The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. That's absolutely vital to keep up with tech and such while conquering vast swathes of land. Well yes, at least in 1.5, I had to hire a few mercenaries at start. Take some money if you can. Byzantium is the Roman Empire. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. To me the Ottomans are a non-issue since I beat them every game with ease. Deal with it. 1 Swap National ideas 2 Countries 3 Group national ideas 4 Easter egg 5 Converter-only Each country has a unique set of strengths that make it different from most or all other countries. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers. Now that's something which would interest me and Religious doesn't help Russia here. Oh, did I mention you get +30% goods produced from this (policies)? Into the forests and hinterlands of the land we today call Russia.Now a new and arrogant city of the north is on the rise. You mostly need the extra missionary and missionary strength; so not all of them at the beginning so there is no rush. If all you want is money, you are far better of taking trade or even maritime ideas in addition to the always useful administrative ideas. Why everyone argue so much about Economic ideas? Consecrate metropolitans (you can do this in 3 states). Administrative, as Adaptability. Econ is viable as a first idea as well. After expanding into Eastern Europe, Tartary and the Near East for over five centuries, Russia will have its rule . If so, where's Humanist? I'd probably do religious-quality-economic-trade. Admin for extra GC and CCR. warren central student killed 2022. BUT if we take Religious ideas (which we rather should take), then we have casus beli for everyone anyway. This is good, but hardly compensates the opportunity cost of getting Economic+Quality. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Declare on a small tributary and full siege (even assault) them. Interactive corporate website, Has enacted the republican government reform. The 100% MP boost is gone since ages. Icon of St. John Climacus for spreading and embracing Institutions. Your colonies will be mostly useless apart from troops though. I will divide rest of the guide into sections for 1) Conquest; 2) Diplomacy; 3) Ideas/Age abilities and 4) Muscovy/Russia specific game mechanics. This ensures you dont incur too much AE in Asia or Europe. They might be allied to Uzbek, but you should be able to take them on too. Religious helps with stability and deus vult is op. Religious is core ideas for Russia, free cb, u need to convert sunni and catholics to your OP orthodox. Not a native-English speaker, so pardon my english. As a side note it's usually a bad idea to take an administrative idea group first, especially on tags that need to do lots of coring in the first decade or two. Full annex Ryazan/Odeyev. 10% for admin and 10% for expansion, another 10% with the policy. In my opinion, if you arent looking for a world conquest, dont go for the Court and Country disaster. I wouldn't go out of my way for it, but you may consider it. Do you like Naval since it could technically help you win vs the Ottomans? But it becomes another level of pain with Muscovy. Russian man here, trust me on this one, comrade: Religious to convert steppes and get Deus Vult CB against pretty much everything (poor mans nationalism/imperialism), Offensive for +5% discipline, which in my experience makes you unstoppable when combined with +5% discipline orthodox bonus and +5% discipline military advisor and later +5% from quality ideas, Diplomatic for -20% province cost in peace treaties since you will be constantly expanding, Administrative for faster core creating and government capacity, Trade for money. Keep the center of trades for yourself though. Save Oprichnina points. You can be so rich you can actually spawn global trade with this setup. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Prussia is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg, the Teutonic Order, or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides end-game tags such as Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire). You are using an out of date browser. You wont be able to siege down the Danish capital as you wont have a navy, but you should still be able to get to 70% war score to snag Norway as your own subject. There are only 2 things holding you back, one is the limited manpower you start with and second are alliances. Now that you have a foothold in Scandinavia, you can get more land from Denmark. Information, Frequently Asked In the second war, take the two center of trades. I always perfered humanist over religious for the seperatism buffs. Not bad per se, it's just that every other adm. group is far better. Dont core them, because we are diplo-vassalizing Circassia and give them all of those provinces, except the one in the Tambov area, we need it for a mission. Prussia can also play a decisive role in the League Wars. Age of Revolution- If you have lot of subjects, take Liberty Desire ideas. Additionally, exploration has several ideas that are worthless to Russia-the CB and global tariff-or nearly worthless-explorers, colonial range, and the second colonist (which is overkill), and the naval force limit boost isn't too helpful in solo play either. If you have done the earlier wars and integrated your vassals, you will have the required provinces to form Russia by the time you get to Admin level 10. Focus it and get a decent advisor. Get level 1 advisors. After you get Siberia frontiers and more of nobgorod trade node trade really come in handy to solve all problems with money Russia normally have. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Russia and Quantity? How to get more power projection? Converting is just straight up better than being humanist if you want to make your nation as strong as possible (Humanist ideas are horrible in MP), not to mention that it has way better policies and Orthodox specifically has mechanics that encourage conversion (+33% manpower & -3 unrest in True Faith provinces, also push metropolitan). Prussia has three unique government reforms, Prussian Monarchy for monarchies, Stratocratic Administration for republics, and Militaristic Divine State for theocracies. Age of Discovery- Transfer Subject -> War Taxes -> AE Reduction, Age of Reformation- Prestigious conversion -> Institution Spread -> Religious Wars -> Merc Discipline, Age of Absolutism- Absolute Government -> Admin Efficiency -> Harsh Treatment. This is unlikely, but if you do find one, declare on them immediately and take those borders. For more information, please see our They have some very powerful militaristic national ideas making them a monster mid to late game if you feed them enough land. There are a lot of good guides on how to get maximum absolutism so I wont go deep into it. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive.The following DLC is used in this series:Eu4 1.32 Origins leviathan Emperor DLC, Dharma, Rule Britannia, Cradle of Civilization, Third Rome, Mandate of Heaven, Rights of Man, Mare Nostrum, The Cossacks, Common Sense, El Dorado, Art of War, Res Publica, Wealth of Nations, and Conquest of Paradise.#eu4 #eu4origins #eu4muscovy #eu4russia #eu4guide #eu4building #eu4playingwide Cookie Notice Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you want a military group go for quantity. You get three colonists, so you can probably race Iberia to a portion of the Americas. Besides, the Grandmaster would much rather be a Duke or King. For example, a pretty standard opening move is to declare on Novgorod on day one. If you go quantity over aristocratic. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. If played correctly, Prussia can dominate Central Europe and the rest of the HRE. You dont even need Alaska, Siberia is enough, trust me. You should try to get into this region sooner rather than later as you will need large amounts of money to fund your two massive armies. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Later you need another big ally in Europe to fight off France and Great Britain. The best way to achieve this is by the Court and Country disaster. They destroyed our kremlins and the towns fell one by one, even Kiev itself could not avoid this fate. It would beimpossible to unlock Administrative ideas for me. Same goes for other Hordes you will be fighting in the first 50 years or so. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It draws in the petty states around it and its ruler envisions a new Rus'. Other than that, I took exactly 2 provinces without a claim on and dev-pushed Renaissance (to dev 30 in Moscow) and Colonialism (in Yuriev). Press J to jump to the feed. Is +10% goods produced and +1 missionary strength a bad policy? Training And Servicing Center. What ideas should I pick? Have fun! Ottomans are THE hardest enemy you will face playing as Muscovy/Russia. I am planning on doing a Russia playthrough. Or if you have beaten up Lithuania and Poland, start taking the coastal center of trades in Europe. Is +10% goods produced and +1 missionary strength a bad policy? The solution is to have two separate groups of armies for both regions. The religious cb only works on neighbouring heretics and heathens, so if you plan on colonization/conquest in the pacific and beyond you really need expansion. 3) Religion. The infinite manpower comes when you form russia. They are one of the most powerful nations at the start. Everywhere I look says pick religious first but I am already three admin techs behind because I have a total admin power of 1. Expansion gives more governing capacity and more Settlers. JavaScript is disabled. Colonial Russia can be fun. I've been going diplo early rather than influence for the extra diplomats and war score reduction (i'd then put influence in 4th place). Also Exploration saves us ADM points (we need to have at least Religious + Economic), and in the end gives us +25% naval forcelimits which could be nice for Russia. Take all the provinces bordering Sweden and Tver and some money. In MPs, I'd suggest going for 4 military idea groups. Idea Groups for Muscovy/Russia. This looks like you could improve your mana generation and management. Quantity is overkill for Russia but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider using it for absolutely stupid manpower and force limits. You cant outcolonize countries like Spain, GB, Portugal, dont even try it. Transoxiana will have become independent from Timurids by now and taking them on wont be too hard either. Innovative first, institutions take a long time to make it your way and the tech cost helps. Do the estate interactions. Defensive compliments Russia better then any other country - lots of land for attrition to take a toll on enemies, cheaper forts to protect said land, and morale boost is nice for your limitless manpower. I am also happy about any general tips on forming/expanding Russia since I am a newbie, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Always has worked, probably always will. Ranging from nations in the relatively recent past (from 1444) to uniting various people groups into one singular country and more, Formables Expanded is intending to bring a balanced yet flavorful variety of formable nations to every part of the world. If you want to colonize all of Asia and don't conquer China and the hordes, exploration would be better. What about +5% Morale and +10% Siege ability? Taking on Uzbek, Nogai, Kazakh, Siber is easy. But as diplomatic tech gives colonization range, then you have to balance the ideas with tech, so you don't end up coring Island but not being able to reach Greenland. Welcome to Formables Expanded! After this, it should be easy enough to beat them up in subsequent wars. Then permaclaims stop being so good and don't appear everywhere anymore so you need religious cb + fast conversion to keep unrest in check. As for ideas trade and diplo can be good. Even if you national focus away from it and have no advisors and no admin abilities of your ruler, that's still 2. Declare on someone who is allied to one of Mings tributaries. Just buy some mercs. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.29. Also probably pick eco a bit earlier so you can atleast dev somewhat. Early siege ability and FL boost is great and 115% discipline is op. It would even make sense. Despite quantity itself being somewhat redundant. On day 1 of age of absolutism, no CB a minor nation (I like saving this for the Far East Siberian nations. Aristocratic is always a solid pick. Yeah, why not make 2 coring reductions. Don't stress out. Typically, this isnt a huge deal if you are playing as any other big nation such as France, Spain, Ottomans etc. This will require a lot of diplo points. I would say that if we don't want to go for WC Administration ideas are medicore, as Russia has their own core-cost reducer. Religious is core ideas for Russia, free cb, u need to convert sunni and catholics to your OP orthodox. Barely. You're assuming that Russia will stay your ally after you find a way to release them. There is a reason why Alaska was sold. :huh: They are not bad at all. If Kiev (280) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then: Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. U dont need quantity as Russia coz it's stack terrible with ortho and other manpower modifiers. Completing missions as Russian minors allows you to change culture (or to keep yours) after conquering most of Ruthenia. and our I'm not sure if the game changed, but in my experience rebels are a non-issue, like annoying flies. I even take economic from time to time, but only to roleplay. I'm not a fan of quality but if you need it then fair enough. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Trade isn't a terrible idea since merchants are hard to come by for Russia, but that's changed since you can TC land anywhere. The dude is only making one admin mana at the moment. Trust me, you dont need it. Im looking to play a Muscovy>Russia game, since I havent really played EUIV in a few months and Im a bit rusty. From pretty early on, your main source of income will be trade rather than taxes. Admin ideas at some point for this reason too. Rival Kazan and Great Horde. Swap eco for diplo. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In 1.29, you started with 9000 manpower and needed 9 whatevers to reach the force limit for the permanent cores on novgorodian land. Get provinces from them so you can border Ming directly. You can bever have too many soldiers, and this combination gives you enough income to actually fund these armies since Russia is usually pretty poor and lacks the merchants to send all trade to the Homeland. Offensive is very handy for fighting the Ottomans. Trade for $$$ to pay for your huge armie. before clicking the move capital to saint Petersburg option.) Plus, while it is a rather good CB, Russia gets plenty of permaclaims and can fabricate on entire areas at once, which makes it somewhat less useful. I'd assume he meant his ruler has an admin skill of 1. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I don't know why so many people recommend Humanist or Religious to beat rebels if rebels are a minor annoyance? Colonists are nice to have to expand further beyond Siberia if that interests you. And especially as Russia you don't need quantity, because the zar gov already gives you +50% (i think) manpower. They have inferior armies, but they will have a huge numbers advantage. The trick was to rush ideas ASAP to get the great Russian national ideas. Objective- Cut Novgorod off from rest of Europe. Form Prussia and have at least 125% discipline. It's so good as Russia, literally infinite manpower. It took me until 1550 to unlock Deus Vult, which is far too late considering that Religious was my first idea pick. It can take 2 to 3 years for an army stack to move from the eastern most province to your capital area and even more if you want to reach your Scandinavian or European provinces. The new colony will start with 5 settlers instead of the usual 10. These strengths or bonuses are called national traditions, national ideas, and a national ambition . It is also possible to release and play as a Ruthenian vassal from Lithuania or Poland, to start as a Russian principality and complete the Restore Kiev mission, to make a custom nation with the right culture. Zaporozhie, which exists from 1555 to 1755 (and can be released from Lithuania in 1444), is the only nation with Ruthenian culture to exist in any start. I'm just wondering about actual strategies in sp for Russia/Muscovy. Look for one of the surviving Italian nations or Spain. Russia have gold and also very, very big production. Ming will want to white peace after a while. X. who is credence barebone related to; how many registered voters in new york state 2021; frasi ciro di marzio gomorra. You need to start making more admin. Ming is your enemy on the east. Information, Frequently Asked Or to replace some of + speed bonuses, which are pretty crappy. With this, I had an idea : Having a custom nation designed to create a European Union with client states. Siege down Ryazan/Odeyev. In the first few years, you will fight Novgorod, Great Horde and Kazan. Press J to jump to the feed. Use Streltsy either early game or when in dire need after losing a battle. Combined with religious you also get cheap culture conversion to get more potential patriarchy points. What to pick as Muscovy early on? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Realistically after that you pick based on what you need. Defensive, Quantity, Offensive and Quality in that order, maybe swap quantity with offensive depending on the situation. Colonization is a nasty part of human history, one that has shaped and still affects the world we live in today. No good policies? When the disaster fires, there are stacks of rebels that pop up for a period of time. Try to come out with 4k to 5k manpower to spare after this war. Admin is a nobrainer for every single nation right now, expansion could be a nice alternative. So too shall the Rus'. Quantity then religious then trade. If you can ally Ottoman, make that Unholy alliance. If Poland hasnt rivaled you at the start, you should try to ally them. If you have taken on Lithuania, release minor nations and feed them land. Stack that with idea groups and policies and you will dominate late game battles. Sometimes, that greatness comes by taking what others . Ideas for a European Union custom nation . In MPs, I'd suggest going for 4 military idea groups. The worst options are: Quantity. It is more viable and basically necessary in MP. 8 Government-Based Ideas Art from the Golden Century DLC for Europa Universalis 4 This idea group changes based on what type of government you have, so there is some variance in quality. Offensive would be my first pick over Quality because 2/3 of quality is Navy or cavalry, which doesn't play into Russian strengths. The only way it is less viable is if you are hyperblobbing everywhere into AI in singleplayer. Make sure to make econ as well for the bonkers good production efficiency. It started off well but it's terrible now. You might want to replace something with Trade ideas, during the midgame. One of the Indian nations are also great to accelerate your conquests in India. Fight few battles with Ming armies. any tips are welcome. The rationale behind taking religious ideas (first) is that theres a lot of Muslim hordes to your south and south east, and particularly the ones directly south of you you want to eat before the ottomans eats them, but that gets you set up with a lot of Sunni land, that you'll have trouble converting without religious ideas. It will take 2 more wars to finish off Novgorod. Not at all as with France in 1.6. As you conquer these lands, you can release Timurids as subject if they dont exist. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers. , extra missionary and effects missionary strength. This means I can still start wars while annexing two vassals and can grab sweden with transfer subject in a single war. If you cant ally Ottoman, you need a big European power as an ally early on. Show more Show more. At any rate, I'd recommend religious second, as you said. Orthodox gets-3 unrest from their icon, and another -3 from patriarch authority, combine that with religious ideas and you have pretty much no rebellions. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 17:40. EU4 Nation Guides Muscovy is the meanest bad ass in the Russia and Ural region at start and you can take on literally anyone around you. Playing with normal or historical nations. A Rus' centered in Moscow and not Kiev. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my guide on how to fix common startup problems in version 1.29, Picture it and then make it so in Europa. The last is for any other country with Prussian, Saxon or Pomeranian culture, representing another German country taking the path that Brandenburg did historically. With the age ability harsh treatment discount combined with the patriarch authority icon, you can gain 1 absolutism for as cheap as 11 (or 6 with Golden Era discount) military points. Valve Corporation. Very good guide, Medicles. Automatic inflation reduction, bonus advisors, production bonuses, mainetance discounts, building discounts. Questions, Paradox I don't see how anything else would be better. And Artillery ideas. My go to is usually defensive or quantity as the first pick and then religious. I'd agree with you with any other religion but Orthodox. Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their military stat by 3. Improve with Pskov, as you cant RM them. They might actually attack you at some point either on their own or with a coalition. Quality and offensive are of course always valid too. The rest is whichever you like. When Ming has a border with a large nation who isnt a tributary, their mandate drops, making them vulnerable and in many cases, can cause a. It draws in the petty states around it and its ruler envisions a new Rus'. Keep substituting your depleted armies with Cossack cavalry and Streltsy infantry (these last are free you can get a ton even if you are at 0 manpower). All rights reserved. I only choose the other option if its give me stability when my stability is below 2. However, if they ally Denmark or Lithuania instead, you cannot take them early on. A capital not of a mighty territorial empire, but of a compact and concentrated state that can still use gold and favors to influence neighbors and rivals. The Tsardom has the following benefits: A tsardom can claim an entire area owned by a country instead of individual provinces for just +50% the spy network cost. as your first 3 institution devs in that order. Make sure you do this while in the Age of Discovery. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Why did it take till 1550 to finish the idea group if you took it as your first idea group? They will drop your forts quickly, but rarely upgrade their own forts. Into the forests and hinterlands of the land we today call Russia. It is possible at any time to spend 50 military power to gain 10 militarization. This was even nerfed, the Ghazi idea used to give +50% recovery speed. The rest of the group sucks, but that's okay. Religious is probably going to be your first idea group. As soon as you declare, take the mission. Make sure you have a small stack of army next to them before you declare). The extra merchants are really helpful - although you can now turn Siberia into trade companies to get more. 4) Trade. Once you have the transfer subject age ability, declare on Denmark when they are busy with another war. Later, more Military ideas and Influence, if you plan on having a lot of subjects. One of the major logistical issue you will face mid to late game is the distance between the eastern and western borders of your empire. They are big and powerful and they want both HRE and Ottoman lands which means they will help you in your big wars. Right now, expansion could be a nice alternative you do find one, even Kiev could! Before you declare, take the mission speed bonuses, mainetance discounts, building discounts reason eu4 russia ideas really -... At the beginning so there is no rush nation ( I like this! 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