Interested in growing your business with us? GWIs latest data reveals that when it comes to South East Asias young adults you can reach almost all of the users of a particular social media platform on at least one other platform. Their activity has attracted in-market audiences in droves! The most regularly watched esport is PUBG Mobile , which is watched by a striking 40% of SEA's esports audience. In Southeast Asia, the food sector has been on the rise and the ride-hailing giant Grab is dominating the region with its bold expansion to food delivery, GrabFood. Check out the top stories in our Weekly Recap Based on the number of monthly active users, the most popular social media platforms in Japan are LINE and YouTube. However, the numbers for South-East Asia are even more impressive. Facebooks dominance means social commerce is a hit here compared to eCommerce marketplaces, to the point that Facebook has become synonymous with the internet at large. Young women across the region say that they spend even longer online than their male peers, with the typical female internet user in this cohort saying that she spends nearly 10 hours online each day. With over 325 monthly active users, it hosts both user-uploaded videos and full-length movies. How can you save money on eCommerce fulfilment? spend the most amount of time on social media per day across APAC, 89.3% of the entire South Korean population,,,,,,, StatCounter. The latest data from GWI shows that the typical global internet user now spends an average of almost 7 hours per day online, which means that humanity will spend a combined total of 12 trillion hours using the internet in 2021 alone. But if you want to dig deeper into similar data for other ages and other countries, youll be pleased to hear that you can find free reports for every single country in the world on our website, Micro-influencers are relatable and authentic, often sharing personal experiences that their followers can relate to. But its features extend beyond that: Plus, shop ads are personalized based on a consumer's social media activity, making it easier to reach a targeted audience. LinkedIn did slightly better than Twitter with 370,000 reached users via ads. There's also one 'surprise' social network coming out of Vietnam. Asia is home to some of the world's biggest internet users, with folks in countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia spending 7 to 9 hours a day scrolling through their screens. Asia-Pacific will no longer produce huge increases in new social network users, but the sheer scale of the region means it should remain front and center for social media marketers. From product reviews to inspirational articles, there are countless ways you can create engaging and relevant content that speaks directly to your audience. These include newsfeeds, cashless payment system, games library, TV streaming, digital comics, and ecommerce. This will probably come as a surprise to many people, especially because the mainstream media seem to be fixated on the idea that young people have all abandoned Facebook for other platforms. Comparatively, those in Japan spend 51 minutes per day on social media (as of 2020). KEY STAT: Facebook will have 934.3 million users in Asia-Pacific this year, more than it has in any other region. 5). Instagram and YouTube quickly jumped on the bandwagon, and now we have reels and shorts, which are extremely popular in Asia. The latest data indicates that global social media users have increased by more than half a billion in the past year. We hope this list has given you some inspiration for your next social media marketing campaign so that you can truly stand out! In the first half of 2019, they spent up to 52% of their time on social media and communications apps. In Taiwan, social media is hugely popular among internet users. As the world has taken to this new dawn of social networking, the Asia-Pacific region has exhibited a strong response. But its features extend beyond that: Weibo means microblog in Chinese, which is the core of their features. Topics Social Media Users Social Media Usage Asia-Pacific Southeast Asia READ NEXT And all thats despite long-running issues on internet access, speed, and costs. It is a picture-sharing social media app that allows users to take, edit, share pictures and follow content. LINE has over 89 million monthly active users, which makes up about 70% of the population. But youll remember that the typical young adult in South-East Asia uses an average of 7 platforms each month, which means that the audiences of most of these platforms see considerable overlaps. Even though China is a powerhouse in the Asian economy, the likes of Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are not easily accessible due to censorship laws that exist in the country. But with that, thanks very much for joining me today I hope you found this session useful, and I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon, somewhere across the internet. This is according to Hootsuite's report. All Platforms Desktop Tablet Mobile View social media market share by region Worldwide Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America United States Of America United Kingdom India Canada Germany View all regions. Some 34.8% log on to read news stories, while 31% use the networks to search for articles or videos. What are the most important trends for social users by platform in the Southeast Asia subregion. WeChat With around 1.3 billion active users, WeChat has quickly become one of Asia's most popular social media platforms. Read our article on Malaysia digital marketing platforms and tips for Malaysia digital marketing success, including social media marketing, SEO, and ecommerce. Proprietary data and over 3,000 third-party sources about the most important topics. This is one of the topics that we explore in our ongoing series of Global Digital Reports, but the findings for South-East Asias young adults are particularly insightful. Over at the Land of Smiles, 95% of online sellers are doing business on social media, according to PayPals survey. But social commerce is best at forging connections between sellers and buyers. Get in touch with us. While Youku isnt a social media platform, it still deserves a spot on this list due to its sheer number of users. And with a multitude of platforms to choose from, it is critical to create the right content for the appropriate platform that matches your product, service and target audience. Travel-related purchases make up US$5.38 billion; electronics & physical media, US$1.01 billion; and fashion & beauty, US$874 million. Preparing the region's marine and offshore industries to prosper through the clean energy transition was the focus at the ABS Southeast Asia Regional Committee Meeting. And with the right combination of quality content, smart hashtags, and a finger on the pulse of the latest TikTok trends, you'll be sure to attract new leads. Social audio content is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies you can invest in. Access to this and all other statistics on 80,000 topics from, Show sources information To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set 89.3% of the entire South Korean population are social media users. New Instagram features are always being added to the platform, but the latest changes are interesting enough to get more than a few people talking. But with all the changes happening in the social media space, it's important to stay up to date on the latest trends. Not only does social audio help build credibility and trust for your brand, but it also opens the door for interactive communication with your community. [1]Conversational commerce surging across Southeast Asia Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. With short attention spans, especially in the Asian market, marketers need to get creative to stand out. There's Beams, Spotify Podcasts, Twitter Space and more. Meanwhile, 36.6% use social platforms to fill their free time. The favourite social media platforms of South-East Asia's young adults. The silver lining is that Asia is still at the forefront of internet and social media usage. QQ works best on desktops and is mainly used to send emails or share files. In-depth analysis, benchmarks and shorter spotlights on digital trends. It also ranked first globally with the most mobile downloads of Whatsapp and Tiktok in 2020. Currently, you are using a shared account. As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail. Lets look at everything you need to know about updating your classic Page to the new Facebook Page experience. Social Networks in Asia-Pacific (Excluding China), 2020-2025 (millions), Social Network Users in Asia-Pacific, 2020-2025 (billions, % change, and % of internet users), Top 10 Countries in Asia-Pacific, Ranked by Social Network Users, 2022 (millions), TikTok Users in Asia-Pacific, 2019-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Top 5 Countries in Asia-Pacific, Ranked by TikTok Users, 2022 (millions), Snapchat Users in Asia-Pacific, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and India as a % of APAC Snapchat users), Social Network Users in India, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), Social Network Users in Southeast Asia, by Platform, 2020-2025 (millions), Social Network User Growth in Southeast Asia, by Platform, 2022 (% change), Social Network Users in Select Countries in Southeast Asia, by Platform, 2022 (millions), Social Network Users in Indonesia, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), Social Network Users in China, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Douyin Users in China, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Top 10 Countries in Asia-Pacific, Ranked by Social Network User Penetration, 2022 (% of internet users), Facebook Users in Asia-Pacific, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Instagram Users in Asia-Pacific, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Twitter Users in Asia-Pacific, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Social Network Users in Japan, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), Social Network Users in South Korea, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), Social Network Users in Australia, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), Social Network Users in New Zealand, by Platform, 2020-2025 (% of social network users), TikTok Users in Southeast Asia, 2020-2025 (millions, % change, and % of internet users), Instagram and TikTok Users in Southeast Asia, 2020-2025 (% of internet users), Social Network Users in Asia-Pacific, by Platform, 2021-2025 (millions). To learn more, visit The most popular platforms are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As for what products the Vietnamese buy on these platforms, fashion products are at first place with 55% of all purchases. Indonesians mostly use social media platforms to communicate and interact with friends and family in an archipelago with over 17,000 islands. In fact, 44% of the respondents for Econsultancy, Magento and Hootsuites 2019 report (The State of Social Commerce in Southeast Asia) admit to making three or more online purchases in the past month because of social media posts or ads. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). More recently, they have developed LINE Wow, which provides premium food delivery, and is a significant competitor to Uber Eats in Japan. Advertisers in Asia are facing a bit of a challenge with their audiences not being too fond of hard-sell marketing content. . What separates the apps is SNOWs myriad of filters and stickers, which incorporate augmented reality. Different types of international shipping, explained, They can easily reach a wider group of customers, Compared to eCommerce marketplaces, it is easier for them to set up their business and have a low overhead, They can also leverage their personal networks to sell and reach other networks, 40% of sales are done via social commerce, Electronics, fashion, and health & beauty as the top three consumer categories, making up 70% of online sales, 10 million Indonesians buy only via social commerce, and another 10 million also buy through marketplaces or e-tailing, Social commerce makes up more than US$3 billion in GMV, and is predicted to go up to between US$15 billion and US$25 billion by 2022., 87% of them use social media to sell their products, The Philippines percentages for the first two social media platforms are also the highest for all the surveyed countries, Only 63% of Singaporean merchants do social selling (with Indonesia having a much better 80% rate). Advertisers are Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Comparatively, LinkedIn accounted for 0.63 . Asia-Pacific will no longer produce huge increases in new social network users, but the sheer scale of the region means it should remain front and center for social media marketers. And let's just say, the money is rolling in with China accounting for a whopping 80% of TikTok's total revenue. WeChat is the largest, with over 1.2 billion monthly active users. All of the stats that Ill be sharing with you today come from the ongoing Global Digital Reports series that I produce on behalf of We Are Social and Hootsuite. The use of social networks remains above all useful for keeping in touch with family and friends, for 47.5% of users aged 16 to 24. Other popular Japan-specific social media platforms include Niconico (video sharing), Snow (selfie camera app), Ameba (blogging). This new way of shopping is called S-commerce, or social media commerce, and it lets brands sell products directly on social media platforms no need for consumers to jump around to different sites. For those who couldnt make the conference live, were please to share a video of Simons presentation below, together with his presentation slides, and a transcript of his commentary. What's new and trending on the blog? Social media has surpassed physical retail to become the second most popular shopping format in the region, second only to e-commerce. 82% of its internet users bought something within the survey period, while mobile usage outpaced desktop-based shopping at 64% versus 44%. Given that many of the main Western platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are banned in China, the social media landscape in this country looks very different. Instead, you can focus your efforts on 1 or 2 of the larger platforms, safe in the knowledge that youll still have the opportunity to reach the majority of the regions younger internet users. You can only download this statistic as a Premium user. It is very popular among celebrities and influencers and is mainly used to stay up-to-date on current events or to get updates on topics users are interested in5. The company . Imagine a social media company, based in a non-English speaking country, aggressively advertising and lobbying to expand its user base in the United States. It has since evolved from a search engine and offers two social media services, Naver Cafe and Naver Blog. Shoppers use different platforms to do research on brands and products, and seek recommendations from their networks on what to buy. However, the number of people using social media is growing even faster. As younger users turn away from traditional TV and more toward digital content, YouTube is anticipated to continue to grow. Similar to LINE, Kakaotalk also allows brands and companies to create pages called PlusFriend. The same convenience works for social commerce sellers. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. LinkedIn also has a strong presence, with over 37% of active social media users using the platform. And I think the key takeaway here is to make sure you dont rely too heavily on media headlines to inform your social media strategy. Short Video Content will Dominate Social Media Platforms 1. YouTube is the most popular, with 94.2% of internet users using the platform. Lets explore the most popular social media platforms among APACs top 5 countries with the most amount of active social media users: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines. Data from GWI shows that people in this age group spend an average of more than 10 hours per day using internet-connected devices, which means they spend close to 3 full days using the internet every week. ", StatCounter, Share of social media traffic in Southeast Asia in 2022, by country and platform Statista, (last visited March 01, 2023), Share of social media traffic in Southeast Asia in 2022, by country and platform [Graph], StatCounter, February 28, 2022. And on Instagram, interactions between shoppers and sellers are generally instigated by Instagram Stories. And digital content can easily drive impulse purchases. Arming yourself with Japanese social media marketing experts is a surefire way to reach your target customers in Japan. Its essential to consider who you are trying to reach, how you will reach them within the app, and what tailored content you can produce to keep them engaged when choosing your Asian social media networks. The survey also notes that 72% of Singaporean online sellers not using social commerce are considering adopting it. TikTok is now the third-largest worldwide social network, according to our inaugural forecast. Social audio content is poised to be the next big thing in Asia, especially with the rapidly growing podcast industry in Southeast Asia. Well also get a chance to explore some of the topics Ive covered in more detail during the upcoming panel discussion, but just in case I dont get a chance to answer your specific question, please feel free to ask me questions on social media too youll find me on LinkedIn and Twitter as eskimon [please feel free to add your questions in the comments section below this post too]. Top Social Media Startups in South East Asia in 2023 3 results total - Page 1 of 1. Note that GWI doesnt include YouTube in its social media questions, which explains why it doesnt appear in these rankings. Exportable files for easy reading, analysis and sharing. The top social commerce platforms in Southeast Asia (by country). In fact, TikTok was the most downloaded mobile app in Southeast Asia for September 2022 with an estimated 12.2 million installs! Vertical videos are a real game-changer, and TikTok deserves some credit for starting this trend. As long as that stores products are of good quality, have a wide range of goods available, and have responsive owners and customer service, that is. Listen up, marketers! Short Video Content will Dominate Social Media Platforms, 68 Circular Road #02-01, Singapore, 049422. We are happy to help. Social media has given brands more ways than ever to connect with customers. Business Solutions including all features. WHATS IN THIS REPORT? Clubhouse made a big splash when it launched in 2020 and since then, it's been making waves among social media users. Categorised as a super app and similar to the Chinese app WeChat mentioned previously, LINE has a plethora of features other than messaging. Youku offers a wide range of content, including movies, TV shows, news, sports, and music. For example, you can reach 100 percent of South-East Asias Facebook users aged 16 to 24 on at least one other social media platform, and the same is true for the users of Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. TheSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Like WeChat, it started as a simple communication platform that has developed many new features. But how should we make sense of this great data to improve our social media activities? There were 56.85 million social media users in Thailand in January 2022.. Well, once again, the data holds some surprises. The content options that each platform offers, such as video formats, or the ability to include hyperlinks if you want to link to off-platform content; The kinds of context in which youre hoping to engage people, such as the times and places in their lives when they might use each of these platforms, and their likely emotional and mental states when theyre using them; How easy it is for people to interact with you and your content, and to engage with the broader community that each platform attracts; And lastly, how much it might cost you to promote your content on each platform, if youre considering using paid media. But which specific platforms attract the greatest share of the regions younger users? Now you know where to reach your customers. Most companies looking to advertise their product or service across APAC have seen success in another market first. countries with the most amount of active social media users, Facebooks penetration rate sits at around 61%, Why LINE is the most popular messenger app in Japan, The Ultimate Guide to using LINE Japan for advertising your business, very popular among celebrities and influencers. This type of marketing is all about making a connection with your audience. Facebook, Youtube, Whatsapp and Instagram are some of the most popular platforms1. It is free to use, but users can purchase premium features and services. Business owners often go where their customers are. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Social media statistics for Thailand in 2022. And, guess what? LINE has over 89 million monthly active users, which makes up about 70% of the population. When it comes to the socials, McKinsey & Companys 2018 report on Indonesias online commerce notes that Facebook, Instagram, LINE, and WhatsApp are the preferred platforms. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Instagram accounts with the most followers worldwide 2023, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Most popular global mobile messaging apps 2022, Twitter: number of monthly active users 2010-2019, Internet usage in India - statistics & facts, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Social media in the Asia-Pacific region" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. That's why we've put together a list of the top social media marketing trends and strategies in Asia that are shaping the market in 2023. You've come to the right place! Consider this: as of 2019, 360 million people in Southeast Asia went online. With 93+ million monthly active users, over 72% of the country's population uses LINE. Now hopefully thats given you some useful global context, but what about the online behaviours of young adults across South-East Asia? The program offers three areas of concentration: Austronesian Studies (Indonesian and Malaysian Studies), Thai Studies, and Vietnamese . A recent edited volume, "From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation: Social Media in Southeast Asia" (Singapore, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 2020), examines the dynamics of social media as . Research from GWI shows that 99.6 percent of South-East Asian internet users between the ages of 16 and 24 use social media every month, making it the number one online activity for this demographic even ahead of using search engines. Buying on social media is all about community and trust. And the number of internet users is still growing, too. G2 also named MoEngage a Leader in the Fall 2020 Grid Report, and the #1 Mobile Marketing Platform in the Spring 2021 Momentum Report. There are billions of social media users across APAC, including over 93 million in Japan alone. This is according to Hootsuite's report. Industry benchmarks for the most important KPIs in digital marketing, advertising, retail and ecommerce. This micro-blogging platform has over 560 million monthly active users. As elsewhere, social media is massively popular across Southeast Asia. And if you have any questions about the content Im presenting today, please feel free to contact me on social media; youll find me on LinkedIn and Twitter as eskimon. The use of social networks remains above all useful for keeping in touch with family and friends, for 47.5% of users aged 16 to 24. Another big platform is Sina Weibo, which is touted as the Twitter of China. This indicates that many Thai people use Facebook to gain new information and to shop for new products. With over 639 million monthly active users, QQ tailors more to the Chinese market, whereas WeChat has more users from outside of China. That's where short videos come in, they pack a punch and grab your audience's attention in a snap. Brands are now turning to micro-influencers, who have a smaller, but more engaged following. As of 2021, there are 55 million active social media users in Thailand, which equates to around 78.7% of the population. The platform is accessible on multiple devices, including computers, mobile phones, and tablets. Also, eCommerce is the king here, with 30 billion app sessions over six months (and with Tokopedia as the top-performing marketplace). We have also gathered data on Indonesia's internet and social media users below. Methods: We surveyed travellers departing from Hamburg International Airport to South or Southeast Asia, using a questionnaire on demographic, medical and travel characteristics. So, given that social media plays such an important role in the lives of young adults across South-East Asia, lets take a closer look at their social media behaviours and preferences. Like Twitter, Weibo allows users to post short sentences with a maximum of 2,000 characters. Twitter has 45 million monthly active users, or 36% of the population. Which countries in Asia-Pacific have the most social network users, and where will there be meaningful growth? Categorised as a super app and similar to the Chinese app WeChat mentioned previously, LINE has a plethora of features other than messaging. Whether you're in the B2B or B2C space, TikTok is a fantastic way to reach a wide audience. Facebook remains to be the most popular platform, boasting 2.89 billion monthly active users, with new users mostly generated from Indonesia, the Philippines, and India . But its numbers also have a better distribution across platforms. Meanwhile, Malaysians spend an average of more than 9 hours a day online, with Indonesians and Thais not far behind. LINE is a Japanese messaging app that is popular across Asia. The Malaysia Country Commercial Guide of the US Department of Commerces International Trade Administration names 10 of the countrys most popular social commerce platforms, but were including just the top five here: Filipinos love social mediaso much so that their country has been labeled the Social Media Capital of the World. Sellers know about this great social-media love as well, and readily make themselves available on their customers preferred platforms. 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