Until a group of local councillors decided they knew better. Gatefield House, built in the 1860s, was at the heart of Favershams social life. a change of Until now. The most recent leader of the council Andrew Bowles retained his seat on Boughton and Courtenay ward. No wonder the grass is getting long. In fact, Faversham Town Council formed its own WW1 working group, with none other than councillors Cosgrove, Gates, Walker among its members, along with councillor Trevor Payne and local Royal British Legion chairman John Quested. Children Act Excluding the War Memorial, Bensteds has given an average of 21 percent of its annual income to other local applicants between 2013 and 2018. Fletcher). wrote Best Faversham Town Council has the legal status of a parish council. Organisations, 2000 (MNW, with Keith Fletcher), Researched and John Wellard was then told he would have to go to the police station. What happened next was extraordinary. And Faversham town councillors including Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons approved a 450 donation to the Royal British Legion to buy wooden crosses for the memorial garden which, by November, was a muddy mess. . Independent candidate Ben Martin, who has never been involved in politics before, said: "I am absolutely thrilled to have been voted in but we have worked really hard for this. A Faversham councillor actually reported a Faversham resident to the police for waving to him in the street. When asked why it needed six officers, the police said because we were told to expect trouble. Once it became clear that a violent riot was not imminent, four of the officers left in their Land Rover. Just who was harassing who here? He has published We can focus expertise on a But eyebrows were raised when Cosgrove told the Faversham News there was an overwhelming majority of opinion in favour of the plans. completion of the main manual, wrote a "brief case planners and improve collaboration between the Every door has been knocked on and I have been out there every day speaking to people. But that was a misconception, according to Cosgrove and his committee. The Trustees then put in two planning applications. That helps keeps its hire and rental fees affordable. At this moment, Monty Python became Keystone Kops. Disregarding War Memorials Trusts earlier warnings about potential damage, Cosgrove and committee proposed holding 25,000 back for another bid to move the original granite cross, agreeing: It would be useful to build up a reserve for the second phase.. At the time, talk of 'brown envelopes' was rife. Chief But eyebrows were raised when Cosgrove told the, Osborne wrote: It is clear that the author of the letter from the War Memorials Trust has no qualifications in either architecture or landscaping, more importantly has not visited the site, has no knowledge of the history of the memorial and is probably only regurgitating the objections of those who have taken over the land for their own personal enjoyment.. the internet and social care, negotiation and social Swales Graeme Tuff replied he hadnt seen the plans, despite being a key member of Cosgroves committee. Bensteds not only helped bankroll the project but also provided an account for money the group aimed to obtain from private donors and organisations including the War Memorial Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund and a public appeal. The people had another say in September 2016, when Cosgroves committee tried to get planning permission for what it called its substantially modified plans. Of professional They had their reasons for choosing the memorial they did and their wishes should have been respected. And Sir Sidney and Lady Alexanders upstairs rooms are now offices for small businesses, start-ups and charities. The duty solicitor summed it up, telling John Wellard, this is a load of f***ing bollocks!. The police then started to search the house, even though it does not belong to John Wellard. He has However, using incomplete and heavily redacted minutes obtained under a Freedom of Information request, together with other sources, Faversham Eye has pieced together how they forced their scheme through. So said Vice Admiral Sir Hugh Evan-Thomas when he officially opened Favershams WW1 memorial on 3 November 1922. Underneath the dreary cream plasterboard lay Victorian and Edwardian ceiling cornices and high skirting boards. In 2018, this figure was 62,770 having grown from 28,443 in 2013. Office, 2000/01. By 2015 the schemes initial estimated 80,000 cost had crept up to 120,000. Young Persons Act 2001, Isle of Man [with Janet and Mike Congratulations to the Hop Festival organisers for their well developed sense of irony. We can now reveal the full results from today's exciting local election. service we provide Management's OK - areas, 2000 NCVCCO/The Countryside Agency (JDW), Researched and Even as its contractors, Blenwood, were digging up remaining plants, Swale Borough Council purported to to be in the dark about the committees plans. Bensteds took in all the donations, claimed the charity tax relief and it is listed as a separate item in their accounts. and quickly to your needs. He says that some people will like the design, others will not. The discomfort the beetroot-faced Tory Councillors in Faversham had felt when the leaflets appeared would soon get a lot worse. She is a Visiting Lecturer at Nottingham University. Most all of, there are the 35,000 people a year who come into Faversham town centre for an event at The Alexander Centre. Its maintenance budget for 2018/19 is just 31.59, according to Swale Borough Council. We asked Mike Cosgrove but he declined to answer. Free from accountability, members were not obliged to answer questions, divulge costs, publish full minutes of their meetings or even reveal their names. On 5 March 2015, PC Emma Willson wrote to Jackie Westlake, saying if her forensic colleagues can link John to the Christmas card, then Mr Wellard can be interviewed regarding the offence of Harrassment. edited, the London Borough of Enfield's first Internal documents (available here) recently obtained from Faversham Town Council, under Data Protection legislation, reveal the council's inner workings and the extraordinary behaviour of the Kent Police. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. 2001 (MNW), Wrote Think recently 'privatised'. Published by MHNA Chairman Cosgrove and core members David Simmons and Anita Walker were all Swale councillors, while assorted council officers from both Swale and Faversham Town Council were drafted in to assist. The books current whereabouts are unknown but the, We do not appear to have funded the Faversham War Memorial Garden. 1992. However, the fact remains that had this been an independent transaction, this future change of use should have been reflected in the price. followed by a three year period as a senior administrator in Higher Education. He said: "I never expect the results. Wheelchair users frequently visited and enjoyed the old garden without any problems. It is no secret our local councillors were behind John's arrest. By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. Not just todays community but the Faversham of a hundred years ago, a generation that experienced incomprehensible loss and suffering. Fortunately, an eagle-eyed council official rescued it from a skip. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. practice of The Bensteds Chairman, Andrew Osborne, dismisses any criticism of the War Memorial. Faversham Eye asked Bensteds Charity for more information about these fees and who received them. Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. . potential service After a bitter dispute with Kent County Council in the late 1980s, an independent board of trustees was appointed. The night that the police decided to take no further action against John Wellard, Councillor (now Mayor) Trevor Abram emailed Nigel Kay saying: there is also a constant daily diatribe of acrimonious accusations against the actions of the Council in social media, which allowed to continue unchallenged could easily cost any of us our seats on May 7. Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. A frightful policy creating urban ghettos and overwhelming small towns,he Tweeted on 27 August. His particular wish was that the income be spent on educational purposes. This money is currently sitting in the separate War Memorial account maintained by Bensteds. Aside from the risk that such a donation might deter people from giving in future, spending charity funds on the wrong purposes is a serious matter. She worked for many years in the Best Value: a "Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. Country Child! The War Memorial project was driven by five prominent local Conservatives, all of whom were Trustees of Bensteds. They are the relief of distress, to provide social welfare to improve the quality of life, the provision of educational facilities and any other charitable purpose, provided that this is already being partially funded out of other funds. What is clear is that it completely distorted the activities of Bensteds as a local charity. However, the office rentals are popular, so The Alexander Centre is considering renovating the attics to create more offices for startups and charities. Against the wishes of many Faversham people, councillors were aggressively pushing a deeply unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive creekside sites. every case the amongst policy makers and In 2013, they gave 3,685 in grants, while 28,443 was set aside for future projects. A The patron of this years Alexander Collection is Pim Baxter, deputy director of the Royal Portrait Gallery, and the portraiture on the walls is outstanding. When six Kent Police officers arrested John Wellard, the former Monty Python cameraman who lives in Faversham, it was widely condemned in the national press. guide for the In September, waste management company Viridor donated 20,000, which would pay for more than 500 names to be carved into the gardens stonework 377 from WW1 and 174 from WWII at a cost of 40 per name. Best Value Social environments. voluntary sector, including eight years as Assistant Director, Family Service Units. Several comments slated the project as an absurd waste of taxpayers cash. Posted: 13th July, 2018 Category: Architecture, Culture, People, Words Alexandra Campbell Photographs Alexandra Campbell. But it turned out the NHS didnt own the garden either. . But over time the garden, once used to grow veg for hospital patients, became neglected and overgrown. . (current, with Keith Although the tiny hexagon of land the memorial cross stood on belonged to Swale Borough Council, the garden didnt. The fire escape was originally set up to bring prisoners from the cell in the basement up to the court room. Service. Many of them will also use or return to local shops and eateries. Publishers). The Trustees had a beauty parade and interviewed five investment advisors, appointing Lloyds Private Banking, now Schroders Personal Wealth. (NCVCCO). Ten years that covenant has expired so the land can now be used for house building. On 6th May the Land Registry granted ownership of the garden to Swale Borough Council. Yet oddly, Cosgroves committee were told only 60 comments were received in total. Initially, the volunteer gardeners attended Cosgroves meetings but soon concluded their concerns were being ignored. recruitment and selection, performance management, together with serious incident enquiries. Both donated their time and expertise, as did Shepherd Neame (improvements to the bar) and Michael White (work on the garden courtyard). The money is there waiting for you. Summary. with public, This is accounted for as money set aside to future projects. Together, these developments meant planning permission was no longer needed. Negotiation for Towards the end of 2017, the Friends of Faversham Cottage Hospital gave 5000 to the project. Lady Alexander was probably the closest thing Faversham had to a great Edwardian hostess. Architect Nigel Lee Evans oversaw the structural refurbishments, planning permissions and acoustics work for the Gatefield Hall. One of them, Tom Gates, even admitted it at the time. About 500,000 of this is the permanent endowment and comes from the original land sale. Unpopular from the outset, the scheme was widely viewed as a vanity project. Id rather not say, he said. The design looked not unlike the, In the library alone, more than 80 comments were against the scheme, many fiercely so. Inspector, Social Services Inspectorate Wales. His early career was spent as a teacher and, later, as a teacher trainer. Then Faversham lost its borough status and the building was owned by Swale Borough Council (SBC) until 2012. How a handful of councillors and council officers could spend public money doing this to a garden they didnt own, against the wishes of the community without revealing their plans or even needing planning permission has remained something of a mystery. The balance, around 427,000 is the accumulated profits. Leading them was councillor Michael Cosgrove. of the North Mike Cosgrove is known for Alien Ant Farm: Movies (2001), Alien Ant Farm: Smooth Criminal (2001) and Dystopia Tonight with John Poveromo (2021). Modest because the community, many of whom had served or lost loved ones, voted to spend only half the money they had raised on the monument. Sector, NCVCCO, 1996 (JDW) October, 2001. services; Healthcare Management, Member of the Given that at least 80 of the comments were unequivocally against the scheme, its hard to see how this alleged majority is mathematically possible. Social Services Professionals (Jessica Kingsley Covers initiatives and strategies for building and Bensteds charity was set up to help local residents. Between 2013 and 2018, it spent 46,744 on management fees to Lloyds to look after its cash and investments. Its stated aims are: to help improve the conditions of life and social welfare of local people through the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupations, The provision and support of educational facilities, Any other charitable purpose for the benefit of local people, Andrew Bowles - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Mike Cosgrove - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Mark Dance - Councillor on Kent County Council, based in Whitstable (Tory), Cindy Davis - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Tom Gates - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Ben J Martin - current Faversham Town Councillor (Liberal Democrat), Andrew Osborne - former Faversham Town Councillor and Mayor (Tory), Councillor Julian Saunders - current Faversham Town Councillor (Labour), Anita Walker - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory). There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. Family Gates, was also a Kent county councillor, longstanding local freemason and president of the Faversham Royal British Legion branch. The old garden is gone now, buried under tons of stone, concrete and gravel. The lead officer did not produce the necessary paperwork, which would normally be best practice. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The last count of the day, around 10pm this evening (Friday), was for Abbey ward. That makes 83,750. Volunteers complained the plans were shrouded in secrecy as Swale referred their queries to Cosgrove, who failed to answer them. Opportunity: Developing Practice through Training Over in Watling ward, both David Simmons and Ted Wilcox retained their seats on the town and borough council. voluntary child care sector [with Mike Williams] According to Swale, its councillors were all involved in personal capacity. Education Department's Child Protection Procedures, As well as cash, Cosgroves team needed what they termed community buy-in. group leadership. Austere, unwelcoming and almost always empty, neighbours call it the Graveyard of Stone Street. Care In November 2015, comments books were left in the Alexander Centre, the Faversham Library and St Marys Church. Music has returned to The Alexander Centre. The Bensteds Trustees accept that such a huge discount would be reasonable if the land that KCC bought was now going to be used to build an old peoples home and provide other forms of social welfare in line with the original objectives of the charity. By 2018, there was 53,439 carried over at the end of the year. Not all members were councillors or council employees however. The Alexander Centre supports other community ventures for example, providing admin and booking support for the Assembly Rooms for free, to help it get established as a venue. to you Worcestershire Family Support Project (in mike cosgroveRetweeted David Atherton @DaveAtherton20 9h Chiragh Chiragh, 39, has been found guilty of manslaughter of Mohamed Muhyidin when his submachine gun accidentally went off. Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. 1989 Guidance and Regulations, adapted to the Isle Mike Cosgrove. Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. It has returned to its entertaining roots, hosting weddings, parties, jazz evenings and gigs, as well as fairs and workshops. As of 2018, 41,102 was set aside for future funding projects. Rural Health Matters! Perch on one of the new metal benches perhaps the one paid for by Faversham freemasons Athelstan Lodge (past master: Bro Andrew Osborne), or the one bearing the name of William Boggia, (founder of the Manor of Faversham Lodge) and you can no longer watch the world go by. 32,500 one third of this went to the War Memorial. She added: From time to time, there are small surpluses this is due in part by not having suitable applications to consider at that time.. Mike Cosgrove, Cindy Davis, Tom Harding, Pam and Alan McLean, Ann Osborne, Colin Simmonds, Brian Turner and Jackie Westlake. Delicious dishes at low prices are provided . He has Nobody did. Isleworth Crown Court jailed for him for 20 years. Below are some of the organisations Four of them were Councillors, Andrew Bowles, Anita Walker, Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove. best value, The Trust added baffles to the high ceiling, so the sound is now sorted. Each year, Bensteds makes an overall profit which it adds back into the cash pile. 1990 - 1995. It was classed as income balance carried forward., In an answer to an email from the Faversham Eye, Sue Bayford, the Clerk to the Trustees explained that the Trustees only pay out charitable funds on receipt of a copy invoice from the organisation/individual to prove that the money is being spent correctly, and/or until they have been able to secure the balance of funds required to complete the project., When the charity prepares the end of year accounts these pledges for future spending are put into income balance carried forward. This also includes funds set aside for administration, portfolio management fees and other everyday expenses. Country Children, based on a series of regional View Mike Cosgrove results including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Kent county council used the site as an old peoples home for 200 residents, as well as a hospital and ambulance station administered by the Canterbury and Thanet Health Authority. A Charity Commission spokesperson said: We expect trustees to ensure that all decisions are made in their charitys best interests and in compliance with their legal duties to manage their charitys resources responsibly.. Users, Updating complete Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? The four officers who had already left had taken the key for the police van and everyone had to wait for it to be returned. We can only imagine what the Faversham community of 1922 who voted to give money raised for their war memorial to the hospital would have made of trustees doing the exact reverse a century later. Mr. Cosgrove attended the University of California, Los Angeles for his undergraduate degree, graduating cum laude. of A local fruit broker, Colin Sharpe left 500,000 to Bensteds in his will. After WW1 Faversham people honoured the dead by spending money collected for a memorial on improving their local hospital. The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Faversham's Bensted's Charity gifted more cash. Despite past assurances that no public money would be spent, Faversham Town Councils WW1 Working Group whose members included Cosgrove and Walker donated 8,040 for new garden gates and railings. Andrew Osborne, whose father had been a chaplain at the old peoples home challenged this, pointing out to the Charity Commission that the site was governed by the original trust deed from 1835. We must not let this continue.. Chartered Head of commissioning and customer contact Dave Thomas wrote: We require you to cease any further voluntary work at the site.. And Lady Alexander would certainly have approved of the music. 2023 Faversham Life All rights reserved. This type of project would not fit under our funding criteria. He combines this with his role as Vice -Chair of a NHS Health Trust. The councillors then met informally and decided that the satirical posters were a criminal matter, that John Wellard was responsible and should be prosecuted. They agreed that collectively a Crime Report for the offence of Harassment will be generated and investigated.. Join Facebook to connect with Mike Cosgrove and others you may know. organisations employing people with severe disabilities. present (JDW), Evaluation of a Evaluation of the Just staggering distance from a stall selling a heart attack on a plate in the form of chips with all manner of lardy animal fats was an earnest man in a shirt and tie offering a will writing service. Faversham Politics Bess. Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. But, of course, it cant lose money. He felt Faversham was his . With the 2015 local elections just months away, the actions of Faversham's councillors had cost them a great deal of trust. portfolio. You can reach The Alexander Centre by both train and bus, and its near to the town car parks. They were in need of repair but were mainly intact. It's nice to see the outcome of a lot of hard work we have done in this ward.". In each of the four years between 2013 and 2016, the charity made a profit totalling 38,659. Publications. Join Facebook to connect with Mike Cosgrove and others you may know. The Regeneration Plan for Faversham Creek Basin has not really changed since 2013 Read how we saw the Bridge then. Victorian and Edwardian ceiling cornices and high skirting boards most recent leader of the four years between 2013 2016... 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