a different light. Their ceo I think was found for pedophilia and there was some Nazi ad on their site. Oh how very, very wrong this man is. Sony will be fine. But by the following month, Rooster Teeth, a production company, cut ties with Mignogna and removed him from the cast of RWBY, an anime-style web show. 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