We decided from the off that we wanted to be an ezine that was accessible on a number of levels. Firstly that we didn't want to make a penny out of it. Secondly that anyone interested in fly fishing would hopefully enjoy it and thirdly and probably most important of all, that anyone could contribute and submit an article.
The concept of ESF is that anything goes, as long as it's fishy related, no matter how tenuous. It might be a good cup of bank side coffee from a Kelly Kettle, your fishing hero or fishing buddy, a piece of tackle you are really pleased with (or not), down to a fly that is doing the business where you fish. It can be about any form of fly fishing you like. You can bet we'll find it interesting and if we do so will everyone else.
We aren't pro writers or journalists. The only advice we can give is not to think too deeply about your subject unless it's absolutely necessary or of a technical nature. Capture what you are trying to convey as simply as possible, by not trying to keep rewriting it you'll probably find that your first outline of the article is nearly always the best.
We are really keen to keep ESF as 'real' as possible so we want to know what happened and why, was it a great day or did the fish kick your ass? Was it the bees' knees or is it back to the drawing board? - why not share it!
When it comes to the amount of words it really doesn't matter. Sometimes just a few with pictures can say a hell of a lot, especially if you are describing a place you like to fish. We'll share any picture you send with some obvious exceptions: cruelty to anything, holding fish from the gills and porn - only fish porn is allowed.
Oh yes!... if you can re-size your landscape pictures 850 pixels by 638 pixels that would be much appreciated.
The most important thing is not to be afraid to have a go, don't worry about the little stuff like punctuation or spelling etc. We make plenty of mistakes of our own, we'll proof read everything before we upload it.
All you need do is email me your article in Word doc and pictures as separate j-pegs. If you have a specific place you'd like pictures to go mark it on the document.
All you need do is send your piece via email to me at: pete@dsoff.com