Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. Separation from the partner due to disharmony or difference of opinion is to be considered by 1,6,10 houses only and 8 is also to be considered, if quarrel is involved. Lagna also plays a significant role in determining the profession and career. However, his 9th house must be well placed for he is clearly enjoying the success of his second marriage. We all want good spouse in life. Mobile: 099375 84535, Tips for easing Corona tension and how spirituality can help. Moon: The nature will be emotional and sentimental. Presence in Taurus foretells a homely, loyal and stable In judging whether marriage is promised or not, only 2,7,11 houses are preferable to consider. He is an experienced astrologer. Your wife will be Your follower. You will not have any control over that person. Sports, fine arts, In his chart, we can see the seventh house of marriage has a negative planet Saturn. Relationship and Marriage. 1. Case Study: Multiple Marriages: Elizabeth Taylor. Basically marriage can be denied, if 7th cusp sub lord signifies only 1,6,10, 4 negative houses without signification of any of 2,7,11 marriage houses. 8. SAGITTARIUS: These people like to be straightforward and religious. I got all my answers with proper and logical understanding of the events. You are born to be yourself! When Saturn is afflicted then the constitution of the spouse may be weak. Connection of the Moon to 7th house, or its Ruling planet or Ruling Nakshatra means you may marry a younger person. Check this blog to get details on the timeline in KP Astrology. Based on that particular skill, one gets choices, works laboriously, makes profits, and finally gets the wealth. You will get a cruel and ill character wife. Before meeting them I almost visited 20 pandits and astrologer and all were trying to drag money and only provided general prediction but this person is infinite percent better than all and in fact there is no comparison. Looking at the placement of10th house from the 7th i.e. They like to live in a secure way. For a partner to have a flourishing career, the Ruler of the 4th house must be strong. Everyone wishes to get married to a partner who will be their emotional and physical match in every way. 11. If dual nature planet (mer/ jup) is involved then multiple marriage. When the 7th cusp is connected with 2,7,11 + 6,10 + 12 or 8 then one would get married then get separated. You may get a spouse from giving newspaper advert or online advert and the person could be from print, media, and communication industry. If you are an Aries Lagna, then Libra will be your 7th house. Presence in Leo forecasts a dominating, proud spouse who loves to win attention. If you have the time and date of birth of a person, the predictions of future spouse can be made based on the following points: Do you know Astrology can save your Marriage? You may marry a person from a different cultural background. If the star lord denies and sub lord supports, then there will be a delay in the event, but if the sub lord denies and the star lord supports, then it is inadequate to give results. A verification code has been sent to you via SMS. This means you need to wait for the right spouse rather than love at first sight. K C Gupta (AstrologerGupta) Famous Jaipur Astrologer, Dear all,KC Gupta's sir well experienced astrologer and providing very effective remedies and i consulted since few weeks back and he explained the detailed of my horoscope, what is good and what is bad on horoscope, then knew entire structure of my horoscope, as per suggest remedies, i followed and getting relief ..if any body suffering then contact to KC Gupta Sir to get remedies and MODIfication of one life'sThank you Sir, Stay blessed always..e remedies. Rahu, 9h and 12h state foreign connection. A retired employee of Southco. Multiple planets in any house can give rise to yoga called Sanyas yoga. Your spouse may have a spiritual or philosophic bent of mind. Still, some marriage fails and leads to a second marriage. Muhurat may be helpful to get the desirable results of free will. Women: Find where Jupiter is in chart, sign (where), house (how). Marriage is a personal choice between two consenting adults who come together and decide to spend their lives with each other. If the relationship is not auspicious then they will warn against that too. You will prepare a plan to start a new job. Spouse physical appearance when 7th Lord is in the sign of Virgo- your would-be partner will be medium in height. Spouse prediction from Kundli: In Vedic astrology, 7th house is called the house of marriage. WebIn astrology, spouse profession can be predicted from the Lagna chart and navamsa chart. You like to talk things over and over until you reach to a right conclusion. The spouse will be self dependant and will not like to be kept in control. The 9th house in your horoscope signifies second marriage. In this post, an attempt has been made to use Vedic astrology as the basis for predicting the personality and other characteristics of the would be spouse. The houses indicate a difficult marriage are the 6th, 8th, and 12th. Astrology is very effective in answering various questions like Best Age To Have A Baby Based On Your Zodiac Sign, when to get married etc. Submit details and our representative will get back to you shortly. When Sun lies in the 7th or Marriage House, then the native will have a spouse who will be dominating. By studying the specific planetary combinations, spouse profession from Kundli can be predicted. The sub lord Rahu and the coordinators signified by Rahu plus Ketu will give the job description. Western and Vedic Sidereal Astrology Readings Free Guide! Please verify that 6 digit code below to continue. film, speculation as profession, Danger from The 2H to any house will increase the effects related to that house. You will have good education and will have more good traits than Your father. In KP house 2 (family members), 7 (legal bondage, spouse) and 11 (permanent tie of friendship and partnership in life) are to be judged for marriage. A second marriage indicates another chance at happiness, wed in a marital bliss. Upapada Lagna requires time and date of birth. When Saturn associates with Rahu or Rahu aspect on 7th house, then you can expect an unconventional bond. I impressed with their services. By knowing the characteristics of your spouse, Love Divorce Problems in Husband Wife can be controlled. There will be goodness in your marriage. 1. Venus influencing the 7th house indicates a beautiful life partner who will have a weakness for fine and lovely things in life. When these basic needs are not met, a marriage may end. 3. You will have sex with widows, old age women, and divorced females. FREE Mini Guide Simple Steps to Learn KP Astrology. When 7th house has Jupiter sitting in it along with the moon placed in a cancer sign then you will acquire a very good looking partner with a great personality. Copyright 2023, The star and sub star division of these 3 planets are: Mercury: 1 2 5 6 9 Moon: 3 7 8 11 Saturn: 2 3 9 10. Direction of the planet that is placed in 7. 7) SATURN IN SEVENTH HOUSE: The native will be in control of Your wife. They will be flexible and surrendering. The Spouse astrology or the astrology of predicting the specific details of a spouse is about knowing the details like spouse characteristics, beauty of spouse and nature of spouse in general etc. Weekly Horoscope, Yearly Horoscope, Blogs, and Free Online Kundli software. Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. Example: Divorce with mutual consent is possible without 8 and 12 houses. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. VEDICASTROZONE, 2017. 12. How to predict medical line in, , Muhurutha Fixation through Planetary Karakatwas Naadi, Muhurutha Fixation through Planetary Karakatwas , Subha Muhurat Griha Pravesh dates and timing in 2020, Subha Muhurtham Marriage dates & timing in 2020, Subha Muhurat Property Purchase Dates 2018, The Numerology Number 6 Life Path Number 6 Birth Number 6 15 24, Importance of Temple and its placement in Vastu, Subha Muhurat Vehicle Purchase Dates 2020, The Numerology Number 7 Life Path Number 7 Birth Number 7 16 25, Vastu Shastra Hindu system of architecture (science of architecture), Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Capricorn Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Sagittarius Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Scorpio Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Libra Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Virgo Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Leo Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Cancer Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Gemini Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Taurus Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Aries Sign, Saturn Transit to Sagittarius & 2017 To 2020 Prediction, Subha Muhurat Vehicle Purchase Dates 2019, Subha Muhurat Property Purchase Dates 2019, Subha Muhurat Griha Pravesh dates and timing in 2019, Subha Muhurtham Marriage dates & timing in 2019, The Numerology Number 5 Life Path Number 5 Birth Number 5 14 23 Meanings, The Numerology Number 4 Life Path Number 4 Birth Number 4 13 22 31 Meanings, The Numerology Number 3 Life Path Number 3 Birth Number 3 12 21 30 Meanings, The Numerology Number 2 Life Path Number 2 Birth Number 2 11 20 29 Meanings, Lucky Numerology number 1 People Career, Personality Overview, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Our astrologers can guide you with the details. Each planet, zodiac sign is associated with a direction. Multiple Relations and Denial of Marriage KP Method. The house Venus or Jupiter are placed in will show you how you will meet your spouse. Its lord is Mercury. With proper compatibility and understanding, all of us deserve a chance at happiness. 11H is gains and profits and fulfillment of desires Unfavorable Combinations for Career 5H, 8H, and 12H Worst You will travel to far off religious places. WebFinding out where you will meet your spouse is easy, all you have to do is look where your Venus is if you are a male and look where your Jupiter is if you are a female i.e. You beget a good life partner. Vedic Astro Zone - Vedic Astrology - The Ancient science of India, GEMINI and AQUARIUS suffering the MOST now, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Pisces Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Aquarius Sign, Numerology No. Event "Proneness of disease" has house group 1, 6, 8, 12. When Mars is predominant in your Rasi chart and Navamsa chart, your spouse can be in the police, military, engineer etc. 3) MARS IN SEVENTH HOUSE: The native will rule Your life partner. VIRGO: They will be very logical and judgmental. TAURUS: They can be very logical, materialistic people. Astrology is meant to corroborate what you already know. However, some KP astrologers are of the view of that signification of houses 5 and 8 by the 7th cusp sub lord can also give marriage since 5th is 11th to the 7th and 8th is 2nd to 7th. Let us consider the houses 2,6 and 10 ( 2nd bank balance, self acquisition;6th services rendered, day to day attendance on duty and thereby earning; being 12th from the 7th denotes loss to others and gain to self, hence receiving money from others; 10th profession, either in independent vocation or in service). 2) MOON IN SEVENTH HOUSE: The native will be very jealous of others and will be very interested in sex. This is my findings in KP method. Dual signs have a lot of importance in determining a divorce. You will not be the one to end a relationship. I will always be very thankful to pandit ji for his opinion regarding my problem and it's very effective in my life as experienced. 7. You will have an ugly wife. 12h: Foreign travels or links, social work,hospitals, and prisons, or a lot of distractions in the profession. You may opt for a love marriage. When there is more than one planet in the 7th house, it weakens its position. He definitely deserves 5 star rating and 5 star rating is just a formality, how to predict profession of spouse in astrology, Child Prediction By Horoscope & Pregnancy by Vedic Astrology, Government Job Astrology | Sarkari Naukri Yog in Kundli, Best Vastu Shastra Consultant in Bani Park, Jaipur, Useful Vastu Points to Keep in Mind While Building a New House, Best Astrologer in Mansarovar, Jaipur | Famous Astrologer, Best Vastu Shastra Consultant in Mansarovar, Jaipur, Easy Vedic Astrology Remedies to Fight Depression, Study planet Venus in case of men and Jupiter in case of women. There is possibility of two wives. It could be a surprise for you. Also, you should have complete knowledge about the significance of the planets. We all aim for a happy married life and for that we need to share good compatibility with our spouse. DBA is not applicable for events which are to happen in a day or two i.e. The money can come through hereditary assets. Many important things have to be read in the horoscope carefully. In astrology, one can see whether the spouse is going to be as per the desire or not. In his chart, there is a very flexible Moon, and it is in an even sign. Women: Aries Ascendant, 7th Lord is Venus, Jupiter in Taurus in 1st House, opposition of Taurus/1st is Scorpio in 7th. So for meeting as a woman it may be in a place of sex or taxes, and the symbolism could be a symbol of beauty, or balance. An Intellectual: Works on Hindu Astrology, Parasahari Astrology, Nadi Astrology, KP Astrology. Astrology. Rahu in the 7th might indicate either an out of the way marriage between castes or to a foreigner. The 4th house, 4th house ruler and planets that influence it also have a role to play in the career of the husband or wife. You will have interest in gambling. Once the astrologer has studied the 4th house or career house, and 10th house from 7th house. Kp astrology is very accurate method no doubt. But it is very time sensitive . If one have a talent for birth time correction method. It will give So the native gets what I wish to speak, I do not have to wash dirty linens in public pond. There can be some issues in getting child. He is the best in astrology and without asking a single question, he told me everything about my pain which I am suffering and also gave me simple remedies.He has given me ample of time and listened all my problems carefully on phone even though he was busy. Apart from this, keeping fast for 16 Mondays gives a beautiful partner. The sign which Venus and Rahu are placed in is Sagittarius. You may suffer due to problem of genitals. They want high status. You may suffer from stomach cancer. You is many times corrupt morally. They can be sports loving people. You will fall in love with natives of other caste. You may become impotent due to too many sexual activities. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. Men: Find where Venus is in chart, sign (where), house (how). Presence in Cancer predicts a sensible, sensitive spouse and is considered a healthy combination. But I believe, that before analyzing a birth chart for a Career, the basic knowledge or education section needs proper analysis. The By Gopal Krishna Panigrahi Last updated Jan 3, 2020. You may marry someone you know since very long time like from childhood. Arudha Lagna and Upapada Lagna are in 6-8 position then lack of understanding between the couple is predicted. Only vimshottary dasha related to the seventh house is not the tool to predict the timing of the marriage. This house also refers to a partner in general. When you are looking for answers to such life-changing events in your life then you must turn to Astrology that can uncover hidden truths for what your future holds. guniune astrology with great knowledge. Men: Find where Venus is in chart, sign (where), house (how). He is very patient in listening to and understanding his clients problems. Check this blog to get details on the timeline in KP Astrology. A cent percent accuracy in the astrological prediction would be possible, if and only if everything in ones life is predestined at the moment of birth by past Karma. You may have emotional unfulfilled needs of your childhood which you will want to complete with your spouse. Marriage/Spouse Meeting circumstances in Astrology. There are chances of marriage getting into bad waters. You will be successful abroad. After that darakaraka navamsa should also Moreover, Horary or Ruling Planets also may not guarantee to all to be always helpful. Planets and zodiacs have a number of characteristics that they represent and they influence humans depending on how they are placed. The practice of horoscope matching is very popular among Hindus all around the world. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2015 - 2022 You may have a dominant spouse. If moon is strong then You will be from a big family and You will be successful in Your life. Very accurate predictions and helpful remedies. The 7th cusp sub lord indicates whether marriage is promised or not. Please note, we hold no judgment for anyone with multiple marriages or for that matter, even no marriage. PISCES : They will be You can even find out the distance of spouse or husbands appearance based on Vedic astrology. In astrology, one can see whether the spouse is going to be as per the desire or not. interested in intellectual pursuits There will be no happiness in marriage and the spouse will have a dominating nature and wheatish or dark complexion. In KP terminology, these groups of houses for the event is called "House Group". With a strong Saturn, you can expect the spouse to be strong, caring and mature. Here are different positions of Venus and Jupiter that foretell different qualities: These are different ways to know about your spouse. If the 7th house is in the zodiac of Taurus, the spouse will have a weakness for dressing and jewellery and can be transformed into a diva or a gracious man. If Venus is damaged in the D1 as well as D9 chart, it also indicates a separation in marriage. The married life will be very disappointing in this case. The spouse will be from a very respectable family. Amazing experience.. Gupta Ji is not only an excellent astrologer but also a wonderful human being. 5H is 12th from the house of service, also 11th from the partners house. Your marriage is delayed and You is fond of travelling. The spouse will be rather cold, distant and unromantic. You may have more than one marriage. A great experiance I had first time of astrology. are providing free astrology. Significators of houses 2,7,11 are to be considered for marriage and the houses 6,12,10,8 are for divorce. Multiple Relations and Denial of Marriage KP Method. Everyone wants to know the age of the person whom they are likely to marry, whether they will be older or younger and how much older to you as well. Considering 5th house for marriage in the case of love marriage is understandable. Hence 8th house (quarrel, disappointment) is found in support of divorce but not in support of marriage although it does not negate marriage and not threaten separation from the partner. Read More. You like to get physical in your relationships. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. Now in the above horoscope, all favorable combinations are seen, but there is also the involvement of 5H, 8H, and 12H. If you want to know the profession of spouse, count the 10th house from the 7th house because it is that the house of the marriage and 10th house from 7th house will give clues about the career of the spouse. Sun is the chief governor of profession. You will like physical pleasures and costly drinks. Dual signs have a lot of importance in determining a divorce. The spouse is lost in confused thoughts, and interested in mathematics and astrology. 8H is 2nd from the 7th house, so it is favorable for the opposite party. A mentor,guide and pleasing person..who covers all the aspects of your life from horoscope My experience is wonderful thanks for ur support sir. Kc Gupta sir is very knowledgeble and genuine astrologer with very accurate prediction.sir responded quickly,analysed my horoscope thoroughly and suggested remedies which are easy to follow.he treated me as his kid,filled confidence in me.and gave me valuable suggestions for my life. 1,6,10,8,12 Houses for AI chatbot confesses love for man; asks him to end his marriage, 10 Tollywood actresses who became heroines in their teens, Pandya Store actress Shiny Doshi's perfect beach looks, 6 foods that are always there in Taapsee Pannus pantry, Hardik Pandya's leheriya kurta from his Haldi is unmissable, Indian cricketer Smriti Mandhana's beauty secrets, Samantha inspired with her fitness journey, Horoscope Today, February 21, 2023: Read astrological predictions for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and other zodiac signs, Daily Panchang: February 21, 2023: Know Today's Tithi, Nakshatra, Yog, Karan, Shubh and Ashubh Muhurat, February 20, 2023: Read astrological predictions, Weekly Horoscope, 19 to 25 February 2023: Read astrological predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and others, 19 February 2023 Horoscope: Check astrological predictions for your zodiac here, 30 years of Pearl Academy: Creating complete design professionals, February 18, 2023 Horoscope: Check astrological predictions for all signs here, 17 February: Read Astrological Predictions, Live: Putin suspends Russian participation in nuclear pact with US, Karnataka transfers two senior officers after public spat, Why India can be a developed country by 2047, West using Ukraine as a tool to destroy Russia, says Putin, Virat Kohli breaks Virender Sehwag's record, '26/11 plotters still roaming free': Javed Akhtar reminds Pak, How free power is draining Punjab's coffers, 'PM Modi sent troops to LAC, not Rahul Gandhi': Jaishankar, Im being spied on, fear for my life: Maha ex-CM Ashok Chavan, Eknath Shinde-led faction gets Shiv Sena office in Parliament, Terms of Use and Grievance Redressal Policy. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Part 1: Ascendant Compatibility, All About Sidereal Astrology Rahu North Node, All About Sidereal Astrology Ketu South Node, How Astrology Dasha Time Periods Work Jaimini Vimshottari, Top 4 Wealthiest Signs (Billionaires Research Study) [video], What will you need from your spouse? If marriage is promised, the required significators of DBA lords point the time of marriage when it agrees with transit. Certain charts dont even show the chances for remarriage. You may have two marriages one by one and both may survive. See the 7th house lord condition. Article number:2 Date of publishing:21st October,2022 In this article * Planets in the 7th house of the natal chart * The influence of the 7th hous All the prediction come true .. if one having any issue i will recommend you all once to try once and i assure you, all your issue will be solved. Even though we cannot predict those things with the accuracy of an experienced astrologer. They are loud and quarrelsome and due to such personality will be not able to get the love of the native. This states that if dasha of unfavorable combinations activates then this person will face a job crisis. clients at unbeatable price. When the 7th cusp is connected with 1 + 6,10 + 12 or 8 then one would not get married. Our mission is to provide premium astrology consultation to our (Planet which is not present at the star lord level in the horoscope, and they give results at star level). Birth details: 24.02.1976, 12.20 PM, lat.22N43, long.75E49. Oh! Check out the planetary combinations which may have a bearing on your married life. Thank you for everything ! On the other hand, Very kind person, accurate predictions and wise life advice. 7th Lords opposition = symbolism in first meeting. You spouse will be talkative and courageous. Check out the compatibility with your partner, before you take the big plunge. The 12H to any house will negate the event. You can read about the prospects of the second marriage with inputs from Vedic astrology. For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service. For complete details, you can read about planets and their profession. 2. You will have a very acute mind. You befriends people with difficulty as in this position of sun a native becomes egoistic. If both are conjunct then it predicts a happy and healthy marriage and sometimes love marriage. if 2nd cusp is connected with 7 then one would get married and there will be dual marriage if above rule is fulfilled. Call our astrologers if you want to know about the nature of your future husband or wife. You also has to suffer displeasure of government officials. Not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life. Astrologer K.C. Vasant Kunj, New Delhi They want to do everything based upon their logic. Long distance travels can also be a possibility to meet your spouse. You will meet your spouse via father or his relatives, mother-in He prediction 100% accurate about my life and give me solution.. Gupta Ji is the best and most famous vedic astrologer in jaipur india..Well experienced astrologerFully satisfied.. K C Gupta ji which is put up in Jaipur they are the best astrologer I have ever met in my life. The bottom line is that 100% correct prediction cannot be given with the literature available and with the knowledge that we may gain by studying them alone. 7. 2. 100% trusted and genuine astrologer in Jaipur.. Amazing experience with you K.C Gupta ji.