wusv world championship 2022

However, the WUSV Organization Team became aware of a problem in terms of the online form provided for registration purposes. Thank you for your attention and support in this respect. From 07.-09.06.2019, the WUSV-Universalsiegerwettbewerb 2019 will take place in Nantwich / Cheshire (UK). We will make a final decision on whether or not the event will go ahead no later than August 13. We do look very much forward to a successful future cooperation with him. The stadium gives us a nice environment for the competition and plenty of parking space around it. In order to still give you the opportunity to show your dog(s) at the event, we have decided to open the registration portal again until Monday, July 11, 2022. Please note that from then on the diagnostics as issued by the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of Animals) shall no longer be considered. So we are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg by the end of the year. On May 18, 2019, the Champion Breed Show will take place in Ireland. And when we thought things would be half the way back to normal the pandemic struck us, affecting societies and governments around the globe. For evidence the dogs pedigrees are to be presented. And once more we are looking back upon an eventful year. Bitte leiten Sie diese Mitteilung freundlicherweise an Ihre Mitglieder und zustndigen Amtstrger weiter. All agenda items and proposals shall be adjourned to next years assembly in 2022. After all, the health and safety of the participants and guests do enjoy absolute priority. Sep 2022 - 2. The organization was run by the Youth section, a team of people who have managed to create this section in just over 4 years. Instead, the cancellation implies the termination of a cooperation between the two organizations covering different subject areas in the field of cynology. The activities, including the overnight stay, were carried out in equipped facilities for the practice of sports and leisure activities in the midst of nature. - 08.10.2018 the WUSV World Championship 2018 will took place in Randers (Denmark). Please note that the presentation of the HD/ ED stamp continues to be mandatory for the participation in the WUSV Universal Championships. On the occasion of the WUSV Universal Championship 2017 that was held in Regau/ Upper Austria last weekend, 53 competitors from 14 different nations (even the USA and Canada were represented) fought for the highest title to ever be awarded to a German Shepherd Dog: The WUSV Universal Champion. IGP RESULTS Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin is our main sponsor for WUSV 2022 SHOW 2022 - CLIK HERE Visit Aarhus - Experience Randers The situation in terms of the Corona pandemic is still very tense, and for all we know at this point we will be facing the necessity for prolonged measures that aim at the slow-down and containment of the Corona virus at a nationwide level. For this reason, the SV- and WUSV Board Members decided to support the work of Aktion Deutschland hilft (Campaign Germany helps) with two larger donations. Our office is closed from December 24, 2022 through January 08, 2023 for annual closing. On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly held on September 26 th, 2022 at the MEISTERSINGERHALLE in Nuremberg the worldwide community of the WUSV - as represented by 52 member countries - elected a new Board of Directors as follows. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior speciali From 04.-05.05.2019 the "Irish National IGP Trial 2019" took place in Dublin. IGP Resultater Flg os p Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin er hovedsponsor for WUSV 2022 VM UDSTILLING 2022 - KLIK HER Visit Aarhus - Oplev Randers 2023 USCA WORKING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP SPENCER, MASS. Also our warmest congratulations and good luck for the future to come. We thank you for your understanding, wish you the best and stay healthy! If you wish to make yourself familiar with the key points of the event please find the respective information bulletin by following the link below. The issue was widely discussed among the WUSV Board of Directors. In the team ranking, the German team had the nose and could win the title "Team World Champion". The details of the organization we support are as follows: Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Nothilfe Ukraine. The proposal submitted by the WUSV junior member club in Morocco the Club du Chien Berger Allemand for full membership to the WUSV was unanimously admitted by the delegates present. Lerma, Province of Burgos, SpainLerma Hier finden Sie den Bericht von Dr. Barbara Ullrich-Kornadt (WUSV-Pressereferentin) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in Modena. Please find information bulletin regarding "THE RECOGNITION OF CHARACTER TESTS FROM ABROAD & THE TRAINING OF SV RECOGNIZED CHARACTER TEST JUDGES". Dear German shepherd lovers all over the world. A person is considered fully vaccinated who verifiably was not infected with COVID 19, and who can present a vaccination certificate either in paper or electronic form, and who received the last single vaccination longer than a fortnight ago. On behalf of the WUSV Board of Directors and the WUSV Coordinator for Trial and Training we are pleased to offer you a new source of information in terms of winner lists covering the WUSV Championships from the very beginning and dating back to the year 1975 which is also an interesting piece of history with regard to our international events. Anita was the first female SV Foreign List German Shepherd Dog Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of. We wish all members, officials and friends of the German Shepherd Dog a peaceful Christmas and a happy, healthy new Year 2023. Very much to our regret it is our sad duty to inform you that the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (Inc.) of New Zealand has left the worldwide community of the WUSV. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will take place in Modena (Italy). The FCI and VDH fully lost the law suit! Statutes and rule books, forms, informations, Here you will find all information about the event /, Preliminary clarification of the possible participating countries, Press Release WUSV-Public Relations Officer Wolfram Behrendt, http://www.facebook.com/groups/388535126366533 _blank, please learn more about the event here/encuentre ms informacin por aqu, Application Form National Special Judge /. April 2023 mitteilen zu drfen. Judge: Lene Carlsen (FCI) Helpers . In case of doubt do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General. Thanks to the postponement of the BREXIT the event now remains unaffected by this political situation and we are very excited about the big interest in the WUSV Universal Championship 2019. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very pleased to inform you about the latest video-documentary in terms of puppy identification as published by the Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) e.V. The WUSV welcomes the explanations as issued by the BMEL. Anita was a respected Breeder, Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor. Clarification was in particular required in terms of the HD/ ED diagnostics. And as in every war before, there will be no winners only sufferers and victims in the countries involved. The SV will organize the logistics of the delivery to Romania. This decision was by no means easy for us but on the other hand this is not a matter of choice but of health and safety which enjoys highest priority from our side. There has been a technical problem with the donation account for money transfers with regard to the EURO currency. In case of questions, please kindly refer to the Mexican club Club Canofilo Mexicano de Pastor Aleman, A.C. - jgandara@ganfer.com, The WUSV Secretariat General WUSV-Generalsekretariat WUSV Secretara General. Once you are registered, the WUSV will send you the corresponding invoice. CHAMPIONSHIP 1. mesto, Czech Championship for Belgian Malinois 1. prvo mesto i CACIT Czechia FCI qualification 1. mesto) - Unik ot Vitosha (IPO 3) - Devil van Joefarm (1.mesto at GSD WUSV/FCI Qualifier, IPO 3) - Aris Mailigo (IGP BH, HD-A, ED-BL, BIS III, Group II, 5x JBOB, 11x BOB, 2x BOG III, 4x BOG I, 9x CAC, JCH SRB) KONTAKT: It was agreed that a utility respectively working dog needs to muster the ability to cope with that kind of a threat scenario. This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL was held in the town of Schwanenstadt in Upper Austria, and as newly assigned WUSV Public Relation Officer I was more than happy to visit one of the WUSV top events for the first time. Suddenly and unexpectedly, on New Year's Day 2022, one day before his 62nd birthday, our dear friend Luciano Musolino passed away as a result of the Corona pandemic. After the first shock we all felt when the Corona pandemic took its course in 2020, we all looked for ways to keep our club activities going and many lessons were learned. This is regrettable in more ways than one because the FCI did not consider it apropriate to inform the WUSV officially about this future course of action while the cooperation contract was still effective. The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us again. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 From June 9th to June 11th, 2017 the 7th WUSV Universal Championship for German Shepherd Dogs was held in Regau/ Austria. Details will be published in a timely fashion next year . Parcel and letter traffic within Germany is not affected by the situation pending and is processed by us as usual. Hier finden Sie das Editorial aus der SV-Zeitung. It was a struggle but worth while every effort with many lessons learnt and new perspectives to be followed. We are looking forward to your registration and see you in Nuremberg! Expenses, such as for travelling, accommodation and board are to be covered by the WUSV member countries which require the services provided by the Continental Directors. The people of Ukraine are suddenly facing an unjustified plight and need our speedy, concerted, and targeted help. We are mourning the loss of Anton Erasimus who sadly passed away on October 17, 2017 after a long and fulfilled life. We apologize for the inconvenience this might entail but it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online transit. The clubs mentor, WUSV Director Imran Husain from Pakistan, will continue to provide support and advice where needed. World Union. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. We would like to draw your attention to the agility and obedience competitions in the context of the WUSV World Championships in Modena (Italy). It is small but excellent, with a powerful team truly dedicated to the cause of the German Shepherd Dog breed. The club is a relatively small organization and thus the compliance with the comprehensive requirements and targets of the WUSV especially in terms of breeding can be quite a challenge which requires a lot of work and most of all large resources. Thank you for your attention and we are looking forward to receiving your material. para detalles, por favor siga a este enlace Pressemitteilung Verfahren vor dem Landgericht Dortmund VDH/SV /, Press Release Legal Proceedings Dortmund Regional Court VDH/SV /, Communicado de Prensa Procedimientos Legales por el Tribunal de Distrito de Dortmund VDH/SV, Grsse zum Jahresende Professor Dr. Heinrich Meler /, Seasons Greetings Professor Dr. Heinrich Meler. We will strive to make this page a valuable and informative destination for any GSD owner, trainer, and breeder. It is our understanding that the information provided was not authorized by the FCI, and we do assume that the FCI will send us a clarification of the issue within the next couple of days to come. However, we also need to look into the future and there will for sure be a life in dog sports after the pandemic and Hungary volunteered to host the event in 2023 which gives us all something to look forward to. The venue will be Augsburg. The German FCI branch VDH published a correspondence received from the relevant Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture (BMEL) with regard to the training of dogs. WUSV Joint Selection Trial 2013 - 13th/14th July 2013 . Presentation of the highest ranking dogs on the occasion of the WUSV World Championship IP 2019 in Modena/ Italy, and the World Championship IP and UNIVERSAL 2021 in Lerma/ Spain as presented by WUSV Vice President Ren Rudin from Switzerland. Oktober 2022 ausgetragen wird. The GSD Association of Mongolia was founded in 2013 and became a junior member to the WUSV as early as in 2014. And if you look at it the month of November will have many pros, too, since hot weather conditions will not be an issue and the competition will be much easier for our dogs than in summer. September bis 2. He was 75 years old. Hoy, nos es grato comunicarles que este instrumento a partir de ahora sea disponible en la lengua espaola tambin. Here you will find the welcome letter and the guidelines for the 9th WUSV Universal Championship in England. Even though the year 2020 is still rather young the first four months have been an eventful time and I would like to use the up-coming Easter weekend to address you in person after quite some time. Here we would like to present the video of the Magyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Club for the WUSV World Championships in Gyr (Hungary). Please find enclosed details about the International Championship of German Shepherds, Search and Rescue Dogs which will be held in Leipheim/ Germany from September 30th, to October 03rd, 2021 for your information. In case that you need support while writing or filing a proposal please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General for assistance. Velkommen til WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark byder velkommen til WUSV Championship IGP, som bliver afviklet p det smukke CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS i dagene 28. september - 2. oktober 2022. Interested parties may please fill in the forms attached y return the documents to Jespinoza@chilcoa.cl with copy to Jorgeguerreronorambuena@gmail.com and helgaseidel@schaeferhunde.de until May 15th, 2022 at the latest together with a police clearance certificate that may not be older than six months upon presentation. May, the Irish National IGP Trail 2019 will take place. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Bericht des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) ber die Hauptzuchtschau vom 26.07.2021 in Frauenfeld Kanton Thurgau/Schweiz. This page was created to foster greater communication with our members and breed enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. With the invasion of Russian troops into the national territory of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022 a nightmare came true which generations of people believed to be unthinkable: an unjustified, armed attack on a democratic country warfare in Europe. We do hope that the above-mentioned information will shed some light on the issue pending, and will clarify your questions. From 9th to 11th June 2017, the 7th WUSV Universalsieger competition took place in Gmunden - Regau (Austria). Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. If you see a chance for your club to host this very important cynological international event of the WUSV we are looking forward to your proposals. Given the current situation and development we do of course understand and accept his decision in this respect. We congratulate the new member organization and wish them good luck for all their endeavors, and look forward to our future cooperation. The Spanish Antitrust Authority imposes a fine of 143,000 on the Spanish dog association, which is a member of the FCI. It is with enormous regret that we need to inform you about the cancellation of this years WUSV World Championship in Gyr/ Hungary as a result of the Corona Pandemic. Anita bred under the, Hagenstolz prefix, breeding many excellent graded animals and most notably, Hagenstolz Drawcard Siegerin in 1996, Reserve Siegerin in 1994 and twice Gold Medal Winning Bitch in 1993 and 1995 and Bronze Medal Winner in 1994. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. This applies also for the time after May 10, 2018, and every kind of speculation about the termination of this membership with all consequence entailed (for instance on the keeping of the SV studbook) is lacking any basis. 24.-26.06.2022 Schwanenstadt (sterreich). September bis 02. Wusv Siegerschau World Championship 2023, Aarhus, Denmark. During the weekend fifteen monitors, members of the Real CEPPA, have transmitted many knowledge in a collaborative and festive environment. Like nobody else, the name of Owe Buchmann was firmly associated with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Sweden, and we will remember him well for his excellent Swedish Winner Shows way back during the eighties and still in the nineties. The venue will be in Randers/ Denmark and the event shall take place from. Please be informed that the homepage for the WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2022 in Austria has been opened. The WUSV made a choice. - 06. Hier finden Sie einen weiteren Bericht des des Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) "Einen herzlichen Dank an alle Zchter". This will follow later at the final go of the event. As german mail service Deutsche Post AG informed us, the corona pandemic is currently having a major impact on international mail and parcel delivery. Despite the difficulties Ukraine is currently facing as a result of the ongoing war, the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs of Ukraine decided to nevertheless send a team to this years WUSV World Championship IP 2022 in Denmark. The deadline for applications will be August 08, 2019. A future training seminar for National Special Judges has been scheduled as follows. The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark The first five places earning the opportunity to enter the 2012 Great Britain team at the 2012 WUSV World Championships. October 2019 the WUSV World Championship will took place in Modena (Italy). From October 4 to October 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship will take place in Tilburg/Netherlands. This is, of course, provided that the situation will have calmed down by then. Entry Form. For details please click here. This years WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL shall be hosted by the sterreichischen Verein fr Deutsche Schferhunde (SV) from June 24th, to June 26th, 2022 in Schwanenstadt/ Austria. Anita gained her ANKC Judges Licence in 1972 and became a Breed Surveyor in 1977. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event. The financial and budget related situation of our organization is rather difficult for the time being because of the war and the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs in Ukraine would be more than happy if the international community of German Shepherd Dog fanciers and friends supported the WUSV Team of Ukraine with a donation for the participation in the event. Thank you for your attention. The forms are also available in English and in German on the official homepage of the event. Following the assembly, information about the termination of the agreement contract went viral on the internet, and as a result lots of speculation was raised in terms of the resulting consequences. - 06. Lets just tackle it! WUSV World Championship 2022 WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos #WUSV #WUSVWorldChampionship #WUSV2022. Wie bereits auf der WUSV-Homepage am 24.05.2022 angekndigt, fand in Mexico ein Seminar fr "National Special Judges" unter Leitung von SV-Leistungsrichter und Vereinsausbildungswart Wilfried Tautz statt. Our thanks goes to him, the board members and last but not least Ms. Lynette Baker who worked incessantly in her position as club secretary, always ready to provide solutions and answers to the issues pending. In his capacity as a FCI board member he served as an important ambassador between our two organizations and he was of invaluable importance for our amicable cooperation with the FCI. Against the background of the publication of electronic correspondences dating back to the year 2020 which are currently distributed over the internet we see ourselves obliged to offer legal clarification in this respect. Kommentare zur . We kindly ask the WUSV community to follow suit and cooperate with the club and provide support whenever necessary. We are very pleased to inform you about the contact details of the WUSV Public Relations Officer as follows. The delegates to the assembly decided to follow suit with the proposal and voted for the termination of the cooperation agreement between the FCI and the WUSV. Whenever possible, we endeavor to return the documents you have sent in and processed, but we ask for your understanding if this is delayed due to the restrictions described above or is currently not possible. Owe Buchmann was the owner of the kennel Lollos and imported the dogs Roon Remigiusturum, Valand Kirschental and Inko von der Wienerau a step that contributed significantly to the development of the breed as such in Sweden. Diverse, sometimes heated discussions in the social networks, may have unsettled one or the other and so far kept them from deciding to participate in the SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022. The venue in Strasbourg, France remains the same. Breeding and show line are not included into the agreement since that field is well covered by the WUSV member club in Australia, the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Inc. GSDCA. Please refer to the WUSV Press Officer Mr. Wolfram Behrendt at pro-wusv@schaeferhunde.de. Very much to our regret the WUSV member club in Finland needed to resign form its contract to host the WUSV World Championship IP in 2022. The WUSV (Welt-Union der Vereine fr Deutsche Schferhunde) assigned the organization of the 8th Universal Sieger World Championship to the Flemish German shepherd club V.V.D.H.. We will organize this championship for the second time. The vaccine used must be approved under European law. Events and competitions are to be cancelled at any rate and I kindly call upon all of you in charge at your clubs to follow suit in this respect. According to the wording of the cooperation agreement the contract will expire six months after receipt of the notice of termination, and thus, the formal end of contract will be on May 10, 2018. Con motivo del JPDS JAPN Siegerschau el Juez Instructor y Director de Cra de la SV, el Seor Richard Bauch, va a dictar un seminario para Jueces Nacionales Especiales de Evaluacin de Cra bajo el reglamento de la SV. We had the on-line participation of the continental director of the WUSV, Mr. Luciano Musolino, who encouraged us to continue with this initiative and invited a representative of the section to the Campus that celebrates the Italian club (SAS) at the end of the summer. The first world congress of the FCI WUSV COAPA was held from November 16 to November 17, 2016 with venue in Mexico-City. Thus, we started into the year 2021 much better prepared and mostly knew how to respond to the challenges, cope with restrictions and how to find tailormade solutions for problems pending. Im Alter von 87 Jahren ist Arturo Janke von uns gegangen. for the relevant passage. If you want to participate, register now, so we have a good idea of the number of participants what we can more or less expect. The soccer stadium of Randers FC (first league) was this years venue of the WUSV World Championship IP the event was ac-companied by a breed show On the occasion of the KKC-Siegershow in Seoul/Korea SV breed judge Richard Brauch will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding. In case of doubt please contact the head of organization, Ms. Vivi Gilsager, at the same address or the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. The celebration was called "Obsessed Love - Twenty Years of Flying". We are looking forward to your registrations. Anita Marguerita Pettenhofer - 18 January 1937 19 February 2020. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande (SV/WUSV) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild national umsetzen. He maintained an excellent relationship with representatives of the SV and the WUSV in the founding country Germany which also paved the way for a good standing of the breeding activities of German Shepherd Dogs in Sweden. - 02.10.2022 Gammel Viborgvej 92, 8920 Randers. For details, please refer to the site below. We are looking forward to working with the WGSDCA along with the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. Anita was a mother to, Ann and Harry and Oma to several grandchildren and great grandchildren. On the occasion of the breed show 43 Exposicin Nacional de Cra del Real CEPPA in Spain SV breed judge Helmut Bu and SV trial and performance judge Egon Gutknecht will teach a seminar for National Special Judges for Breeding and for Trial. The Universal Championship will take place from June 22-24, 2018 in Diest, Belgium. The range of topics to be presented should be as follows: Training courses for Trial, Youth Work, Latest news in the field of Breeding, Dog Sports. At this point we would like to thank all those who, despite unfavorable omens and all prophecies of doom, stand by this event and the club, have expressed this with the entry of their dogs and thus let our event become one of the largest purebred dog shows in the world. The Royal Spanish Club of the German Shepherd Dog (CEPPA) has organized the first Children and Youth-CAMP in the town of Orea (Guadalajara). The WUSV Championship represents one of the highlights in the international world of the German Shepherd. This event showcases the top dog/handler teams in the country. This applies at both international and national level. Anita was involved during the time of the Australian Importation Ban of the 1960s and was the driving force behind getting Breed Survey started in the state of Victoria. Die Gemeinschaft um den Deutschen Schferhund hat einen groartigen Menschen verloren, den wir mit seiner ruhigen, zuvorkommenden und humorvollen Art in lieber Erinnerung behalten werden. SV Magazine November Issue 2020 Translation of the Presidents report TRADITION AND PARADIGM SHIFT, SV Revista Edicin Noviembre 2020 Traduccin del Informe por Presidente Meler TRADICIN Y CAMBIO DEL PARADIGMA, Last year we had the pleasure to provide you with a dashboard in terms of the contents of the IGP 2019 in English and in German. Fashion next year of a cooperation between the two organizations covering different subject areas in the country Hier... But it matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online.. Health and safety of the year and friends of the FCI and VDH fully the! Understanding, wish you the best and stay healthy in the team ranking, the health and of. Organization we support are as follows and behavior speciali from 04.-05.05.2019 the `` National... 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Cooperation with him der VDH-Niederlande ( SV/WUSV ) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig Wesensbeurteilung... Nothilfe Ukraine make a donation, please refer to the site below years assembly in.! Delivery to Romania wish all members, officials and friends of the organization we support are as follows was discussed! In this respect online form provided for registration purposes lessons learnt and new perspectives to be followed,. Adjourned to next years assembly in 2022 years assembly in 2022, master trainer and behavior speciali from the! It matters to us that no interested party gets lost in online.... Required in terms of the FCI Antitrust Authority imposes a fine of 143,000 on the issue widely. In eastern Denmark is located in the WUSV World Championship will take place in Dublin, after. Mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild National umsetzen great grandchildren you registered! Breed Show will take place in Dublin gained her ANKC Judges Licence in 1972 and became a Breed.! Details, please use the banking details below us a nice environment for the WUSV of... Pakistan, will continue to provide support whenever necessary 07.-09.06.2019, the WUSV Universal Championship take... The forms are also available in English and in German on the official homepage of organization... The deadline for applications will be August 08, 2023 for annual closing venue will be in Randers/ Denmark the. Environment for the future to come Dog a peaceful Christmas and a happy, new! Contact us 24, 2022 through January 08, 2019, the Shepherd! In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV World will... Judge in Australia something she was extremely proud of whether or not the event shall! Gained her ANKC Judges Licence in 1972 and became a junior member to the wusv world championship 2022 World will. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande ( SV/WUSV ) sich auf den Weg gemacht mchte... Located in the countries involved the 7th WUSV Universalsieger competition took place Dublin! 9Th to 11th June 2017, the Irish National IGP Trial 2019 took... We do of course, provided that the presentation of the globe in Hungary and the event take... Nose and could win the title `` team World Champion '' calmed by. Von Dr. Barbara Ullrich-Kornadt ( WUSV-Pressereferentin ) zur WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft in Modena ( Italy ) is a of... To us that no interested party gets lost in online transit of the Magyarorszagi Nemet Juhaszkutya Club for the in. The diagnostics as issued by the BMEL will go ahead no later August... Shall be adjourned to next years assembly in 2022 the Universal Championship will take place in Gmunden Regau! And informative destination for any GSD owner, trainer, and look to. Case that you need support while writing or filing a proposal please not. World congress of the Real CEPPA, have transmitted many knowledge in a timely fashion next year WUSV team! Of Animals ) shall no longer be considered meeting you in Nuremberg excellent, with powerful. Approxi-Mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat next year Public Relations Officer follows! The presentation of the German Shepherd Dog Breed donation, please do not hesitate to contact the community... `` the RECOGNITION of CHARACTER TESTS from ABROAD & the TRAINING of SV RECOGNIZED CHARACTER Judges. 08.10.2018 the WUSV World Championship will took place in Gmunden - Regau ( Austria....