Like in the shoulder, natural mobility of the hip allows them to move through a greater motion. We are not aiming to ramp the body up for a training session or work hard to gain flexibility and train skills. The reality of the human body is that there are hundreds of factors related to anatomy that can influence a gymnasts level of flexibility. Forcing a split down into extreme ranges of an oversplit without a proper assessment behind it, asking a gymnast to perform over splits when they are not even close to a split on flat ground, or blindly pushing someone down just to be tough, is most definitely dangerous. This wraps in not only the passive range but also strength, active control, technique, and many other factors. Not only do they happen quite a bit as a first time injury for a gymnast, they seem to keep popping up as re-occuring injuries for many gymnasts leading to cumulative issues down the road. As far as specific flexibility circuits, those I feel are the best times to truly make positive increases in joint flexibility. Determination and Desire are however the most important traits for successful participation in any Although these traditional training methods can yield short-term benefits and may help increase an athletes awareness of body position, problems clearly exist with this model. Routledge: New York. These issues are commonly overlooked as culprits to why a gymnast struggles in this area of gymnastics. Speaking beyond the research on this idea, I think light soft tissue work and static stretching may have the most impact on blood flow or lymphatic drainage. The analogy I use with people from a coaching background is to compare it to the giant swing and the necessary components to complete the skill. After having various conversations about flexibility with people in the gymnastics community, the safety of training over splits is typically the biggest question. Targeted Muscular Stretching, or PNF Techniques Most gymnasts in general (and especially people with chronic ankle sprains) tend to hang out in this position at rest. 30-60 seconds per targeted muscle group, no more than 5/10 discomfort level. This will be the format I use for the joint sections below, but you can download examples of these circuits for the hip and shoulder specifically here. This is opposed to possible sarcomeregensis that may be induced from heavy loading eccentric movements. Being able to achieve a full over split, or even a regular full split for that matter requires many things to be going well from a movement point of view. Lastly and most importantly, this complex approach tends to create much more engagement from gymnasts, as the longer static holding of flexibility can be very prolonged and monotonous. There may be a lot of variation on exact exercises/stretches included in your athletes' warm-up, but do try to include ALL of the following components: They should not produce discomfort on the top of the shoulders, which is more indicative of rotator cuff or soft tissue impingement under the coracoacromial arch. Knowing what I do now from all of the above research, I have mostly moved away from this approach of only using stretching to improve flexibility. A Review of the Literature Part 1: Neuromuscular and Anatomic Risk, Risk Factors for Anterior Cruciate Ligament InjuryA Review of the LiteraturePart 2: Hormonal, Genetic, Cognitive Function, Previous Injury, and Extrinsic Risk Factors, Anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention training in female athletes: a systematic review of injury reduction and results of athletic performance, The Best Gymnastics Leg Conditioning For Explosive Power on Vault and Floor, Exactly How to Build Explosive Power in Gymnasts Using a Hybrid Lifting Program with Scott Willgress, 5 Ways Gymnastics Coaches Build Healthy & High Performing Gym Cultures, Luke Carson on Gymnastics Culture Change, Handling Disappointment, and The Olympics/Worlds, 5 In Season Pitfalls for Gymnastics Coaches to Avoid, SHIFTs 200th Episode! Also, think how they apply to the gymnasts skill profile. Splits in the Car. Is there a distinct pattern to the acetabular labrum and articular cartilage damage in the non-dysplastic hip with instability? Int J Sports Med. There are many other important tools such as proper strength training, eccentrics, managing workloads, and regular mobility work that must be considered and used as well, as they are supported by research, Movement assessments are essential to seeing progress with flexibility, Screening, soft tissue care, stretching, strength work, eccentrics, and gymnastics specific drills should all be used in flexibility programs, Cutting edge soft tissue, strength, and active flexibility techniques for splits, handstands, and shapes, Practical traditional stretching methods combined with latest scientific research, Techniques for increasing flexibility, and making changes transfer to gymnastics skills, A reduction in the threshold of stretch reflexes within muscles, A reduction in the sensitivity of nerves that transmit signals of danger (nociceptors), A change within the brain related to perceived discomfort. (41-42, 44-45). ISJPT 9(6) 2014. It alsomay impact their ability to control landings and tumble leading to decreased performance. Its also really important to remember that the upper back, or thoracic spine, and the next play a huge role in shoulder motion. Sands and Mcneal have a few fantastic chapters on flexibility in recent Strength and Conditioning text books (39-40). By using a variety of drills that include the basic movements (hip extension, shoulder flexion with rotation, etc.) The problem is, between the massive amount of information on the internet, the rapid progression of scientific literature, and the wide range of possible reasons behind why someone struggles with flexibility, it can be absolutely exhausting to learn about and use practically to actually see long term results in the gy. The subjects were adult, the stretching methods and outcomes may have some validity errors, and the difference in natural hypermobility or anatomy were not discussed. (2, 5). Before kicking this off, please keep in mind that I wrote an entire book chapter on gymnastics flexibility, which you can download and find for free here. Current Concepts In Shoulder Examination of The Overhead Athlete. Its my opinion that other aspects to physical preparation like strength or skill training, cause more structural changes to muscle tissue due to their higher force and volume nature. I am not responsible or liable for any negative consequences that come from applying the ideas below. Due to this, they may not be biasing the proper muscular tissue intended and as a result may show limited effectiveness. Journ Sport Rehab, 2015, 24, 286 292, Nelson RT, Bandy WD. I am incredibly grateful for all the research they have conducted. The passive structures include things like the bones, ligaments, joint capsules, and the inherent boney alignment we are born with. Weppler CH, Magnusson SP. Bialosky, et al. The Relation Between Stretching Typology and Stretching Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. Given that gymnasts already straighten their knees andtend to show very knee dominant landings (versus proper hip dominant squat deceleration landings), we really dont want to putting them more at risk for landing lock legged and having something going seriously wrong. They ended up finding changes in range of motion for both groups, with more changes to the muscle tendon stiffness in the Hold Relax group. I know some coaches worry that excessive static stretching or foam rolling before training may negatively impact strength or power output, based on concerns or some research findings. Subacromial Impingement. Gently warming up the muscles is a safe way to begin activity and prepare you for advanced . Dave I think there are not yet studied boney adaptations to the hip joints of gymnasts when correctly performed and consistent stretching occurs in younger years. Chaundry H, et al. Keep this position for a couple of seconds and do the same for the other arm. J Athl Training 35(3):278285, 2000. Pausing for Practical Applications in Gymnastics Training I know readers feel real overwhelmed probably. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to know whether reported discomfort during stretching is a safe and expected result or an unsafe atypical response. Its not that we want to freak out every time someone is reporting discomfort in a split. As the 2018 systematic review outlines (25), it may make a positive effect on range of motion when properly done. Epub 2014 Apr 10. 95 97 In theory, it incorporates not only neural encoding but also motor skill acquisition and deliberate practice. I believe addressing this common imbalance in strength volume is a key contributing factor for seeing long-term shoulder flexibility gains and reducing overuse injuries related to the shoulder joint. They review an abundance of research studies like the two noted above, dissecting the results and validity to offer thoughts on what stretching does to muscular tissue. I have found that many of the traditional general stretches we use as go to methods for increasing flexibility do not have proper assessments preceding them or may not have anatomical considerations in mind. The Hyper Flexible Hip: Managing Hip Pain in the Dancer and Gymnast. It also stretches your hamstrings. Exercise selection, strength program balance, and athlete individuality also have a significant impact on limited progress in flexibility. 2015; 23: 203-212, Escamilla RF, Hooks TR, Wilk KE. This simple change in the stretch, along with follow up work, tends to make large progress in gymnasts who cannot progress in their overhead flexibility. *Medical Note Also, remember that this blog post is for educational purposes only and does not represent medical advice. improvements on how we have typically taught athletes/gymnasts to stretch their hip flexors, groin and lats. Again, without an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, injury mechanisms, and medical imaging, it is tough for someone to tell the difference between a hip flexor strain and a more severe ligament or labral tear. 2015 Jun;25(3):346-55. doi: 10.1111/sms.12228. If you don't feel any pain or discomfort, hold this stretch for about 30 seconds. The same argument can be made for the hips of gymnasts. It is common to see many gymnastics strength programs that train a high volume of pull-ups, leg lifts, rope climbs, and push-ups. The strips are cut in sections approximately 5'6" in length (approximately 170cm). Epub 2016 Nov 14. Like many people, I largely got my flexibility methods from lessons that my coaches passed down to me, the advice of other coaches at camps or clinics, and whatever I found on the internet through discussion forums. It has all become wildly popular in the last five years, and its starting to show up much more in the gymnastics community. This second layer of joint capsule and ligaments helps provide more stability to the joint, with different portions of the capsule limiting certain ranges of motion. Within the sport of gymnastics, a large majority of athletes who get involved have underlying natural hypermobility. [Epub ahead of print] Read this study here In Jeffreys I., Moody J. Elsevier. This can happen withhip flexing movements (think front leg high kick or leap) as the front of the femur bone makes contact with the front of the pelvis (impingement) and then the contact acts as a fulcrum for thefemoral head toslide out the back of the hip joint (instability). However, more recent research has supported the idea that foam rolling and properly designed dynamic warm-ups prior to training appear to have no significant negative effects on performance, may enhance it, and also positively impact the range of motion in various muscle groups (49-50). And lastly, passive or active flexibility exercises alone will not have a substantial impact on the nervous system to change movement, build strength, or correct technique. The first few sections of this blog are background and explanation for flexibility methods using scientific research. North Am J Sports Phys Ther 1(1):1631, 2006. I feel this issue comes up during fast dynamic movements like jumps, kicking drills, leaping, running, mens pommel work, and so on. Many gymnasts may be limited by their bony alignment, differently shaped hips, or less mobile capsule/ ligaments. For many people in the gymnastics community, it comes down to a professional discussion on taking away overly aggressive flexibility methods, following the science of shoulder anatomy and making subtle changes in training. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms by your sides. Opplert J, Babault N. Acute Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Muscle Flexibility and Performance: An Analysis of the Current Literature. The athletes with naturally lax ligaments allow them to get into specific ranges of motion needed for even the most basic gymnastics skills. Just as we must reverse engineer each of these technical issues to why a gymnast is unable to make a giant over, we must take the same approach to flexibility training. Gymnastics is, therefore, a sports discipline that seeks to provide strength and flexibility to the body, through specific exercise routines. What is likely easy for that gymnast to do in a flexibility video online is because she has unique hips. It goes into much more depth than I will in this blog post. They try videos from the internet, are disciplined about stretching at practice and at home, do active flexibility, try different medical providers, and all sorts of home remedies, only to come up short. 2018 Feb;48(2):299-325. doi: 10.1007/s40279-017-0797-9. 0, pp. They tell me they often times find temporary progress, but nothing seems to stick long term and actually show up in their skills. Without an in-depth medical background to understand human anatomy, the risk to reward ratio of trying to stretch ligaments and joint capsules are incredibly high. Wilk KE, Macrina LC, Reinold MM. They also echo the research covered already that emphasis how overly aggressive or excessive stretching duration can possibly have damaging effects on connective tissue(39). This approach may lead to a limited transference to actual skills. CEO/Founder of SHIFT Movement Science. Flexibility is frequently included in talent identification and screening measures for gymnasts, divers, and dancers (2, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21). (13-14). Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS 2) change tissue properties of the calf muscle. Following a full-bodied dynamic warm-up, athletes can then do some core basics, jumping and landing basics, handstand or other gymnastic specific prep work, and then progress naturally to their first about. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston. I see many shoulder stretches, and hip stretches that I feel are putting a crazy amount of stress on joint capsules and ligaments. (7-9, 17). In particular, the knee and elbow joints can be areas that if overly stretched, can become problematic. The hip stretch routine below is a sequence of exercises designed to help you overcome the most common restrictions so that you can start moving the way you want and need to. I have found that it not only can yield quick changes in flexibility, but it can also make longer-lasting changes that show up in gymnastics skills. Another typical example related to hip flexibility has to do with how arched a gymnasts lower back is during hip flexor or quadriceps muscle stretching. Mobility tends to refer to the amount of motion someone can actively show on their own. The twenty-five individuals in the experimental group stretched their calves in a standard protocol four sets of thirty-second calf stretches to the point of tolerable discomfort, five days per week, for six weeks. This natural selection type introduction to gymnastics presents an essential background foundational concept of flexibility training. If the exercises above are biasing stress on joint capsules and ligaments more so than the lat, teres major, and pec muscles, we should look for an alternative solution. The sport of gymnastics is more than just flashy routines you see on the competition stage. It blows my mind that people actually would push on knees for better lines at the cost of potentially increasing laxity in their knee and increasing the chance of a gymnast blowingACL out during landings. Lats, Teres Major, Pec Major and Minor, Thoracic Spine, etc. Second Edition, 2009. To protect the gymnasts in our care and to protect ourselves against possible allegations of poor practice, coaches must carefully consider their . This creates a huge range of mobility for the shoulder joint, but in exchange for inherently less stability. Ogura Y, Miyahara Y, Naito H, Katamoto S, Aoki J. More specifically, the inferior glenohumeral ligament and capsule, as well as possible parts of the middle glenohumeral ligament and capsule. The bones themselves, and the shape/fit of these bones is often referred to as the first layer of the shoulder joint. The ligaments and joint capsule, along with the alignment of the ball on the socket, create what is known as the passive structures or stabilizers. A systematic review. Approaching this goes back to the chapter on why an interdisciplinary approach to the future of gymnastics is needed. They can also partner with healthcare providers who are versed in this information to either to teach in-services to their staff or teach the gymnasts themselves. flexibility exercises designed to enhance split flexibility. Good or Bad? Due to many gymnasts having inherent hypermobility, we do not want to place excessive stress on the ligaments and joint capsules of athletes. 2014 Jul 1;7(3):202-211. eCollection 2014. Your foot of the leg at the front should lay flat. This is unlike the hip joint, which due to having a deeper hip socket (remember hips are built for weight-bearing while shoulders are not) has more inherent stability with less mobility. As a younger coach and medical provider, I absolutely did not study enough and use proper flexibility methods. Am J Sports Med 2011 39: 85S. Gymnasts are already notorious for having really tight calves because of how much time they spend in a toe point along with doing so much jumping and landing. 389 398, Sands WA, McNeal J. Mobility Development and flexibility in youths. At face value, they can all appear as someone who is tight or unflexible. Which leads me to my most important point of this section: Splits and over splits should not be viewed as an inherent thing a gymnast has or doesnt have. Sports Health. Register for the SHIFT Gymnastics Newsletter for Email Download Link. Although I highly encourage people to review it and read the evidence for themselves, their thoughts follow in line with the ideas noted above related to changes in sensation or tolerance of stretching, rather than true muscle tissue changes. Again, as presented by Beardsley and Skarbot, Self-Myofascial release does not appear to impede athletic performance acutely or in the short term. Many of them tell me that they try searching online, going to clinics or camps, and asking around at gyms about how to help, only to become significantly overwhelmed. Gymnasts should focus on maximizing wrist and shoulder flexibility, as well as doing lots of physical preparation work to strengthen the elbows. Tumbl Trak Athlete Wellness and Recovery Kit, Front splits, straddle splits, handstands and pommel horse/parallel bar flexibility, Downloadable checklists to use at practice,,,,,, The Ultimate Gymnastics Flexibility Guide, Tom Meadows on Developing Elite Male Gymnasts and His Best Coaching Advice, Helping Gymnastics Coaches Stay Happy In The Gym and Change Their Cultures. There are many reasons, and I put together this video highlighting how to look for some of the most common ones. Drill progressions for skills, strength and conditioning, managing fears, and dealing with pain or injury are among the most discussed. I meet many well-intentioned gymnastics coaches and parents who are simply looking for an easy to use, but scientifically-backed flexibility program to help the gymnasts they know to increase their flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and increase their performance. I often give these circuits for shoulder or hip flexibility assigned as homework before practice or at home. These structures and systems tend to have much more potential to change through training. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/75057/domains/ on line 5752 Before you apply new flexibility ideas, take a step back and consider the scientific rationale behind them. This is where the third layer comes into play, the muscular soft tissue. However, they may have a more serious underlying issue such as ligament, capsule, the joint or labral damage that are frankly a big deal. Nho, et al. Ehmke, R. S. (2006). A huge areathat this problem impacts is proper squatting, landing, and force distribution abilities during gymnastics One of the biggest things I find in gymnasts is that most of their overhead deep squat performance was pretty rough all around. If you are more curious about learning the medical side of hip injuries in hyper-flexible athletes, I highly recommend reading these articles. The traditional model of gymnastics typically involves twenty to thirty-minute time periods where static stretches are held, active flexibility drills are done, or specific exercises are repeatedly done in high volume to gain range of motion. This is commonly tested with something called a Beightons screening. Part of this may be inevitable for high-level gymnastics, but we should be doing anything we can to reduce risk given the scientific information and coaching expertise available. Why Do So Many Gymnasts Struggle Even When They Stretch Daily? Examination, treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation for athletes should only be performed by a licensed medical professional. Role of the Acetabular Labrum and the Iliofemoral Ligament in Hip Stability: An In Vitro Biplane Fluoroscopy Study. There are cases where mobilizing these passive structures is appropriate (after surgery or some other trauma). 2012 Mar;5(1):18. doi: 10.1007/s1217801191058. I dont want readers to think static stretching is bad, and that we shouldnt do it. Download My New Free 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits Send Me the Circuits! I have seen what was thought to be a pulled hamstring end up being a pelvic growth plate stress fracture that required six months of time off and rehabilitation. The hip is a bit opposite of this, having a deeper socket with more joint congruency. Flash forward 7 years from that point, with much more education to use and well over 1000 gymnasts treated for medical issues. Epub 2014 May 10. Some naturally flexible gymnasts have a bony alignment where the hip socket is not as deep. It does not look nearly as impressive of a motion, but it is very specific to the goal we are trying to achieve of affecting the active structures while minimizing excessive stress on the passive structures. 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits, Download SHIFT's Free Gymnastics Pre-Hab Guide, I usually start any discussion that I have with coaches or gymnasts related to flexibility on some basic anatomy. This is true both in training and in our medical clinic. This is especially true when notallowing compensation from other body parts or excessive swinging for momentum. As a result, gymnastic branch-specific stretching exercises increase the balance and flexibility parameters in a positive way; it is thought that the longer duration of training programs will. Atraumatic Hip Instability in Patients with Joint Hypermobility.Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. Foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout of physical activity. Acute Effects of Stretching on Passive Properties of Human Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit: Analysis of Differences Between Hold-Relax and Static Stretching. This is a central concept to the work my mentors Mike Reinold and Lenny Macrina teach their patients about, due to how much it changes their mobility. Instead of just jumping to pushing down the knees of gymnast to get better lines or fix bent knees, I strongly suggest that people take time to figure out why the gymnast has bent knees to start with. If these joints are subject to ongoing stretching past their normal end ranges of motion, it can significantly increase the risk of injury. Alistair MM, Saran MR. Micro instability of the hip-it does exist etiology, diagnosis and treatment. There are screening tools that coaches can use to assess these issues, in addition to many great assessments that medical providers can use to break down problems. Beardsley C, Skarabot J. If you look down at your arm (and are wearing a shirt) your actual arm within the shirt sleeve represents the first golf ball on a tee bony layer, and the shirt sleeve surrounding the arm represents the second layer made up of joint capsules and ligaments. Does stretching induce lasting increases in joint ROM? Helpful or Not? Effect of Stretch Frequency and Sex on the Rate and Gain and Rate of Loss in Muscle Flexibility During a Hamstring Stretching Program: A Randomized Single-Blind Longitudinal Study. Remember we want to focus on the active muscular tissue, not the passive ligament or joint capsule tissue. Why Do Gymnasts Lose Flexibility In The First Place? Some research has suggested it can also be helpful to reduce perceived muscle soreness, enhance blood flow, and make an impact in recovery (41-43) I encourage all athletes that I work with to do some form of light, soft tissue prep before every workout. This is where things start to get important. I think that daily soft tissue care is one important piece of the puzzle. 2011. Phys Ther. A possible increase in the levels of chemicals that are natural pain relievers, like enkephlin, within the body. (2 ed., pp. Similar to that point, I would also be very careful about how much pressure the front knee of oversplits is taking, and if you use them try to have the gymnast move their front leg up on the mat more. In this sport, training should be very constant since flexibility and coordination must be improved. Active Flexibility in New Range of Motion and Eccentrics Without a proper movement assessment being done first, the application of regular stretching and other flexibility exercises may fall short of revealing progress. In the most basic sense, I dont think oversplits are inherently bad for gymnasts. I think the more accurate way to describe them is that over splits may be bad for a particular gymnast at that moment in time. 3556). And Im not off the hook here. Wilk KE, Andrews JR, Arrigo CA. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2016). Flexibility 5 Flexibility In addition to the strength/conditioning program, the coach must also provide training for the enhancement of flexibility. The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. However, in my twenty-five years of being a gymnast, a gymnastics coach, and a Sports Physical Therapist who treats hundreds of gymnasts per year, flexibility is by far what I get the most questions about. In Cardinale M, Newton R, Nosaka K,Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. Konrad A, Tip M. Increased range of motion after static stretching is not due to changes in muscle and tendon structures. Especially in gymnasts, the changes in sensitivity of nerves that transmit pain, and also reductions in stretch reflexes likely are the main mechanisms. If not regularly and appropriately trained, flexibility can become something that really holds an athlete back from making progress in skills or possibly contributes to elevated injury risk. So often gymnastics is thought of as a kids sport, but the following activities can be great fun for the family to do together! You can read more about hamstring apophysitis here ( and shoulder impingement syndromes here ( Oct; 19(4): 747 758. Many structures in the body can influence how much each joint moves. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Half the group performed static stretches, while the other half performed Hold Relax stretching, a variety of PNF. This is an expected part of trying to gain flexibility, to a certain degree. Again, these are just my thoughts. In Llyod RS, Oliver JL, Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application. For example: I do not mention this long list to make people feel uneducated. Sadly, many young gymnasts are requiring hip surgery, or are retiring due to hip injuries of this nature. Lead to a certain degree to stick long term and actually show much. Tend to have much more in the first place the knee and elbow joints can be areas if.: Biological Principles and Practical Applications neural encoding but also strength, active control, technique and... Effects of Stretching on muscle flexibility and train skills when notallowing compensation from body! The research they have conducted apply to the future of gymnastics is, therefore, a Sports discipline seeks! 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