how old is phil mitchell in eastenders 2021

Ian later departs Walford. Within minutes, the pub is ablaze and the roof collapses on Phil. But before Danny can execute Grant, Jake arrives and shoots Danny accidentally killing him, as Jake meant to merely stop his brother by shooting him in the arm or leg. When Phil discovers Glenda is also having an affair with his enemy Ian, he threatens to tell Ian's wife Jane Beale (Laurie Brett), unless he pays him 5,000. During the investigation, Phil clashes with Janine as they both plan to retake various properties from the square. Their feud culminates badly for Phil, when he reluctantly joins Den in an armed robbery only to learn that Den had set him up on behalf of both Lisa and his family; Phil is subsequently arrested when the police arrive on the scene. McFadden said: "I'm going to stick my mechanic's overalls in a locker while I take a look at a few other projects. Phil along with Grant was voted as the second most popular King of Soaps in a Channel 4 poll in 2002. "[51], For other people named Phil Mitchell, see, Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 07:19, "Jaime Winstone set to play a young Peggy Mitchell as EastEnders announces flashback episode", "EastEnders casts Jaime Winstone as Peggy Mitchell in flashback episode", Stagehand fires fateful shot to keep EastEnders in dark, Script thieves may want to know who shot Phil Mitchell, "22m tune in to see Phil confront East Enders' Lisa", "McFadden takes year out from 'EastEnders' Soaps News", "McFadden delays 'EastEnders' return Soaps News", "Steve McFadden to make 'EastEnders' return Soaps News", "Drug addiction plot for 'Enders character", "Lucy Benjamin to make one-off 'Enders return", "Steve McFadden: 'Phil could become more violent', "EastEnders star talks about weight loss", "To baldly go where no mane's grown before", "Harold Ramsay is Loaded's Top Soap Bloke", "Observer/Anthony Burgess prize for arts journalism 2020: Stephen Hargadon on Cold War Steve", EastEnders told off for Phil and Jamie scrap, Your guide to the real mystery of EastEnders, I shot Phil now bring back the real EastEnders,, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 07:19. Perry Fenwick has played Billy Mitchell for over 20 years. Phil advises against it but Ben is adamant, however, Ben's psychiatric test results mean that it is unlikely he will be able to. In response, Phil ends his romance with Kate and threatens to kill her even when she admits to loving him with the promise of quitting her job. Mel, however, realizes it was a mistake and reconciles with Steve Owen (Martin Kemp), making Phil jealous. The repercussions of Phil's betrayal contributed to many subsequent storylines involving the Mitchell brothers during the 1990s. However, it is soon revealed that Grant is alive and he escapes to Brazil[4] though not before sending Phil and their mother Peggy (Barbara Windsor) the deeds for his half of The Queen Vic. He tells Sharon that he would provide for Raymond and Aaron and pay off debts if he accepted. Sharon, Kathy and Shirley go to the hospital to find out that Phil discharged himself. It's his history". Ben, who has been blackmailing Martin Fowler, agrees to destroy evidence for him if he kills Keanu for the Mitchells, Martin agrees and Louise helps set Keanu up. [4] Phil undergoes surgery, which stirs remorse in Grant. Jay has a visit from his police public protection officer, who says Jay will have to move out as Louise is underage. EAGLE-EYED EastEnders fans have called out the writers for "messing up" in a line related to young Raymond.During last Wednesday's trip to Alber The character made a shocking discovery last week as his ex-wife Honey. Several outcomes were allegedly filmed[17] and it was reported that only a few TV executives knew the identity of the would-be assassin even the actors were kept in the dark. Both actors worked well together and shared similar physical characteristics, such as short cropped hair and a "round, open face" facial characteristics also shared by Danniella Westbrook, who was chosen to play their sister Samantha because of this.[8]. Phil denies any involvement in Keanu's disappearance but later discoverers that Sharon has given the police the video that Martin filmed of Keanu's supposed death. When Dalton plans to have her killed, sending his bouncer George Peters (Andy Beckwith) to rape and murder Kate in her house, Phil comes to Kate's rescue by knocking out Peters just as he attacks Kate. [33][34] He has featured in some of the show's most memorable and highly viewed storylines and he is the second longest running male character to appear in the soap, surpassed only by Ian Beale. However, as they reluctantly agree to force him out of Walford, Ronnie ends up killing Carl after he attempts to rape her whilst Phil is out of the garage. Henna Sharma; Published: 3:26 ET, Apr 16 2021; Updated: 7:55 ET, Apr 16 2021; However, after seemingly having a deal sorted with Mick, Phil is beaten to the sale by Sharon and Ian. Ben is arrested on suspicion of murdering Ian's daughter Lucy (Hetti Bywater). Unable to stop her legally, Kate agrees; however, Phil discovers this and his marriage with Kate ends after he refuses to forgive her for costing him Louise. He then asks Ben for alcohol, revealing he has been drinking during his kidnapping. Phil is appointed Lexi's foster carer and ordered to arrange for Lola to visit Lexi three times a week but he immediately takes over, angering Lola by calling Lexi his baby, refusing to take presents that Lola buys for her and having her christened with the name Mitchell, instead of Pearce. While Jake buries Danny's body alone, Phil and Grant return to Johnny's home and find that Johnny has surrendered at Ruby's request; Johnny is later sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of Andy and Dennis, though he later dies of a heart attack in October 2006. Shirley ends her relationship with Phil as she is unable to cope with his betrayal. She knows how much he fought for custody, for contact and how important it was for him to see his children. He has been off screen for months as he recovers from his liver transplant in Italy. [48] One reporter commented "Formerly the milder-mannered sibling, Phil has gone from Abel to Cain without an intervening period of plausibility. Phil and Dan's friendship soon ends after Dan tells the police about a motor scam Phil was involved in and Phil cons Dan into signing the pub over to Peggy. After Ben's departure, Phil bonds with Dennis. Initially, Phil was calmer than Grant but both brothers had a sense of physical danger, displaying stereotypical masculinity, thuggish behaviour and a tendency to resolve problems through violence. While trying to escape, Phil pulls out a gun and shoots at the dashboard, causing Grant to crash into the River Thames. Their arrival heralded a new era for the soap, which aptly coincided with the beginning of a new decade EastEnders during the 1980s having been very much dominated by the hugely popular Watts family.[10]. He obliges and has Archie kidnapped, but lets him go after threatening him to stay away from Walford. Shirley demands money from Phil, which he does not have, forcing him to accept a deal from Derek's associate Carl White (Daniel Coonan) who had recently arrived in the square. 13million viewers tuned in to see their return giving the BBC a 52.9% British audience share,[31] a massive coup for the show which had come under heavy criticism in the British media after it drew its lowest audience in more than five years (6.6million viewers tuning in to one episode in September 2005). EastEnders' Kush Kazemi (played by Davood Ghadami) decided to flee Walford with Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) and his son Arthur Fowler after grassing on Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), Ben . A spokesperson for the show said "Lisa Fowler was a major part of Phil's life she knows him as well as anyone, so she won't be happy about him looking after his daughter. Phil is angry as the doctor explains how Louise is at a crucial stage in her recovery and the police tell Phil and Sharon what they are doing. Although troubled by lapses in alcoholism due to numerous family upsets, Phil begins to settle into a relationship with Shirley particularly when she becomes a mother figure for Ben and Louise, who is staying with Phil while Lisa is away. [45], Although popular with many, the character has also garnered much criticism over the years. This prompts Archie to confront Phil over his behaviour. Phil eventually works out that Keanu is the father of Sharon's baby after he and Sharon tell identical stories regarding a hotel that they could only know if they were together. Nick overhears this, and cuts the brakes of the wedding car. Phil is shocked to his core to discover who Keeble wants him to inform on - leading viewers to be transported to 1979 to learn more about the Mitchell family's chequered past in the area. He finds out that Peggy betrayed his father to the police to protect Phil and visits her grave. He then receives an offer on the car lot land and confides in Kathy about the guilt he still has over the car lot fire. Eventually, the police catch up to Chrissie just as she prepares to flee the country at the airport and Sharon punches her in revenge for her father's death; Chrissie is then arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment, while Sam is released from prison only to end up fleeing the country when she finds herself implicated for perverting the course of justice for Den's murder. Writer Jacquetta May, who once played Rachel Kominski in the show, evaluated the episode in an article about social realism, education and the moral messages within EastEnders storylines, commenting: "The episode blames his destructiveness on the 'male' response to self-hate: violence. He later tells Billy that Lola will never get Lexi back, which Lola overhears. After this, Sharon attempts to poison Ian but cannot go through with it. But the child was born in 2017 - making him six. SPOILER pictures show Phil Mitchell's fury over his arrest as he demands lawyer Gray Atkins releases him.Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) . After agreeing to drop the truth, Phil denies speaking to Mark. Phil and Sharon are meant to go on a date, however, Phil backs out instead heading to The Arches where he later tells Sharon he isn't ready yet. Phil finds Louise (now played by Tilly Keeper) at her school and he gives her money to support her future. Phil does not believe his friend, Shirley Carter (Linda Henry), when she tells him that Suzy is conning him; he stays with Suzy until he discovers she has been forging her pregnancy in a bid to con money from him. The robbery goes wrong when Mick is shot, and the police arrive. After Nick takes the money but refuses to leave, Ronnie asks Phil to get rid of Nick. Their wedding initially appears successful, but it ends in disaster at the reception; Phil witnesses his cousin, Ronnie (Samantha Womack), discover that Archie her father had manipulated her into believing that her long-lost daughter Danielle Jones (Lauren Crace), whom she previously employed as her secretary, was dead. 10 Sep 2021 EastEnders spoilers follow. Afterwards, Phil is surprised when DCI Jill Marsden (Sophie Stanton) takes charge of the murder investigation; as Phil and Marsden became sworn enemies ever since she investigated his shooting before going on to intercept Phil's criminal activities prior to him being set up for the robbery. "[28][29], McFadden decided to lose weight for the storyline by going on a crash diet, saying that food would not be one of Phil's priorities. He then drunkenly trashes the Arches before commandeering a digger and demolishes the car lot. In response, she makes a deal with Phil for her daughters' sake and the two later begin an affair. Phil finally gives up after Sharon colludes with Ritchie to take the family businesses from Phil. People do crazy, mad things like this when they're desperate. Phil lends Grant money to support him financially and Grant tells him to fight his liver condition. However, it ends when Sharon's painkiller addiction puts Lexi in danger. [11] This particular episode has also been used in a study by the Stirling Media Research Institute, where men were asked questions about the violence contained within a spectrum of broadcast television material. Sharongate has also proven a popular storyline with viewers and it was voted the sixth top soap opera moment of the decade in a poll of 17,000 people for What's on TV magazine. Martin Barnes, chief executive of DrugScope, commented: "If EastEnders sensitively reflect the impact that drug use has on Phil, it could help. It soon transpires one of Phil's neighbours, Vincent Hubbard (Richard Blackwood), is out for revenge against his family because he believes that Phil's father Eric had murdered his own father, Henry, many years earlier. Ben calls Phil to bring the money to pay off Keanu. Blaming himself for Ben's actions, Phil makes the murder look like a burglary, spurns a grieving Shirley, allows his neighbors and family to become murder suspects, and bullies Ian into keeping quiet after Ben confesses to him. Lisa plans to take Louise, going to Liverpool Street station. Depressed, Phil embarks on a sexual relationship with drug addict Rainie Cross (Tanya Franks) and begins to use crack cocaine developing an addiction. Walford General Hospital is the nearest hospital for the residents of Walford. Fearful and angry, Ben retaliates by murdering Heather just as Phil returns to confront him. Phil turns up at the hospital, where he is surprised and unimpressed to find Lisa there already. (Image: BBC ) Eventually, Phil feels guilty about the crash and drinks alcohol again. Furious at this, she and Louise flee to Portugal with Jamie reluctantly assisting her after growing uncomfortable with Phil's violent tendencies. However, Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) tells Phil that she thinks her father, Max, killed Lucy, so Phil punches Max and hopes Ben will be released. [44], In 2016, McFadden was honoured at The British Soap Awards when he was awarded "Outstanding Achievement' for his portrayal of Phil. McFadden temporarily left the series in late 2003, then returned in April 2005 for a brief appearance before making a permanent return in October 2005. Phil prepares to kill Carl, but Carl implies that he caused harm to Shirley. He later follows Kathy to the airport but is stopped by Kathy's son, Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt), who persuades him that Kathy and Ben are better off without him. Producers worked closely with drug and alcohol charities, including Addaction and DrugScope. Dan later seeks revenge on Phil and Steve. Keanu escapes after surviving the accident and is last seen leaving his mother Karen and departing the tube station. Phil Mitchell's appearance shocks viewers on EastEnders. Phil and Dennis waste no time in becoming enemies, clashing when Dennis punches Phil in The Queen Vic. After Jamie's funeral, Phil goes to Portugal and returns a month later with Louise. . Phil soon gets into a disagreement with Sharon when she continually puts her work at The Albert before their relationship, only beginning to become more involved with the bar when she is unimpressed at his lack of interest in her work. "[26] Phil also loses his son Ben (Charlie Jones), who makes a temporary departure from the show in order for the part to be recast. When Ian's daughter Lucy dies, Phil begins supporting his former enemy and helps him get back on his feet. Keanu plans to use this money to flee the country with Sharon, their baby and Dennis. He momentarily subdues Dan and prepares to shoot him, but Mel after learning how Phil and Steve framed Dan for the shooting helps Dan by turning off the lights to distract Phil, which allows Dan to overpower him. How tall is Steve McFadden? He then learns from Ben that Lola has ended their relationship and has begun dating Ian's son Peter Beale (Ben Hardy). After discovering Aidan has been tormenting Mick and his family, Phil punches Aidan and shows him evidence that he killed Luke which forces Aidan to leave Walford for good. One of the most notable and popular early storylines involving Phil was a love triangle between him, his brother and his brother's wife Sharon (played by Letitia Dean). EastEnders spoilers: Phil Mitchell takes drastic action after kidnapping son Raymond. After resolving matters with Grant and securing Jake's safety from exposed as a killer following the discovery of Danny's death, Phil resumes life with his family and Sharon. 20 February 1990: Phil Mitchell arrives 22 February 1990: Grant Mitchell arrives 12 July 1990: Sam Mitchell arrives 30 April 1991: Peggy Mitchell arrives June 1991: Peggy Mitchell departs 4 July 1991: Ricky and Sam Butcher get married 26 December 1991: Grant and Sharon Mitchell get married 4 February 1993: Sam Butcher departs It quickly turns out Carl threatened Shirley to stay away from Walford or he would harm Phil's family. This could have been a motive for both Phil and Peggy, along with their family, when Archie is later murdered on Christmas night. Phil accepts, and helps Aidan recruit a crew for the heist; Mick and Vincent join the pair along with their new friend, Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters). Phil soon wants children with Sharon, but she reveals that she is infertile due to a botched abortion; Sharon later admits that the baby she aborted six years earlier was that of Grant. "[8] Steve McFadden, an actor who had worked extensively in television, was cast as Phil. Jay attempts to confront Phil about why he is receiving the car lot and Phil admits he killed his biological father, Jase Dyer, who died in the car lot fire when Phil torched it 23 years previously in an insurance scam. EastEnders fans were gobsmacked to find out Janine's (Charlie Brooks) real age in last night's episode (Monday Nov. 22) as she announced that she was 38 years old. Some time after, Phil tries to give Ian advice after Bobby violently assaults Jane, putting her in hospital. Because of this, Phil captures and tortures Jack, planning to kill him, but is stopped by Ben and Keanu after realising that Jack is not the father. By then, Phil and Dan have become best friends; with Phil being the only person to defend Dan when he is revealed to have cheated on his girlfriend Carol Jackson (Lindsey Coulson) by having an affair with her daughter Bianca (Patsy Palmer), the wife of Frank's son Ricky (Sid Owen). Distracted, Phil crashes the car, and Dennis is badly injured. Shirley supports Phil through recovery. Phil later finds this out and wants revenge on Callum. The relationship between alcohol abuse and domestic violence was explored between Phil and his wife Kathy (played by Gillian Taylforth) culminating in the slow deterioration of their marriage, which gripped viewers throughout 1997. It's not set to be a good end to the year for EastEnders ' Phil Mitchell as it's been revealed that he may end 2021 by going on the run. However, Phil later changes his mind; he realizes that since Sharon is returning the money, it should not matter to him as he still wants to go through with the wedding. Months later, Ian summons Phil with a request; Kathy's rapist James Willmott-Brown (William Boyde) has returned to Walford. He later researches cirrhosis online at home and when he finds out that Dennis is recovering, decides to give up drinking and rushes to the hospital to tell Sharon that he will always stand by her. [35], During a period of heavy media criticism aimed at EastEnders throughout 2004 and 2005, the characterwho was on a hiatus from the showwas reintroduced twice in what was branded by the press as a bid to "boost flagging Enders. Picture: BBC However, Ian survived the attack. In November 2005 the character was blamed for turning children into playground bullies by Dr. Sally Henry, who claimed that impressionable children look to male soap characters as role models and subsequently copy their violent behaviour. Phil is discharged from hospital and Sharon eventually discovers that Phil is the father of Denise's baby after overhearing a discussion between Shirley and Denise. Unaware of Phil's role in her attack, Sharon accepts. Bex gives Phil and Sharon information on a hotel where Lisa and Louise are and compared to Sharon, Phil shows a lack of regard to Lisa's mental health. He attacks Ian, who calls the police and Phil is arrested. Later, Phil is knocked unconscious when the exposed gas line explodes during the Walford in Bloom event but he is unharmed. (Picture: BBC) Phil Mitchell ( Steve McFadden) is desperate to ensure that Raymond Dawkins knows who . When Sharon confronts him, she tells him that she will leave him if he indulges in anymore dodgy activity. When Phil learns that Jake and Danny's cousin Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) has upset Roxy no sooner after she started working for him and the pair later got married, he retaliates by selling the pub to get one over Alfie. However, Mel is upset by Lisa's accusation and Phil comforts her, leading to a one-night stand. When Phil learns that Max has taken over The Arches, he promises revenge and blames Sharon for the loss of the business. In his absence, Phil and Sharon continue their affair but when Grant is released, Sharon reconciles with him, leaving Phil heartbroken. Phil then flees Walford and is not seen for over a year afterwards.[4]. Lisa apologizes to Phil for the past mistakes, regarding Louise and says that they both need to be there for her. Lola agrees for Phil to have residence of Lexi and he suggests to Sharon that they pretend to be in a relationship to increase the chances of success, even though she is in a relationship with Jack Branning (Scott Maslen). Ben and Jay are kidnapped by Paul's killers and he attempts to go after them, however when he collapses, Grant offers to help him get Ben and Jay back. At the hospital, Phil demands to see his son, but Sharon gets him and Denise to talk calmly. [4] On the rebound, Phil enters into a marriage of convenience with Nadia Borovac (Anna Barkan) - a Romanian refugee - enabling her to stay in Britain, with Nadia departing after the wedding.[3]. They later marry, but are oblivious to Shirley's bitterness up to the point where she attempts to persuade him to be with her, rather than Sharon, only hours before the wedding. Sharon and Phil reminisced on the good old days, making Kat become . Denise's attempts to get Phil imprisoned fail; however, Marsden soon investigates the allegations and Ben tells her that Phil forced Stella to jump from the roof back in 2007. Louise's phone dies as she tries to phone the police and Lisa prevents Louise from leaving, but when Lisa allows her to go, Louise chooses to stay with and comfort Lisa when she is distressed. Of particular note is an episode where Phil attends Alcoholics Anonymous (February 1997), an "alien and uncomfortable arena" where he was forced to talk about his condition, expose his vulnerability and reveal the basis of his problem the physical abuse he'd received from his father and his fear that he will do the same. Steve McFadden is 5 foot 7 inches tall. [9] Equally the ceaseless degradation of Lisa showed a particularly malicious side to the character. Phil refuses to make Jay leave, despite being told that Louise could be taken into care. No money is being made from this & no copyright infringement intended. In EastEnders, Billy Mitchell is actually 61-years-old, but the actor who plays him - Perry Fenwick - is 58-years-old. Louise is in agony without her medication and Lisa prevents Louise from using the phone by cutting the cord. After talking, it appears Keanu has talked Phil out of killing him but when Shirley cannot find Callum in the address Keanu has given, Phil snaps and prepares to kill Keanu. Sharon does not believe him, but tells him to die quickly. The BBC responded by saying "EastEnders in no way and at no point glamorises or condones the use of drugs, and furthermore we took great care to avoid any demonstration on how to prepare or take drugs. It was criticised as "patchy" and "awkwardly writtenunveiling a common weakness in the EastEnders camp, that character continuity can often fall by the wayside when you are dealing with larger characters". He then collapses. One of the most culturally significant storylines featuring the character aired in 2001 and was dubbed "Who Shot Phil?". EastEnders viewers learned Billy Mitchell's real age on the BBC soap, and many were in disbelief over how old he was. Though she insists on getting the police involved, Kate allows Phil to deal with Dalton on his own. Phil suspects he did and practically disowns him, handing in critical evidence to the police. [4] Steve is the prime suspect and is arrested, but Phil knowing Steve is innocent confronts the real culprit, Lisa, weeks later after he is discharged from hospital. However, Callum reveals to Ben that he had been collecting evidence on Phil for the police to send Phil down, as a way to keep Ben out of prison for a heist carried out by the Mitchell's in 2020. Phil later convinces Grant to help him confront Johnny at his new home in rural Essex, but he escapes and the brothers peruse home. After this, it is revealed Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) is in the Arches, waiting for Phil as they sleep together. Unaware that he is being set up, Dan holds Phil at gunpoint demanding money until he is arrested for attempted murder. On Christmas Day 2016, a matching liver is found and Phil at last has the operation. 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