the secret: a treasure hunt solved puzzles

I think you would have a lot of visuals if you got yourself there. The treasure Krupat sought was the work of a New York publisher named Byron Preiss, who in 1982 released a book titled "The Secret" (no relation to the popular self-help book with the same title). Preiss wasn't expecting you to dig through some nice lawn in the middle of a park or an athletic field. TICKETS. what an amazing call you had with him. The Secret is a treasure hunt created by Byron Preiss. Also I investigated the paper, regular paper is thin , and has watermarks and some images that you see maybe from original watermarks from the paper. Even if you aren't interested in purchasing prints, I would encourage you to go to Ben's site and look at the quality of these photos compared to the book versions. This table lists the known and suspected "Aha!" (Don't try it on your own though. How would you know? Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above. or your own? The casque was buried in the middle of the four trees. The key to finding the casques was to match one of 12 paintings to one of 12 poetic verses, solve the . Cyn on September 30, 2019 at 2:59 am . Standing with our back to the steps should put us in the right place to dig. How do we know this is accurate? There is so much to be learned about New Orleans in this puzzle. The treasure is thought to have been buried on Otter Island in Lake Superior. Trees are thought to be very important for the solutions in St. Augustine, Houston, and Milwaukee. Should you remove something from the left? And that's what makes the solution finally clear. The popularity of the treasure hunt has fallen since Preiss death in 2005, with the remaining 10 prizes essentially lost in the process. Don't mess things up for other searchers. The Wisconsin Historical Society, which runs the island, manages it as part of its management. [6][7][8], With the passage of time, some of the cached casques may have been destroyed, or been built over, as was happening with the Boston casque, which was buried in Langone Park, in Bostons North End which was undergoing renovation, resulting in the casque being dug up in an excavator. Has anybody considered this or ruled it out? It won't be easy (or cheap) but a dedicated searcher might be able to get it done. This entire puzzle can be solved from home. icon is likely a feature from the interior of the Waterside Theatre where "The Lost Colony" is performed. When one is standing in the correct spot for the dig, the tracks receding over the train bridge in the distance resemble the lines on the stone plaza in the painting. The casques are only going to be in places that have already been disturbed by humans and where further digging wouldn't be a problem. Only 3 of them (at the time of writing) have ever been dug up and found. Has anybody considered Owl Head Park in the bay ridge area of Brooklyn for the NY casque. . We're talking about THE Secret, a historical treasure hunt across the USA with couplets and prose that leaves a trail of . Thanks to everyone for these and all the other insights on the wiki over the past month. . ); Walking up the west side of the park would tie in with cars abound part. If you are interested in pursuing the recovery of this casque, you will need to somehow get the full and active participation of the Hermann Park Conservancy and Houston's Parks and Recreation Department. then brushed over lightly, maybe he used oil paints, you would tend to see better something that was etched, oils also flow better on canvas? What this means for searchers is that, after starting along the route, all of the clues are going to be for small, innocuous features that wouldn't be mentioned in any guidebook. The first question new searchers ask us is "What are the solutions to the three solved puzzles?"That's a great question! The clues led to the location of a buried treasure chest that contained a variety of different items, including a jewel-encrusted box, a golden key, and a map of the world. Ordinary digging tools aren't going to get through the path, so you might have to rent something like a concrete saw or even a Bobcat mini loader to clear the surface. Our final destination is the block where the St. Charles Hotel once stood before it was torn down in 1974. But in the final hiding spot, on the north side of a monument, there was a bronze plaque with a dedication and the final line of that dedication (closest to the ground) read simply "May, 1913.". Palencar painted a picture of the spot with the pine tree.This wiki has always promoted the idea that each image includes an Aha Moment of recognition at the burial spot, but it took wiki user Kang to point out the hidden depiction of the FOY hiding spot in Image 6.2) Those blocks by the park are blocks by the park.People have almost certainly pointed it out before over the years, but it it didnt really register until wiki user Kimberley posted about it: The squares on either side of the Golden Gate Park map in Image 1 are city blocks and the fingers are pointing at streets.1) If the dragon head is on the left, the map is flipped from left-to-rightThe single biggest discovery was the observation by wiki user Goonie68 that the head of the dragon in Image 1 matches the dragon above the entrance to the Golden Gate Park Senior Center. My daughter and I have been trying in an area.and I admit I am the weak oneLOL however she is not, but we can't even probe because we hit rock, so we keep digging we are about 2 1/2 feet downish, and we go a little wider so you can get into the spot, but keep digging huge rock??? I first saw this book on Expedition Unknown on the Discovery channel And kinda got lost in it. We're creating a (hopefully) official site for all things The Secret: A Treasure Hunt to pull together all information and give a platform for people to equally share their thoughts about the treasure locations. If it seems like the ground may have been left undisturbed, it might be worth trying to get the necessary permissions. These on-site confirmations were obviously selected with care by Preiss as he was choosing his spots. A sort of Mythic field guide to for urban fairies and fey folk in North America. This book, published in 1982 by Byron Preiss, includes 12 images and 12 verses which need correctly matched together in order to discover clues to locations of 12 buried ceramic casks. Two tall trees at left, with a picket fence in the background. I may have a great theory for you to check out next time you are in that area. Discussions about the search are hosted at: All of these sites attempted to solve The Secret using discussions and all ran into the same problem. Cast Levioso on the cube to open the door. It resembled the U.S. Capital building and had a dome that tourists could visit to look out over the whole city. Authors purpose is to get you out in the parks of 12 major Cities around the United States. Byron Preiss was a businessman and was aware of liability risks. By which I mean all the colored dots, slashes, holes, etc Its as if someone realized the printed version wasn't good enough and had to re-add clues. From there we can follow either of two paths as shown by the arrows around the clock face. The hunt involves a search for twelve treasure boxes, the clues to which were provided in a book written by Preiss in 1982, also called The Secret. The Secret: A Treasure Hunt. The names of two ancient Greek historians gets us to Copley Square. Erin the Avid Reader BFF's with the Cheshire Cat. Milwaukee Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 10 and Verse 8. listeners: [], Your solution shouldn't require you to tear up a lawn or disturb a natural area. Each of these prints are individually produced by Ben in his lab, signed and sent on their way. The 'artifacts' in the paintings are so different. This is pretty accurately represents the 5 boroughs and the jewel being in Brooklyn is A location clue. Litany quote: " Dwarves' treasure: purple Amethyst, Imperial star of Germany.". The treasure is said to be worth $90,000 in gold and silver coins. Charleston Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 2 and Verse 6, but the chances of recovery are very slim. As you head further south in Hogwarts Legacy, you'll come across a quest called The Hippogriff Marks the Spot which leads you on a treasure hunt. The casque was buried directly across from the top end of the pole. In the shadow under north wing. The "object of Twain's attention" is not likely to be on any list of the first hundred things one might think of after researching the life of Mark Twain. Visual references to gardens and monuments tell us to proceed through the Back Bay Fens. Preiss published a puzzle book, The Secret, in 1982. Abundant map and location details confirm that our destination is the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park. It's pushed me off the fence. Thank you! The "Aha!" Is anyone? Once retrieved the keys can be exchanged for a valuable stone. Yet hard to understand in the original. You need to pair this painting with a poem and then fol. If anyone knows of an arborist who might be willing to provide an air spade and handle the excavation, please contact us through this site. Unlike the originals, which sometimes contain parks and landscapes that cannot be viewed from Google Maps and Goolge Street View, this puzzle is a true arm-chair treasure hunt. This page has been viewed times. Is the answer to this puzzle, that this treasure is real. And, of course, remember that what you add may end up getting changed or removed by another wiki editor. Marks the Spot for Buried Treasure", "Discovery Channel team to dig up Charleston's White Point Garden in search of buried key", "In Search of the Roanoke Island Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt: Six Questions with Dustin and Deidra White", "Treasure: A 22-year quest ends in a park in Cleveland", "Travel Channel show revisits '80s treasure find in Grant Park", "The Secret of Byron Preiss: How they found the Chicago key", "There's a secret treasure in New Orleans. If anyone has any questions about the original book itself, let me know and Ill try to answer them :), I have a "Q" ?? The "Aha!" Under the eye , blow it up and turn upside down and you will see the monument We are guided down the Locust Street Ravine Trail to a group of birches (verse) where we would see some symbol on a tree (verse) and the confirming image of a cement disk (image). The image comes from the book "The Secret, a Treasure Hunt." Published in 1982, it's a fantasy paperback filled with a series of puzzles, cryptic verses and matching images. To date only three of the 12 treasure boxes have been recovered. Hi everyone, I was studying image 10, and it was getting late but I had printed a copy of image 10, from this website, and held it up to the light of the window, so I could see a bit better, and holy cow I found all kinds of images. But both of those were obstacles added later on top of the soil. So he had previously lived in SF and had to have been quite familiar with the area. After the first two versions of the hotel were destroyed by fire, the third St. Charles opened in 1896 and stood for over 75 years until it was torn down in 1974. What is The Secret: A Treasure Hunt? You shouldn't need to cut through grass (or any other plant roots) to get to the casque and you shouldn't need to be in a very public spot. Some clues couldnt be or would be hard to make out. If you damage an area or leave holes for other people to fill, you'll only be giving the whole hunt a bad name. Status: In 1980 or 1981, when Byron Preiss visited Houston to bury a casque, there was an antique steam locomotive (Number 982) prominently positioned on the southern edge of McGovern Lake in Hermann Park. Should you add something to the right? Despite the fact that three casques have been discovered after 30 years, many people continue to be fascinated by the Preiss treasure hunt legend. For anyone that has a copy of the actual book - on the pages that the images are printed on - is there something printed on the opposite side? Preiss was killed in an auto accident in the summer of 2005, but the hunt for his casques continues. Unfortunately for us, the theatre has since been upgraded and it receives much more attention and care. Historical records show that the amphitheater was going through a period of decline when Preiss hid his casques in the early 1980's. "We dont get a lot of new input related to the verses, but wiki user Jess made a potentially big discovery related to Verse 2.6) Watch out for the alligator!We knew that Image 6 had lots of clues for Florida, but wiki user Halla4 was apparently the first person to point out that there is a very clear alligator lurking along the edge of the big stone.5) Its not a scythe - its Albemarle Sound!People have struggled for years to understand the weird objects on the right arm of the knight in Image 3, but it took wiki user Drumman to point out that they form the shape of the North Carolina coastline.4) That old pine tree? Celebrate The Joy Challenge And Entertainment Of Game And Puzzle Week 2019! Amy - after Odeyin posted about the not exactly hidden - but somewhat obscured JPP signature in the Roanoke image, I had wondered about this. The Secret is a treasure hunt created by Byron Preiss. Two intersecting lines of trees pinpoint the spot and a distinctive fence feature provides the confirmation. The site appears to have remained relatively undisturbed over the past 30 years, and the casque may be recoverable. A series of instructions (verse) takes us down the path to the Waterside Theatre. 10) The concrete slab under the Moultrie monument in Charleston.Wiki user Chris Andrews did some careful investigations in Charleston and documented that a concrete slab was installed below ground level when the Maine monument was removed (which is great to know but probably ends all chances of recovering the casque for Image 2). Josh Krupat, a puzzle and game designer, designed the episode of the show with his son. So no dig is likely to happen. A few other bits of wisdom about the treasure spots are well worth keeping in mind: Each of the 12 images in the book represents a groups of immigrants who came to North America from some foreign country. The outline of Illinois and a few well-known landmarks get us to Chicago. Houston Searchers: We have posted a very detailed Solution for Image 8 and Verse 1 that walks through the different clues and narrows the spot down to about a square yard. (Just don't try to dig without permission.). Nice to see some were solved in the intervening decades though. (Other contributions are always welcome too, of course! Clues from the image and verse narrow our attention to a small slice of the park directly east of the elevated Highway 1 (Crossover Drive). A satirical look at the people of the 80s. Careful and substantive contributions are always welcome! no i am not in Florida, im in California. This is a wiki for solving The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. all I have to say is WOW the work and time you have done Oregonian, is amazing,, thank you so much, hey question, when Bryon gave away the incorrect gem, which one did he give by accident and which one were they supposed to have gotten.. thanks, it is with a heavy heart i am posting this For anyone interested in some new potential clues including the recent "Nudge":, SF has opened DIG PERMITS but rules have changed and only 1 free dig, its costs alot to dig after the first..i guess they think we are rich or this is a way to stop us from searching. Behind that, a fountain, which used to have a taller, urn-shaped top (see inset photos from current day (bottom right) and 1978 (top right). UPDATE: THREE casques have been found since 1981: in Chicago, IL, Cleveland, OH, and Boston, MA. 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