Susan Smith called the police saying that she had her car stolen by a black man who kidnapped her two young children. They came because it was the third anniversary of the brothers' deaths. She worried about her hair and makeup in front of the television cameras and sometimes asked about Tom Findlays whereabouts. First, it is important to choose the right type of planter and support system for your plants. Nearly 30 years after her conviction, Smith's cellmate is speaking out and . Employees of Winn-Dixie, the grocery store where David Smith worked, paid for it as a lasting tribute. I want you to know that I will always love and care for you for the rest of my life. . A.L. Susan gave the police the exact distance the car floated before sinking. You will, without a doubt, make some lucky man a great wife. Smith had stood by his estranged wife during her nine-day charade, and he said he first heard about her confession on television. It is the story of a woman who, to judge by the evidence ofher life, succumbed to her own molestation as a teenager and grew up to become a promiscuous, sexually exploitive adult. I really wanted to be with you and hated that I wasnt. ``Thank you for being there for me through all the rough times. Which is the lie? The RST series, Estamino, and Fortamino are all good choices for shorter growing seasons. I could never express in words how much you mean to me. And you know, nice girls dont sleep with married men. I do want us to be friends forever and Ill never let anything happen that would change that. Maybe he has no responsibility for all of this, but hes still a d-bag. She began sleeping with her boss's son, Tom Findlay, in January 1994. The following year, prison captain. ", June Miller, the clerk of court, says, "It's over and done with and we go on with our lives.". ", Paul Patrick, a florist, says, "It was a real tragedy but I don't think anybody's still dwelling on it three years later. Smith's natural father committed suicide when she was 6. At this time Susan was having sex with at least three men. The mom of two made headlines at the time of the news due to her shocking motive and she has since been behaving herself behind bars, which means she could soon be a free woman. When she went on to say she had been riding around in the car singing with her sons, Caldwell said he interrupted and reminded her she earlier had described the boys as fussy that day. Concerned for his safety, Findlay avoided Susan from March to September. Findlay, balding early, is nice-looking if not quite a hunk; he allegedly told investigators that he considered himself "a ladies' man" whose mission in life was "servicing these women." Something went very wrong that night. ``But our differences go far beyond the children issue. TUESDAY, Oct. 18, 1994 _ Susan Smith's boyfriend, Tom Findlay, breaks off their relationship saying he doesn't want the responsibility of children. She served a pizza dinner to Michael, 3, and Alex, 14 months, and tenderly strapped them into their car seats. In. I told her the intimate part of our relationship would have to end. But unfortunately, it won't be me. I know I did when we were messing around earlier this year. A team of state psychiatrists certified that Smith was competent to stand trial. Patrick is in there. Linda Vaughan married stockbroker Beverly Russell, the son of a leading local family, about a year and a half later. And special thanks to my fellow true crime buffs in the True Crime Discussions group on FB, especially PAT! Actually, he is online.,,20358219,00.html "There will always be something to remind each of us that such a thing happened here," she says. "Every time we think it's all behind us, it comes up again," says June Miller, Union County's longtime clerk of court. Such a position also gave her the chance to get close to her boss son, one of Unions most desired bachelors, Tom Findlay. They were buckled into their car seats when their mother stepped out, lowered the emergency brake and let the car roll down the steep ramp, into the deep water. She made a tearful plea on national television for their safe return. TUESDAY, Oct. 25 _ Ms. Smith tells authorities her two sons, 3-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alex, were taken by a gunman who jumped into her car at a traffic light. [2] Her father committed suicide when she was 7 years old. Around 8 pm, Susan, in desperation, puts her two children in the car. To be the perfect woman for a rich man. Her mother Linda, weeks after her divorce, took up a new relationship. I was not ready to assume the important responsibilities of being a father, Findlay wrote in a statement issued through his lawyers. Linda, Susans mother, always consented to the borrowing, but on the other hand, she felt entitled to guide the couples life, mainly in the aspects related to Michaels upbringing. We are just two totally different people, and eventually, those differences would cause us to break up. ``I want you to know that I have never felt with anyone, the way I feel when Im with you. You will without a doubt make some lucky man a great wife. Brackett, who is still something of a spokesman for Union's black community. SUSAN SMITH'S LETTER TO TOM FINDLAY Dear Tom, Just a note to say thank you for everything. By September she was dating Tom Findlay again and planning their future together. . "I'll never forget what Susan has done to me and my family, [and] I even have to say, to her family," Smith said. He quickly pulled her out of his office. Susan, because you got pregnant and married at such an early age, you missed out on much of your youth. . How have people written about the torture,, You missed Patricia's "theory" of a lesbian crime of passion involving Gaia, Mirian and the french girl they met in, I totally agree with all of you. Miller saved videos of local newscasts and the Smiths' network interviews, and recently appeared in a Smith documentary for the Arts and Entertainment Network. He is known to some local young women as "The Catch." Tom Findlay testified as a prosecution witness at the trial-for. Nine days later, she confessed and, eventually, it was revealed her motive was to pursue a relationship with a wealthy local man who did not want children. Susan may say that she wouldnt care (copy unintelligible) husband had an affair, but you and I know, that is not true. In fact, its probably someone that you may not know at this time or that you may know, but would never expect. David never questioned the paternity of the child despite their separation. The case of Susan Smith, the woman who killed her young sons in 1994, will be explored in the upcoming Lifetime docuseries Cellmate Secrets. Smith was separated from her now-ex-husband, and started dating Tom Findlay, whose father owned the mill she worked at. Susan told her mother and Social Services what had happened. I will always treasure our friendship and all of the many wonderful memories we have made. He admits molesting Smith before she turned 16-and then continuing a consensual sexual relationship until just weeks before the murders. Susans mother, Linda Russell, continuedto support her daughter,claiming as recently as five years ago thatSusan simply lost touch with reality at the momentshe murdered her sons. Cellmate Secrets premieres Friday, June 4, at 10 p.m. on Lifetime. Last summer, Tim and Angie Phillips came with their three small children and two family friends, one of them a 3-year-old. UNION, S.C. - Michael would have turned 6 last month, and Alex by now would be 4. SC State House The letter about the reasons for the breakup, written by Tom, was also inside the car. In 1994, Susan sued for divorce, alleging infidelity, and David later counter-sued, also alleging infidelity. ``Susan, I am not mad at you about what happened this weekend. That man, Tom Findlay, took the stand and read a letter he had written to Smith breaking off their relationship. "This case was an awful case of tragedy from the beginning. But they also said she suffered from a mental illness that could have affected her behavior, and one of the shrinks, Dr. Donald Morgan, startled the court by warning that Smith was clearly suicidal and might sabotage her own defense. They were from Union County, so the community not only grieved again, but wondered what it had done to deserve so much pain. Findlay said he had begun seeing Smith again last September after she assured him that she was in the process of divorcing her husband, a 24-year-old produce worker at the local Winn-Dixie. UNION, S.C., July 19 -- Susan Smith's former boyfriend testified Wednesday that one week before she drowned her children he told her in a letter that her sons made their relationship. Pastors who together counseled the inconsolable community became close friends. He said her family history was just "the abuse excuse.". In June 1993 he started dating a co-worker. On the outside everything looked good, but Susan carried with her a big family secret. Their last meetings came on Oct. 25 at the Conso plant. Why not simply give custody of the boys to their father? Linda and her children moved from their small modest home to Bevs house, located in a great location in Union. In the spring, they'll plant boxwoods, build a split-rail fence and lay a gravel walkway. Russell has not attended the trial but may be called as a witness. I mean Bev was getting around having sex with his wife and dauther for not days or weeks or months, but for years! And a nation that has heard the squalid evidence about Smith's liaisons with four different men, including her own stepfather, voted 63 percent to 28 percent in a NEWSWEEK survey that she should have been put to death. The solution for the moment seemed to be to buy a house, where everything would be different. The contempt for Susan was overwhelming, not only because of the racial tension triggered by the false accusation of a black man, but because her motive was extremely futile and selfish: to get rid of her children in order to maintain a relationship with a rich man. Copyright 2023 | We Support Phalanx Family Services & St Agatha Catholic Church, Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Powered by Frackle Media, Taylor Swift Reveals Lyrics and Their Meanings to Jimmy Kimmel [Video], Horror Movie Villains That Became Halloween Traditions, An Important Message, and a Warning to My Christian Friends,,,, It Is Unfair to Blame the Right Wing for All the Violence in America, Abortions Will Not Cease Women Will Continue to Fight for Equality, Why Republicans Cant Be Trusted to Do the Right Thing: Undeniable Fascism. Im just going to live one day at a time. Michael was born in 1991, Alex followed in 1993 and Susan gave every appearance of being a doting mother. . He also reiterated that at no point, he suggested that her children were the only obstacle in any potential relationship with her., Something went very wrong that night. ", She went to his office later the same day to return an Auburn University sweat shirt that belonged to Findlay. . I do. "We agreed the intimate part of our relationship should be postponed till she was divorced," Findlay testified. Thank you for this well written article. . Yet after hearing new and compelling testimony about her tangled life, the same jury that took only 2 1/2 hours to convict Susan Smith on July 22 decided just as quickly to spare her life last week--and voted unanimously. Russell signed a statement admitting his conduct and the family sought counseling-but Susan and her mother said they didn't want to prosecute. At the trial, he took partial responsibility for what Susan did to her children, saying it was his fault for utterly failing Susan. Her ex, Tom Findlay, had broken up with her after having stated that he was not interested in having or raising children. A coincidence, says Vickie Shields, the local "hometown coordinator" under the South Carolina Downtown Development Corp. No one noticed the timing until too late. Actually, I am very thankful. "He's got my babies," Smith said. Susan Smith had fallen in love with her supervisor at work, Tom Findlay, a wealthy businessman, and had an affair with him. He noted that as good as Smiths children may be, the fact was he did not want any children. . In this same period, Susan began to have a relationship with David, also a co-worker. She was two months pregnant--the child was David's-when they were married on March 15, 1991. THE MARGIN OF ERROR IS +/- 4 PERCENTAGE POINTS. I was not in my right mind., In July 1995, Smith was convicted of two counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years, which is around the corner in November 2024. But seeing you kiss another man put things back into perspective. After a few months Susan seemed to regret her decision, she filed for divorce once again. Findlay said Smith was in a suicidal panic the day before her children disappeared because she feared her estranged husband, David Smith, was "going to make it public" that she had cheated on him with Russell, who was then active in the Christian Coalition and state Republican Party politics. Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. They parked on the ramp. Smith was convicted of two counts of murder and is serving a life sentence in Leath Correctional Institution in Greenwood, S.C. Tom Findlay, 28, is a graphic designer who works in his father's firm. Caso Criminal 2023 - All rights reserved. "Everything I had planned on, my life with my kids, was gone. . Is Every Duggar Ridiculously Messy? But unfortunately, it wont be me. David Smith, last anyone heard, had moved to Florida. ``Even though you think we have much in common, we are vastly different. The mom of two made headlines at the time of the news due to her shocking motive and she has since been behaving herself behind bars, which means she could soon be a free woman. October 10, 1991 was a happy day. We won't post to any of your accounts without asking first. After initially standing by Susans side until he learned the truth and then grieving over the small caskets of his boys at their funeral while Susanwas in jail, it now appears David has been able to move on. you are intelligent, beautiful, sensitive, and possess many other wonderful qualities that I and many other men appreciate. Tom Findlay, get over yourself..youre really not all that attractive anyway. She flirted with another man, and Tom, to judge by the Dear Jane letter he sent her two days later, was at least somewhat offended. Findlay senior owns a company called Conso Inc., which makes interior-decorating products; he is among the wealthiest Union County residents. UNION, S.C., July 25 -- A sobbing Susan Smith apologized Tuesday to her ex-husband for killing their children after he twice broke down in tears while testifying in the sentencing phase of her. ``It is 11:50 p.m. and I am getting very sleepy. This year, I am considering a few varieties for graft, Take Action Now: How You Can Fight Climate Change and Protect Our Environment, The Effects of Climate Change on Our Environment To help restore its pride, Union leaders last year started a weekend festival. "They thought she should get a death sentence." The outcome flatly contradicts current public opinion. In the past nine years, Smith has been disciplined at least five times, including self-mutilation and the use and possession of narcotics or marijuana. ", To prosecutors, Findlay's emphasis on the children was Smith's motive for murder. In late October and early November 1994, the town of Union, S.C., ceased to be just another speck on the map. 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