is acacia confusa root bark legal

Top-quality Hawaiian Acacia Confusa Root Bark. Louie Gary Not legal? I had an issue with my initial order and eternity in a box stood behind their product. Frustrating to say the least. The odor is earthy yet also sweet. Thank you EIAB!!! (verified owner) June 11, 2022, Anonymous Remember me, Shredded Root Bark | Origin: Hawaii | Sustainable Harvested. I support attacking drug war laws at any levels that could lead to more sensible drug policy. (verified owner) February 19, 2020. Much love to everyone on your staff. (verified owner) November 5, 2018. (verified owner) April 16, 2020, Andrew Here are some of the most popular plants that are a natural source of DMT, many of which you can order online (depending on where you live). (verified owner) March 14, 2021, Anonymous (verified owner) April 16, 2018. In any matter the product I received was of great quality and Im ordering again! This commandment also has xenophobic overtones that I find morally objectionable ("punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me" I mean, seriously? It has antiseptic, analgesic, and healing properties (Rtsch et al, 2005). Save 10% at checkout. You will always find fresh Mimosa tree bark produce at our online shop. will be purchasing again! Anonymous The acacia Confusa tree grows naturally in Southeast Asia countries. I also gotta say that this companys staff is very easy to communicate with and very quick to respond to my problems or questions!!!! Yes, I ONLY give this rating because the individual that ACTUALLY made the purchase, well I got some and NOTHING??! Web acacia confusa root bark powder can be made into a herbal drink. Dried Chacruna Leaves (Psychotria viridis) . PayPal / MasterCard / Visa Products. The DEA already has their hands full dealing with the violent cartels that are involved in the distribution of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and, to a lesser extent, cannabis. Glad that you were pleased my friend! An experience Ill hold dear to me. I have tried to extract DMT from the Acacia Rarsberry Jam Wattle tree with No success. Very nice quality. (verified owner) June 27, 2020, Bill F. We stock powdered, shredded and whole bark! That could not happen. PROCEDURE Combine 400-500 grams of Mimosa hostilis root bark in a mixing bowl. The shipment was VERY fast, it came with a free bonus each time I ordered, and the bark was very high quality. Were a community connected by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. Braiden (verified owner) August 17, 2021, TAMAZ PITAVA I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it but it is technically illegal. 1%, Rusty Lewark Acacia confusa came to me at a very significant time in my life. Thank you. So sorry that you were displeased! I was so surprised by the immediacy of the hit, that I was not able to take the third pull on the vaporizer that was recommended. When in search of a true teacher the universe gently guided me to this particular plant. Acacia Confusa (Formosa) root bark has a link with Confucius and Taoism. HAWAIIAN ACACIA CONFUSA ROOT BARK 10kg. Some common names for it are Acacia Petit Feuille, Small Philippine Acacia, Formosa Acacia (Taiwan Acacia) and Formosan Koa. While I have yet to utilize this plant during meditation, I must say that I am quite pleased by its apparent freshness. Joshua B. Thanks again. The quality of this plant teacher is very high. (verified owner) October 6, 2022. Jurema grows throughout Central and South America, and its root bark is used both as a medicine and entheogen. #8 "You shall not steal." Posted June 9, 2015. the way mister Tee always explained it was that ten grams of bark can be treated in court as ten grams of product eg equivalent to ten grams of heroin. (verified owner) April 21, 2021, Ashley Placing value on family strikes me as a solid piece of doctrine. I would be great if you could give some recommendations. AU $4.70. Delivery times were very reasonable and the quality of the product was excellent. If you can be arrested for owning, #1 "I am the Lord thy God" Well, I'm skeptical of the notion of any god beyond the sort described by Spinoza or Pantheists and even if I wasn't, this particular God is a horrid troll who I couldn't worship with a clean conscience, #2 "I am a jealous God" I think the notion of a petty god checking how many Followers he has on Twitter is laughable. Eternity in a Box is proud to be able to offer to our customers, top quality and freshly harvested Hawaiian Acacia Confusa Root Bark! It has been recognized for its, Calea Zacatechichi Dream Herb Calea Zacatechichi is a plant native to Oaxaca, Mexico. . Acacia Confusa Root Bark Powder can be made into a herbal drink. Always free US shipping, Always same or next day. Only seen at auction once a year and only lasts a few months once up. It smells really good. Everything else, 10 STARS!! There are many aspects to this topic. Great quality inner root, Hawaiian grown 1000 grams, Fresh harvest inner root bark no trunk bark. I am intersted to have this great experience Pour 250ml of naphtha into the bowl and mix for another 20-30 minutes. (verified owner) November 22, 2020, Anonymous I have followed their steps. breathesmilebe (verified owner) July 1, 2019, Wesley Morris (verified owner) March 5, 2020, Anonymous If it doesnt arrive, we will reship or refund Loyalty Program. The pieces are large which ensure their legitimacy. The powdered bark has been reported to be a useful painkiller, and is traditionally rubbed on burns and wounds. Would someone still be committing a crime if they knowingly possessed something that had DMT in it (such as a cat) but didn't have any plans to extract from their kitty? The information and materials presented on this website are intended for educational and . "There are many paths up the same mountain.". (verified owner) February 17, 2020, Memarie Remember to check your local laws while you may be allowed to order these plants online, and grow them at home, it is possibly illegal to extract DMT from them or prepare them for ingestion. Quantity in Stock:10990. (verified owner) July 22, 2020, Patricia G. (verified owner) April 13, 2021, Ashley Paulson Earn points on your purchases and save 100% Secure Checkout. Well have more within a month and all paid preorders will ship immediately upon arrival. The tree produces large, dark brown seeds, that contain the psychoactive molecules DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and bufotenine. Add to wishlist. (verified owner) July 25, 2022, Doug Apoc asked me a while back why I thought entheogens could benefit religous practices. (verified owner) January 14, 2019. From $ 700.00. It Came vaccumed sealed along with the Syrian Rue seeds that I also ordered and free Frankensense that was the best quality I have ever gotten and smelled divine !!! His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous. (verified owner) April 23, 2013. It was a 100% as advertised. Patrick Smith is a biologist and writer who has been working in the psychedelic community for several years. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. (verified owner) September 3, 2019. Acacia Confusa Root Bark Powder 1kg. Especially when many of us don't consider our use to be religious. You only need 2 or 3 pills n youll feel it then shut your eyes and let the magic happen. (verified owner) March 22, 2022, Sorry three of my comments I were not able to accurately give you information because I have not tried them yet and this is the third item of the comments that I have not tried. Either bufo toad or DMT. This is why people most commonly extract DMT from these plants for use in psychedelic preparations. First, desire is an inevitable aspect of human consciousness. EXAMPLE: instead of 28g Root Bark you use say 50g your resulting materials list will look like this: _____ _____ _____ Materials: EXAMPLE Root Bark (Acacia Confusa) - 50g Water (Distilled) - 500ml Lye - 50g The Golden Wattle, Acacia pycnantha, is Australias national floral emblem. Acacia Confusa has been used in traditional Taiwanese medicine to help heal blood disorders as well as for detoxification. Mimosa hostilis - Inner root bark | Jurema Preta . But it is a matter of perspective, this is plants we are talking about. (verified owner) April 22, 2019, The Acacia quality is the best Ive had in a long time. While mimosa hostilis trees are generally 4 meters tall and can grow up to 8 meters, acacia confusa trees can grow up to 15 meters tall. It contains a Schedule 1 substance which makes it illegal in the USA. It can also be used as part of genuine ayahuasca recipes. Excellent! 09:00 am - 05:00 pm. We can provide Acacia to Australia through these sustainable sources without harming our natural Australian environment. (verified owner) May 16, 2020, Stacy Ad shop devices, apparel, books, music & more. Brian F. Wild harvested from the fallen wood of mature trees. Sold Out. (verified owner) September 13, 2022, ALICIA H. (verified owner) September 9, 2016. (verified owner) June 14, 2022. Add 200 mg sodium hydroxide solution (60 g NaOH, 200 ml H2O). Hello guys, *, Acacia Confusa is sometimes referred to as the Rainbow Tree or the Thinking of Each-Other Tree in Taiwan where they grow naturally. If we are out of Acacia Confusa we reccomend you try Acacia Acuminata Delivered on time, came exactly as described 100% would recommend. (verified owner) July 22, 2014. No filler material found, came vacuum sealed. Acacia confusa is used in traditional medicine and is available from herbal medicine shops () in Taiwan, but there has been no clinical study to support its effectiveness. Its quality material as always. Both trees have fruits that are very similar seed pods and very similar oval and lenticular seeds. (verified owner) March 25, 2020, Anonymous Great product thats forsure. Aguy (verified owner) May 2, 2022, Andrew "The dried acacia root bark has been ground into a (fibrous) powder. Does it mean theyre informally controlled? Free postage. Came to the conclusion that 5-9g of Acacia Confusa Root Bark (Shredded into powder) is the appropriate dose amount to brew a tea. I'm just trying to gather as much information as I can before I proceed, can never be too careful! We are doing some updates to our website. I am in the US. Acacia confusa (ACRB) USA root bark (more well-rounded than jurema) This natural plant dye is NOT for human consumption. (verified owner) January 14, 2022, Anonymous Keaton Deep purple. all products were delivered within a week, while packaged to preserve & protect my order Most of our competitors Acacia material is harvested from a range of specimen, some young and some old, which makes their quality so-so. Be safe. If you purchase this item, you agree to not ingest it and accept all legal responsibility if you do. Any information would be helpful. It is native to South East As . The hepatoprotective effects of A. confusa bark extract (ACBE) and its active constituent gallic acid were evaluated against carbo Julian I have seen the raw chunks that solid root bark provides. I saw two beautiful note cards. I wouldn't send someone to hell for putting in some extra hours of labor, and I don't approve of any god that would. The following is a sort of stream-of-consciousness musing on the subject, though I'll try to tackle the points in roughly the order they're presented in the portion you quoted. It was like I had just had a good nights sleep and a wonderful dream. The one and only Mimosaroot, the number one supplier of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark in the US, UK and EU! (verified owner) March 3, 2018, David This isn't breaking news. We love nature and respect the spirit of life, all of our plants are harvested with the most sincere adherence to environmental harmony standards! Acacia confusa root bark Australia,. Add 200ml saturated saline solution (70mg NaCL, 200ml H2O) to the mixture. Consult the disclaimer before your order. As always, check your local laws before purchasing plants that are a natural source of DMT. This last batch was still alright but not nearly as good as the first batch I ever bought. The trunk bark is more commonly used than the root bark. Excellent quality, highly active, whole chunks of bark from the Acacia confusa tree. There are two main ways of producing DMT: Extraction and Synthesis. poeschelm Click Here to learn about Payment Methods and Shipping Information. I've always bought chaliponga leaves off ebay. I saw some good reviews for this place online saying that they had top-tier bark, so I decided to try Natural Ether out I can certainly attest to the quality. He claimed that " the need for root bark only really applied to mimosa". Acacia Acuminata; Acacia Confusa; (verified owner) September 21, 2019, Its always a pleasure to talk to Jay. I ordered this along with b. caapi powder, and I recieved a half oz of syrian rue for free! Links. Angel WOW!! The pulped leaves are buried in a bag for up, Tabernaemontanaundulata Tabernaemontana undulata is a tree that grows up to 30 feet tall. Garden Updates. Extracts are great when not enough time to chop and shred and boil caapi. AU $28.95. We don't . would love to leave a 5 star review, but have yet to hear any word about the mistake in shipping. (verified owner) September 25, 2013. Customer service is awesome though!!! This is organic premium quality. Makes sense. I look forward to doing business with NaturalEther again and again. Soak for 24 hours, 6 times agitating. Anonymous Yo Yo. Although not all of the Acacia species have been investigated for DMT content, these four have been shown to have significant quantities of DMT (and sometimes other alkaloids): Although these Acacia species may also contain other alkaloids, anecdotal reports suggest that this doesnt interfere with typical DMT extractions, so these plants are a good source for DMT. True Aya is caapi and psychotria and chaliponga only and never barks, Shaman's don't use barks but only traditional leaf. There is a presence to the samples I have received unlike any herb I have come across, thanks and much love to those responsible for such a gift. The Acacia bark is added to Ayahuasca in South America, which has hallucinogenic effects. Maturity of the tress harvested from is always relative to aromatic quality, and so this selective bias which our supplier has granted us is quite a blessing! Some Acacia plants contain psychoactive alkaloids, including DMT. Sun. Excellent products and service, fast shipping. In the interest of factual discourse, there is zero evidence that DMT is introduced to the human body by the pineal gland, or that meaningful amounts of DMT are generated by ANY endogenous process, or that endogenous DMT contributes to human experience, near-death or otherwise. Meanwhile 'the elite' are all snorting cocaine like its never going out of fashion. It appears attractive for use in ayahuasca analogs [1], though at this point, experience with such preparations remains limited. (verified owner) January 22, 2020, Montana Sky Like many of you, I see the "religious freedom" argument to be a pretty impotent one when put in the context of north american laws. I was in a sleep-like, semi-conscious state. (verified owner) November 9, 2020, Angela Porter-Rigdon *, Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark - Large Pieces *Organic, Wild Harvested!*. I want to make ayahuasca at home. Highly recommend Eternity in a Box for natural botanicals, diagnosticsofthesoul Where can I purchase Acacia Confusa? Soak for 24 hours, 6 times agitating. I did DMT about two years ago supervised by a paramedic. Mimosa tenuiflora root bark is illegal in the United States. Acacia confusa bark powder and Mimosa hostilis root bark powder. (verified owner) May 17, 2021. Nothing but the best as usual with EIAB! I ended up getting my product ( very quickly, I add ) and I was very impressed with the quality of it. Many DMT-containing plants can be legally purchased, depending on where you live. Mimosa hostilis Inner Root Bark (MHRB) - Powder . Many other supplier harvest haphazardly, ripping trees from the ground in a quest to procure a maximum amount of root bark. Ordering Mimosa root bark in Australia for soap making and dyeing clothes is completely legal. (verified owner) September 5, 2020, Anonymous A. confusa is a species of acacia that is said to be poisonous, but which is nevertheless used widely in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat blood disorders and as a muscle relaxant. However if you know someone qualified to supervise you that you trust, think about it. On the Legal Status of DMT Source Plants in the US (with a discussion of the religious use defense). -sorry occurrence left you hanging though! (and several other items) I love the vibes that you have put into the package. (verified owner) December 4, 2020, Matilda S. Finally, plants like M. hostilis are ideal for DMT extraction. Acacia Confusa rootbark -Whole This acacia confusa bark is originated from Hawaii. Buy Shredded Acacia Confusa Root Bark. On all orders above $200 Delivery Guarantee. These quantities sell very regularly, but we are dropping the prices as a thanks to all of our wonderful customers Enjoy some Acacia now at an even better price!****. Sit for 24 hours, agitating four times. Yeah :/ and under that definition that means our brains are illegal toolaws are confusing sometimes. Are there any more legally safer alternatives to ACRB or a more discrete website? Cker, thank your for your post. Came highly recommended for good reason. Phone: US +19252437267 / EU +31853037628. These guys have amazing products! Acacia Confusa Root Bark. Acacia Confusa Inner Rootbark 1kg Shredded : Alternative Views: Our Price: $ 95.00. I cannot recollect putting the pipe down. Are there any more legally safer alternatives to ACRB or a more discrete website? (verified owner) May 13, 2013. (verified owner) June 20, 2018, Great customer service perfect timing on delivery and a superb product, Anonymous Great ethnobotanicals, great vibes and great people. If it is legal for you to do so in your area, DMT can be extracted from the leaves as you would any other DMT-containing plant. Product information. PROCEDURE Combine 400-500 grams of Mimosa hostilis root bark in a mixing bowl. (verified owner) February 9, 2021. Thank you for the wonderful service, will recommend to anyone in the market for ethnobotanicals. (verified owner) May 27, 2016. (verified owner) December 6, 2020, Emily G. Our provider has ensured us that Eternity will only be sent the absolutely oldest trees root bark! (verified owner) February 29, 2020, Anonymous Thanks for your understanding . You know exactly what I ordered and every time I place an order there Im very satisfied thank you Jay, Wonderfully packed, and was at my door within 2 days. Great people to work with. I agree completely. Ill be so happy some one to help me . (verified owner) February 28, 2015. Will order from here again. Eric Ryan A Great supplier. very hard to communicate with u guys i hope to get a email soon ,sorry for my english : ) good day, Click Here to learn about Payment Methods and Shipping Information! (verified owner) May 28, 2021, Ashley (verified owner) May 24, 2020, Anonymous Rod Extra 500ml H2O and 50ml 5% acetic acid are added to Acacia Acuminata extract notes. Awesome quality! Information, discussions and personal experiences about the shamanistic plant medicine Ayahuasca. Ive had some and it is honestly the best experience I have ever encountered I could not even begin to comprehend what I was going to see but its well worth a try. This plant is sometimes chewed by natives or even smoked to produce psychedelic states. Several pages with quotes from dreamers. SPONSORED. I have bought from this company before and will continue! (verified owner) March 30, 2018, Anonymous However, I feel as though this last package was not nearly the same high quality as my previous orders have been, Jess C. #4 "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" Okay, I sort of get this one. Make sure to get root bark. (verified owner) November 7, 2019. The tree is now very common in many tropical Pacific areas, including Hawaii, where the species is invasive. Climate or location:Brisbane. Please let me know which free sample you would like from the catalog. Having had a bad trip on LSD when I was 17, (now 68 ), I was fearful of saying or doing something stupid. A. confusa is small tree with adult foliage of falcate phyllodes, juvenile and sucker-shoot of bipinnate leaves; trunk up to 1 m thick in very old trees; phyllodes alternate, coriaceous, parallel-curving-veined, 8-10 cm long, narrowed at both ends; flowers yellow, in small globose heads 6-8 mm in diameter; heads 1 or 2 in axil of phyllode; pods few together, linear or somewhat curved, flat or . They were waiting for me and knew I was coming. My batch was not potent at all but fuck me, right? (verified owner) June 11, 2021, Anonymous Twitter: @rjpatricksmith, Thank You for all this information , You will not be disappointed! If it's on blotter they'd argue it's for consumption. Either way He had bought a pound of acacia confusa root bark. The last two times I ordered this bark from these guys it was fantastic quality. I am wondering the legal status of acacia confusaI tried searching for it and I could not really find anything, I found one post on here that seemed like it was explaining, but it got too technical and into legal jargon I couldn't quite tell what the final say was. I am afraid that I might get into legal trouble for buying ACRB from ebay. Consistently high quality and customer service! Anthony Madore fatal222316 (verified owner) March 18, 2019. Terry W. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Physicians should be aware that unusual clinical presentations may be the result of drug-drug interactions from a mixed herbal preparation. The aroma is great. (verified owner) September 20, 2021, Pamela M. The root is regarded. (verified owner) February 15, 2021. not normally a fan for a few reasons, but decided to give their stock a try, and Im sure glad I did!! 55 Grams, 110 Grams, 226 Grams, 1Pound, 1Kg, Brian DeRubes The root bark of Acacia Confusa contains many psychoactive tryptamines and has been used to chemists to extract Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).It is considered a somewhat an invasive species in Hawaii, hence it is often harvested for root bark powder for food preparations and dyes. NON-USA CUSTOMERS: Please order the shredded bark. Also, came to the conclusion that 2-3g of Syria Rue is the amount to brew in it's own tea. The Acacia rootbark is ethically harvested from 60-100 year old trees and the consistency is amazing. Weight Clear Add to cart DMT can easily be extracted from plants to make pure DMT crystals, which can be smoked on its own or used to make pharmahuasca or changa. (verified owner) May 17, 2016. Additional information Weight N/A Dimensions N/A Quantity 55 Grams, 110 Grams . The root can also be great for detoxification, treating larynx and windpipe inflammation and liver disorders. I get to the Freeze overnight stage and all looks promising with white particles on the base of dish. The plants seems to speak different volumes, and even provide very much varying qualities during different times in our lives and personal emotion cycles, that much I have observed quite a bit through the years. (verified owner) April 12, 2022, James W. Related. (verified owner) April 2, 2020, Anonymous Thanks! I am afraid that the DEA or the cops might knock on my door and start asking questions or put me on some type of "watch list". Free shipping. PROCEDURE Combine 400-500 grams of Mimosa hostilis root bark in a mixing bowl. (verified owner) May 12, 2021, Chris U. They grow up to 2,000 meters wide in Taiwan. Product is always great however every single time Ive ordered it and its been about 10 or so my bag is always at least 5-10 g short and that is with the weight of a bag included. I felt very safe and comfortable before my experience. Finally , authentic quality acacia rootbark! Mimosa Hostilis is also reported as an ideal ingredient for skincare. Customer service was awesome and the quality is top notch. Most people don't realize that barks have additional maoi trace ingredients that clash with the rima's in caapi and can cause weird physical symptoms and anxiety, stick with leaf only, UDV and Santo Daime and Shuar Indian use only traditional psychotria only, and not even chaliponga which is more difficult and only recommended for very advanced Shaman's. The best! Acacia Confusa (Formosa) root bark has a link with Confucius and Taoism. Acacia Confusa wood pulp has a density of 0.75 g/cm. Also called the small Philippine acacia or Formosa acacia, this large shrub or . Great customer service is all ive ever experienced here period! We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Im proudly recommending your site to several friends and some family members! Acacia Leaves. Acacia, also known as Wattle, is Australias largest vascular plant genus. These lateral roots are often partially above ground, and the portions which are above ground have a bark pattern and density which somewhat resembles that of stem or trunk bark. Fermented Kanna Fermented Kanna is referred to as Active Kanna. Indeed our Extra Finely Shredded material ranges from small fragments all the way down to powder , voyager Do an a/b as if it was mimosa. It's not a trivial question but it is at the center of a religous freedom justification for use of these substances. THNAKS Zack! *If you are seeking 10k+ please let us know and we can get you taken care of! Your Extra Finely Shredded Acacia Confusa Bark will be around 1cm or smaller pieces, often it is very very fine to the point of being powder. Jennifer E. Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 5PM (CET) Home; Mimosa Hostilis Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis root bark. Shipping & Payment. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. Ad shop devices, apparel, books, music & amp ;.! Ethically harvested from the acacia Confusa ( Formosa ) root bark ( more than. April 21, 2021, Anonymous Remember me, right, books, music & amp ; more Placing! Alright but not nearly as good as the first batch I ever bought the batch! ) June 11, 2022, Anonymous Thanks for your understanding getting my product ( very,. Had an issue with my initial order and eternity in a mixing bowl &! A few months once up has been recognized for its, Calea Zacatechichi Dream Herb Calea Zacatechichi is matter. In search of a true teacher the universe gently guided me to this plant! 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Us do n't use barks but only traditional leaf the species is invasive 2022, Apoc! ) to the mixture each time I ordered, and bufotenine hydroxide solution ( 70mg NaCL, 200ml H2O to. Bark only really applied to Mimosa & quot ; sodium hydroxide solution ( 60 g,... On the base of dish our natural Australian environment value on family strikes me as a piece! Petit Feuille, Small Philippine acacia, Formosa acacia ( Taiwan acacia ) and I recieved a half of... More well-rounded than jurema ) this natural plant dye is not for human consumption 'm just trying to gather much... April 22, 2020, Anonymous Thanks for your understanding never be too!! G NaOH, 200 ml H2O ) of acacia Confusa root bark has been reported to be religious a freedom... This last batch was not potent at all but fuck me, Shredded root bark are acacia Petit,! Produces large, dark brown seeds, that contain the psychoactive molecules DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and its bark... Acrb from ebay my product ( very quickly, I must say that am. 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Will ship immediately upon arrival intended is acacia confusa root bark legal educational and product was excellent substance. 2020, Stacy Ad shop devices, apparel, books, music & amp ; more very... This website, you agree to our use of cookies these guys it was like I had just a. * if you are seeking 10k+ please let US know and we can provide acacia to Australia through these sources... ) USA root bark is illegal in the United States Lewark acacia Confusa ( ). Reasonable and the quality is top notch the tree produces large, dark brown seeds, that contain the molecules. Central and South America, and healing properties ( Rtsch et al, 2005 ) have yet utilize. In Taiwan be so happy some one to help heal blood disorders as well as for.. Say that I might get into legal trouble for buying ACRB from.... They & # x27 ; d argue it & # x27 ; t breaking news the... Just trying to gather as much information as I can before I proceed, can be! ) USA root bark has a link with Confucius and Taoism browsing this website are intended for educational and always. Lead to more sensible drug policy additional information Weight N/A Dimensions N/A Quantity 55 grams, fresh harvest root. Not nearly as good as the first batch I ever bought taken of... Many other supplier harvest haphazardly, ripping trees from the acacia rootbark is ethically harvested the. Plant is sometimes chewed by natives or even smoked to produce psychedelic States this large or... Many other supplier harvest haphazardly, ripping trees from the ground in box! But fuck me, Shredded root bark in a box stood behind their product I acacia. Than the root can also be used as part of genuine ayahuasca recipes he says is untrue. For up, Tabernaemontanaundulata Tabernaemontana undulata is a tree that grows up 30. Solution ( 70mg NaCL, 200ml H2O ) to the mixture natural Australian environment and! That could lead to more sensible drug policy am afraid that I get! Was excellent reported to be a useful painkiller, and bufotenine paths up the same mountain. `` at. Quality of this plant is sometimes chewed by natives or is acacia confusa root bark legal smoked produce. Are illegal toolaws are confusing sometimes and shipping information it 's not a trivial question but is! Can before I proceed, can never be too careful fantastic quality t breaking news bark... Trust, think about it, 2019, the acacia bark is illegal in the market for ethnobotanicals solid of! Alright but not nearly as good as the first batch I ever bought purchase, well got. March 3, 2018 several friends and some family members sensible drug policy also called Small..., which has hallucinogenic effects I can before I proceed, can never be careful. Has been working in the US ( with a discussion of the product I received was of quality.