After picking up Regina, Emma drives them to the woods to meet up with David. ("Enter the Dragon"), The next day, Emma, her parents and Hook follow a trail in search of where the villains took Pinocchio. Hoping to amend what she did to Violet six weeks ago in Camelot, Emma purposely releases the girl's horse, Nicodemus, so Henry can find it and earn Violet's admiration. Very much like their first meeting years ago, Neal pops up from the backseat, surprising her, before moving to the front passenger seat beside her. At the loft, Emma vows to not use the shears, and instead, find another way or accept that she is meant to die. Additionally, he accuses Emma of bestowing Henry with the same feelings. As a trade, Pan lives, but Henry will die. Emma makes up a fake heroic story of his father dying as a firefighter while saving lives to spare him knowledge of the truth. Then, they realize Mulan made off with the compass and catch up to her. Emma allows them to meet, but she warns Neal not to hurt Henry like he did to her. Please consider turning it on! I looked him in the eyes and kissed him again. She confronts him about planning to destroy the evidence without even telling her the truth, and Hook confesses he was fearful over how she would take the news and his inability to face her and her parents knowing he had ruined their family once. Regina nor the beans are in sight and the last time someone entered the office was by an override code. When Emma asks him if he likes the pizza, Henry indirectly shows his grudge against her remains by saying that it's good and doesn't lie. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. She goes around town looking for her and questioning everyone who could've possibly seen Emma. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while Emma and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. After Liam mentions he doesn't know what his own unfinished business is, Hook assumes Hades is keeping him from moving on, so they have to defeat Hades for good. Rather than waiting for his return, Emma and Regina use magic, causing an eclipse to cover the moon, and their shadows to stop reflecting. Only true love's kiss can break the curse, and Zelena believes it impossible, since Dorothy may have the love of the Ozians, but not true love. He was not going to throttle his husband. I will not kill innocents. From this, Emma realizes she can't give up the darkness yet because she needs to use it one last time to save her loved ones. As they storm the cabin, Cruella pulls a gun on them, although Mary Margaret knocks her out. In the aftermath, Emma meets up with Henry at school when the same girl Jefferson pointed out to her, Paige, walks past. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. They make up with a hug and go upstairs together. Back at the hospital, John Doe's wife, Kathryn Nolan, rushes to reunite with her husband, whose real name is David Nolan. With her parents, they decide to place Regina in a jail cell for protection and then confront Mr. Gold for his misdeeds. There was a moment of silence until I finally said, "I understand if you don't want to be with me." Meanwhile, Emma goes to check for signs of a break-in at the apartment. David once again dislikes the location, so Emma proposes that they might have to work with it since they can't use the royal castle in the Enchanted Forest. ("Skin Deep"), Outside the diner, Emma bumps into the stranger, who gives his name as August W. Booth, and he finally takes her out for a drink. She scoffs at their "good always wins" ideology, and expresses regrets about not taking Henry out of Storybrooke as soon as the curse was broken. Lily, however, has other plans and points out a house across a lake, which is vacant during the fall season and she suggests they move in, which Emma happily accepts. I pushed as hard as I could. Aboard the Jolly Roger, Mr. Gold conjures the magic globe to unveil Henry's current location in Neverland. Emma admits knowing this and having asked Lily to leave because of it, to which her foster father criticizes her for allowing a criminal to be a danger to his children. She tries to kill him, but he tricks her into giving him the sword by reappearing as Henry in disguise. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. She held her in a tight embrace and she breathed in a familiar scent. "Dad, what are you doing here?". In other words, its yet another magic baby scenario. Mary Margaret doesn't take her claims seriously and guesses she is still not over Neal, which Emma denies. It rang, but there was no answer. Ingrid then appears; advising Emma to accept herself since it's the only option. Regina returns with Robin once the wardrobe is done, and despite her fear of consequences if Robin comes with them, Emma convinces her to make her own fate. Hook's shadow flies in to deliver a broken wand to Emma, who realizes Hook is in danger after she sees the shadow drop Killian's hook. The Evil Queen takes Emma back to her bed chamber instead of throwing her in the dungeon. Tinker Bell weighs the risk as not worthy unless they have a way to leave Neverland and she makes off for her tree house. When approached about the absence of the shoelace in. Emma tries to convince Henry that the reason David got lost a few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. Noticing the time spell is activated, they investigate the portal and are sucked into the past Enchanted Forest. Emma had managed a few smiles herself as Killian cooked the frozen chicken and French fries for her brother, teasing the little boy over whether he was eating a chicken or an ancient reptile. Inside the apartment, an excited Mary Margaret wants to hear all details of the date while David does not. In an attempt to keep him safe, Emma calls Neal to ask for help in getting Henry out of Storybrooke. When she decides to call it a night, Henry requests to sleep over at Regina's house. ("Shattered Sight"), After becoming emancipated, Emma breaks into a yellow bug in Portland, Oregon. After turning him into the authorities, she heads back to her flat and lights a cupcake for her twenty-eighth birthday. Mary Margaret snaps a photo of her, to which Emma jokes that she needs to find her own apartment. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after final battle has been won, Emma and Regina walk Henry to the school bus stop, with each of them saying goodbye to him before they both watch him head off. Touched, she finally reciprocates his feelings and kisses him. As Emma's life ebbs away, Gideon's portal opens briefly, letting the Black Fairy through, before it closes when Mr. Gold saves Emma. Bahbapah! The baby said very seriously, interrupting Shen Qingqius internal rage. On the side of the road, Ashley is going into labor, to which Emma drives her back to the hospital. In the yellow bug, Emma sits beside Hook as she watches him put on his new deputy badge, and after Hook puts the flashing siren on top of the car, Emma answers the radio before driving down the street. Just then, Mary Margaret walks in to notify Emma about how strange David is acting in the forest. Finding that Lily has taken her car, which has the Apprentice's scroll in it to get into Storybrooke, Emma steals Lily's neighbour's car and forces her to stop on the road. Hook assures that he's skilled in survival, and the two kiss. In the morning, her car skids into an iced over road. Emma talks about how eager she and Killian are to start this new adventure, while Henry assures her she will be a great mother to the baby, as she has been to him. To this, Ingrid reasons it's because time is frozen in Storybrooke just like Henry told Emma. When she playfully calls him out for lying to her, Hook tells her about visiting Archie in order to process his emotions about almost having lost her. Yennefer is gifted a blessing of fertility by Tissaia. They learn Gerda wiped everyone's memories of her two sisters and wishes for her daughters to restore them using a crystal. At Aurora's insistence she cannot be trusted, Mulan binds her up. Ruby was trying to get a hold of Mary Margret. Regina tries to persuade her to not disappoint Henry and just leave town now. Soon, the past is set back on track as the ring is returned and the prince and the bandit part on better terms. While there, Hook pulls out a urn, from a cabinet, which Emma chides him for touching as it might be dangerous. ("We Are Both"), Emma learns Cora is Regina's mother, and is discouraged by Mary Margaret from speaking to her any further. However, it all goes awry when Mary Margaret has an agitated outburst over her innocence being called into question and admits in the heat of the moment that she "wanted Kathryn gone", which serves as a murder confession. Upset, he dashes out of the apartment as Emma follows. Mr. Gold comes to warn them about Regina's plans of revenge on Mary Margaret and decides to help further by stopping it from happening after David demands him to do so. Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. David asks Emma to tell Henry that his grandpa loves him and bids her farewell in a warm embrace. The episode serves as the first part of a 2-episode airing night that were unrelated, with the second part being "The Bear King". Realizing they have made a grave mistake, the horrified couple watches a portal open while the egg hatches into a baby. On her drive out of town, she notices he left his book on the car seat. Suddenly, the camp is attacked by Cora's army of heartless humans, and Emma and Mary Margaret defend themselves while Aurora and Mulan run off into the woods. Emma has been very careful not to reveal who she is, and she is around Regina an awful lot". Relating the dream she had, excluding the part where her mother died, she talks about possibly burning the names from the headstones. Holding Henry hostage, Cruella calls Emma's bluff about killing her, not believing she can do it. When fitted into her date dress, she shows her parents and Elsa. As they walk towards the pawn shop, her parents attempt to get Emma to open up to them. Prequel to Babysitter Ruby. With a hint of mirth in his voice, he assumes when Neal finds out Tamara is evil, his father and Emma will get back together. In a happy reunion with David, Henry, Hook and Mary Margaret, Emma creates a fireworks display for them. As she rejects his flirting, Henry reveals he sent it and invites her to walk him to school. She confesses fears about being lonely if Mary Margaret leaves because she considers her to be family. The mission is not without risk, however, as Merlin foresees two possible paths for Emma. Hook rebels against the subjection by briefly grabbing Emma's wrist, although he is not able to tell her what is wrong. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. She doesn't care for the explanation, but loses her guard when Graham kisses her. Henry, her son, talks to them about his upcoming knighting ceremony, and they briefly reminisce about his deceased father, Baelfire. After Arthur and Zelena retreat, Emma heals a cut on Hook's neck that he got from the sword. The couple's fervor for each other grow in intensity, however, things cool off once Snow unknowingly walks in on them. Hook blames her for saving him without thinking of how it would change him, and now, her family will die. After thanking Regina, they eventually return to pawnshop where Mary Margaret awakens David with true love's kiss. Combing the woods with David, they soon find Mr. Gold. She manages to knock him out just as Henry and Neal rush back down. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. Later, she admits to Henry that the past is keeping her from accepting Walsh, so he sets up a dinner date for them. Gideon instead tells her about his experience with the depravity of the Black Fairy's soul and what she has done to other enslaved children, all of whom he promised to save and Emma will either have to comply with his demands or never see Hook again. Archie suggests that, instead of living in constant fear of bad things happening, she should live happily in the moment. One night they spent together. Though surprised, Emma allows it and uneasily watches them leave together, despite reassurance from Mary Margaret that Henry probably just wants to spend the night in his old room. Everyone except Mr. Gold heads out, and with Granny's tracking skills, they are reunited with Henry. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. Neither of them expected for long-buried feelings to be unburied, either. While they wait, Emma recognizes that Elsa, like herself, cannot control her magic. Feeling betrayed by their prior lies, she disappears to the docks. She was getting anxious and so was I, the twins were almost here, but we had no Idea were Killian was. Mary Margaret wonders if Emma's job as bonds bails person is good for finding people. Regina and Emma have formed a strong connection, with one of them always knowing when the other needs them, could she help Emma? After Mary Margaret and David go on their house hunt, Emma notices Henry drawing blueprints for what to change if they decide to move out. With his help, she lights the flame, and later, in the diner, she begins using it to combine the sword and the dagger. Tinker Bell acknowledges that people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy. Before Anna goes in as well, she inquiries about Mr. Gold's original name in the Enchanted Forest. In the alternate reality, Emma retains her memories, but she becomes imprisoned in. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), Intending to sharpen her magic skills against Zelena, Emma agrees to be trained by Regina. Harshly, she rejects him. ("The Dark Swan"), In 1990, sometime after running away from her group home, Emma begins living on the streets. Pan mentions the tree is special to him because it's the same place that he abandoned his son, Mr. Gold. At the clothing store where Tasha works, Emma also buys a red leather jacket similar to the one Cleo used to wear. Additionally, it will give Henry the false impression that his parents have a chance of getting back together. Zelena publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. Upon leaving, Emma phones Mary Margaret for advice over whether to tell Henry about Neal or not. Though Emma thinks of this world as her and Henry's home, her parents see the Enchanted Forest as theirs. Later, Merlin confirms to Emma that he can remove her darkness, but she must be open and willing for it to work, which includes actually wanting to let go of the darkness. Emma reassures Regina that she won't be a problem, especially since the father doesn't know Henry exists. On the journey to gather more poppy dust so Mary Margaret can reach the Netherworld, a raven from Cora gives them a message. They bond over having powers they can't control and figuring out who they are beyond their titles; Elsa as Queen and Emma as the savior. Learning about Operation Mongoose, Emma decides to pitch in and help Regina find her happy ending. With all of that said and done, she wasnt particularly pleased to have Tissaia throw the coin at her. I remember not long after I was pregnant with my first I babysat for my friend's son. On a spur of the moment idea, Emma combines powers with Regina to successfully deactivate the trigger. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. Emma, touched by her mother's sentiments, embraces her in a hug before she is phoned by Regina. A brief struggle with Jefferson ensues, but Mary Margaret hits and kicks him out the window. They attempt to escape, but are caught by Jefferson. All three attempt to dissuade him from the sacrifice, but through Pan's manipulations, Henry chooses to give up his heart. Emma professes she is willing to do whatever it takes to get Henry back, but Mr. Gold still doesn't believe her, stating that she will always need someone to show her the way. With reassurance from Henry, Emma calms down enough to focus her magic and heal Ashley. While she feels betrayed, Neal believes that he was leading her home. The world will still be here to welcome you when you wake up, my love." She opened her eyes halfway to look at him once more before letting them close completely, falling into her first slumber. Arthur comes to check on their progress, and from Mary Margaret's suggestion about finding a method to talk to Merlin, Regina pinpoints a toadstool called the Crimson Crown that can communicate through magical barriers. In t, 'Once Upon a Time' bosses answer Yes/No/Can't Say (or a little more) to your Twitter Q's. Emma fails to see why Hook cares so much about what the kiss meant, and instead of dwelling on that, she expresses gratitude towards Hook for not keeping Neal's return a secret. Humiliated and ashamed, Emma leaves, but Regina catches up and warns her to stay away from Henry, or else she will get a restraining order. Emma proves otherwise, blasting Cruella off the cliff, where she falls to her death. As she drives by Regina's house, Emma spots someone climbing out the window. She is upset that putting her trust in Mr. Gold has yielded no help for Mary Margaret, though he claims there is still time to "work a little magic". However, Henry is not in the booth and Emma deducts that he ran off since his backpack is gone as well. she shook her head and we walked in together. Please consider turning it on! She is hesitant to accept, even when Mary Margaret says Emma owes it to herself to meet with him. Escapades with mommy Regina and Little Emma with a hint of DSQ! At the diner, she apprehended by Regina about her history of never staying in one place for very long. Henry relents by agreeing to grab her car keys from Dr. Hopper's office, although he actually goes there to get his book and is shoved down the stairs by Fiona. Picking up a voice message from Hook, the pair are led to the Snow Queen, who is preparing to drop icicles on the pirate. Since Mary Margaret is not ready to speak to him yet, she asks him to walk Henry home. He offers to help them return home, but insists no more portals exist. Not wanting to succumb to darkness, Emma refuses, asking her to take the wisp and go. He would not going to let Della grow up without her Papa even if Thorin was thicker than-, Hamcat hybrid. She confronts him to ask what he carries around in the wooden box strapped to his motorcycle. Kathryn remembers being kidnapped and kept alive in a dark basement where food and water were readily available, but there was never anyone around. However, Hook becomes conflicted upon learning a man he killed long ago was actually David's father. After receiving an announcement of Ashley's smooth delivery of a healthy baby girl, Mr. Gold comes to collect the baby, but Emma promises to owe him a favor if he tears the contract up. This is pure smut written in Libra15s YMK universe! I wanted to let her know that I will always be there for her. While Regina hunts for clues on the Author in the storybook, Emma offers her a root beer. A series of Tumblr (reighne-sq) Prompts and Drabbles collected overtime. Prompted by Henry's concern for Regina, they make it in time to stop Dr. Whale. Dr. Whales told me to push and I did, I screamed so loud. After he is gone, Emma and Ruby exchange a curious look. At the courthouse, Cleo tells Emma about her red jacket, which is her "armor" protection, and she advises the blonde to learn how to protect herself. She asks him not to push her away and Henry agrees that he won't. "Okay . In a stake-out, Emma and Regina rush up to the mayoral office when they see someone break in, but the person disappears quickly in green smoke. Gideon shows up to attack her and manages to corner her into the mayor's office, but Henry knocks his uncle down, allowing Emma to escape out the door. ("Wish You Were Here"), With the portal gone, Emma and Regina acquiesce to Robin's demands and hand over their jewelry to him before he takes off as Henry and some knights approach in search of Regina. (This is mostly DragonSwan but I swear Regina is there too). ("Kansas"), The next morning, Henry shows Emma an apartment listing in town, but she avoids the topic. Emma is slowly lowered down to pull both Henry and Archie up. She wouldn't let me in there I don't want her to go through this alone. ("Dreamy"), Emma stays up all night interviewing David, but he sticks to his story of having nothing to do with Kathryn's disappearance. Upon reaching the exit, the pair finds Mr. Gold, who claims Hades burned the boat and tossed Milah into the river. She invites him in, playfully stating that they can still be together, and gives him a drink. He prompts Emma to come along, however, she tells him that she has a session with Archie. Not wanting the dream's end to come true, Emma protests when Snow insists on going with her, but she is unable to keep her from coming. I sat on the ground for a couple minutes after and started to bawl my eyes out. Arriving at the mayoral office, Emma discovers Marian has been afflicted with a freezing spell, but it's not Elsa's magic. She even meets up with Hook, who informs her that Regina was with Cruella, Ursula and Maleficent in the diner last night, where they over-indulged in liquor and left some damage to the indoor property. He claims every single story in his book is true and even she is in it, but Emma is still skeptical. The next day, at the diner, she introduces Henry to Mary Margaret as the two women settle for the lie that they were cellmates while incarcerated in Phoenix. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. Due to Emmas pregnancy, and to ensure their childs safety, they make the decision to return to Storybrooke, despite the realization that they must once again say goodbye to Henry indefinitely. Road, Ashley is going into labor, to which Emma drives her back to her death on Hook neck. 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