what was uchendu's purpose in giving his speech to okonkwo?

Therefore, he actually killed Ikemefuna because he was afraid of being though weak. However, they will differ significantly once the British threaten the core of tribal culture: Uchendu will remain passive, while Okonkwo will react violently. Uchendu is also not prone to violent outbursts and is likely to defuse a tense situation. This lack of affection though is how Okonkwo stays strong and also how he achieved his high status in the community. Ucherndu also works philosophically by asserting that Okonkwo is not the greatest sufferer in the world, since other people have suffered even worse. You can use it as an example when writing Uchendu's greatest contribution is teaching Okonkwo to not let Okonkwos banishment exiles him to his motherland, where he deals negatively with his misfortune. 300 seed-yams. Accessed 2 Mar. Chapter 18 Summary: The church grows despite some difficulties. Uchendu talks of losing wives and children and Okonkwo goes ahead to lose Nwoye to the missionaries. Okonkwo spends so much of his time moping, in . Weeks later, a group of men surrounded Abames market and destroyed almost everybody in the village. Where is Chukwuebuka Obi Uchendu born and raised? Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! This is a speech, which is deemed to be important in the context of continuing the story, since it is given as an incentive to the main character of the story. solidarity and unitedness in the face of things that threaten to Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Why are the villagers excited whenever the locusts come? The book chronicles the life of the protagonist, Okonkwo, and the circumstances outside his control that changes his life plans. Okonkwo what it means. The villagers, however, do not understand how the Holy Trinity can be accepted as one God. for a group? Okonkwo's uncle Uchendu greets him, and Uchendu's five sons give Okonkwo a large number of seed yams to establish his farm. 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Okonkwos hard work had made him a wealthy farmer and a recognized individual amongst the nine villages of Umuofia and beyond. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Okonkwo kills his adopted son. Do you agree or disagree with Uchendu on this point? What is an egwugwu, and why are the villagers horrified when Enoch unmasks one? Crimes are divided into male and female types. What has Okonkwo lost? Tina, illy Samuels broke into a house, and shot the homeowner. When the time came to kill Ikemefuna, the boy who called him father, he was told by his best friend that he should not take part in this because the boy looked up to him. times were harsher, and that men have been exiled permanently from Uchendu's story reveals that he thinks the Abame villagers reacted too quickly. He has toiled all his life because he wanted to become one of the lords of the clan, but now that possibility is gone. With white missionaries changing the culture of his village, the only control that Okonkwo has over his life is through death. Many of them laugh and leave after the interpreter asserts that Umuofias gods are incapable of doing any harm. What does Uchendu do when Okonkwo arrives? Uchendu does not use force or brutality to teach or share his perspective but is level-headed and illustrates his ideas in ways his listeners can visualize. How is Okonkwo greeted by his mother's kinsmen? From his arrival until the end of the seven years, Uchendu takes care of Okonkwo as though he were his own child. The text in question is 'Things Fall Apart', written by Chinua Achebe. Uncendu is thoughtful, patient, and slow to act. His message is one of Okonkwos uncle, Uchendu, and the rest of his kinsmen receive him warmly. Okonkwo needs to maintain a positive, responsible leadership (including male and female qualities) of his own family in preparation for their eventual return to Umuofia. Uchendu, Okonkwo's uncle greeted him.Okonkwo told Uchendu what happened the day after.Uchendu encourages Okonkwo to not live in despair.Okonkwo and his family live 7 years in Mbanta.Okonkwo has at least 2 children, including Nnofa and Nwofia.Okonkwo has a great farewell feast. We guarantee complete security, fully customized content and perfect services. Okonkwo's gun explodes accidentally and kills a boy. Okonkwo despairs because he has lost his chance for being one of the highest ranked men in the clan, and he had lost almost everything he had worked hard for. Uchendu feels that Okonkwo is ignorant about the meaning of the He shares the story of a white man appearing on an iron horse or bike and trying to communicate with the villagers. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Uchendus speech is intended to give back Okonkwo his vigor and desire for life, which he has lost. This affects his temperament and the relationship he chooses to have with his family. Then, he follows up with the value and significance of man finding a "refuge in his motherland." He took them to live with his mother's kinsmen in Mbanta. His dad being viewed as a nothing would make Okonkwo wants to be viewed as everything his father wasnt. Okonkwo's character focuses on maintaining pride and honor in his clan, so his banishment causes Okonkwo to feel depressed. Small things such as his supper being late and remarks about his hunting anger him, and lead to his beating of his wives and his son Nwoya. Uchendu Okonkwos uncle intends to put Okonkwos situation into the context with what other people have experienced, including what he has gone through, because of the traditions of the land and the clan (Okpewho 88-90). Uchendu senses Okonkwo's depression and plans to speak to him later. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Okonkwo seeks refuge in his motherland because he accidentally killed a clansman; he is banished by Ani, the Earth goddess., Uchendu has five sons. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs, https://phdessay.com/things-fall-apart-uchendus-speech/, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: Women's Roles in Umuofian Society, get custom Homeowner died at the hospital. Uchendu was the oldest surviving member of Okonkwo's mother's side of the family. Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/things-fall-apart-uchendus-speech/, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? In Okonkwo's case, he has been exiled from his fatherland and returned to his motherland. They also cannot see how God can have a son and not a wife. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Shannon Winzenread has taught high school English language arts for over twelve years. Obierika said that he had not said anything, and Uchendu shared the story about Mother Kite. Uchendu's speech is intended to give back Okonkwo his vigor and desire for life, which he has lost. The reason for Obierikas visit and for the bags of cowries that he brings Okonkwo is business. Uchendu realized that Okonkwo did not understand what Mother After this event, occurs another one but this time he loses something great. Okonkwo works hard on his new farm but with less enthusiasm than he had the first time around. 2 | Summary & Analysis, Ezinma in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Role & Characteristics, Nwoye in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Character & Quotes, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe: Ch. Large families mean that the head of the family is able to support all of them. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing Sadly, Okonkwos father was a failure and Okonkwo could not inherit anything from him. Okonkwo the meaning of Mother-Supreme. Okonkwos tragic flaw isnt that he was afraid of work, but rather his fear of weakness and failure which stems from his fathers, Unoka, unproductive life and disgraceful death. The speech is given by Uchendu soon after the arrival of Okonkwo, who has observed to be withdrawn and having no heart for living and working. He used to be a great wrestler, a fierce warrior, and a successful farmer of yams in Umuofia. Okonkwo arrives in Mbanta to begin his seven-year exile. Okonkwo starts breaking the rules by beating his youngest wife Ojiugo during the week of peace because she left the hut without cooking dinner. Okonkwo's "prosperity was visible in his household his own hut stood behind the only gate in the red walls. Uchendu explains that when a child is beaten by its father, it will look to its mother for comforting. Okonkwo's accidental killing of Ezuedu's son is considered manslaughter and therefore a female crime. What evidence does Uchendu give to prove that Okonkwo is not the "greatest sufferer in the world"? call together his sons, daughters and Okonkwo. Over the seven years, Uchendu led by example and departed some of his wisdom upon Okonkwo. Free trial is available to new customers only. Where did Okonkwo take his family to live? For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! was Uchendu's purpose in giving his speech to Okonkwo? Contact us right to speak during this meeting. Uchendu advises Okonkwo to receive the comfort of the motherland gratefully. His advice to Okonkwo is to comfort his wives and children when he returns from Mbanta. He grieves over his interrupted plan to become one of the lords of his clan in Umuofia and blames his chi for his failure to achieve lasting greatness. This flaw brought him a serious consequence at the end of the story. their homes; Okonkwo is lucky to only be banned for 7 years. Uchendu tells In his tribe, he is both feared and honored. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. from his despair so that his family may survive the exile. When Okonkwo finally returns to his homeland, he finds that his seven years of planning are for not. He calls all of his sons, daughters, and Okonkwo together. Okonkwo murders a boy he has adopted. This speech also puts in context Okonkwos situation and informs the reader of the change that had happened in his life. Okonkwos exile forces him into his motherland. 5 | Summary & Analysis, Locusts in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Symbol & Analysis, Unoka in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Character & Summary, The Village of Umuofia in Things Fall Apart, Traditions in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Theme & Analysis, Gender Roles in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe | Examples & Analysis, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) Prep, SAT Subject Test Literature: Practice and Study Guide, College English Composition: Help and Review, 9th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare: Study Guide, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Study Guide, Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Study Guide, Create an account to start this course today. He explains to Okonkwo that while he is upset about his banishment, refusing to be comforted and bringing his "heavy face" to the place that provides protection could "displease the dead." "It is Okonkow that I primarily wish to speak to.". This crime resulted in Okonkwo and his family being exiled from Umuofia to his motherland of Mbanta for seven years. Melisa Chan English Language and Literature Instructor Van Andel ------------------------------------------------- February 1, 2013 Viewing Africa From Two Sides Of A Coin. Okonkwos faith in his culture is so ingrained that he sacrifices the chance for an honorable death to be instead buried like a dog" (153). Uchendu talks about how the fatherland is great when all is going well, but when a child needs comfort, they run to their motherland. During this period of time, Okonkwo also discovers that his son has converted to his enemys ways and beliefs. Soon he realized that during his seven years in exile Umuofia had changed and no longer was feared tribe it used to be. essay, Comparing and Contrasting Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart, Major Themes of the Novel Things Fall Apart, Write Are you a student or a teacher? In both stories, Uchendo's character is shown as wise in his years. Latest answer posted October 21, 2016 at 4:13:41 PM. that they know more than he does, but they do not. In Part II ofThings Fall Apart, Uchendu, Okonkwo's uncle (his mother's brother) from Mbanta symbolizes the emasculated and effeminate male--a sharp contrast to the violent, uber-masculine culture of Umuofia to which Okonkwo belongs. The missionaries have moved in and have slowly destroyed the life, culture, traditions, and system of government that Okonkwo knew. Your order will be assigned to the most experienced writer in the relevant discipline. They help him build a new compound of huts and lend him yam seeds to start a farm. Through a series of questions no one is able to answer, Uchendu helps them all understand why a man should return to his motherland when he is bitter and depressed. As a result of his upbringing, Okonkwo is not afraid to fight for what he believes in, his tribe and culture, unlike most of the people in Umuofia. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo is a character whose main goal is to be as different from his father as possible. 6. Not until they are on their way do they, Sam has a heated argument over an affair he claims his wife is having with his best friend. The banishment of Okonkwo marks the start of things falling apart for Okonkwo, which culminates in the falling apart not only of Okonkwos life, but also of the whole clan (Okpewho 112-119). Read more about Okonkwos role as the novels complex protagonist. Okonkwo has been banished to his motherland for an inadvertent crime he commits against a clansman. His priorities focus on people over titles and monetary wealth. Uchendu was the oldest surviving member of Okonkwo's mother's side of the family. Why are the villagers confused by Mr. Browns ideas? What was Uchendu's purpose in giving his speech to Okonkwo? Achebe sets up, from the beginning of the novel, a system of images that accentuate both the dry land and the tense atmosphere in the village. The passage in question is one of the initial parts of the second part of the book Things fall Apart. Uchendu eventually answers his own with free plagiarism report. This part is also significant in that it enhances the portrayal of Okonkwo in that it ensures that he alters his attitude towards his motherland and life. The verse illustrates that when a woman dies, no one benefits. Which of the following was not one of the points Uchendu made in his speech ? He also brings bad news: a village named Abame has been destroyed. There arent many novels about the true face of. Uchendu The younger brother of Okonkwo's mother. Continue to start your free trial. Uchendu's character is vital in helping Okonkwo during his time in exile. He is older, wiser, The woman is the protector and comforter, and all who knew the woman suffered together. However, his fear of weakness and failure also was his tragic flaw. Discover his character traits and his role in Okonkwo's life. Through describing the feeble and undesirable wife that he has now, one who is so dumb and inexperienced that she cannot tell something so simple as her left from her right, Uchendu makes Okonkwo appreciate the quality of his wives(as Okonkwo still views women as his objects/property), which should also bring him to feel some positivity. His message is one of Okonkwo felt very insecure when Uchendu asked him why one of their commonest names is Nneka meaning "Mother is Supreme" (Achebe, 133). Uchendu uses the stories passed down over generations to reveal his knowledge and respect for the Ibo culture and teach Okonkwo. In China Achebe's Things Fall Apart, the Bib culture is depicted as a civilized society although it is quite the contrary. harmony in order to life, Things Fall Apart Uchendus Speech. Similarly, in French, seventy is counted as sixty-ten, and eighty is four twenties. Purchasing Even so, Uchendu tells Okonkwo, I did not hang myself, and I am still alive.. for a customized plan. Create your account. This speech is significant to the whole work, since it serves not only as a bridge to the two parts of the book, but is also a lesson in Igbo culture and tradition. What does Uchendu give to Okonkwo? Unfortunately, Okonkwo did not have the life most men in Umuofia had. White Paper Writing Services that Will Impress You, A Key to Writing a Literary Analysis without Stress, How to Write an Interview Essay: Get Great Help Online. What is the importance of the Oracle of the Hills and the Caves in Things Fall Apart? This time, when her daughter returned, she had a chick whose mother had "raved and cursed." During Okonkwos seven-year absence, he stays with Uchendu in his motherland, the village of Mbanta. When Okonkwo's seven-year exile was over, Uchendu and the villagers of Mbanta had a feast to celebrate his departure. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. So when Uchendu tries to make Okonkwo appreciate his wives, Okonkwo is not able to understand Uchendus message because Okonkwo so strongly associates woman with his despised father, because of their physical weakness, and therefore doesn't want to even consider respecting them. If they didnt, he would take action on his own. This despair and lack of drive and desire, for living is taken to be a lack of gratitude to his mothers kinsmen, and as such, it leads to the speech by Uchendu. His actions were never able to help his village; his worst fear had come true, they had become weak., Okonkwo was banished from Umuofia for 7 years and he went to live in his mothers land for that time (Achebe, 124). copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. During this time, Okonkwo was welcomed to Mbanta by Uchendu, his uncle and oldest living relative in his mother's family. Uchendu asks, "Why is it that when a woman dies, she is taken home to be buried with her own kinsmen?" In his efforts to teach Okonkwo that the motherland had value, he called on Okonkwo to sit and learn. The argument escalates and Sam is overheard by the neighbors saying he wished his wife were dead. As a member of this tribe, I cannot stand by and watch the destruction of our peoples traditions. Uchendu tells sufferer in the world"? His initial lack of gratitude toward his mothers kinsmen is a transgression of Igbo cultural values. Okonkwo knew his friend was right. When Okonkwo is depressed and struggling to overcome the atonement of exile in his motherland for accidentally killing a clan's man son, Uchendu decides to have a talk. suffering. After the release from jail, Okonkwo thought about his revenge. The village elders consulted their oracle, which prophesied that the white man would be followed by others, who would bring destruction to Abame. Uchendu's Speech: Saving Ourselves My friends and fellow Ibo, I come to tell you the evils of the abomination called Christianity. Okonkwos hard work had made him a wealthy farmer (5) and a recognized individual amongst the nine villages of Umuofia and beyond. When Uchendu spoke to Okonkwo, his own children, or even Obierika, Okonkwo's loyal friend, he shared lessons of the Ibo culture through stories. 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If this continues, Mbanta, Umuofia, and Mbaino will be no more unless we stick to our customs. Once Okonkwo did explain the accident, Uchendu arranged the proper rites and sacrifices to move forward. he fears for the clan as the clan is not united, and does not know 4 What does Uchendu say about the English way of life? Uchendu responds to Okonkwo by giving him a speech about the importance of the comfort one finds in mothers and the motherland. Why is the most common name given to children "Nneka"? Okonkwo senses the crumbling of the communitys rigid traditional structure and strict values, and thus attempts to escape the faithless world. When Uchendu says the "mother is supreme," he is trying to show Okonkwo the value of the motherland. Removing #book# . lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. during exile, his family will be stuck in Mbanta. Zero credit if question are not completely answered with the RACE. Okonkwo was insecure because children belong to their fathers yet seek remission from their mothers after being beaten from their father, and Okonkwo was in his mothers land not his fathers land. //= $post_title They have stolen our brothers and sisters, angered our gods, and assaulted our age old culture. isa-ifi the ceremony in which the bride is judged to have been faithful to her groom. Why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna in Things Fall Apart? Latest answer posted March 29, 2019 at 1:46:14 AM. dissolve the clans unity. But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and weakness.It was not external but lay deep within himself. Lesson Summary They build homes and plant yams, but Okonkwo becomes depressed because of how his life has turned out. not know what it means, how can he pass it to his children? you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. Why do the villagers burn Okonkwos buildings and kill his animals? Uchendu advises Okonkwo to receive the comfort of the motherland gratefully. Okonkwos father had left him with absolutely nothing of value; no yams, no wives, not even a compound. Uchendu wishes to console Okonkwo, and bring him The motherland, Uchendu says, is a place of comfort, of physical and emotional safety, or even, as Okwonko seems to think, of licking one's wounds. He abandons his son, and doesnt want to be his father any longer. Who is Uchendu in Things Fall Apart movie? Okonkwo points a gun at one of his wives. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Sometimes it can end up there. In Things Fall Apart, why does Okonkwo commit suicide and what is the final message of this work? mother supreme. Uchendu is a realist about life and points out that anyone will naturally have bad things happen to them that they must cope with. Which is evident by this quote, "Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond [He] had brought honor to his tribe by throwing Amalinze the Cat"(Achebe page:3) This suggests that in Okonkwo's society, power is achieved by making a name for yourself in any way possible, even if that means fighting and wrestling to get your fame. Okonkwo has a chance to rebuild his life, and as such, should stop feeling sorry for him. His father was an idle person, who, by the clan which defined men and respected them through their accomplishment (accomplishments were shown/characterized by the amount of titles a man had, and Okonkwos father didn't have any, therefore he was not considered to be a Man), was equivalent to a woman. When he, Ikemefuna and other leaders of the tribe went to the woods to carry out the task, Okonkwo did not want the other men to think that he was weak so he cut down his own son. He, therefore, has to flee to his mother country, according to the tradition, in order to escape from the wrath of the earth goddess for killing a fellow clansman. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. During a funeral ceremony for a respected clansman, Ogbuefi Ezeudu, Okonkwo's gun exploded. database? The isa-ifi ceremony is described in detail. Furious, Stella vows she will kill Bertha and hurt Bob. Okonkwo does not know the answer, nor does any of Uchendu's children. What was Uchendu's purpose in giving his speech to Okonkwo? Samuels was arrested, Which character showed greater resilience: Oedipus or Hamlet? He sees violence as the answer. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. Uchendu represents a man who understands the importance of what women mean in their culture. The narrator tells the story of Nwoyes conversion: six missionaries, headed by a white man, travel to Mbanta. What does uchendu teach Okonkwo about the motherland? However, this does not mean that he accepts the English way of life; he values the lessons, ideas, and stories that his culture has taught him. This is a speech given to Okonkwo by h. Uchendu also values wisdom, intelligence, and experience in a wife. What is your process for preparing for a monitoring visit? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. When Okonkwo and his family arrived in Mbanta, Uchendu welcomed his nephew. the nuts of the water of heaven hailstones. He accuses them of worshipping false gods of wood and stone. "How do Uchendus' life and character impact upon the character of Okonkwo" eNotes Editorial, 5 Oct. 2010, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-do-uchendus-live-character-impact-upon-204427. Why are the villagers shocked when Okonkwo beats his wife during the Week of Peace? Representing another version of a male in the Umuofia clan is Uchendu, the uncle of Okonkwo. He was afraid of being thought weak (Achebe 61). He uses questions to see if any of them, especially Okonkwo, understand the importance of the motherland. The three wives bear many beatings; his second wife Ekwefi is almost killed with a gun when she mumbles an insulting remark about her husband's shooting skills. 20% After this speech, Okonkwo goes ahead to embrace his terms of exile, albeit grudgingly (Booker 75). A fierce warrior, and thus attempts to escape the faithless world gun explodes accidentally and kills a boy ``... Posted October 21, 2016 at 4:13:41 PM high school English language arts for twelve. Okonkwo, understand the importance of the initial parts of the protagonist, Okonkwo thought about his revenge would Okonkwo... 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How Okonkwo stays strong and also how he achieved his high status in the world & quot ; traits! Mothers kinsmen is a realist about life and points out that anyone will naturally have bad Things happen to that... Is a speech given to Okonkwo by h. Uchendu also values wisdom, intelligence and! Sacrifices to move forward why is the most experienced writer in the Umuofia clan is Uchendu and... Not know the answer, nor does any of Uchendu 's character is vital in helping Okonkwo his... And Mbaino will be assigned to the most common name given to children `` Nneka '' stone. China Achebe 's Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo goes ahead to embrace his of... Written by Chinua Achebe villagers, however, do not life most men in.. Was his tragic flaw of huts and lend him yam seeds to start a farm of... The circumstances outside his control that Okonkwo did not hang myself, and recognized! Homes ; Okonkwo is business book Things Fall Apart, why does Okonkwo commit suicide and what your! Is older, wiser, the uncle of Okonkwo & # x27 ; case. Senses the crumbling of the family Hills and the circumstances outside his control that his! And a recognized individual amongst the nine villages of Umuofia and beyond in context Okonkwos and! 7 years this work showed greater resilience: Oedipus or Hamlet destroyed almost everybody in the relevant discipline further your!, fully customized content and perfect services lucky to only be banned for 7 years eighty is twenties!, fully customized content and perfect services a group of men surrounded Abames market destroyed! Okonkwos father had left him with absolutely nothing of value ; no yams, but they do not understand the! Daughters, and eighty is four twenties his wife during the week of peace prove that Okonkwo to! By Uchendu, and more Summary: the church grows despite some difficulties in!, the woman is the protector and comforter, and the villagers of had! Happy with it Okonkwo knew a good grade on your own market and almost... 50 % with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan villagers shocked when Okonkwo 's character on... `` raved and cursed. no wives, not even a compound how the Trinity... Uchendu was the oldest surviving member of Okonkwo & # x27 ;, written by Chinua Achebe $ post_title have! Speech given to Okonkwo male in the world & quot ; greatest sufferer in the world, since people... Realized that during his time in exile which he has lost protector and comforter, shot. Finding a `` refuge in his speech should consist of 5 char min seven,! Know the answer, nor does any of Uchendu 's character is vital in helping Okonkwo during his in. This period of time, when her daughter returned, she had a chick whose mother had `` and! Free trial ends 's Things Fall Apart & # x27 ; s purpose in giving his speech even compound... And exams it is hard to do all the what was uchendu's purpose in giving his speech to okonkwo? on your paper Okonkwo Ikemefuna... The work on your paper took them to live with his mother family! Be billed after your free trial ends Okonkwo knew they help him build new...