Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? What do we know about Sir Keir Starmers wife, Lady Starmer? ", Sir Keir grew emotional when speaking about his mother - who had lived with the autoimmune condition Still's Disease since she was 11 - as he recalled when his father had phoned from the hospital to say: "I don't think your mum's going to make it.". As a courtroom lawyer, Starmer, unlike Smith, was never the kind of performer who has the jury eating out of his hands and the audience hanging on his every word. The one little detail the Labour Leader always leaves out, however, is that his dad also owned that factory. We can do that were quite good at that! He said it was really incredibly cheap but really grungy, and their landlord was eventually sent to prison for living off the earnings of prostitutes. Tatchell said Starmer would make a fine Labour leader but said he hoped he would take on some of the very thoughtful, intelligent proposals made by Clive Lewis, the left-wing Labour MP who dropped out of the leadership contest in the early stages. He blends magnificently. One abiding memory is of his mum giving he and his siblings jam sandwiches when they came in from school. But the myth is exploded by the reports from multiple sources, which Starmer has never challenged or corrected, that his father owned the factory in which he worked "I had no intention of purging anyone. Sir Keir's parents held left-wing political views and chose to name their son Keir after the Labour Party's first parliamentary leader, Keir Hardie. Sir Keir would go on to develop his own left-wing views and was active in Labour politics as a teenager. Rodneys wife Josephine, a nurse, was forced to give up work because she had Stills disease, a rare autoimmune disease which gradually robbed Sir Keirs mother of her speech and movement. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex step out for Hollywood date night at exclusive private members club as Harry announces major live event, In Queen Margrethe II of Denmarks last interview before her extensive surgery, she spoke of the royal title drama and Crown Prince Frederiks future on the throne, The Princess of Wales wears delicate brooch with touching connection to the late Queen, All hail Labours new leader, Sir Keir Starmer, The Surrey town of Oxted where Keir Starmer is a notable resident. Most of the 80-strong crowd get to their feet and applaud. Theres the knighthood (that he got by becoming the director of Public Prosecutions) which people are expected to call him by. When I was interviewing female candidates for my book, Why We Get The Wrong Politicians, I discovered that many of them had been advised to change their wardrobes so that they looked more like politicians. A live podcast recorded last year with comedian Matt Forde is a rare public example of Starmer in relaxed mode (If you want to get an idea of what Keirs really like behind the scenes, listen to that, a friend of Starmers told us.). The Evening Standard writes about his main battle being one against his own self-image. Georgia Gould, Labour leader of Camden council where Starmer is now the local MP, told BuzzFeed News: I say to him, It's alright. Starmers team denies he has long been preparing to succeed Corbyn as leader. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer attempts to reposition the Labour Party in a major speech to conference in Liverpool. The path into politics often irons out individuality from people who fear they wont fit in. Despite their stilted relationship, Sir Keir said Rodney was devoted in his care of his wife. The pairs' career paths even show similarities, as they both rose to prominence taking on pro-bono cases and as defence lawyers. Drivers have been warned to leave extra time for their Monday morning commute due to icy roads during rush hour, following a weekend of wintry weather. Some MPs think Starmers dedication to his work will make him a dangerous opponent for laid-back Johnson, while others dismiss him as lacking in personality and charm. Ive seen surgeons and nurses with incredible dedication and professionalism, he said. Keir Starmer may have been branded boring by his critics, but an interview with Piers Morgan promises to show a new side to the former chief prosecutor turned Labour leader. There he shared violin lessons with Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, and sought out friends who were also interested in politics. Video, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, Listen: Keir Starmer on Desert Island Discs, recent decision to suspend former leader Jeremy Corbyn, Thrillingly tense, belly-laugh funny and mind-warpingly weird - we've got your lockdown weekend sorted, Colleagues, turned lovers, turned enemies. Like the MPs expenses expose, it is a project that was carried out in secrecy and with astonishing thoroughness and resources. Labour leader says his party will offer clear differences from Tories on workplace rights The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Emily Ashton is a senior political correspondent for BuzzFeed News and is based in London. I understood who he was, and what he was. ', The rumour comes after Sir Keir, 57, tried to dial down claims his wealthy background, with the QC, who owns and lives in a 1.75million house in Camden with his lawyer wife Victoria, saying last month: 'My background isn't what people think it is. Social media users seemed split over the rumour the politician could have been the real Mr Darcy, One wrote: 'I really really want it to be true thatMark Darcyis based onKeir Starmer. It makes you feel as though you dont fully belong, as though people might find it easier to find you out if you are conspicuous. He backed Andy Burnham in that summers contest; when Corbyn won by a landslide, Starmer accepted a job as shadow home office minister. Obsessed with travel? When Starmer was approached for comment his team responded saying that the land was bought for his late disabled mother to house donkeys who Keirs parents rescued and cared for. It was the same in 2015, people said, Were not voting for you; you dont have any money left., We havent had message discipline and message clarity for some time now. WebTheir leader has a history of racist statements and his entire Brexit plan relies on cosying up with the most notorious dog-whistling fascist of our times, Donald Trump. So its a kind of heightened imposter syndrome? Keir Starmer is the son of Rodney and Josephine Starmer and he was the second of four children. His five-year stint at the CPS, where he was simply known as the Director, included some controversial moments from his clarification of the law on assisted suicide to the Twitter joke trial that led to protests from comedians over the right to free speech. Its not just Jeremy; it was Ed Miliband too. DONKEY BREED SOCIETY (01903405) Company status Active Correspondence address 23 Tanhouse Road, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 9PE. His mother was in and out of hospital with a rare illness which eventually forced her to stop working. Contrast Starmer with Jess Phillips, who is far more regularly written up as being working class and yet is in fact the daughter of public sector workers (her father was a teacher, her mother deputy chief executive of the NHS Confederation and chair of an NHS trust). Left-wing Labour leadership candidate Rebecca Long Bailey King Charles hosts von der Leyen at Windsor Castle, Moment notorious prisoner Charles Bronson dances naked outside cell, Gabor Mat: No Jewish state without oppressing local population, Amplified jet stream could lead to 'disruptive snow in places', Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Dashcam captures moment two cars collide on a roundabout, Putin spy plane before being 'destroyed by pro-Ukraine Belarus group', Police search allotment sheds for Constance Marten's missing baby, Huge urgent police search for missing baby of Constance Marten, Student-athlete tells police her coach said 'kill yourself', Moment teenager crashes into back of lorry after 100mph police race, Putin orders intelligence service to find 'scum' who oppose him. He travelled to 44 constituencies during the five-week election campaign. At the meeting in Blackburn, Starmer conceded that Tory messaging during the general election campaign had simply been far more effective: Get Brexit done was just left there, and we werent knocking it down. Sir Keir said his name - named after Labour Party founder Keir Hardie - earned him "plenty of nicknames" at school, Ten years ago, pre-politics, Sir Keir was the Director of Public Prosecutions, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. Is it any good? It needs a fundamental review. Do not sell or share my personal information. I'm now much more open to ideas.". Heather Williams, then the deputy head of chambers, remembered him juggling his work and football commitments at weekends. Yeah, it's a bit hidden.. Who was Keir Starmer's dad Rodney? Keir Starmer is the son of Rodney and Josephine Starmer and he was the second of four children. The family lived in Surrey and were strong supporters of the Labour Party. I understood who he was and what he was but we weren't close and I regret that. Starmers parents were animal lovers who rescued donkeys and Great Danes in their spare time (Whenever one of us left home, they were replaced with a donkey, Starmer has said). And I again texted him and said, I really don't expect you to be able to get down from Parliament but he just got on the tube, came down, and spent over an hour sitting with the family, listening to them. He never did. This is a common, and often exasperated, observation from people who know Starmer well and want him to win. Is he a community MP? she said. But despite this, he said he never managed to foster any real intimacy with his father. Vickers, a journalist at Private Eye magazine, died in 2017. I had my suspicions, but everyone can have a bad day, she said. Starmers appointment as head of the Crown Prosecution Service in 2008 confounded many people: the human rights activist turned chief prosecutor for the state. According to our report, he has four siblings whose name is not revealed yet. Politics always dictated the work he did.. He denied being involved: A decision was taken not to prosecute in that case two years before I was appointed as director of public prosecutions, so theres a false story going round. Speaking to BuzzFeed News afterwards, the young woman said she still had doubts about Starmers ability to proactively combat institutional racism within the police and would probably vote for Long-Bailey. And yet his whole life has revolved around politics and social justice, shaped by the long nights he spent in hospital as a child with his severely ill mother, the human rights cases he took on as a young barrister fighting against the state and big corporations and the difficulties now faced by his wife and sister, who work in an overburdened NHS and social care system. Medicaid to cut 14 MILLION Americans from health coverage as states crack down on eligibility for the first time in three years after numbers soared during COVID - so are you at risk? While Starmer has made frequent references to his toolmaker father, dad Rodney once boasted that he ran his own factory. His father worked in a factory as a toolmaker and his mother was a nurse. Away from the high-profile cases, Starmer also defended Paul Staines, now better known as political blogger Guido Fawkes, back in 1989 when Staines worked with the organisers of acid house parties. This was classic poacher-turned-gamekeeper territory, one journalist said to him when he took on the role. Now he wants to lead Labour when the party is at its lowest ebb, when it needs to gain 124 more seats to win a majority of just one at the next election (Weve got a mountain to climb, he often says, solemnly). Falconer, then a commercial barrister, said Starmer was a "very intense, committed, slightly isolated figure" when they first met. Here is a man who stood up for the ordinary people, it says: defending the print workers in Wapping, the dockers in Dover, the poll tax protesters, the miners, the environmental activists and, later, prosecuting those at the heart of the establishment. We need direct, clear messaging.. Starmers role as shadow Brexit secretary only compounds that; allies say he eventually succeeded in bringing together a deeply fractured party, but critics say Labours ultimately convoluted stance only managed to alienate both Leavers and Remainers. A Trot, yes, but a professional, and hell be good in Parliament. Another minister described him as the Michael Howard of the Labour party a good stopgap. Sir Keir said his father worked as a toolmaker in a factory and would work 14-hour days, coming home for an hour at 17:00 "for his tea" before returning to work "I didn't want that day to end in the way it did," he said, of the day the report into anti-Semitism in Labour was published. One close ally described him as a bit shy and someone who feels uncomfortable being open about his life outside work. Sir Keir added: "As young children we spent a lot of time in and out of high dependency units with my mum, thinking we were going to lose her. Colin Firth's brooding character (right) was based on Labour leadership hopeful Sir Keir Starmer (left) have refused to go away, Author Helen Fielding is said to have modelled Bridget's love interest (pictured together) on Sir Keir during the 1990s when he was a human rights lawyer, The pairs' career paths even show similarities, as they both rose to prominence taking on pro-bono cases and as defence lawyers (pictured, Sir Keir). He's got a very sharp mind and is very articulate. He worked as a tool maker on a "Hes not a particularly clubbable figure; he is a man alone, he said. His team announced on Sunday that his mother-in-law died after a fall two weeks earlier. One cabinet minister told us: He is by miles the best candidate. Charlie Falconer, the Labour peer and barrister who was lord chancellor under Blair, has known Starmer for many years. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Sir Keir said his politics had changed over the years but he still considered himself to be a socialist, adding: "Like most people, I started off as the radical who knew everything. Ive never seen him on the dance floor but, as an orator, he has no sense of rhythm. "I wouldn't say we were close. But another party source said it was fantasy to think that Labour could have had a strong Remain or Leave position: It just couldn't be done. Grey seal pups on the beach at Horsey in Norfolk, as the pupping season draws to a close at one the UK's most important sites for the mammals. This is an issue close to his heart: His wife, who used to be a solicitor, now works in the local NHS hospital in occupational health and is overburdened in her team with too much to do. Now, Starmer is dealing with yet more personal tragedy at another key moment in his political career. He is a Northerner only in London terms, and as former Director of Public Prosecutions, doesnt sound like hes come from a tough background. His father worked in a factory as a toolmaker and his mother was a nurse. He is also the only man in the contest, despite conceding that Labour is long overdue in electing a woman as leader (just not right now). I assume that left to his own devices, Keir would have had a more explicit second referendum position. Keir Starmer regrets not having closer relationship with difficult father, Labour leader reveals 'He was incredibly hard working. Allies of Sir Keir, who formally launched his campaign yesterday, denied any suggestion he was pretending to be something he was not. And, I regret that.". In December, when Starmer was dialling up his bid for Labour Leadership, he told the Today programme that my background isnt what they think it is. As a politician, nothings changed. There are bigger challenges too: his knighthood and five-year stint as director of public prosecutions (DPP), not to mention his central London constituency, mean he struggles to escape the establishment tag. But its clear that Labours long-winded handling of Brexit culminating in a policy that satisfied neither true Remainers nor Leavers played a big part in the brutal general election result, and Starmer has been blamed for that. He praises both Corbyn and Tony Blair as excellent party leaders. He also served as human rights adviser to the Northern Ireland Policing Board. Published: 08:42 EST, 12 January 2020 | Updated: 10:06 EST, 12 January 2020. But once youve got through all the hurdles which require you to look the part, you suddenly discover that it is far more beneficial, particularly in the Labour Party, to sound and talk as though you really are one of the Four Yorkshiremen. Starmer has said hes been heavily inspired by her courage and determination. And while Sir Keir has made freLawyers, quent reference to his tool maker father, dad Rodney once boasted that he ran his own factory. Reflecting on his sons knighthood in 2014, Rodney Starmer wrote in Oxteds theatre newsletter that his son had spent six months before university working in my factory operating a production machine. On Saturday he was announced as Labours new leader, with hopes to put an end to the Corbyn era (and that landslide defeat in December). The truth is not so, his rise has been meritocratic in absolute. The bird was taken to the vets where they are nursing it back to health. "He was incredibly hard working. I can do this one. Thousands of members of Unison, Unite and the GMB unions are set to walk out across England and Wales on Monday as part of continued industrial action in the health service, Performers taking part in a parade involving costumes, lion dances and floats, during Chinese New Year celebrations in London, Everton fans hold up banners protesting against the board of directors during their Premier League match against West Ham at the London Stadium, A pair of swans fly over a frozen pond in Bushy Park in London, People take part in a demonstration in support of trans rights outside the UK Government Office in Edinburgh, A member of the Royal College of Nursing holds their dog whilst on the picket line outside Kings College Hospital in London, as nurses take industrial action over pay, The scene on the A39 Quantock Road in Bridgwater after a double-decker bus overturned in a crash involving a motorcycle, A man walks dogs in snowy conditions in a park in Hexham. Starmer has cancelled a number of campaign events. Wed have to listen to it dozens of times a week, he said. Still, it was just across from the tube station and the rent was low. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! His father died in December 2018, just as Starmer was dealing with a series of key Brexit votes. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. "I have to say at school, I was saying 'why on earth did you have to call me Keir? There are further claims the real Mr Darcy was Mark Muller,a London-based barrister. It deserves much better than what its getting now.. Assistant Editor Isabel Hardman writes, This isnt something that occurs to those who arent worried about their social status because they are already from the sort of backgrounds that regularly send people into professions and even Parliament. At his funeral, Starmer reunited with Cooper and other old friends who reminisced about their time in a hovel of a flat in Archway, north London. Once, referring to himself in the third person, he told the BBC that 'Keir Starmer lives in North London, but Keir Starmer grew up in a town'. He was eventually arrested and prosecuted in 2009. Starmer is right to defend his background. The NHS has been at the heart of Starmers campaign, not least when his team announced that the first baby born in the health service, Aneira Thomas, was backing him. He was born in 1962, the second of four children, to nurse Josephine (Jo) and toolmaker Rodney (Rod) Starmer. Labour leadership winner: Sir Keir Starmer, Angry protests erupt over Greek rail disaster, Explosive found in check-in luggage at US airport, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. "But he had this utter devotion and commitment to my mum," said Sir Keir. Starmer in the documentary McLibel, released in 1997. The handsome barrister specialising in human rights who had cinemas UK-wide swooning in a devoted chorus. Several journalists, including some of the newspapers very best, have been working non-stop on this, The importance of exposing Matt Hancocks WhatsApp messages, Sunday shows round-up: Starmer challenged on whether voters can trust him, Starmer did a bad job of interrogating Sunak at PMQs. His spokesman insisted he was a 'proud socialist' who was standing for the leadership 'because of his determination to deliver a radical Labour Government at the next Election'. Theyll go for you too! one man shouted from his seat. Starmer said he, like many others, had been told by voters that they couldnt back Corbyn but he insisted their views had been tainted by inaccurate media portrayals. Why couldn't you have called me Pete or Dave or something like everybody else'," he said. Read about our approach to external linking. The sunrises through the sea mist over the sculpture The Couple by Sean Henry at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea on the Northumberland coast. The accident has been a huge shock for his wife, Victoria Alexander, and their two children, aged 11 and 9. It needs to be professionalised, and workers need better respect, he said. Trevor Kavanagh, political columnist at the Sun, has described his actions against journalists as the longest, costliest and perhaps most spiteful criminal persecution in history. Social media users seemed split over the rumour the politician could have been the real Mr Darcy. After his mother lost the ability to walk, the field allowed her to still watch the donkeys from her home, they added. So despite the rumoured links betweenSir Keir and Mark Darcy, their similarities seem to remain purely visual - what with Bridget revealing in the film that her heartthrob votes Tory. In her later years, however, she had her leg amputated and was unable to properly sleep, talk, and eat. 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