once upon a time fanfiction henry hates regina

And sometimes, just sometimes, the beating feels right. I asked you, to shut up, she grits out. "Yang represents the sun, male and light colors. Et si pour une fois, cette fois-l, ils pouvaient se souvenir? Interesting use of the forgetting potion. Regina is a sixteen-year-old girl who is lonely and insecure. Soon Emma and Henry join her, Henry sits beside her and Emma opposite. Regina picks up her phone and automatically, the lock screen lights up. And, worse, using her image is how Zelena trapped Robin Hood into having a baby with her. The last chapter stunned me. "Once Upon A Time: Regina Rising" by Wendy Toliver was one of the best books that I have ever read. Or can an immortal only ever hope to find life in death? So she marries the prince, and there you go, her happily ever after. Emma shifts closer to her on the sofa and takes Reginas hand in her own. All day, shes done nothing but laze around or roam around the house. She wakes up multiple times during the night but keeps falling back to sleep. Very well written without going into too much of the gory detail which we do see glimpses of in the series. If he could have at least been dramatic or campy he would've had a shot, but no. This story wasn't as good as it could have been. Can I say something? Emma asks. Now stop pretending like Im a child who desperately needs your care and attention, okay?, Its like Emma completely ignores her. Emma doesnt look away though. I was hoping the book would move beyond Claire and her teaching Regina magic. We Shall Chide Downright, If I Longer Stay. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After a "Year" of quiet, came a sudden shock to Jane and the crew. Then they stand there awkwardly looking anywhere but at each other. I don't blame her honestly, i wasn't quite drawn to his character, although you don't really get to know him long enough to really like him. When Regina carved R&J into a tree I stopped. Emma nudges Regina. I never quite got why she hated her so much, Snow was only a girl when she told Regina's secret love, who just lost her mother and we all know how evil and manipulative Cora is. What are you doing?, Taking out juice for myself because you clearly dont have the manners to ask your guest what theyd like to drink or eat.. All of a sudden, Regina is back in a room where no is not taken for an answer, under a man who cannot accept the fact that shes not ready. She sees her phone kept there as well. Get help and learn more about the design. Disgusting thing. To be honest, I've only seen the first like 5 episodes of the tv show but I saw this book on the shalf and thought I'd give it a try. But fans hated him when the show got cancelled and they moved him to OUAT. A little, blonde girl with striking green eyes, who couldn't of been more than 7. Claire trys to teach Regina some magic in the book. Ive now seen you without makeup twice., A random observation. Regina has many obstacles to overcome and multiple lessons to learn before she gains confidence and finds herself. No matter how kind she is, she did get in the way of Regina's happiness for way too long. She takes a step forward. It's no surprise fans adored the idea of the pair actually ending up together. A classic story with a twist. On their way to rescue Henry, they get stranded in Neverland. She wears her coat and scarf and they set out. This is truly a heart-wrenching tale of Regina's early years and her (almost) innocence before the fall. Rumpelstiltskin shows up in the tower late in the night and teachers her how to spin straw into gold. She really does. Something here doesn't add up. but what explanation could possibly make sense of this? I havent seen you., Regina wants to strangle her but for once she decides to be the bigger person, she straightens her shoulders and walks past Snow, muttering an Excuse me.. She caresses her fingers and Reginas pulse jumps. She runs away into the bathroom and bends over the toilet and takes out the four bites of chicken salad and the one apple shes eaten since morning. In a town called Storybrooke, Maine, where fairy tale characters are trapped because of the evil queen's curse, Regina, the mayor, has two children. Regina is the evil witch of the series with numerous deaths attributable directly to her actions. Regina looks at the front door and her eyes narrow. When she promised to protect Philip's love, she didn't expect to love her, too. Now, she did that for Henry. Emma Swan and Regina Mills co-parent their son Henry, who is the biological son to Emma and the adoptive son to Regina. Regina gets out of bed and makes a beeline for the bathroom. Of course fans wouldn't really like him at all. Wheres Henry?, At my apartment, Emma replies, and of course, why did Regina even ask such a stupid question? Im sorry-- about everything. "How is he?" Regina asked, after a minute of silence. Once Upon A Time has introduced to a number of supporting fairytale characters as well as its main roster, but not all were loved. heyyy so i wanted to write swan queen so i came up w this. with a twist. Fa capolino Emma Swan, cacciatrice di taglie professionista; salvatrice di cani smarriti e persone solitarie . Regina narrows her eyes. Nothing, Emma shakes her. I would love a second installment of this, perhaps showing that transition in more detail with the subsequent magic lessons, and of course, meeting Daniel. She subsides to 0her mothers ways due to the fear she has towards Cora, her mother. Is there life after death? Emma Swan is entirely unsure where her life is headed. [UA Rincarnation]: Quand la vrit est un mensonge, que toutes nos certitudes se rvlent n'tre que du vent, comment faire pour avancer, et enfin sparer le vrai du faux? If Id just believed you, all of the drama couldve been prevented. Like a terribly heavy weight has been placed on her chest. She cries for a good five minutes and then angrily wipes off the tears from her cheeks. This is the story of Piper Jones, and how she fell in love with Peter Pan. However, despite her bad luck and good girl appearance, fans really hated this lady. Anything. Once shes done, once shes rinsed her mouth, Regina can speak again. Now, she says. She stares until there are tears rolling down her cheeks. She knows if she does she will end up going back to the sofa. Beautiful, thoughtful, and really unfortunate, Maid Marian was a heroine that didn't deserve any of the bad things that happened to her. Henry couldn't believe what had happened. This guy never had a chance and it's no surprise that shortly after their baby's birth, Phillip and Aurora were rarely seen. Sorely disappointing. Wendy Toliver. Emma makes a bold decision to reach out for Regina. Emma slowly sits opposite her. The concept is wild and, for a while, worked super well. Regina stiffens. Yeah, it's all pretty gross and yikes. Kissing Emma feels right. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Even after everything, it beats. Robert Carlisle plays the character way too well. They do a movie marathon. Then she taps her leg and waits. How about we dont start this here?. Fans dislike her, but more importantly, they wish they could forget she ever joined OUAT. Regina's Friendship with Claire was truly wholesome. Yeah, hes worried about you too. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. Now, she has to eat. Regina sighs heavily. Regina closes the door and stares at her. Yes, I am. She takes a bite in her fork and brings it to her mouth but pauses. An illustration from Nathaniel Hawthorne's children's book A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys (1851). Something. Regina puts her hands in her coats pockets and looks straight ahead. Words that turn out to be lies in the end. (See the end of the work for more notes.). I was given a ARC at NCTE. She gets to go a . That was my take away at the end, wondering how they didn't recognize each other on the bolting horse if they'd already met. Snow White and Prince Charming: the power couple of the Enchanted Forest. They married simplistical Annie Mills- Henry's Older Sister: A Once Upon a Time Fanfiction. When their identities are discovered, old pains resurface and new ones are born.Meanwhile there is a new threat, this time it can really be the end unless an ancient magic is awakened.Will two broken teenagers be able to save the world? She loves adventure and exploring with Regina. For Regina, friendships have always been a rare commodity. She feels a sudden sickness wash over her. He wanted to come, but I didnt get him. Now, Regina finally falls into a troubled and restless sleep. Desperate to save her family, Emma uses a dangerous spell in an attempt to create a weapon strong enough to defeat Zelena's army. Oh my God, Emma says, appearing behind her. Regina reluctantly gets up from the sofa and forces herself to brush her teeth and shower. "Well, the woods are clear," David said. What the fuck, Regina wants to say. Okay then. Cora is very controlling and manipulative when it comes to Regina, she'll do anything for her to be queen and find a proper suitor. Then, of course, Phillip came back, they married, and she announced that she was pregnant. She finds Emmas number and shoots her a quick text: Hey, Im a little busy today so I would appreciate it if you wouldnt come to visit today. This book is about a girl named Regina, who is a princess, and whose mother introduces her to a girl about her age, Claire. But what are you cooking?. Bits of bursts of jealousy and bitterness here and there that stands at odds with the image of young Regina in the show. So really, owning a phone is pretty useless for her. They go there to retrieve Claire's dragon ring her brother gave her. 3.91. RELATED:10 Plotholes inOUATThat Were Never Explained. Never ever. For the second time in the span of a few hours. But at the heart of the show is family and what that means. At least The Black Fairy was extra enough to be of some interest. He has red hair and is three times Regina's age, he's got horrible yellow teeth and seems like a bit of a desperate nerd in the book. Teasingly, she presents a hint of darkness and hesitance in the young heroine Regina, hints of what is to come. She dresses in a white shirt dress and finishes off the look with a thin brown belt around the waist. Regina goes inside the bathroom and dumps the phone in the trash can. Regina dreams of green eyes that look betrayed. Regina feels tears leave her eyes. 3 missed calls from none other than Emma Swan. Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, commonly referred to as Henry's Book or simply The Book, is an item featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. What if Captain Hook turned into the Dark One to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin? Even though Claire may have been forced to be friends with Regina, But Claire truly cherished their friendship and the adventures they had together. Did Barbie just walk in? Regina doesnt reply so Emma continues, I didnt know you owned jeans.. "Hey," she said, drawing Regina's attention, "You had me really worried. Then she realizes that Emmas not looking at her so she croaks out, Yes., Emma turns to her and raises her eyebrows. I hoped that Regina would get back at her mother for controlling and smothering her so much. Regina watches her with intrigue. She needs to do something. Barrie's book Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906). Regina sobs. She's an eclectic super fan, loving comic books, movies, TV, anime, and novels. Emma Swan wants to help her son more than anything. I know, okay, trust me. It beats and beats and beats. He was just boring and never would go away. I havent seen you around town so obviously, you havent stepped out into the sun but I hope youve been doing the basics to take care of yourself.. I told you to not come over, Regina says, getting straight to the point. I've titled each chapter with its main pairing, time period and location. She killed my mother, Regina hisses angrily. This image depicts a scene from the fairy tale of "The Three Little Men in the Wood". Regina wants to nod, wants to say yes, I know, and I agree, but all she can do is continue to empty her stomach. I got this book at the Booktrader in Hamilton, New Jersey, which sells terrific second hand books, so please, go there if you would like to buy amazing books, because it has just about every book that every existed! Because she knows Emmas right. Besides, seeing was the best thing hed ever done. I enjoyed the show plot-holes it filled in finally, and while a few things bothered me and stuck out as questionable in face of the canon plot, overall I liked it. Years later, the son Emma was pressured to put up for adoption tracks them down but breaking the curse will mean forcing Neal to confront the father he never wants to see again. She has never been one to see the bright side in things, but when robin said he chose her she thought t "The danger is I'm dangerous and I just might tear you apart." And that's a hard thing for Rumple, Charming, and general fans to forgive. She looked the same to him, though her eyes looked emptier, she looked sadder, but everything else was the same. It might not have the same impact if you are unfamiliar with the show. Well, theres a fine line between love and hate, and turns out that line is catharsis. I, um, no, its okay, but thank you.. I slept for 10 hours and ate an apple, alright? Two last night and one in the morning. Like right now. How are you feeling? She asks. Tell you what, Ill get him to see you tomorrow if youre feeling better., Regina wipes her tears and nods her head. This fanfic is a series of different snapshots from Jefferson's life, alternating between Fairytale Land and Storybrooke. I think fans of the show will like it and it probably would be alright as a stand alone work. Did you not wanna answer it again? Its a very poor attempt at a joke, Regina reads the anxiety through it easily. Yeah, I can see that. Oh. Shut up, she says, Im serious. Youre eating something. She makes a beeline for the fridge. And here I thought we were making progress., Yeah but that doesnt include me telling you every detail about my life and feelings.. Im okay, my love, you dont need to be worried about me., Henry pulls back. Of words being said, words like, "I believe in her". Reginas heart slams against her chest in pain and it doesnt stop. Worse, he dared have a one-night stand with Snow White ad always creepily flirt with the ladies of the town. (1908). There is also a part of the book that Regina meets another character, and it is kind of like in "Cinderella", when Cinderella and the Prince meet outside the ball. , She was in the sistum for a year and a half. Why was Emma calling her? What would you like to eat? Thankfully, Emma takes the hint and they get busy deciding on their food. . What will happen when they find who that is? Of course, along with aging up often comes young romance. Once Upon A Time: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters, Happy Days' Original Title Would've Killed The Classic Show, The Conners Just Made Jackies Andy Retcon Even More Confusing, Disneys Double Show Cancellation Hints At Big Disney+ Changes. You promise youre okay? However, on numerous occasions, images in other realms have been featured such as the Caterpillar as well as Jefferson in Wonderland. Sixteen-year-old Regina is very different from the Regina known by fans of ABC's "Once Upon a Time." She seeks romance, adventure, and approval. Two yea Regina Mills is a hard working, overworked and underpaid mother. Regina quickly puts on her robe and flies downstairs and into her study. 52.8K 1.6K 65. This is the story of a terrible stupid curse, the story of its domino effect of consequences, and the story of how those consequences are tied like a noose around one woman's neck that is as binding as her being the mayor of a little fake town called Storybrooke. Not to mention, Regina hasnt had the energy or willpower to get dressed and go outside. But Emma Swan. Yeah, it was a weird addition that didn't really fit in with the rest of the fairytale characters. I dumped it in the trash yesterday.. RELATED:OUAT: 5 Couples We Loved (And 5 We Hated). Are you gonna tell me what happened?, Regina sighs, the last of her energy draining away. No, Regina killed her own mother. It first appears in the first episode of the first season. Still, the writer does present that core of resilience that is perhaps the evil queens best virtue. No! Emma jumps to her feet, knocking back the chair. 10 year old Henry and 14 year old Annie know that Regina is not their real mother. Emma pulls back. Emma seems to realize it too because she pulls away. First, you really need to be at least a little familiar with the television series Once Upon a Time to get much out of this novel. Emma, meanwhile, goes to the fridge and brings out a juice. If anything, they kinda hated his guts. But that all changed when princess Eva tripped her one day when she was delivering bags of flour to the royal castle. Do you not want it?, Of course I do, Regina replies, offended. Theres no way shes going to go to the bigger garbage can outside her house so this one will have to do. Fans had a lot of problems with the doomed seventh season, but Lucy was something at the top of the list. And maybe, your mom would still be alive, and Mary Margaret wouldnt be drowning in guilt.. When Neal and Killian Jones clear their slate and start again as father and son, Rumple is forced to confront the idea that maybe he doesnt despise the pirate as hed always coerced himself into believing. The stories that are referenced are usually the Disney version or the original version. Lucy supported the story, much like Henry did in the first season, pushing Emma's progress forward. This looks okay. I have not watched the TV show Once Upon A Time, but I thought that this book was phenomenal! The stories that are referenced . It has adventure, friendship, and a bit of heartbreak. ", Peter Pan mocked them as he walked around them in a circle. In an alternate reality, Emma Swan is not the daughter of the legendary Snow White and Prince Charming, that title goes to Rylee Monroe. After all, it was pre-return to Wonderland Will, a drunk and miserable man who stuck his nose in the most die-hard ship: Rumbelle. Regina sits and Emma works in silence. "He Played Until The Room Was Entirely Filled With Gnomes", published during the late nineteenth century. Regina dreams of a son that hates her and a mother who was abusive but at the end of the day is now dead and gone forever. The heart beats. Emma gave Rue up. I'm such a huge fan of the character Regina from OUAT, and of OUAT itself. Regina blinks at her. Regina gets up. Several inappropriate parts that made my rating so low. Ok, I'm a super-fan of the TV series "Once Upon A Time" so I was excited to read this book which chronicles an early experience of Regina, who would become the evil queen then transform into a heroine (watch the show). Whether it was because they didn't really fit into the story well or were boring, they didn't make OUAT a better show. Finally, she takes out vegetables and chicken and carries them to the sink. Okay, what are you in the mood for? This book is truly a book to enjoy. Once Upon a Time (TV) (110) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (1) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (TV) (1) Exclude Characters Evil Queen | Regina Mills (102) Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) (101) Emma Swan (47) Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (24) Prince Charming | David Nolan (20) Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) (15) She may have been pressured by the town, she may have been miserable, and Rumple may have been a meh husband, but she hurt Bae. They've run out of groceries, and he's insisted on going out to pick up some more. I have to-- Regina tries but she cannot complete the sentence. For over a hundred years she was cursed into a magical slumber after being taken by her Great-Aunt, Dahlia Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. Oh. She doesnt feel up to wearing skirts and dresses, though, so she settles on something simpler, a pair of jeans and a purple sweater. Neal is with him," she said. The writers deserved to make Rumple's second son a lot more complex than he ended up being, coming from such a powerful and dark family. Unlike all the adults in the show, though, Henry slowly grew up throughout the series and went through different phases of his life. Then they eat lunch together. A good read but definitely not worth keeping. I dont want to tell you, okay?, Okaaay, Emma says. After everything that happened, Neal couldn't deny that he was at least curious about this mysterious curse he'd had to give up the love of his life for. At some point, she decides to try and read a book to occupy her mind. But her thoughts wont leave her alone. This is only my second story, I really did my best. When Anastasia and Liam Kingsley were taken, they were severely injured but not dead. Oh my God, Emma says, looking mesmerized and dazed. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fairy tales/the TV Series "Once Upon A Time". After all, the show lasted for seven seasons on ABC. I've also posted many of these chapters as their own individual fanfics. How long did you sleep and what did you eat? Emma continues. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Prince Charming | David Nolan Widow Lucas | Granny Maleficent (Once Upon a Time) Lily | Lilith Page Captain Hook | Killian Jones Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) Belle (Once Upon a Time) Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Part 2 of the 'Feel' Series. But this book shows us she's been betrayed before, and her vengeance is swift and cruel. Overall, I wanted a little more, but still an excellent story, and for any evil regal, a must read. That said, it was an entertaining story that was engaging and competently written. I didn't like the gingerbread house with the blind witch, another popular character in Once upon a time. Yes, this is it, Regina decides. Based on the hit tv show Once Upon a Time I was very delighted to learn of this book. by ellie 263K 7.5K 69 Phoebe Jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system, moving from home to home. Their lips meet after a year of waiting and wanting and Reginas body comes alive with it. She was an amazing warrior who fell in love with an inordinately brave, albeit naive, princess named Aurora. Back at the cottage, they filled the others (such as Belle and Henry) on what had happened earlier. And then theres the scene with Snow. She simply didn't fit into this world of magic. So, I think most of my criticsm was in regards to disparities between this work and the larger fictional universe of the show. Nick Carraways need not apply. Regina jerks her head in a nod and goes to the kitchen. Reginas jaw sets in a hard line. Henry and Emma will be coming to visit again today and she cant meet Henry like this. Chapter 4: The Evil Queen or My Mother. With this, hes also forced to confront feelings he had hidden deep in his subconscious, those forbidden feelings hed dubbed as wrong. Dr. Jekyl didn't fit into the magical OUATworld, he was a random add-in very late into the game, he didn't accomplish much, and he was a weak, pretty unnecessary villain. She feels at ease after a long, long time. But still. Regina shakes her head and replies with, nothing as well. Can I get water? She finally asks. Once Upon a Time Harry Potter | Love Story. Of course, the trash had already been taken out. It didnt matter. She has the sudden urge to rip out Snows heart. And then shes half laughing and half crying and Emmas hugging her from behind whispering comforting words in her ear. Even though being in the house with no one else is lonely and terrible, Regina knows going outside will be worse. The more time passes the more the gut-wrenching feeling in her chest grows. Daryl's a werewolf. Feeling bound by an invisible obligation to keep her family afloat by helping to support their home, she becomes a caregiver and companion for one Regina Mills who is suffering a life-altering injury after a sailing trip. The illustration of Alice and the Caterpillar is a colorized version of one of John Tenniel's illustrations from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. And her phones gone along with it. Emma takes a bite in a fork and is just about to put it in her mouth when she looks at Regina and pauses her hand mid-air. And Regina instantly gives in. as well as Please., All Regina can manage back is a weak, Dont call me Gina., Emma simply smiles and walks back to the fridge. I was so mean to you. Now if theyd just writes a what if where Regina got to have her heroic life with out the hitler style evil queen bitbut thats another story. KILLIAN JONES Of all the out of place characters on this list, King Arthur might be the worst. No, I doubt readers will be blown away, but it is a good story that hints at matters of friendship, finding oneself, and the inner war between the dark, the light, and destiny. Also anyone upset about the carving of the R&J and her love of Jasper is obviously before she met Daniel. Emma settles down opposite Regina and stares at her dead-on. Also, the old evil lady in the forest who eats children is similar to the lady from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". Rue swan is the daugther of Emma swan and Sirius Black. Well, for Henry, his first love came in the form of Violet Morgan. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. When shes finished, she doesnt get up. I was just- worried.. daaaaaaamnnnn regina! Well see, Emma replies and goes back to searching inside the fridge. She just had the worst time the second she joined the show. Much of this fanfic is non-linear, so you can skip around if you want. A laugh escapes Reginas mouth before she can stop it. A good read none the less. She finally wakes up at 10 in the morning. Henry realized they were still halfway in the hall and he pulled her into his room, shutting the door and taking her in. Regina cant help it, she lets out a chuckle. When theyre both finished, Emma dumps the packets in the dustbin and comes to stand beside Regina. Alright? The walls and floor on the storybook page with the door, which Henry finds, have the same design as the inside of Jefferson's hat. Not only did she abandon him, but she also abandoned the ever well-meaning Baelfire. I think this book is probably okay for adolescent readers up, which is nice, so more can enjoy it. Instead, they'd just complain about a rando taking up the screen time of their beloved ships and favorite characters. She tries. Thats not what I meant, anyway. Anyway, whats up?, Whats up is that you cannot respect my boundaries. Of flour to the point her from behind whispering comforting words in her and! To Jane and the Caterpillar as well okay for adolescent readers up, which is,. Have not watched the TV show Once Upon a time Fanfiction second story, i wanted a,... 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