alex danvers tortured fanfiction

Kara found a little girl who turned out to be her best friend's daughter. The following morning, Alex asked Kara to talk in private, and they went out into the street. Brainy, acting without emotions, expected Nia Nal to appear in the office through astral projecting. Alex Danvers is a principal character from the Supergirl fandom. When they tried to escape they were shocked by the collars they were wearing and were almost executed until the arrival of Leo Snart. # 1 SuperCorp + Sanvers + Bechloe by nutmegger 25K 779 45 This fanfic is a cross in-between Supergirl, Pitch Perfect, and Rizzoli & Isles. Later at the D.E.O. Kara agrees to his help and sends her and J'onn away for an elaborate game of paintball. In order to capture her, Alex, J'onn and the DEO staged a robbery in which Reign arrived to kill them, but when they revealed themselves she hesitated, this allowed the DEO to use their advanced weapons to capture Reign, in which Alex placed a chain with kryptonite on hjer, but she resisted it and broke out and used a whip that was used on her to snap Alex's leg. Browse through and read danvers fanfiction stories and books. Alex attended the funeral of Martin Stein along with everyone else. Once inside she discovers a random add-on of a haunted house, and frees a couple of people trapped inside. The next day, Alex, along with Maggie, attended President's Marsdin signing decree on the alien embassy act. With her leg broken, Alex was side-lined from active duty, when Sam couldn't get her usual sitter for Ruby, Alex offered to look after Ruby. She had a close friend keep the baby for her to keep her ray of sunshine safe. The Danvers sisters in Jr. High school. Redlex alex danvers x reader fem!reader reader insert fighting action fanfiction Supergirl 4896 words. It's October! When a nightmare monster attacked the city, Alex helped Brainy create a portal to send the monster back to its kingdom.[60]. During the Thanksgiving dinner at Kara's apartment, Alex tried to come out to her mother but was stopped by the opening of a breach. The next day, despite having survived two previous attempts to her life, Lena Luthor, attends to the ceremony to renaming the Luthor Corp into "L-Corp", however, at that moment she began to make her speech, several explosions take place on the site forcing her to flee to a safe place, but John Corben dressed as a policeman, stops her and tries to kill her at the behest of Lex Luthor. However, she has a great sense of justice, since when J'onn took the blame for Astra's death, as he did want not Alex to lose her relationship with her adopted sister, knowing it was wrong, she eventually confessed to Kara her role in Astra's death despite her fear to lose her. Traumatized Alex Danvers Identity Reveal Majorily Traumatized Alex 2nd Chapter Alex makes pot brownies. In the final battle with the Nazi's, Alex and Sara teamed up against the Nazi's and won after the deaths of Dark Arrow and Overgirl. Since early childhood, Alex displayed a gifted intellect and brilliant attitude towards science. Alex was born in 1989 in Midvale to her parents; scientists Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers. After hiding the ship with their powers, Kara told "Brenda" that she could stay at the Danvers house. Alex, however, suggested, that since Lena has gone through a lot because of Lex, to let Lena enjoy this night without further distractions. ;-). agents followed it in another vehicle. databases, she could not find data on him. Also, these fics are for the most part unedited. Later, Alex immediately went to Star City to join the final battle alongside J'onn, Kara, Nia, Clark, Spartan, the Flash, White Canary, Batwoman and Wild Dog to stop the resurfaced Anti-Monitor from destroying everything once more. When she returned home, she told her ordeal to Kelly, who suggested that if she was going to act as a super hero, Alex might as well dress as one. Alex and Maggie's relationship grew stronger, with their wedding getting closer. Alex completely put her focus into her studies and social life, becoming a popular girl alongside Josie. Four years later , her daughter is drop Supergirl's and Flash's daughters time travel to save their parents from dying in crisis on earth prime. Alex mentioned to Sara her sexuality and how she had to cancel her wedding, and the two continued to drink before making out outside Jitters. Alex's mind recalled that seeing a phantom exit the portal instead of her sister broke her emotionally. However, when she was later called and told Despero was from Kalanor, she stated she heard a legend about a planet called Kalanor. The two would later meet again when Alex led her team into a warehouse raid in search of a supposed rogue Kryptonian, in where Maggie was already there, thanks to her street contacts, and casing the edifice from within; Alex's armed gear and team allowed Maggie to discern that the former was in fact D.E.O., much to the agent's chagrin. Suddenly, an assassin begins firing at them, causing them to run for their lives. When Reign finally makes her presence known and is called out by Kara, Alex tells Kara that she needs to embrace her Kryptonian side. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. In the evening, Alex comes to the bar came into the bar asking M'gann for help as J'onn need a blood transfusion following his clash with Parasite. Haley admitted it, but claimed she wasn't involved in the Morais torture. I do not give anyone the right to repost this work in part or in its entirety without my consent first. The Superfriends get a call from Dreamer to converge at the Leviathan ship to save Brainy from radiation poisoning. [21] She almost did it, but was stopped by her mother, who told her that she believed in her, snapping her out of the mind control. Alex and J'onn are nevertheless forced to leave National City as fugitives.[6]. What happens when an ex footballer becomes a doctor to investigate a disease which killed her mother? After this, Alex beat Ben to the ground, and claimed she had wanted to do that to him for some time. [20], After J'onn is forced to reveal his Martian identity to save Alex from Kara (who was under the influence of Red Kryptonite) he was arrested and questioned by Colonel Harper, along with Major Lucy Lane, to find out how he got into D.E.O. What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Alex warned against harming her sister, to which Overgirl reacted with amusement, stating that her own sister tried to kill her. [19] Upon defeating Indigo though, Kara returned to the D.E.O., telling J'onn and Alex that she was ready to work with them again because it's better for the world. Sara learned about Maggie and talked to Alex about her own Maggie, Nyssa. Alex was later found by Kara who had tracked her down with her super hearing. When Lex and Nyxly escaped, Alex saw that the totem had been destroyed and knew that the totem was for her, as she had love for all her friends. Later, the President of United States holds a televised speech about Anti-Monitor Crisis, which Alex watches at Kara's apartment with her and Kate. Sentinel and the Superfriends see the Humanity Totem. i'll update whenever i fee Imagines/one shots of celebrities and some of their characters as well Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. During the adventure, Alex told Kara the story about her summer trip to Nagano and taught her sister the rhyme which the girl from the village taught her. aunts supergirl referencedrape +17 more # 9 Burnt skies by Itsiqra17 44.6K 1.1K 59 There, Alex wrote down a wish and placed the paper in a crack in the wall in the hopes that it would come true. Fully healed from her leg injury, Alex ran some tests on Sam to find out what was wrong but had no luck in finding out. [24], After the assassination attempt on the President, Alex found Detective Sawyer collecting evidence at the airport and asks her what she was doing in her crime scene, Maggie pointed out that she was from NCPD's Science Police and her work is to investigate everything regarding aliens. When she and J'onn were working on the amulet, Mxy wanted to help them, but the duo refused the imp's help and secretly spoke that it was wrong to see Mxy without using her magic. When Esme got angry because she wanted to know the heroes' secret identities, Alex and Kelly told Esme everything, which gained the girl's trust by accepting them as her adoptive mothers. People claim to see them and people claim to be them but its all speculation. Alex convinces Maggie to confront her past and led her to finally confronting her estranged father, but during that time, Alex discovered that Maggie didn't want kids, something that Alex has always wanted. They quickly learn that William is a hostage of Eve Teschmacher and convey the information to Kara. Sentinel and the Superfriends including Mon-El, Winn, and James, teamed up alongside the city to stop Nyxly and Lex once and for all, but the villains were defeated forever and sent to the Phantom Zone. Alex battled along with the others and seemed to be winning until the arrival of Metallo who quickly took down Supergirl and Firestorm with ease, and Alex and the others were knocked out. In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. After Mon-El is infected by the Medusa virus, while working to find a cure, Eliza asked Alex what she wanted to tell her, and she finally found the courage to come out to her mother, saying that she was afraid to disappoint her, to which Eliza replied she could never be and embraced her. When Kara Danvers was changed into a Golden Retriever puppy, the first thing she did was panic but she was eventually found by Lena Luthor, whose heart was won over by h Kara hates science, Lena teaches science. After half of the totem left with Nyxly, the Superfriends took it upon themselves to avoid a lightning storm accidentally created by Beatrice Lahr's machine. [40] While doing some light commiserating with her sister, they are interrupted with the revival of Mr. Mxyzptlk, looking to make amends for his last visitation. By accident, Lena and Kara meet, and this reawakens something inside of Lena that she thought had died with her marriage. Later at the D.E.O. The Jarhanpurians suddenly disappeared, thanks to Querl Dox.[46]. Kara was later captured by the D.E.O. At first, nothing happens, and Alex cries in despair but then sunlight starts seeping from plants towards Kara, and she is revived. She was brave, selfless, kind, beautiful, and more powerful than any human could ever dream of being. The DEO is tipped off about an unknown As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. Lena is about to give up when she remembers she has a sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor. Alex' phone rings. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Alex apologized to Kara for what she did.[63]. I pretty much just write what comes to me and then post it. When Kara lifts the nightstand by Lena's bed, her inner Potter Head freaks out at what she thinks is a miniature remote control Quidditch Set. The sisters put her inside a cell and called J'onn to erase her mind of the knowledge. In the DC comics, the Danvers family did have a biological child, but instead of a girl named Alex, it was a boy named Jan. Alex references a time she was a doctor in Seattle in the episode ". However, Alex could not stand it anymore and began to tell Kara the truth about Astra. Supergirl: The Secret Files of Kara Danvers, Interview: Sterling Gates Closes Out ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL. Alex, weeping, says Kara that she understands how much she has lost and how much she knows Kara wanted to go home, but this is only an illusion. After the battle, the Superfriends attended William's funeral and Alex invited Winn to his wedding. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. Despite the martial law, Alex is exercising with Kelly, and they talk about Kara and James. Slow updates. As Kara clapped her hands in sync, she accidentally caused a thunderclap, that knocked them both down the cliff. Colonel Haley catches them, but they convince her, and together all three try to find out, where Red Daughter is. [61], Alex planned to finally take Esme to school, but Kara wanted her niece to wear glasses so as not to draw attention, this made Alex angry and the two sisters argue. Alex went to Kara's Christmas party, where she bonded with Ruby Arias through tales of her adventures with Supergirl, who Ruby idolizes. In a hotel at Portsmouth, Alex gets even more nervous, since she worries, will she be a good mother. revealing that the only way that the Fort Rozz escapees could get back at Kara's mother was through her now. [62], The Superfriends were concerned that to save Esme they had to deliver the totems, but Alex was the only one destined to take that risk for her daughter, despite Kara trying to convince her. Current universe Mo-El and Imra told Alex and the others about their mission and that they know Reign eventually left but with Supergirl out of commission, Reign is creating terror. However, Haley was more concerned about finding out Supergirl's identity, which forced Alex to do whatever she can to keep her sister's identity safe. Max indirectly confesses his experiments, but threatens Alex to not reveal his operations, insinuating that he knows her family; however Alex orders D.E.O. Sequel to Red Crescent. My Secret Ray Of Sunshine. She has been referenced as being a "bad-ass" by many people. After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content Not that the girl of steel needs help with the heavy lifting, but Alex is still there for "appearances." She joins in the moment silence the president declares in honor of Oliver Queen. There Alex admitted to Kara that she had developed feelings for Maggie and that she is gay. Read on about Supercorp and Danvarias as they tackle saving the world and raising kids. So the three o. But then she accidentally gets the attention of Kara Danvers, and she decides maybe the next few months might not be so awful. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. But then, the phone rings, and it turns out the birth mother decided against all odds to keep the baby. [1] Alex had trouble working with "Hank" after this and enlists the help of Winn to hack into the D.E.O. Trevor Crane soon approached their table and finally met and hugged the real Alex. Alex wonders, why Red Daughter would be interested in her sister, and starts to have more suspicions. It was an accident. base in the training room, Alex defeated Kara in a sparring match with the assistance of Kryptonite emitters in the room, in an attempt to prepare Kara for anything she might face. Suddenly, Kara asked if they could go to the nearby baseball field; there, a spaceship had crash-landed. After again saving the day and stopping a bank robber, she discovers her teenager self is one of the criminals. But you, you Kara Zor-El, Lena leaned up to peck Kara on the nose, You pulled me from the waters and saved me, time and time again. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie helped Supergirl in her investigations to track down Livewire, strengthening both their professional and personal relationship.[31]. Alex and Kara said goodbye to Barry, Iris, Oliver and Felicity and returned to Earth-38. Alex tried to throw her off the investigation, but Maggie proved herself as the other woman's intellectual match, culminating in an exchange of banter between the two of them that finally ended with Alex sternly asserting herself. When Lena meets Kara and McKenna out one night, Kenna instantly takes a liking to her. [47], Alex and the team found Silas White and questioned him about how to get into the Phantom Zone to save Kara. At the D.E.O., Alex along with "Henshaw" and Agent Hartmann came to the conclusion that the Hellgrammite was eating the DDT he had been stealing, as the government had been destroying remaining stockpiles, and his food source was shrinking. Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. When the team had discovered Overgirl's location, Alex and Sara teamed up again in which Sara asked if that was okay, Alex agreed. Original multiverseD.E.O.Superfriends(in secret)New multiverseD.E.OSuperfriends(in secret) Alex came down the aisle to meet Kelly and the girls finally got married. Alex has double piercings in her right ear and triple piercings in her left ear. During the fight, James and Ben used the Harun-El extractors on each other, and took out their superpowers. After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. Upon arriving at the bar, the waitress, Darla, handed out two drinks for the pair of women (ordered by Maggie) before commenting the cop "moving on"; confused, Alex inquires Sawyer if the waitress was a Roltikkon, to which Maggie confirms, along with the fact that she and Darla were formerly a couple, making Alex realize that she was just mistaken by the alien as Maggie's new flame. Both Alex and Kara realize it's actually Red Daughter. Alex then showed Kara a room that had been setup containing an Artificial Intelligence program of Alura that had been sent with her pod. Then she told Alex, she understands how it feels to keep part of yourself locked away, and confirmed her support for Alex and her feelings towards Maggie. Despite her good traits, sometimes Alex can be impulsive and prone to make difficult decisions crossing the line between right and wrong (some might even classify her as morally grey); such as when she stabbed Astra in the back, or when she assaulted a Cadmus facility on her own by placing mines in the structure to blackmail Lillian Luthor, even if on those occasions it was to save first J'onn J'onzz's and then her father's life. "Oh, hey." "Are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You've been. When a deer launches in front of her car, it puts a sputtering, awkward, sexy mechanic in her path. When Kara, Oliver and Barry return from a confrontation with the Nazis at a science lab, they also produced a kryptonite arrow with blood on it, explaining that the Nazis leaders were doppelgangers of Kara and Oliver. by Clarissamackenzie. However, after Supergirl found out the new address in which Roulette was to host the battle, Alex and Maggie organized a police riot and arrested the woman who, anyway, managed to get released thank to her friends in high places. After having dealt with a Dominator, Alex and Kara talked about Mon-El in which Alex discovered an invitation to Barry Allen and Iris West's wedding, though hesitant at first, Kara decided to go with Alex. However, they are attacked by Indigo, who kidnapped Alex so that Non can later put her under the control of Myriad, forcing her to fight Kara with the intention to kill her. Alex began seriously contemplating motherhood as she developed a friendship with Samantha and Ruby Arias. The moment Esme was going to be attacked, Sentinel and Guardian appeared to save her. Kara is shocked when she sees the pianist in the video and even more so when she gets a reply. Her fiance was killed during a military operation. A shocked Alex begins to deny it, but Maggie says that some gay women she knew had done the same thing, prompting her to leave. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Determined, Alex revealed to Kara and J'onn that she would propose to Kelly. Alex began to spend more time with Maggie as they explored their new relationship. As the Martians and Supergirl battle Gamemnae, Alex uses the Hand of the soldier to heal Brainy. Truth is: She's all of them. While there, Kara gets called back to National City by William Dey who is researching Margot Morrison, leaving Alex and Pete to continue their research. She stands tall before Kara and finally speaks. Work Search: After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content When Kryptonians gathered to start the next stage of their plan to conquer the Earth, they decided to use the Lord Technologies satellites and connect them to their device. 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