- Never heard of: 23% She was one of many senators who questioned the State Department for not recognizing June as Pride Month. - Party: Republican. She has had a fairly liberal voting record regarding issues like gun rights, health care, and foreign policy. - Approval rating: 50% - State: Maryland - Never heard of: 14% - State: Utah - Disapproval rating: 21% The biggest storyline to watch heading into 2022 is the resolution of contested GOP primaries. - State: Florida In fact, the only current senator with a lower approval rating is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has infamously blocked hundreds of popular pieces of legislation. - Disapproval rating: 35% Now into his 80s, Roberts will not run for an additional term. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 35% - State: Pennsylvania - Never heard of: 28% Cotton was one of many Republican senators to block nominations from President Barack Obama, one such obstruction said to be motivated to inflict special pain on the president. Cotton has been mentioned as a possible nominee to Donald Trump's cabinet numerous times. In popular media, Leahy is known for his comic book fandom and has appeared in multiple Batman films. - Disapproval rating: 25% - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 30% (CNN) As the calendar turns to 2022, Senate races are about to kick into much higher gear, with ad spending increasing ahead of the first primaries in May and just a few more fundraising quarters for candidates to prove they're serious The biggest storyline to watch heading into 2022 is the resolution of contested GOP primaries. - Party: Independent Posted By: Beardo , 4/27/2022 12:11:07 AM. - State: Indiana Without a doubt, he is the most popular senator with an approval rating of 62%. - Approval rating: 34% - Never heard of: 13% Holding the Senate seat that former Vice President Joe Biden once held, Chris Coons defeated Christine O'Donnell in a highly publicized special election. With his significant unpopularity in Michigan, Peters is especially vulnerable to his main competition in 2020, Republican and Army veteran John James. - Disapproval rating: 39% Despite speculation that he would run for president in 2020, Brown declined to do so, electing to stay in the Senate instead. - Approval rating: 58% Michael Castle (a Republican) swapped roles after winning their respective elections. Jim Inhofe's political experience includes acting as the mayor of Tulsa and as a U.S. Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell is arguably the most well-known senator in the country, given his status as the Senate Majority Leader and as one of the most controversial (and least popular) legislators currently serving. - Party: Republican. He was ranked in 2007 as the sixth-most conservative senator in office at the time. - Approval rating: 40% Since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, Casey has been more outspoken on social media. Upon her election to the House of Representatives in 2012, Kyrsten Sinema became the first openly bisexual person and second openly LGBTQ+ woman to serve in Congress. Sen. John Thune beat Tom Daschle, then-Senate Minority Leader for the Democrats, in a surprise upset in 2004. - State: Oklahoma They might have been in real danger of losing their seats in 2022, but thankfully for Democrats, both are retiring. - Approval rating: 38% Barrasso has allied himself with Trump in his growing concern over relations with Iran. - Approval rating: 42% He will be retiring from the Senate and will not seek reelection in 2020. - State: Tennessee Only Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), the GOPs 2012 presidential nominee who voted twice to convict then-President Donald Trump during his impeachment trials, looks in trouble on the right. - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 38% (Senate Television via AP) According to a new poll, Americas most unpopular senator is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. - Approval rating: 38% Risch was one of several senators to introduce a bill proposing sanctions against Syria. - Never heard of: 7% Previously serving with Barbara Boxer and now Kamala Harris, Feinstein's only Senate colleagues from the California delegation have been women. Governors net approval ratings (approval ratings minus disapproval ratings) for the first three months of 2022 relative to the FiveThirtyEight partisan leans of their states. If he chooses to seek re-election, however, he is unlikely to face a serious primary challenge, given his unimpeachable record of victories in a state that has continually trended more Republican. - Disapproval rating: 33% Sinema succeeded retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and became the first Democratic senator to serve Arizona since 1995. the White Housesenators are responsible for passing laws, treaties, and nominations put forward by the president of the United States. - Disapproval rating: 26% - Approval rating: 43% faces a fierce reelection battle in 2020. encouraging Donald Trump Jr. to ignore a subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee. He also made the news for taking a road trip with four strangers after a flight of his was canceled. - State: New Jersey Sen. Debbie Stabenow was one of several senators who opposed Donald Trump's aid cuts to Central America. With a PARG of +13, Democratic Gov. - State: Wisconsin Among Republicans, 43 percent disapprove and 42 percent approve. - Party: Republican. - Party: Democrat. McSally opened up during a Senate hearing about being raped by a superior officer during her time in the Air Force. - State: Alabama - Never heard of: 43% Shelby has been a supporter of Donald Trump's agenda, including the border wall. - Never heard of: 11% - Never heard of: 27% - Party: Democrat. - Party: Democrat. - Approval rating: 39% Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema continues to rank among Americas most unpopular senators following her departure from the Democratic Party, according to Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking in all 50 states. The 2022 midterms are underway. - State: New Mexico In the current Congress, Thune is the Senate Majority Whip, making him the second-highest ranking senator in the Republican Party. - Disapproval rating: 26% Approval Ratings (129) - Disapproval rating: 35% After about a three-year hiatus, FiveThirtyEights Popularity Above Replacement Senator and Popularity Above Replacement Governor ratings are back! He later amended that stance to say he would support military action if any American troops are killed. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. Today, she is one of Mitch McConnell's counsels. Tony Evers of Wisconsin may be more at the mercy of the national mood. Not only is Catherine Cortez-Masto the first woman senator of Nevada, but she is the first Latina elected to serve in the Senate. - Party: Republican. Due to his opposition on legislation that supports LGBTQ+ rights, the Human Rights Campaign included Lankford in their Congressional Hall of Shame., - Approval rating: 41% distribution partner, email us at - Never heard of: 18% Since then, King has aligned himself more frequently with Democrats than Republicans, caucusing with the party. McConnell is especially criticized for blocking President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court while leading a record number of judicial appointments under the Trump administration. - Disapproval rating: 31% Sen. Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate to replace Trent Lott after his resignation. and more. - Disapproval rating: 23% The senator's name was most recently in the news for walking back his May 28, 2019, comments urging Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress. A more recent headline involves the growing pressure on McConnell to move forward with a bill that would benefit 9/11 first responders. - State: North Dakota - State: Indiana - Disapproval rating: 31% Arizonas and West Virginias respective souring on their senators up for re-election next year stands largely in contrast to public sentiment elsewhere about vulnerable incumbents. Governors running for reelection in swing states also have some very different PARGs that explain why some of them are vulnerable this year, while others probably dont have anything to worry about. The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip are based on CNNs reporting and fundraising data, as well as historical data about how states and candidates have The most popular and unpopular 2022 candidate qualities First Read is your briefing from Meet the Press and the NBC Political Unit on the days most While presiding over the Senate floor, Daines censured fellow Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King thought to be impugning Sen. Jeff Sessions during his hearings to become attorney general. - State: Missouri - Party: Independent. - Never heard of: 30% - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 45% She introduced legislation in June 2019, along with fellow senators, seeking to expand health care tax credit eligibility. But his moderation has endeared him to voters in his home state of West Virginia: He has a +22 net approval rating in the R+36 state, for a chamber-leading PARS of +58. - Never heard of: 28% - Approval rating: 42% Hawley introduced legislation aiming to fight against perceived online bias against Republicans from tech companies, receiving much criticism and ridicule. In 1994, Shelby switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. He was also a Since then, Sen. Thune has risen in the ranks among Senate Republicans. - Party: Republican. Bolded rows denote senators running for reelection in 2022. Booker gained attention for his pointed questioning during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, receiving criticism from conservatives. - Party: Democrat. Manchin, with a 53% approval rating among Democrats, is the weakest Senate Democrat with his own partys voters. - Approval rating: 49% Since then, Blunt has been known for his conservative voting record. - State: Arkansas - Never heard of: 29% Casey lost to Ed Rendell in the Democratic primary for governor of Pennsylvania, but with Rendell's backing, he defeated Rick Santorum in a Senatorial election in 2006. Net approval rating the approval share minus the disapproval share is used to break ties. At the time of his election, Chris Murphy was the youngest member of the U.S. Senate. - Party: Republican. - Never heard of: 21% Electability in a general election is not a major concern for the Senates Republican incumbents next year given that most competitive contests fall in territory occupied by incumbent Democrats. Thomas Carper was a congressman representing Delaware until 1992, when he and then-Gov. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY FIVETHIRTYEIGHT / GETTY IMAGES. As the most senior member of the Republican delegation to Congress, Chuck Grassley is the president pro tempore of the Senatea mostly ceremonial position, but one that puts Grassley in the presidential line of succession. - Never heard of: 30% - State: New York - Approval rating: 49% - Party: Republican. - Never heard of: 31% - Never heard of: 24% - Party: Republican. The most recent polling data from January 2023 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 21 percent - a decrease from the high-point reached in - State: Florida wrote about the importance of clean energy. - Party: Republican. Never before has the public had so much unfiltered access to the details of a senator's leadership, from off-the-cuff comments to their personal lives. He was elected to the Senate in 2010. Sen. Roy Blunt served for more than a decade in the House of Representatives, acting as the Republican Whip and second-most ranking member of the party. During his service, Moran acted as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, leading the Republican Party to a net gain of seats that led to the Senate's majority after the 2014 elections. - Party: Democrat. - Approval rating: 46% - Party: Democrat. And you might expect Democratic Gov. - Never heard of: 27% - State: Vermont - State: Maine - Party: Democrat. is Americas most popular senator, while Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is the most unpopular. The former banker also held the office of governor. - Disapproval rating: 33% April 26, 2022. Feinstein in February was caught on camera lecturing children about her perspectives on the Green New Deal, saying, There's no way to pay for it., - Approval rating: 43% Ben Cardin served as a Maryland congressman for two decades before comfortably winning three straight elections for senator, most recently in 2018. - Disapproval rating: 33% - Disapproval rating: 31% Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan is somewhere in the middle, with a PARG of +6. The two senators who receive higher disapproval marks in their home states are Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, and Sen. Ron - Never heard of: 29% - Party: Democrat. Sen. Chris Van Hollen has been active in Democratic Congressional leadership, serving as the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee during his time in the House and later the chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after getting elected to the Senate. - State: Colorado Crapo was against President Barack Obama making a Supreme Court appointment in 2016. - State: Alabama Pat Toomey narrowly defeated then-fellow Congressman Joe Sestak in 2010, succeeding Arlen Specter, who switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, and lost to Sestak in a primary. - State: Nebraska ), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) to draft the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act, which would prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for any abortion-related service. 9. - Approval rating: 46% republish under a Creative Commons License, and we encourage you to - Approval rating: 41% As a young rising star in the Florida Republican Party, Marco Rubio went from the speaker of the house in the Florida House of Representatives to getting elected to the Senate over former Gov. - Party: Democrat. 10 Least Popular US Senators in 2020. Sanders was the 37th mayor of Burlington from 1981 to 1989. The global tech company distributed 472,802 surveys to registered U.S. voters across all 50 states from Jan. 1 to March 31, 2019 (data last updated April 2019), in order to determine approval ratings of all current 100 United States senators. - Never heard of: 29% - Disapproval rating: 31% During his tenure as senator, Sheldon Whitehouse attracted attention from PolitiFact regarding a claim that Paul Ryan's 2012 budget would get rid of Medicare in 10 years. Recently, Whitehouse stated his opposition to statehood for Washington D.C. - Approval rating: 46% Just ask Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who for years has had the worst PARS score in the country (currently -54). Over the same time period, her approval rating spiked among independents (from 29% to 42%) and Republicans (from 38% to 43%), leaving her with mixed reviews among those groups. (That said, he did win by only 20 points, several points worse than the states partisan lean, suggesting that his unpopularity did have some effect. Trump has feuded with Blumenthal over the latter's claims that he served in Vietnam. - Disapproval rating: 25% - Approval rating: 39% - State: Iowa Ron Wyden has been a senator for Oregon since 1996 and previously served on the House of Representatives since 1981. In this gallery, U.S. senators are ranked from least popular to most. Testers Approval Rating Outshines 2024s Other Vulnerable Senators. A long-tenured member of the House of Representatives, Ed Markey currently holds the seat formerly held by John Kerry. Democratic Gov. - Party: Democrat. Before her election to the Senate in 2000, Cantwell served in the Washington House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives. Rubio followed up by being a top contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election, ultimately dropping out after losing the primary for his own state of Florida to Donald Trump. - State: New Hampshire - State: Georgia An independent member of the Senate and self-identified Democratic Socialist, Sanders is once again running for president for the 2020 election. Facing Ballot in 2024, Romney Is Weak Among Utah Republicans. Bush. Incumbent Republican Ron Johnson, a close Trump ally and antagonist of the left, is the most vulnerable GOP senator up for reelection this cycle. Johnson has survived in worse climates for Republicans, like in 2016. But his favorability ratings in the state are poor and Democrats are ready to spend tens of millions on trying to oust him. After serving in the House of Representatives, Martin Heinrich was elected to the Senate in 2012. - State: Nevada - Approval rating: 41% - State: South Dakota Sherrod Brown (43%) and Bob Casey (42%), while Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and Jacky Rosen of Nevada (the most unknown senator up for re-election next year) are both continuing to tread water, with approval ratings that nearly match their disapproval ratings. - State: Oregon - State: Rhode Island @eyokley, Download Fastest Growing Brands 2022 Report, Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, Getty Images / Morning Consult artwork by Chloe Phan, Sinemas Standing Among Independents, Republicans Improves Post-Party Switch. - Approval rating: 39% - Party: Republican. America's Most Unpopular Senators: Mitch McConnell (R-KY): 64% Joe Manchin (D-WV): 53% Ron Johnson (R-WI):53% Susan Collins (R-ME): 52% Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ): 48% *Disapproval among registered voters in each state. - Approval rating: 51% - Approval rating: 52% He would be up for a third term in 2020, but Udall chose not to seek reelection. But Democratic Gov. - State: Ohio Durbin recently expressed regret voting for the 1994 crime bill, a piece of legislation under scrutiny during the Democratic presidential primaries. 26, 2022 McConnell 's counsels presidency, Casey has been mentioned a! Trump has feuded with Blumenthal over the latter 's claims that he in. Long-Tenured member of the national mood Blunt has been known for his book! In Vietnam for taking a road trip with four strangers after a of. That he served in the House of Representatives, Martin Heinrich was to. 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