is arab news a reliable source

These emerging sites have to compete with websites with no geographic tie to the region, including popular news sites in the West and elsewhere newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post; news websites such as Foreign Policy and the Huffington Post; TV sites such as CNN, the BBC, and Fox; and even comedy news icons like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbertbut as my polls show, the majority of Arabs who use the Internet go principally to Arabic-language websites. The regional exclusive deal was announced at the 16th annual Arab Media Forum (AMF) during a special gala held for international journalists. word-break: break-word; But while one can make a strong case for having an American Arabic TV station such as Al Hurra TV, there never was a significant possibility that it would supplant or even seriously challenge Al Jazeera or other popular Arabic stations. Please note sources on this listare notconsideredfake newsunless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. In the years after 9/11, particularly in the aftermath of the Iraq war, many American commentators and politicians blamed the Arab media, especially Al Jazeera, for stoking Arab anger against American foreign policy. However, the same is true of almost every other news source in the United States. min-height: 1)rem; Arabic unified a media market of some 350 million people in twenty-two countries and beyond. left: -21%; border: 1px solid #20617c; Funding. Al Jazeera has been successful largely because it understands the media market and its consumers. Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Propaganda [4] It published an op-ed written on the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks by Rasheed Abu Alsamh who commented: First, we must stop denying that any of the hijackers were Saudis or even Arab. left: -25.5%; } One of them is, On issues such as womens rights, Arab News report with a pro-reform stance. Among Christians, 46 percent identified Israeli TV, while 31 percent identified Al Jazeera. In stark contrast to 1996 when Qatars role in regional politics was relatively modest, by the time of the Arab uprisings, Qatar itself had become a significant player in the geopolitics of the region: from leading the arming and funding of Syrian rebels, mediating among Palestinian factions, funding the reconstruction in Lebanon after the 2006 war, and providing more aid to Egypt than anyone else after the revolution, to sending military support for the campaign against Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. These scores combine in a weighted average we call a Factual Grade, which ranges from 0100%. .tf-form-container-footer, .tf-form-container-footer .success, .tf-form-container-footer .error { We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the omission of key facts in stories and misleading one-sided reporting. left: -1rem; .tf-form-container-footer .tf-email-input { line-height: 1.8rem; Knowing that Nasser had prohibited popular songs and even soccer games following the war in favor of martial music and a more somber focus on preparation for a new war, the Israelis made sure to air the Egyptians favorite songs as a way of luring listeners to their political perspective. height: 13rem; .tf-form-row { text-align: center; } And given the competition, Al Jazeeras mission wasnt that difficult. To be sure, there is room for outside views, whether from East or West, in the crowded Arabic media market. .tf-form-container-footer .tf-submit { This simultaneous sense of inspiration and threat is likely what inspired the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, to start Al Jazeera (Peninsula in Arabic, referring to the Arabian Peninsula, of which both Qatar and Saudi Arabia are parts) in 1996. Coming to power only a year earlier after a palace coup that replaced his father as emir, Al Thani and Qatar were often criticized by the media, including the Saudi-controlled transnational newspapers. Al Jazeeras explanation focused on the lack of access allowed by Bahraini authorities, but it was hard to miss the Qatari dilemma, and hard to convince critical commentators that politics were not an important consideration. Revenue is derived through, stating that Saudi Arabia permits no independent media. } Revenue is derived through advertising, Reporters Without Borders ranked Saudi Arabia 170/180 in their Press Freedom Index, stating that Saudi Arabia permits no independent media. That is utter nonsense. The print edition was founded in 1986 and ended publication in 2016. Stephan Shakespeare, chief executive of YouGov, said that the partnership would result in some valuable research on public opinion in a part of the world where such information is rare. Read our profile on Saudi Arabias Media and Government. Get the best news in your inbox every morning. font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif !important; Arab News is owned by The Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG). Cindy Crawford has been a blueprint for what makes a supermodel since the '80s and she's clearly not stopping anytime soon. Quickly professionalism began to slip, turning into intended deviations, then systematic lies, as is proven by documents and statements that have leaked out in recent weeks. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources. Al Jazeeras viewership in Lebanon varied more than in other parts of the Arab world, particularly among Sunnis and Shiites as Lebanon became entangled in divisive internal politics after the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war. } [27] It was also reported that Turki had been previously warned by related Saudi authorities to stop his criticisms about Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. } Pro Publica states their mission as "produc[ing] investigative journalism with moral force." Read . In general, this is a source that promotes pro-state propaganda. width: calc(100% - 6rem); As yet there is simply not enough advertising revenue in the Arab world to sustain a competitive station, and the most substantial funds available for advertising come from governments and the elites around them, or from parties that do not want to alienate ruling elites, particularly in the Gulf region. width: 95%; Based on this data, The Factual assigns the AP a Center bias. position: absolute; } This is slightly above the average of 61.9% for all 240 news sources that we analyzed, placing BBC in the 63rd percentile of our dataset. The first is social . But with the rise of the Pan-Arab media in the 1990s, viewership trends shifted yet again. There was another service that Al Jazeera provided to Qatari rulers: As a welcome voice viewed by Arabs as reflecting their own aspirations, Al Jazeera helped protect the Qataris from intense criticism for being a pro-American emirate that hosted a base for American airplanes attacking Iraq in the unpopular 2003 Iraq war. } Arab News reports single-sided news information dedicated to praising the Royal family and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmans achievements such as this: UN envoy congratulates Saudi Arabia for brokering Yemen peace deal, Under the section Deep Dive, there is a subsection called preachers of hate dedicated to exposing extremist anti-Muslim activists worldwide. The New Arab or Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, launched in September 2014, is a news and current affairs media outlet with online and print editions that provides coverage on middle eastern issues and politics. The most reliable sources are straightforward about how and why they are presenting their information to the public. A good newspaper offers something for everyone, whether it is coverage of an election race, reports from council and school board meetings, display or classified advertising, and opinion writing that educates and excites the reader. Articles and headlines often use loaded emotional wording that favors the left, especially regarding support for Palestine Israeli settlers storm Palestinian home in Hebron at night, harass family. The more reliable a news source is, generally the more unbiased it is; While both the left and right have extremely biased sources, the right has several sources (listed above) that are ranked as . } A version of this article first appeared in the "Reliable Sources" newsletter. 2023 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement. position: relative; The Arab media explosion that recently has culminated in uprisings across the region springs from two interrelated sources: the growth of satellite television and the affordability of the . z-index: 2; } Beyond any progressive or pan-Arab aspiration of the leadership, the strategy is simply seen to be in the long-term survival of the Qatari leadership and of the emirate itself. font-weight: 600; As happened in much of the region, these stations, especially Al Jazeera, came to dominate the news media market in ways not witnessed before. By then more Arabs had become fluent in Hebrew, and while they saw Israels Arabic media as propagandistic, they saw the Hebrew media as more credible. } Press Freedom Rating: TOTAL OPPRESSION Arab News features local, regional, and international affairs, business, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, and more. One of them is Pamela Geller, who we have rated as questionable due to promoting anti-Islamic propaganda. Arab News March 01, 2023 17:23 RIYADH: Bahrain International Airport welcomed 6.9 million passengers in 2022, marking an increase of 125 percent from 3 million in 2021, the Bahrain News Agency . [25], Although the paper is owned by SRMG that is close to the Saudi government, there are some incidents in which journalists of the paper are dismissed by the government. Given the turbulent times surrounding the Middle East, publications like Arab News will become more important as a source of relevant information and commentary.Lawrence AndersonAmbassador of Singapore. Arabs now had their equivalent of CNN that looks from another angle at events, from the British-American war on Iraq to the Israeli assaults on Lebanon and Gaza, ending up in the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutionshistory was taking shape live on Al Jazeera. The question is, for what purpose does Qatar support Al Jazeera? As of 2020, it had a presence in over 245 news bureaus and 97 countries, including a reporter in every U.S. statehouse. } } Back in the summer of 2020, I spent a huge amount of time collecting data on over 100 different news sources used in the US. evaluate [ih-val-yoo-eyt] (verb) to judge or determine the reliability of information. Third, the success of Al Jazeera provided Qatar an instrument of leverage in dealing generally with its detractors. E-Newspapers, Media, Maps & More Recommendations for finding news, audio/video, images, . The AP had an average Writing Tone score of 0.80, placing it in the 97th percentile in our dataset. Middle East and North Africa", "Arab Media Review: Anti-semitism and other trends", "Arab News launches Pakistan online edition - Journalism Pakistan", "Arab News launches Japanese-language online edition",, This page was last edited on 4 January 2023, at 16:01. On issues such as womens rights, Arab News report with a pro-reform stance. Israeli settlers storm Palestinian home in Hebron at night, harass family, EU countries have a moral duty to help Afghan refugees, Qatari foreign minister says doing utmost to positively influence Taliban on womens, minority rights, United Arab Emirates Government and Media Profile, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). It is unclear how they generate revenue. Among the newspaper's notable staff are/were Somaya Jabartii who went on to become the first female Editor-in-Chief in the kingdom's history when she took the top job at the paper's rival, Saudi Gazette, in 2014. The New Arab is headquartered in London, and Qatar-based Fadaat Media Ltd. Abdulrahman Elshayyal owns the outlet is the newspapers CEO. According to a joint press release, the aim of the partnership is to "survey the hearts and minds of the public in the Middle East and beyond". @media only screen and (min-width: 883px) and (max-width: 1024px) { For example, some scored above 80%, while others scored below 50%. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. One of the ideas presented to address this perceived bias of the Arab media was to back an alternative American TV station, called Al Hurra, that would compete in the marketplace and offer a more objective view of events. He was followed by Mohammad Shibani between 1 October 1979 30 April 1982. Khaled al-Maeena returned to Arab News for another term serving as Editor in Chief between 1 March 1998 and 8 October 2011. Similarly, 58 percent of Druze, 49 percent of Christians, and 46 percent of Sunnis identified the liberal Lebanese TV station LBC as their first choice, compared with only 15 percent of Shiites. Even before television, in the 1950s and 1960s there had been a dramatic increase in radio usage across the Arab world, especially after the rise of transistor and short-wave radios and their availability to the masses. padding: 1rem; } MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY. Since assuming my post as Singapores Ambassador to Saudi Arabia in March 2013, I have often relied on Arab News to provide me with reliable, up-to-date and interesting pieces on Saudi Arabias domestic and foreign policies. Arab News is an English-language daily newspaper published in Saudi Arabia. Support MBFC Donations online [on-lahyn] (adjective) found on the internet. This finding has been relatively robust for the three years studied. Can Turkiye build back its cities better after the latest deadly earthquakes. Abdulrahman Al-Ruweite is the Chairman of the Saudi Research & Marketing Group. } See all Questionablesources. text-align: center; Fox News: -51 (tie) Screenshot/Fox News. justify-content: center; For that reason, and for its propensity to pursue a policy independent from Saudi Arabia, the dominant Saudi-owned media, as well as the Egyptian media, made Qatar their favorite target of criticism. And even though Al Jazeera is often accused of bias or of an ideological bent, it has been bold in ensuring presentation of multiple views, including presenting Israeli views dating back to the 1990s, when few other Arab stations dared do so, as well as airing Bin Laden tapes, Iranian views, and hosting or covering speeches and news conferences of American officialsincluding then-secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, American military commanders and spokesmen, and White House and State Department officialsduring the Iraq war. [18] This saw the masthead and slogan change for the first time in 43 years. Potentially facing common threats, Qatar found itself increasingly closer politically to its GCC partners, especially its senior partner Saudi Arabia, despite their sometimes uneasy, even competitive relations. More neutral text receives higher ratings, with 0 being the most opinionated and 1 being the most neutral. Overall, we rate Arab News Questionable due to excessive government censorship that results in the publication of pro-state propaganda. background-color: #333; Arab News is published by Saudi Research & Publishing Company (SRPC), and the editor-in-chief is Faisal J. Abbas. In the case of Lebanon, the politically consequential diversity of the populationmultiple Christian sects, Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and Druze, with no single sect constituting a majorityprovides some guidance to the self-selection involved in media viewership. font-size: 0.75rem; [21], On 8 May 2011, Hassan bin Youssef Yassin, a longtime aide to Foreign Minister Saud bin Faisal, wrote in Arab News that the Arab countries had all failed miserably to offer either democracy or economic well-being.[22]. 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Polled as the most biased news organization by respondents, Fox News earned a -87 bias score among Democrats and those who lean Democratic. Announcing the deal, Arab News Editor in Chief Faisal J. Abbas said: In an era of fast-moving news cycles, information overload and fake news, there could be no better time for a media brand to invest in quality, credible research such as that produced by YouGov.". By 2011, with Al Jazeera seen to be taking sides in favor of Sunnis, only 7 percent of Shiites identified it as their first choice for news. padding: 1.5rem 1rem; How is it possible for a political regime that differed little from those around it to create this progressive opening, which made many ignore the strange mix of political constituents for the TV station: from the Iraqi Baath to the liberalism that legitimized Israel during one period, to an Islamist current that swallowed those who opposed it? A questionable source exhibitsone or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. left: 24%; The Arab media explosion that recently has culminated in uprisings across the region springs from two interrelated sources: the growth of satellite television and the affordability of the receivers to the Arab masses, and the common language that Arabs share across state boundaries. Rights, Arab News is an important information literacy skill with its detractors Maps & amp More! And those who lean Democratic please note sources on this listare notconsideredfake newsunless specifically written in the crowded Arabic market! Text-Align: center ; Fox News: -51 ( tie ) Screenshot/Fox News Government censorship that results in the section. 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